The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1195 If you don't sing, you're done!

Chapter 1195 If you don't sing, you're done!

Ma Bing didn't know why Hu Rong and Li Yong dismissed Huang Ziwen, but he could see from their eyes that their self-confidence was definitely from the heart, and it was definitely not pretended to make him feel at ease. Ma Bing's My heart couldn't help but move.Li Yong said coldly: "If Huang Ziwen is honest and everyone competes openly, even if we fail, we won't have any complaints! However, if he wants to overwhelm others, Dabing, I I assure you, he will be the last one to fall. Enough said, now is your time to make a decision."

Ma Bing frowned tightly, his eyes shone brightly, and he said in a deep tone: "Forget it! Instead of staying by Huang Ziwen's side to suffer anger, it is better to fight him vigorously. Even if you fail, you will not lose your heart." There will be regrets. Ms. Hu, I accept your invitation, and I will resign from Huang Ziwen tomorrow!" "Hahaha..." Li Yong couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard this, and said slowly, "Da Bing, I will resign to Huang Ziwen!" You guarantee that the decision you made today is definitely the wisest decision you have ever made in your life!"

Hu Rong also stretched out her hand to Ma Bing sincerely, and said quietly: "Ma Bing, welcome to join our Longhao Group!" Ma Bing held Hu Rong's soft and boneless hand, and was surprised to find that Rong's little hands turned out to be so hot as if they were burning coals.Ma Bing looked into Hu Rong's eyes. From Hu Rong's bright eyes, Ma Bing saw a heroic ambition that was not inferior to that of a man. His heart was shocked, and he began to look forward to the days of working with Hu Rong.Zhen Sheng said: "Miss Hu, don't worry, my cavalry will never disappoint your expectations!" Hu Rong shook her head lightly, and said slowly and crisply: "No! It's not so much my expectations, it's better to say it's my expectations." Our common expectation. After all, it is the dream of both of us to build a car dynasty that surpasses GM, isn’t it?”

Ma Bing was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, you are right!" "Come on, let us join Longhao Group for Da Bing. The world's auto industry has ushered in a revolutionary day. Let's have a toast!" Li Yong poured a glass of red wine for the two of them respectively, held up the glass and said loudly.Hu Rong did her part, held up her wine glass, and said to Ma Bing in a crisp voice: "Ma Bing, come, let's toast together!" Although he knew that the road ahead would never be smooth sailing, at this moment, Ma Bing had no lack of confidence in his heart With courage, under the watchful eyes of Li Yong and Hu Rong, he drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.Then he said loudly: "Since I drank this glass of wine, it means that I am now a member of Longhao Group! In the future, for Longhao Group, I, Ma Bing, will spare no effort!" After hearing Ma Bing's promise, Hu Rong and Li Yong looked at each other with a smile, and happily drank the wine in the glass.

After finishing Ma Bing, she walked out perfectly. Hu Rong's heart was full of confidence. After she sat down, she couldn't wait to say to Ma Bing: "Ma Bing, from now on, you are the president of Longhao Group, responsible for the establishment of Longhao Group." And all the daily work. I will give you the supreme power, as long as Longhao Group can successfully transfer production, I will never bargain if you want money or things!” Maybe it’s because I stayed with Li Xiaogang for a long time Now, Hu Rong has become more bold and unrestrained than most men. This kind of character has never been appreciated by Ma Bing, and at the same time, he has felt the great trust from Hu Rong. She worked hard and was determined not to disappoint Hu Rong.

Ma Bing looked at Hu Rong and said, "Since you trust me so much, I can only risk my life and do it! Although Longhao Group has just started, I believe that it will not be long before it will be on the right track!" Hu Rong giggled and said, "If we didn't believe in your ability, we wouldn't have been eager to find you. However, Ma Bing, Longhao Group is currently very short of talents in the automobile industry. Can you use your relationship and Network, attract more car elites for Longhao Group?"

Ma Bing smiled and said: "If you don't tell me, I am going to tell you about it. Huang Ziwen's desire for rights and interests is growing day by day. I am not the only one who is excluded by him in the GM Huaxia branch. And Many people are swallowing their anger in the midst of his jealousy. I mean pulling them all into the Longhao Group, but this may require a lot of money..."

Hu Rong didn't wait for him to finish, and said, "Money is not a problem! As long as you think it's suitable, I'm willing to pay as much as you want!" With the backing of Li Xiaogang's gold card, Hu Rong can now be regarded as wealthy and powerful. , said boldly.After hearing this, Ma Bing laughed a few times and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it together when I return to the capital." After a pause, Ma Bing said: "There is another problem. There are countless types of cars in the auto market. Which category is Longhao Group planning to focus on?"

This issue really needs to be carefully considered. Li Yong is a layman. He only knows that each type of car is aimed at different consumer groups, and he is very particular about it, but he can't say what it is.But he understands that this issue is related to the overall strategy of the Longhao Group. Once a wrong choice is made, it will ruin the future of the Longhao Group. This is an important issue that needs to be carefully considered.Li Yong set his sights on Hu Rong, as the owner of Longhao Group, she is the only one qualified to make this final decision.

Li Yong thought that Hu Rong, like himself, knew nothing about cars. This question must be difficult for her, but the facts surprised him. Not long after Ma Bing's question landed, Hu Rong said: "The current market Those popular cars in the world are too common, and our Longhao Group needs to have our own characteristics!" Hearing Hu Rong's words, Ma Bing's heart moved. Of course, having our own characteristics is not enough for a company to survive and grow. The second method, but in the current automotive field, has reached its peak. Unless there is a strong unique technology to support it, at this time, the pursuit of features is likely to kill itself.But judging from Hu Rong's confident expression, she clearly had a plan early on.So Ma Bing asked tentatively, "Hu Rong, what do you mean..."

"What I mean is that our Longhao Group is going to develop a new, unprecedented new type of car. This car has incomparable advantages over other cars. I want to use it to set off a revolution in the field of cars, and at the same time change the The structure of the automobile market breaks the situation where GM dominates the world and dominates the world, only in this way can we re-open a new structure dominated by Longhao Group!"

Ma Bing had to admit that although Hu Rong was a girl, she had an ambition no less than that of any man.But Ma Bing also felt that Hu Rong's words were a bit whimsical.It has caused a technological revolution in the automotive field. Even the current GM dare not say such a thing, let alone the Longhao Group that has just been involved in this field.If the same words were spoken by someone else, Ma Bing couldn't help laughing that he was crazy.Ma Bing thought so, but Li Yong didn't think so.Because Li Yong knew that Li Xiaogang was standing behind Hu Rong, and Li Yong was too clear about Li Xiaogang's character, absolutely either he didn't do it, or he would be shocked if he did it.Li Yong had vaguely guessed that most of Hu Rong's confidence at this time came from Li Xiaogang.

Ma Bing smiled wryly, and said, "Hu Rong, I understand your ambition, and I appreciate it at the same time. But I think we should be content with reality. The most urgent thing now is to let Longhao Group gain a foothold in the automotive field and own a piece of Then, let’s think about leading the automobile trend.” Hu Rong said lightly: “Since Longhao Group has decided to enter the automobile field, whether it can set foot in the automobile field is no longer a problem. If you want to make my Longhao Group To overthrow or drive out of the auto industry, no one with such ability has yet been born! Extraordinary people have to follow an extraordinary path and develop the market step by step. That is not the style of my Longhao Group. Start from the top!"

Ma Bing frowned, and said in a deep voice: "But Hu Rong, you have to know that no matter how beautiful a castle in the air can exist. Without a solid foundation, it is impossible to build a high-rise building!" Hu Rong retorted: "You say That's right! But don't forget, in today's society where resources are shared, we can completely pursue the doctrine of borrowing. Since other people's research results are ready-made, why should we bother and work hard to study from scratch? Long Long The foundation of the Howe Group is built on the entire automotive field, which is already very powerful, so why start from scratch?"

Hu Rong's words made Ma Bing not know what to say, with a wry smile on his face.Hu Rong smiled lightly and said: "If I don't come up with something to prove myself, I'm afraid you will think that I am talking big and empty talk. Well, please read this!" After finishing speaking, Hu Rong handed the technical information and powerful function introduction of the car designed by Li Xiaogang to Ma Bing.Seeing that Hu Rong was full of confidence and speaking with certainty, the horse soldiers did not dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly took over.He lowered his head and glanced at those few pieces of paper. After just a few glances, Ma Bing showed the same expression as Hu Rong at that time. He looked up at Hu Rong in shock, and asked blankly. : "Is there really such a car in this world?"

"Show me!" Seeing the unspeakable surprise written on Ma Bing's face, Li Yong became very interested in the few pieces of paper in Ma Bing's hand, and stretched out his hand to ask.Ma Bing handed the information to Li Yong, and muttered: "I really can't believe it, this is actually true! This is amazing..." Hu Rong said with a clear smile: "I said it, If Longhao Group doesn’t do it, let it go, if it does, it will definitely be earth-shattering.” Li Yong took the information, read it carefully, his eyes couldn’t help but round, and said with a dull expression: “I’m not watching science fiction, am I? The design is insane too! Can such a car be done with the current level of technology?"

(End of this chapter)

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