The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1181 The Crisis of Longhao Group

Chapter 1181 The Crisis of Longhao Group

It can definitely inspire the tenderness deep in a woman's soul to the greatest extent.When Li Xiaogang put the little fox into Hu Rong's hands, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling relieved. Who said that Li Xiaogang only cared about his career and ignored them? How can I remember that Hu Rong once mentioned inadvertently that her favorite animal is a fox.Only then did Gao Yuanyuan realize that just when they were annoyed because Li Xiaogang didn't care about them, Li Xiaogang silently remembered every word they said and every preference they had.Li Xiaogang is not good at expressing, but he does it silently.Compared with those who just talk but don't practice, Li Xiaogang is undoubtedly a hundred times stronger than them.

"Husband..." Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help murmuring affectionately, and pressed her plump and soft body tightly to Li Xiaogang's arms.Li Xiaogang chuckled, hugged Gao Yuanyuan by the waist, and gently and delicately placed her on the soft and comfortable big bed...

After a night of madness, Gao Yuanyuan was exhausted, and she fell into a deep sleep with her pillow on Li Xiaogang's arms.Li Xiaogang just looked at Gao Yuanyuan affectionately, stroking her messy hair from time to time until dawn. "Ah!" At this moment, two extremely high-pitched screams filled with excitement suddenly came out from outside the bedroom. Li Xiaogang smiled and pulled his arms out from under Gao Yuanyuan's head, and put her head on the pillow. Go up, then help her cover the quilt tightly, and walk out of the bedroom.As soon as Li Xiaogang walked out of the bedroom, he saw Hu Rong and Long Ling'er holding their respective gifts and kissing and kissing as if they were having a convulsion. The excitement could not be described in words.

"Husband, did you really give this to us? Am I dreaming? Why is there such a beautiful thing in this world! My God, I really like it!" Long Ling'er saw Li Xiaogang, almost He rushed over, hugged Li Xiaogang, and said while jumping up and down.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I didn't give it to you, did it fall from the sky? However, I am very happy to see that you like it so much!" "I like it! I like it, I like it so much. Husband, I Love you, love you!" Hu Rong held the little fox and yelled at Li Xiaogang, shouting like crazy, seeing that it was just a little thing, and seeing Hu Rong and Long Linger so excited, Li Xiaogang I suddenly discovered that women are actually easier to be satisfied, as long as you let them feel that you care about them and love them, even if it is a trivial thing, it is enough to make them bloom like flowers.

After going on for a long time, the excitement of Hu Rong and Long Ling'er subsided, and at this time Gao Yuanyuan also woke up.Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan looked a bit decadent, Li Xiaogang said distressedly: "Why do you wake up so early, let's sleep for a while!" Gao Yuanyuan smiled and shook her head and said, "Aren't Linger and I still flying to country M today? I'm afraid if we sleep again I'm going to miss the flight." Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it when he heard this, and said, "It's okay, at worst, we'll go tomorrow!" Gao Yuanyuan said very seriously: "How can I do that? Although I don't do business, I also know this business opportunity Like a fighter plane, once you miss it, you won’t come back. It doesn’t matter if I’m tired, just go to the plane and take a good rest!”

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan disregarding his fatigue for his own career, Li Xiaogang was moved in his heart besides being moved. He kissed Gao Yuanyuan on the face, rubbed his hands together and said, "Okay! Yuanyuan, you are so good, I will cook for you personally. Thank you for the rich breakfast!" Gao Yuanyuan clapped her hands happily, looking extremely excited.Hu Rong and Long Ling'er rushed over, and Long Ling'er said angrily: "Okay, you only want to help Gao Yuanyuan, and you don't have any part in us. Are we not good? I'm still tired. It's unfair to take care of such a big group for you!"

Hu Rong also made a noise from the side. Li Xiaogang squeezed the two women's buttocks, and said with a smile: "How dare I forget you! Don't worry, don't worry, each of you has a share!" After speaking, he turned and walked into the kitchen.Li Xiaogang's culinary skills may have had two brushes in the past, but after he obtained the divine power of Nüwa and his survival no longer depended on food, his culinary skills have regressed.Right now, it is only able to cook things well. As for the taste, it can be called unsatisfactory at best.

Still, some things are more important than taste.Therefore, even though Li Xiaogang's breakfast tasted mediocre, it seems that because of the addition of a special seasoning, it still made the three girls eat with gusto and couldn't stop.Needless to say, smart readers must have guessed that this special seasoning is love!

Love is really a wonderful thing, it can endow ordinary things with beauty in an instant, so in the eyes of those who have love in their hearts, even an ordinary grass that can no longer be ordinary will show It shows its beautiful and moving side.

After eating the breakfast cooked by Li Xiaogang himself, Li Xiaogang and Hu Rong sent Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan to the airport. Before boarding the plane, Li Xiaogang told: "Linger, after arriving in country M, listen to Hong Tao's advice more, he will be He is a landlord and knows a lot about country M. If you have any doubts, go to Gao Feng. Although country M is not our territory, we are not ambiguous! If anyone dares to break ground on Taisui, we will disturb it The world has been turned upside down. And Gao Yuanyuan, after arriving in country M, you might as well go to the embassy to see it, and it would be good to get to know your future colleagues in advance!"

Gao Yuanyuan and Long Ling'er looked at each other, then made faces at Li Xiaogang at the same time, and said in unison: "Got it, Obasan!" After speaking, with a series of crisp laughter, the two sisters disappeared together. In the boarding corridor, Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong unhappily, pointed to his face and asked, "Rong'er, do you think I look like Obasan?" Hu Rong couldn't help pursing her lips and chuckling a few times. Shaking his head, he said, "It doesn't look like it!" Li Xiaogang said repeatedly after hearing this: "That's right! How could I be like Obasan?" Hu Rong said with a smile: "No, not at all! You can compare Oba-sang is too wordy! Haha..." After finishing speaking, Hu Rong burst out laughing indecently, making Li Xiaogang stare angrily.If it weren't for the bustling and bustling airport here, it's hard to guarantee that he wouldn't be Hu Rong.

Because of the matter of Li Haoran and the Otama Group, Li Xiaogang was delayed in Province S for several days. He was worried about the situation of the Aviation City, and he had no intention of staying here any longer. After sending Hu Rong to the Longhao Group, he thought about it. to leave.

Unexpectedly, Hu Rong grabbed her tightly.Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "Rong'er, I have delayed a lot of time these days. If I don't deal with the accumulated matters at hand, I'm afraid I will have nothing to do in this life. Be good, I will come back to see you after a while!" Hu Rong snorted and said, "You didn't waste your time on me. In the few days since you came back, we were together in name, but you were so busy every day that you didn't even touch the ground. You don’t even have time, so you have the guts to say it!”

Li Xiaogang thought about it carefully, and what Hu Rong said was not false at all.During the few days he stayed in the provincial capital, he was busy running around every day. If it wasn't because he wanted to accompany Gao Yuanyuan to Zhu Shan's birthday party, and he had a rare day with them yesterday, it would really be like what Hu Rong said In that way, coming back is tantamount to not coming back.Li Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat, he took Hu Rong's hand, and said, "Okay, I'm going to fight it out today, and I'll be with you alone for another day!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's appearance of a strong man dying, Hu Rong couldn't help but pinch him , smiled and said: "Fuck you! Looking at your expression, I don't know if you thought you were going to the execution ground! I am not a messy woman. The reason why I won't let you go is because I have something important to ask for your help." !"

Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked curiously: "What's the matter?" Hu Rong's complexion suddenly became bitter, looked into Li Xiaogang's eyes, and said quietly: "Husband, Longhao Group is going bankrupt..." "Ah?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help being taken aback, and said in disbelief: "Bankruptcy? No way? Isn't Longhao Group's business situation always good? If it's a financial problem, you can tell Linger, It is not a problem to borrow billions from Longquan Group. How could it go bankrupt?"

Hu Rong glared at Li Xiaogang fiercely, and said quietly: "Isn't it all your fault?" "Blame... Blame me?" not come.Hu Rong sighed, and began to tell Li Xiaogang what happened.It turns out that everything starts with Li Xiaogang's governance of the desert.At the beginning, in order to realize the plan of turning the desert into fertile land, Li Xiaogang took great pains to cultivate seeds with perfect genes.

These seeds are not only high-yielding and high-harvesting, but also have extremely tenacious vitality, which can survive in almost any harsh environment.Just like that weed, as long as the seeds are sown, even without any fertilizer or irrigation, it will grow tenaciously.In this way, the direct result is that the demand for agricultural products such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides has shrunk rapidly, almost to the point of being unnecessary.

You must know that Longhao Group is mainly a group that produces agricultural materials such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This is good. With the rapid shrinkage of market demand, the eight fertilizer factories and twelve pesticide factories under Longhao Group suddenly fell into a trap. In a desperate situation, 90.00% of the production lines have been shut down.Even the remaining [-]% of production is in danger of slow sales.As if overnight, Longhao Group returned to before liberation and entered the cold winter.

(End of this chapter)

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