The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1187 The Airport Disturbance!

Chapter 1187 The Airport Disturbance!

Although there is a complete design concept and production method provided by Li Xiaogang, it is not an easy task to copy this smart chip that does not belong to this era.Fortunately, Shen Qihong and other experts have enthusiasm and hope that ordinary people can't imagine. The sparks of thought collide with each other, not necessarily shining sparks of wisdom. Problems emerge one after another, and then they are solved one by one. Smart chips seem to be improving every day. approaching people.In the past few days waiting for the advent of the smart chip, Li Xiaogang has not been idle, and he has not stopped thinking and planning in his mind for a moment.

Li Xiaogang is thinking and planning for the future. The future here is not far away at all. Maybe it will be a few years or ten years later, but this future is definitely the real future that most people can't imagine. Aviation age!With Li Xiaogang's full efforts, this era is approaching the present people little by little, at an unprecedented speed.With the enthusiasm of countless scientists such as Shen Qihong and his spared no effort to support, the era of great aviation is no longer an unattainable dream, but a baby conceived in October, who may fall to the ground at any time.From time to time, the word Tianjun flashed through Li Xiaogang's mind!

Yes, Li Xiaogang is planning to establish a special army that belongs to China, no, it should belong to all mankind.This is a real celestial army that can soar in space, fight in space, and in the interstellar river, open up territories and break ground, and defend the earth.In the past, Li Xiaogang didn't even dare to think about it, but since he fused Nuwa's fourth Yuanshen fragment and the aviation city rose from the ground, this idea began to become more and more intense, so that Li Xiaogang had to go. face.With an airship, someone needs to drive it. Although Li Xiaogang is a god, it is impossible for a single tree to make a forest.Facing aliens who have never met before, who knows if they are ridiculously strong, they can clean up Li Xiaogang with just a few fingers.The earth is so big that he alone cannot protect it. He needs allied forces and partners. This is the heavenly army. However, Li Xiaogang also knows that with the current situation on the earth, if he wants to persuade the heads of state to unite their troops, they will gather together. A litter is simply whimsical, Li Xiaogang still has a long and bumpy road to go in the future.It is very likely that he will not even pass the level of his own country.You must know that in this world, private armies are not allowed in any country.

Although he knows that the future is bright, Li Xiaogang is not impatient because he still has time. After all, there is not even a shadow of the airship, so he can take his time to prepare.

M country Washington airport.The bustling crowds of people dropping off and picking up the airport rendered the airport terminal building lively.However, this bustling didn't last long, just like a flame that was extinguished by someone, it gradually dimmed.

People turned their attention to the outside of the airport, where a long convoy slowly approached and stopped at the gate.Just as people were guessing who the owner of this motorcade would be, another impressive motorcade approached slowly. The two motorcades parked side by side was spectacular, and many people couldn't bear it. Look sideways.

One after another the car doors opened, and men in suits and leather shoes got out of the car one after another, making the atmosphere tense immediately, and the pedestrians passing by them subconsciously avoided the side. "Hahaha... Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, Hong Tao got off a stretched Lincoln. Today he is obviously well-dressed. He is dressed in a neat suit, his hair is neatly combed, and his leather shoes are well polished. It is bright, the light can shine on people, and it looks incomparably solemn. Beside him is Shu Wenyu, who is beautiful and beautiful. Today, Shu Wenyu is also very beautiful, with dazzling eyes.

Hong Tao looked at a Cadillac whose door was slowly opening, and said with a smile, "Brother Gao, you're here too!" Gao Gao also laughed wildly and got out of the car.Looking at Hong Tao's outfit, he is extremely cool, and beside him is Diya who is as beautiful as Shu Wenyu.Walking out of the car with him, there is also Parker, the only godfather in Washington.Gao Feng smiled at Hong Tao and said, "The two sister-in-laws are here, dare I not come, you came early enough!" There are a lot of hooligans and thieves near the station, if my sister-in-law is targeted by them, and something happens, Brother Gang won’t eat me raw? No way, I’m here to clear the place ahead of time!” After speaking, he directed at him The dozens of strong men who came with them winked, and these guys immediately dispersed into the crowd, and drove out all those who seemed to be evil-eyed people out of the airport.

Seeing the actions of Hong Tao's subordinates, Gao Feng laughed and said, "Brother Hong Tao, your information may be a little behind. Washington is not like before, and the order is good!" Since Washington fell into the hands of the Golden Dragon Gang, in order to create a Gao Feng and Pike have worked hard to form a stable rear area. The order in Washington is indeed very good.Hong Tao said with a smile: "I know this, but it's better to be prepared. Besides, you brought so many people here to show your prestige, right?" Hong Tao glanced at the dozens of Golden Dragon Gang members behind Gaofeng with a smile.

Gao Feng and Hong Tao looked at each other and smiled. In order to ensure the safety of Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Feng even suspended the expansion of the Golden Dragon Gang to Linshi.Not to mention bringing dozens of people to guard. "Okay, it's almost time, let's go in!" Hong Tao glanced at his watch, the plane that Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan were on was about to land.Gao Feng waved his hand, and together with Hong Tao, leading the subordinates of the Golden Dragon Gang, marched into the airport terminal.Hong Tao, Gao Feng, and Parker were in front, and dozens of strong men in suits and leather shoes with cold faces, like black super special police officers, were behind. The people in the airport terminal who were looking directly at them were stunned and gave way.

Hong Tao looked at Gao Feng beside him, and said, "Gao Feng, what do you think the two sister-in-laws came to country M for this time? Brother Gang only asked us to protect the two sister-in-laws and assist them with their affairs, but he didn't say what it was, you know Is it?" Gao Feng shook his head and said, "I know as much as you do. No matter what it is, as long as it is what Brother Gang expects, we will do our best. Besides, it is the first time for the two sister-in-laws to come Coming from country M, as landlords, we have to let the two of them have fun, what do you think?" Hong Tao chuckled and said, "Of course!
As the two were talking, the first passenger had already appeared in their field of vision.As soon as this passenger appeared in the corridor, he saw a group of murderous looking men standing at the end of the corridor. I can't go anymore.Passengers coming behind him saw him standing still, half-blocking a corridor that was not spacious at all, feeling dissatisfied, and just about to urge a few times, they also caught a glimpse of Hong Tao and the others. The buttocks sat on the ground, and the other half of the corridor was also tightly blocked.

This was a good time, the passengers in front were too frightened to go forward by Hong Tao Gaofeng and others, but the unsuspecting customers behind were eager to get out of the station, and even squeezed forward, the scene suddenly became chaotic.The sound of yelling and yelling could not be heard.Seeing the noise in the corridor, almost crowded into meatloaf, but the people in front refused to come out, Hong Tao and Gao Feng looked at each other suspiciously, Gao Feng shouted angrily: "Damn it! They did it!" What the hell, it’s already the fucking stop, why don’t you hurry out and sing in there!” Hong Tao didn’t even think about it at all, it was because of their formation that he was too scared to come out, so he frowned Then there is a murmur.

"Damn! If this continues, the two sister-in-laws will not be able to celebrate the New Year inside? Damn, these bastards are too immoral, I have to teach them a lesson!" He rushed to the corridor to ask what was going on, so he quickly cleared the corridor and brought Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan out, but Gao Feng and the others only took a few steps towards the corridor, and the chaos escalated again.Passengers who were about to get out saw Gao Feng approaching them aggressively, and thought that Gao Feng was going to do something to them. The passengers walking in front were desperate and pushed back desperately.

The passengers in the back squeezed forward, and the passengers in the back squeezed back. The entire corridor exploded like a dynamite pack that had been ignited.Hearing all kinds of crying fathers and mothers like a gust of wind, people seemed to be crazy, huddled together, Gao Gao stood dumbfounded, and murmured to himself: "What happened? Could it be that these people collectively got rabies."

Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan were sitting in the first-class cabin, and Gao Yuanyuan slept a little because of fatigue.When the two got off the plane, they were already behind.When the two of them came dragging their suitcases and yawning, they couldn't help being surprised at the chaotic scene in front of them. They looked at each other in astonishment, and Gao Yuanyuan murmured, "This man from country M The quality is really not that good, isn't it just to stand out and squeeze it like this?" Long Ling'er nodded in agreement.

Seeing the serious congestion in the corridor, many people not only failed to squeeze out, but were pushed back instead.Annoyed shouts and curses echoed from the sides of the two women from time to time. "Hey! What happened in front? Why did it happen?" Long Ling'er walked to a blond man about 30 years old who was squeezed back, and asked in fluent English.The blond man didn't notice Long Linger at first, and complained casually: "God knows!" When he turned around and saw Long Linger's amazing beauty, his eyes immediately changed, and he looked at Long Linger obsessively , and said with a smile: "Miss, are you from the island country?"

Long Ling'er was a little cold at his gaze, her face turned cold, and she replied angrily: "No! I am from China!" "Ah! So you are from China, no wonder you are so beautiful!" He let out an exaggerated exclamation, and then praised Long Ling'er's beauty in his mouth.Long Ling'er wanted to ask what happened, but unexpectedly, she attracted such an oily pervert. She felt very annoyed, and turned to Gao Yuanyuan for help, but unexpectedly, not only did she not get help from Gao Yuanyuan, Instead, Gao Yuanyuan was brought into the sight of the blond man.

(End of this chapter)

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