The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1186 Smart Chip

Chapter 1186 Smart Chip
Shen Qihong's experiment is declared to be the largest laboratory in the entire scientific research center, there is no way, who made him the person in charge of the entire project, and Shen Zhenxin's son, he must enjoy some special treatment.In this huge and spacious laboratory, all kinds of equipment are available, and more than a dozen assistants are focusing on their work, but no one has noticed Li Xiaogang's arrival.Li Xiaogang didn't want to disturb them either, so he walked directly to Shen Qihong's side. At this time, Shen Qihong was looking at a pile of dazzling data on the big screen like a fascination, chattering like chanting a mantra, and his eyes were still frowning from time to time. There were flashes of excited light, and Li Xiaogang had been standing beside him for a long time, but he didn't notice it.

"Quick, quick! Here comes the pen and paper!" Suddenly, Shen Qihong shouted repeatedly as if having a convulsion.Li Xiaogang looked back and saw that all the assistants didn't seem to hear, so he walked to a table, took the pen and paper and handed it to Shen Qihong. Shen Qihong didn't care who brought it, took the pen and paper, feeling sorry I started writing, and in a short while, I filled a piece of paper with drawings.There is almost nowhere to write anymore.Li Xiaogang took a look at what Shen Qihong wrote, and couldn't help feeling dizzy for a while. He felt that Shen Qihong's cultivation was much higher than his, and he didn't feel sad at all after writing such a lot of ghostly symbols.Li Xiaogang was filled with admiration in his heart, and muttered to himself: "Science One is really scary!"

"Hahaha, yes, that's it! Xiao Zhang, we have finally solved this problem!" Shen Qihong said with a smile while looking at the paper full of things in his hand while patting Li Xiaogang's shoulder with excitement.He patted and patted, perhaps realizing that the little Zhang in his mouth didn't seem to be so tall, so he turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang.When he found that the person standing next to him was Li Xiaogang, Shen Qihong hurriedly withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and said hehe: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you were my assistant Xiao Zhang!" Li Xiaogang said jokingly: "It's okay, Xiao Li Xiaozhang is the same!" Shen Qihong was stunned for a moment, then he and Li Xiaogang laughed together.

After laughing, the embarrassment was gone. Li Xiaogang looked at the paper in Shen Qihong's hand with great interest, and said with a smile: "What problem did you solve just now?" The topic returned to Shen Qihong's favorite research, and Shen Qihong became more energetic. Shaking the paper in his hand, he said: "Xiao Gang, let me tell you, this item in my hand can definitely trigger a tsunami-like revolution in the world's aviation industry. With it, human beings will leave the earth, fly out of the galaxy, and go to the universe. It's completely possible!" "Oh? What's going on here?" Flying out of the Milky Way is exactly what Li Xiaogang needs, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, saying repeatedly.

Shen Qihong said quietly: "With the current capabilities of human beings, if we want to realize interstellar travel, there are many problems that need to be solved, such as how to get enough power to support the spacecraft to shuttle in the universe without stopping; how to travel in a small space. There are enough oxygen stored in the spacecraft to be used by astronauts for several years or decades, and how to make the spacecraft have a limit speed, even faster than light. In short, there are too many problems to explain, but among all these problems, Only the power problem is the most difficult to solve, which has become the most flaming obstacle in the progress of human aviation.

But this has become a thing of the past. Just now I was inspired by the information you gave me and discovered a new kind of energy, which I call cosmic energy.Cosmic energy is everywhere. It is a new energy source condensed by countless kinds of rays, which fills the space. As long as we can capture these rays, and then convert them into energy through a special machine, inject them into the space. The power system of the spaceship, as long as this conversion does not stop, the power of the spaceship will never be exhausted, which can support the spaceship to move forward in the vast and infinite universe.And this kind of energy can be adjusted at will, it can be large or small, as long as we do some research, it can completely help us break the limit speed of the speed of light.At that time, we can also reach the distant galaxies that people can't imagine on weekdays! "

Shen Qihong is an excellent scientist, and it is definitely impossible to be an excellent teacher, because his speech speed is too fast, so fast that everything Li Xiaogang said to him is still specious, as if he didn't say anything.After being stunned for a long time, Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile, and said grumpily: "Very good, continue to study!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's bewildered expression, Shen Qihong felt like a cow playing the piano, so he gave a wry smile, shook his head and asked: "What do you want? What can I do?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "There is nothing to do, just take a look. By the way, the infrastructure here is basically complete. When do you plan to take over the two sisters, sister-in-law, Sizhong, and Sihua?" "Shen Qihong looked at Li Xiaogang gratefully and said: "I know you care about me, and you are afraid that I will be alone. To be honest, I also miss them, but now I haven't fully understood the information you gave me. They're here, and it's hard for me to spend time with them. I think it's better to let them stay with his grandfather for a while longer! When my research is almost ready, you can help me take them over."

Li Xiaogang said: "Things have to be done bit by bit. You can't become fat if you eat one bite. Don't put everything on scientific research. Occasional relaxation is also necessary. I have decided that every Saturday, the scientific research center will Close for a day, you use this day, take a good rest and relax!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Shen Qihong hurriedly said: "Don't! A day is 24 hours! How can so much time be wasted for nothing. Xiaogang, I beg you, please don't close the scientific research center." Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: " The more you are like this, the more I want to close it. I don’t want to overdraw your lives to produce results. Besides, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood! Maybe, relaxing from time to time will be more beneficial to your research Woolen cloth?"

Just as Shen Qihong was about to open his mouth to say something more, Li Xiaogang directly blocked his words, saying: "If you continue to talk too much, then I won't even close Sundays!" Boss, you have the final say!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "By the way, are there any computer experts in this scientific research center?" Shen Qihong replied without thinking: "Of course! You can’t do without a computer.” Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, “I mean, experts in smart chips…”

"Smart chip? I'm familiar with chips, but this is the first time I've heard of smart chips. Why do you ask this?" Shen Qihong asked in confusion.Li Xiaogang said: "Don't worry about it, just tell me if you have it!" Shen Qihong replied in a deep voice: "If you are a chip expert, then I am one. There are many places on the spacecraft that involve the application of chips. Doing specialized research on chips can be regarded as a half-expert!"

When Li Xiaogang heard this, he looked at Shen Qihong with some admiration, and said quietly: "Brother Shen, you are really an all-rounder!" Shen Qihong laughed haha: "It's all about doing what you do and loving what you do! By the way, what do you want to do?" What?" Li Xiaogang took out the information about the smart chip and said, "I have a chip here, and I want to see if you can trial-produce it. If the trial-production is successful, I want to apply it to cars. , produce a smart car!"

"I've seen a lot of chips, but it's the first time I've heard of the name of intelligence in front of the chip." Shen Qihong said while taking the information from Li Xiaogang.Shen Qihong didn't take this material lightly because he had never heard of it. The reason is very simple, in the material that Li Xiaogang told him earlier.There are also many terms and Zen thoughts that he has never heard of, but after his verification, these concepts are all correct and advanced without exception.Sure enough, Shen Qihong only briefly read the introduction of this smart chip, and was deeply shocked by it.

Rather than saying that what is manufactured according to this information is a smart chip, it is better to say that it is a human brain, not a super brain that is far beyond the human brain.Shen Qihong stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, and asked a little stammeringly: "Does such a thing really exist in the world?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, pointed to his hand, and said slowly: "Now this thing can be held In your hands, what else do you have to doubt?"

"I mean, according to what is written in this document, can such a powerful smart chip really be manufactured?" Shen Qihong asked urgently.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said slowly: "Well, we won't know until you manufacture it and test it. Now I just want to know if you can help me copy this chip." Shen Qihong hesitated for a moment, Then he gritted his teeth and said firmly: "If this smart chip really has the powerful functions shown in the data, it will not only have great achievements in cars, but also have a profound effect and influence on our spacecraft. I will call all the experts in the scientific research center to start researching, and strive to produce samples in the shortest possible time!"

When Li Xiaogang heard what Shen Qihong said, his heart was greatly excited, and he said: "Okay! If it is really possible to copy successfully, I will definitely hold a grand celebration banquet for you!" Shen Qihong laughed and said: "Then it's a deal!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the laboratory. When he was about to walk out of the laboratory, Shen Qihong suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, frowned slightly, and hesitated to speak, as if there was something hard to say.Li Xiaogang couldn't help chuckling a few times, and said quietly: "Brother Shen, you don't have to hesitate about our relationship, just speak up if you have any requirements!"

Shen Qihong nodded vigorously, gritted his teeth vigorously, and finally seemed to muster up all the courage in his body, and finally choked out a sentence, "Xiao Gang, don't close the test center on Saturday, okay?" Seeing Shen Qihong pitifully, he was full of pleading Looking at himself, he looked like a child who was acting like a spoiled child to his parents and hated toys. Li Xiaogang couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He frowned, his face was serious, and he said gloomyly: "I'm thinking about whether to close the scientific research on Sunday. Center!" As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out, Shen Qihong hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Don't! Don't! Just pretend I didn't say anything!" After speaking, he left as if fleeing.Seeing Shen Qihong's panicked figure, Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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