The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1194 Financial Resources

Chapter 1194 Financial Resources
After being silent for a while, Ma Bing suddenly said, "The automobile industry is an industry that requires a very high capital requirement. I wonder how much Longhao Group is going to invest?" Hearing Ma Bing asked such a practical question, Hu Rong couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Hi, because obviously this shows that the horse soldiers were moved by him.Hu Rong smiled slightly, and said quietly: "100 billion! The current Longhao Group has been losing money for a long time, and it has done its best to be able to come up with 100 billion." Is it US dollars? Ma Bing opened his mouth and asked. Hu Rong raised her crescent eyebrows and said in embarrassment, "It's RMB." "

Ma Bing shook his head and said: "Not enough, far from enough! Just introducing a car assembly line needs more than a dozen or two billion yuan, and the introduction of a production line for important components such as engines requires more money. If it is 20 billion U.S. dollars, maybe It’s still barely enough, but if it’s RMB, it’s impossible.” “It’s 100 billion so far, but if you give me a few days, I think I’ll raise more.”

Hu Rong thought of Zhu's Group. These days, she has been busy looking for talents, and she hasn't had time to contact Zhu's Group. Now it seems that it can't be delayed any longer. "How much can you raise at most?" Ma Bing asked again asked.Hu Rong thought for a while, and suddenly felt a little discouraged.Neither she nor Li Xiaogang expected that so much money would be needed to form a car manufacturing company.Although Zhu's Group is richer and richer than Longhao Group, after all, Zhu's Group has also experienced losses for a period of time, and the funds it can contribute now may not be much more than Longhao Group.Even if it can be more, Long Ling'er does not hope to exceed 100 billion, because if Zhu's Group pays more money than Longhao Group, then Zhu's Group will become the largest shareholder of a successful automobile company in the future, controlling The right to speak, what's the point of establishing a company that doesn't count for what it says?Calculated in this way, even if the Longhao Group cooperates with the Zhu Group, the funds that can be raised will not exceed 200 billion yuan, which is still far from 100 billion US dollars.

Seeing that Hu Rong lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, Ma Bing said, "Look, we can't get through this difficulty, let alone the difficulty that will be more difficult than this in the future. Hu Rong, although we just met for the first time, But I have already regarded you as a friend, you just listen to my advice, don't get involved in the field of cars easily, it is too dangerous!

"No! Now that I have made up my mind, I will never change it! I...I will definitely find a way!" Hu Rong said stubbornly.Seeing Hu Rong's fighting spirit and unyielding spirit, Ma Bing couldn't help being shocked.At this moment, Li Yong spoke, and said to Hu Rong with a smile: "Rong'er, you don't have to worry about money, I have here..." Before Li Yong could finish speaking, Hu Rong interrupted him, Said: "No! I can't rely on you anymore. This time I must find a way to get through the difficulties!" Li Yong laughed a few times after hearing this, and said: "Hu Rong, listen to me! I To say that I have money here is not the money of Longxi Group. Although I also intend to invest in your new car company and make a lot of money, I am already too busy with Longxi Group. You let me get involved. I don't have the energy anymore. The money I'm talking about is Xiaogang's money!" As he spoke, he took out a gold card from his pocket, which was issued by Long Linger and her for Li Xiaogang.Every year at the end of the year, Longxi, Longmu, Longquan, Longhua, Longyu and Qiangnong sales will enter the profit dividends belonging to Li Xiaogang.Over the past few years, the money in this card is conservatively estimated to be hundreds of billions of dollars.

Receiving this small golden card from Li Yong's hand, he asked blankly, "Xiao Gang's money?" Li Yong nodded, and said quietly, "When you decide to let Longhao Group switch to car production, At that time, Xiaogang predicted that you would encounter the problem of insufficient funds. At the same time, he knew that you have strong self-esteem and do not like to rely on others, so he put this card with me. Tell me, if you raise If you get enough money, then this card will not be given to you. If you don’t raise it, I will give you this card, saying that he wants to open a mom-and-pop store with you and make a lot of money. He also said, let you Don't refuse, this card has no meaning in his pocket except to take up space. Instead of letting the money do nothing, it is better to use it to let you do something. I went to the bank to check, and on this card, except There is no record of transfers or withdrawals. I don't think Xiaogang has ever used this card at all.

"Then there is a lot of money in this card..." Hu Rong was taken aback and murmured blankly.Li Yong continued her words, and said with a smile: "Yes, the amount of money in this card is unimaginable. I, Li Yong, have seen many people who are indifferent to fame and wealth and treat money like dung, but I can do it like Xiaogang is like this, but it is unique! Hu Rong, take this money and join Dabing to create a new car dynasty. Don’t forget, Xiaogang is waiting to see your achievements!"

Holding this small golden card, Hu Rong seemed to see Li Xiaogang's smiling face and bulging eyes, and it seemed as if a trace of sweet springs poured into her heart, making Hu Rong's eyes Can't help getting wet... Hu Rong was moved by himself, Li Yong turned to look at Ma Bing, and said in a deep tone: "Brother, let me tell you the truth, Longhao Group is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Longhao Group has chosen you, which is an opportunity given to you by God to make contributions. I am inconvenient to say more, but I hope you will seize this opportunity, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life. You may wish to think Think about it, since I was a child, have I ever told you a lie?"

"I..." Li Yong's expression was surprisingly serious and dignified, which made Ma Bing lose his mind for a moment.Li Yong said again in a deep voice: "Soldier! You are also a strong man. You are trampled on the soles of your feet by a villain like Huang Ziwen. Are you willing? If you want to return to GM and continue to be your humble deputy President, if you are under the control of villains, I won't stop you either! Think about it yourself."

Ma Bing's brows were tightly wrinkled, and a few cold lights flickered in his eyes from time to time. It was obvious that Li Yong's words hit his sore spot.Thinking of Huang Ziwen, Ma Bing wished he could bite him.But suddenly, the arrogance on Ma Bing's face was replaced by deep melancholy and helplessness, and he murmured in a deep tone: "No! With my current situation, joining Longhao Group means destroying Longhao Group. Howe Group, I... I'm afraid I'm powerless..."

"Huh? What do you mean by saying that?" Ma Bing's words confused Li Yong and Hu Rong, and Li Yong looked at him puzzled and asked.Ma Bing said with a wry smile: "You know Huang Ziwen's character, he will never allow me to make a comeback. If I join Longhao Group, Huang Ziwen will point his guns at us before Longhao Group succeeds in changing production. I don't want Longhao Group to fall into the doom before it even started because of my relationship." After hearing Ma Bing's words, Li Yong and Hu Rong looked at each other and smiled, Ma Bing looked at them in surprise, and said: " You can still laugh, do you know how serious this is? With Huang Ziwen's strength, Longhao Group doesn't even have the slightest chance."

Li Yong sneered, and said quietly: "You think Huang Ziwen too much!" Ma Bing smiled wryly, and said, "It's not that I think highly of him, it's true. As the president of GM China , Huang Ziwen does have the authority to lead the domestic auto industry. As long as he gives an order, all auto parts companies in the country will not cooperate with Longhao Group. Even if Longhao Group produces cars, it is still a big problem to go public In short, if you offend Huang Ziwen, you don't even think about making a difference in the automotive field!"

Li Yong said lightly: "Ruji is not because you think too much about Huang Ziwen, it is because you underestimate the power of Longhao Group. Indeed, as you said, an order from Huang Ziwen can easily kill an automobile company, but Facing Longhao Group, he might not have the guts to issue such an order!" "What?" Seeing Li Yong's full confidence, Ma Bing couldn't help being startled, and stared blankly at Li Yong, his face full of confusion, I don't know where Li Yong's strong self-confidence comes from.

Hu Rong giggled at this moment and said: "Ma Bing, I, a little girl, have the courage to take the risk of offending General Motors to recruit a talent like you. Don't tell me you are a majestic man, but you don't have the courage to fight hand in hand with our Longhao Group?" Fan?"

"I..." Ma Bing still seemed a little hesitant, Li Yong's face suddenly became serious, he stared at him, and said word by word: "Ma Bing, let me tell you the truth, I'm not bragging for Hu Rong. Although the influence of Hao Group is not as good as that of General Motors Huaxia District Headquarters, the background and financial resources that can be mobilized by Longhao Group are far beyond the reach of General Motors Huaxia District Branch. !"

Li Yong's words are definitely not bragging. Although Longhao Group is not Li Xiaogang's group, relying on the relationship between Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang, once Longhao Group is in trouble, Longxi, Longquan, Longmu, Longhua, Longyu plus Qiang Nongdu will not stand idly by, and combine the financial resources of these six major groups. Even the behemoth General Motors has to bow its head obediently, not to mention that in Yiguo, Li Xiaogang also has a powerful Longteng.

Today's Longteng Group is no longer what it used to be. Relying on the power of the Sky Spike in the Middle East Peninsula, the oil produced by Longteng has encroached on the international crude oil market at an alarming rate. Not long ago, led by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, OPEC did it again With the decision to reduce production, the position of Longteng Group's oil in the world has become more prominent.Not only is it collecting huge profits for Longquan Group every day, but it also gives Huaxia an increasingly important say in world energy issues.Now, Huaxia Petroleum Group has to rely on the power of Longteng Group from time to time.If the power of the Longteng Group is added, GM may be smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye.Longhao Group really has no need to be afraid of GM.

(End of this chapter)

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