The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1182 Cooperation with Zhu Sanqing

Chapter 1182 Cooperation with Zhu Sanqing
Not only that, Longhao Group originally had several large-scale fruit seedling cultivation bases, which would bring a lot of profits to Longhao Group every year. However, Li Xiang's Agricultural Science Institute, using the technology of cultivating perfect seeds, successively A large number of high-quality fruit seedlings have been cultivated.These fruit seedlings are highly resistant to diseases and insect pests, have strong vitality, and the fruit they bear has an excellent taste, which is not comparable to the fruit seedlings of Longhao Group. Once they are marketed, they immediately cause a sensation among fruit farmers across the country.

In addition, funded by Li Xiaogang, led by Li Xiang, with the full cooperation of the government, the establishment of the national agricultural scientific research system has initially achieved results.The tentacles of the Agricultural Science Institute have also extended to almost every rural area in the country.As long as fruit farmers need it, local agricultural scientists will come to guide and solve problems immediately.This is even more impossible for Longhao Group.Therefore, in the competition with the perfect fruit seedlings cultivated by Nongke, Longhao Group suffered a complete defeat.

It is especially worth mentioning that after Hu Rundong handed over the Longhao Group to Hu Rong for management, he hid in the laboratory with all his heart and played with his fruit seedlings. When he was proud of his research results, he accidentally When I saw the fruit seedlings cultivated by Li Xiang's agricultural science for a while, compared the two, and found that the research results I was proud of were not even comparable to others, I got carried away and plunged into Li Xiang's agricultural science. Therefore, she clamored to learn art from a teacher, but she blatantly betrayed her, which made Hu Rong laugh and cry with both love and hatred.

Fortunately, because of her relationship with Li Xiaogang, Li Xiang made Longhao Group the number one agent of Perfect Seed.If farmers from all over the country wanted to obtain this perfect seed, they had to ask for it from Longhao Group, which kept Longhao Group from collapsing.However, this is not a long-term solution after all. A single business model is destined to make Longhao Group impossible to survive for a long time, let alone develop and grow.Seeing that the size of the company is shrinking day by day, and now it is almost degenerated into a criminal, Hu Rong is very anxious, but there is nothing she can do.

And Hu Rong is a strong woman who takes face very seriously. She didn't tell anyone about the difficulties faced by the company. She was just supporting her hard. Even Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan didn't know that Hu Rong is now facing Such a big difficulty.Until today, Hu Rong couldn't bear it anymore, so she insisted on keeping Li Xiaogang.After listening to Hu Rong's narration, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly. At that time, he really did not expect that the plan of turning the desert into fertile land would have such a side effect.

If even a large agricultural material company like Longhao Group is facing such a predicament, how many agricultural material companies across the country have closed down.No wonder the advertisements about chemical fertilizers that were widely publicized on TV in the past have disappeared recently!After working for a long time, they all closed down.However, Li Xiaogang will not feel guilty about these things.Although chemical fertilizers and pesticides help to increase production, these things are very harmful to the environment and human body after all.The sooner it is banned, the sooner all mankind will benefit.Just because he has cultivated seeds that do not require chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the World Environmental Protection Agency has to award him an earth!Medal of Honor.

However, Li Xiaogang didn't want to see Hu Rong sad, not to mention that the sapling that allowed him to reap the first pot of gold was purchased from Longhao Group. Just because of this, he couldn't let Longhao Group go bankrupt like this.But now, the seeds with perfect genes have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they have spread all over the country. Every year, because of the use of perfect seeds, the country's food production has at least quadrupled, and the food grown with these perfect seeds is delicious, natural, and It is rich in nutrients and has already become a tsunami force. It is sold abroad and brings huge benefits to farmers in China every year. Now farmers are really stepping up every day, and they are making great strides to get richer.If it is because of Longhao Group that the work of cultivating the perfect seeds is abandoned, this is undoubtedly a historical retrogression, and the gains outweigh the losses. Li Xiaogang is a smart person, and naturally he will not let his feelings influence his judgment.

After pondering for a while, Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong and said, "Rong'er, didn't you think of changing Longhao Group's production?" I have thought that there is no field that can accommodate such a giant as Longhao Group." Li Xiaogang frowned, and said, "Don't you think about other aspects, such as..." Li Xiaogang's eyes shifted, and he suddenly looked at Arriving at Hu Rong's sports car, my heart skipped a beat and I said, "For example, to produce cars!"

Gao Yuanyuan was taken aback by Li Xiaogang's words, and stared blankly at him for a long while, before saying leisurely, "Husband, there is no one like you! Automobiles are in the field of heavy industry, an aristocratic industry! Not only advanced technology is needed As support, strong financial support is needed. Needless to say, technology is also a big problem.

Where do you want me to get such a large sum of money? Even if Longhao Group is sold, it may not be able to exchange for a car production line!What's more, the current auto market is firmly controlled by the island country, country H, country M, and several European giants. Even if we can get in, there will be no room for survival. "

After hearing this, Li Xiaogang said with a little depression: "I am angry when I talk about this. You said, our country has a solid foundation in heavy industry, but why can't we beat the islanders in the car? Seeing the people running on the streets of our country It’s a Nissan car, so I’m panicking!” Hearing Li Xiaogang’s words, Hu Rong couldn’t help but giggled and said, “I really can’t see it, my husband, you are still a cynic! Hehe…” Li Xiaogang shook his head, slowly Slowly said: "This is not a matter of being angry or not, but about the honor of our country and the dignity of the nation." Hu Rong sighed and said: "This gap cannot be made up in a day or two. It’s useless even if you’re in a hurry.” Li Xiaogang snorted, and said, “Although the gap is huge, it won’t take long to catch up! Rong’er, listen to me, switch Longhao Group to produce cars now! Get out of our country!" Hu Rong smiled wryly and said, "It's easier said than done! How should we solve the problem of funds? With the financial strength of Longhao Group, it is simply not enough to switch to car production!"

Li Xiaogang waved his hand, and said without thinking: "It's easy to talk about money! At worst, I'll ask Linger and Li Yong to take out some each. It can be regarded as your loan from them, and it doesn't matter if it's converted into shares." Hu Rong pondered. After a while, he said faintly: "Husband, Linger and Brother Yong have helped me many times. I don't want to open my mouth to them every time I have something to do. It would make me look so incompetent..." Seeing Hu Rong's serious expression, Li Xiaogang Gently pinched her cheek and said with a smile: "I forgot, our Rong'er is also a strong woman with self-respect and self-improvement, haha..."

Hu Rong hugged Li Xiaogang, and said quietly: "Honey, I really seem to resolve this crisis with my own strength, but I... I'm so useless, I can't think of a way. Husband, am I special? Useless?"

Li Xiaogang hurriedly stroked Hu Rong's beautiful hair, and comforted him carefully: "What are you talking about! If you are useless, how can you maintain the Longhao Group until now and become a strong woman envied by everyone in the province of S? Don't say such stupid things, blame me this time, I didn't think carefully, let Longhao Group fall into such a crisis, it's my fault!"

Under Li Xiaogang's comfort, Hu Rong's mood finally calmed down a little, and she looked at Li Xiaogang eagerly, hoping that Li Xiaogang could give her an idea and help her out of the predicament.Seeing Hu Rong's longing eyes, how could Li Xiaogang let her down, racking his brains to think of a way.The so-called endless road, Li Xiaogang's heart suddenly moved, and he murmured: "I remember that when I attended Zhu Shan's birthday party yesterday, Gao Yuanyuan once told me that the Zhu Group is the same as the Longhao Group. Is this the case for a group that mainly operates agricultural means of production?"

Hu Rong didn't understand why Li Xiaogang suddenly mentioned the Zhu Group, but she still replied: "That's right, most of the Zhu Group's financial resources are distributed in the field of agricultural materials. Speaking of which, it is the strongest competitor of our Longhao Group." Opponent." Li Xiaogang continued: "Since this is the case, there is no reason why the Longhao Group has encountered such great difficulties, but the Zhu Group is safe and sound. Maybe they are facing the same crisis as you now, is that so?"

Hu Rong nodded, and said: "It should be so! However, although Zhu's Group mainly deals in agricultural products, they also invest in other fields, so when the risks are dispersed, the impact on them It may not be as big as our Longhao Group, but it must be affected." Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "In this case, it will be easy to handle! Now Longhao Group and the Zhu Group are not only competitors, It’s even more sympathetic! Why doesn’t Longhao Group seek cooperation with Zhu’s Group? If you combine the financial resources of your two major groups, then the funding problem should be solved, right?”

Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, and asked blankly: " want me to cooperate with Zhu Sanqing? Please, kill me, that old man can piss people off, I don't want to go with him People like him cooperate!" Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "That is in the past, Zhu Sanqing has changed a lot now, after you have talked with him, you will look at him again."

Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang breathlessly, her eyes full of doubt and disbelief, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Don't look at me like this, there is nothing in the world that remains the same. Humans are inherently changeable animals. Zhu Sanqing will definitely surprise you, believe me!"

(End of this chapter)

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