The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1179 Lovers get married

Chapter 1179 Lovers get married

Zhu Sanqing touched the beard on his chin, and said with a haha ​​smile: "You need to worry about this, after I go back today, I will pick it off myself! However, you two really can't fight anymore, come here soon Everyone is waiting for the cut!" Zhu Shan and He Fei looked at each other happily, then held the handle of the knife together, and cut open Nuoda's cake.Put a large piece of it on a plate, and the two brought it to Zhu Sanqing together. Zhu Sanqing couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. He took a bite and praised repeatedly: "Sweet! So sweet! Hahaha ..."

The first cut was given to Zhu Sanqing, and the next piece was discussed with Zhu Shan and He Fei before it was sent to Dao Scar.The reason why the two of them were able to achieve such a satisfactory result today was due to Scar's efforts.I can afford this cake.But Scar said with a smile: "This second piece of cake is not my turn!" He Fei and Zhu Shan looked at each other in confusion, and then looked at Scar with puzzlement. Said: "Mr. Scar, if it weren't for you today, maybe I would have been arrested by the police, let alone be able to cut this cake with Xiaoshan here, you deserve this piece!"

Scar laughed loudly, and said repeatedly: "I accept your wishes! But if there is one person beside me who accepts this cake, he must be punished?" "Who?" Zhu Shan and He Fei asked at the same time .Dao Scar laughed a few times, pointed at Li Xiaogang who was standing aside, and said with a smile: "He!"

Just now Zhu Shan has been in the core of the 'storm', and she didn't notice the changed Li Xiaogang at all.At this time, he followed the guidance of the scar and looked over, seeing the radiant and amazing Li Xiaogang, his heart was shocked violently, and he really didn't dare to recognize him.Staring blankly at Li Xiaogang, he asked, " are Gao Yuanyuan's boyfriend, Li Xiaogang?" Why do you still have to drag him out?Seeing that Zhu Shan and He Fei's eyes locked on him, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Why, it's only been a while, and you don't recognize me anymore?"

"Oh my god, why, why are you so handsome!" Zhu Shan's eyes lit up, almost drooling.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Don't watch it anymore, if you watch it again, someone will definitely be jealous. At that time, I will inevitably beat you!"

Zhu Shan made a cut, and said with a coquettish smile: "He Fei in our family is not so narrow-minded!" Li Xiaogang said kindly, "What's more! Did you see just now, He Fei almost didn't take care of Hao? The soldiers are swallowed alive. I think I should stay away from you, so as not to suffer innocent disasters." Zhu Shan laughed a few times, moved closer to Li Xiaogang, and said softly: "It's okay to stay away from me, but, You have to tell me first, what on earth are you doing? Why does even a handsome man like Scar have to be in awe of you! Don't tell me that my eyesight is wrong, I still have a very good judgment on me Confident!" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and spit out two words briskly, "Secret!"

"You..." Zhu Shan stomped her feet helplessly, and then said with a smile: "Don't be complacent, if you can't get it out of your mouth, I'll ask Gao Yuanyuan. I don't believe that I can't ask anything. Wait and see!" After speaking, he stuffed the piece of cake that belonged to Scar into Li Xiaogang's hand, and said, "Then, this is yours, eat it!" Li Xiaogang greeted Gao Yuanyuan, and a piece of cake Holding the cake in one hand and wrapping around Gao Yuanyuan's small waist with the other, he smiled and said, "Thank you then."

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know about the conversation between the two, let alone that Zhu Shan was playing tricks on her at this time, so she said sincerely to Zhu Shan, "Xiao Shan, congratulations! You can finally embrace happiness!" Zhu Shan Silently hugged Gao Yuanyuan, and whispered in her ear, "Thank you Gao Yuanyuan, without you, I would not be as happy as I am now. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life, and be your good sister for the rest of my life!" Women are more easily moved, and Xiaoshan's few words drew Gao Yuanyuan's tears.

The second piece of cake was given to Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan, and the third piece of cake fell into Dao Scar's hands without any suspicion.

Scar didn't refuse this time. Seeing He Fei and Zhu Shan looking at him gratefully, Scar couldn't help but smile and said: "You don't have to be so grateful to me. The reason why I help you is because I feel affectionate. People are supposed to get married, and secondly, it's because I admire He Fei very much. He has such a heroic spirit of a big man, and he really likes my temper, I like it!" After finishing speaking, he put his arms around He Fei's neck and said: "Boy, talents like you are rare. Are you interested in joining the Lightning Gang and follow me? Organize and publish on"

After He Fei heard this, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and he murmured: "I...can I do it?" Scar laughed and said, "Yes, that's great! As long as you nod, the Lightning Gang will immediately There is a place for you!" Since the death of He Fei's parents, no school is willing to take the risk of offending Zhu Sanqing to accept He Fei to study, so He Fei began to show up on the streets and hang out with punks.As time went by, He Fei's reputation became more and more famous, and he gradually had a vote of brothers who followed him and died.Only then did he think of seeking revenge from Zhu Sanqing. If it weren't for these good brothers by his side, He Fei wouldn't dare to act recklessly on Scar's territory.

Now that he has the opportunity to make a fortune, He Fei is naturally unwilling to leave these good brothers behind, so he frowned and said, "Brother Scar, I have a heartless request..." Scar waved his big hand, and laughed haha: " If you have something to say, just say it straight, there is no need to be so hesitant." He Fei nodded, and glanced at the brother who came with him.Said: "Brother Scar, I am willing to join the Lightning Gang, but I hope you can accept these brothers of mine. It is a great thing if you can join the Lightning Gang. These good brothers of mine followed me through life and death, There is no reason to be blessed when we are in trouble, but we can’t share them.”, Scar’s eyes flashed a hint of admiration, and he said loudly: “My Lightning Gang is the most loyal brother.You can say that, it means that Scar really didn't misunderstand you.These brothers of yours can follow you through life and death, which means that they all have seeds. As long as they nod, my Lightning Gang will want them all! "He Fei was overjoyed when he heard that, and at the same time, his brothers were all overjoyed and excited. After all, this is undoubtedly a step to the sky for them.

Li Xiaogang looked at Scar with some envy, and said quietly: "This kid is getting more and more proud. He attended a birthday party and accepted so many good boys. If this continues, he might really want to ascend the throne and become emperor." Already!"

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help chuckling a few times, and said faintly: "Why, are you jealous? What's there to be jealous of? Isn't the little brother who received the knife working hard for you? If you want to be an emperor, you can't be jealous. Only you can sit!" Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "That's good! When I become emperor, I will make you a queen! You give me a bunch of crown princes!" Gao Yuanyuan snorted and said, "Like You'd better leave the hard work of giving birth to Ling'er, anyway, she's going crazy thinking about the baby!"

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said: "So Ling'er told you, so don't you want a child?" Gao Yuanyuan's expression darkened, and she said quietly: "A child is the crystallization of love. Who wouldn't want to have a child?" Your own child? It's just that your career is booming now, and you can't even take care of us. If you add a few more children, then you will be too busy? I discussed it with Rong'er, and I will wait until you are free. Now, let’s talk about the child. Besides, the child born by Ling’er is our child, and we have the same pain and love. "

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Li Xiaogang was very moved, hugged Gao Yuanyuan in his arms, stroked his hair, and said slowly: "Gao Yuanyuan, please rest assured, you are the favorite in my heart, it won't be long, I will Then I won't leave you..." While Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan were talking about each other, Zhu Shan and He Fei handed the cake to Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui.

Whether it's because of their identities and status, or their help to Zhu Shan and He Fei today, they deserve it.Next came Liu Changhe, Gongzhenxia, ​​Zhao Dong and others. After Zhu Shan and He Fei had gathered all the people present, the banquet was coming to an end.Although the banquet was turbulent, overall it was quite successful. After all, everyone got a satisfactory result in the end and returned with a smile.Of course, except for Hao Youbing, but for a villain like Hao Youbing, how many people can think of him at this time?After the banquet, the guests left in twos and threes. Zhu Shan wanted to stay with Gao Yuanyuan for the night, but Gao Yuanyuan politely refused, thinking that He Fei had missed Zhu Shan for ten years, this reunion, why not cherish it?If Gao Yuanyuan messed up the situation, it would be no wonder He Fei didn't hate her to death!

Walking out of the hotel, Li Xiaogang immediately saw a large group of people waiting for him.Li Xiaogang glanced at everyone, and said with a wry smile: "Hey, it's so late, don't you go back to sleep, aren't you tired?" Dao Scar smiled wryly, and said: "Brother Gang, you are too mean, and you won't even come back. Tell the brothers, if we didn't meet here, are you planning to see us?" Li Xiaogang coughed, and said with some embarrassment: "It's not that you don't know that I have a lot of things, and you have to see me if you want to see me." You can spare some time! However, you and the Lightning Gang are doing very well now, and you just took in a bunch of good boys, what is there to see? When you are in trouble, I will go to you if you don’t tell me .”

Scar curled his lips and said in a rather displeased way: "So, in Brother Gang's heart, we good brothers can only share our troubles and not share our blessings?" "Ah? Why do you think so, I can't It doesn't mean that!"

Li Xiaogang said to Dao Scar dumbfounded.Scar refused to let go and said: "Your words, I heard that's what I heard, it really makes me sad!" Li Xiaogang blinked his eyes and looked at Scar, and said faintly: "Stinky boy, don't you mean it? If you need my help with something, and you are afraid that I won’t agree, so tell me to check me in first? That’s fine, I haven’t seen you in a few days, you are so courageous that you dare to play tricks on me. Tell me, what is it? Do you need my help?"

(End of this chapter)

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