The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1196 Galaxy No. 1!

Chapter 1196 Galaxy One!
"Impossible! Even the dream series cars that General Motors is currently developing with all its strength cannot reach such a level. Li Yong is right, such cars only exist in science fiction. Hu Rong, it's not me who hit you, It is impossible to make this car, at least with the current level of science. Among other things, let’s talk about the smart chip mentioned here. As far as I know, the chip produced now has a function If it can reach one-tenth of this smart chip, it is considered extremely powerful." Ma Bing raised a veto to the car envisioned in the data from a professional perspective he is familiar with, but Luo Hu Rong said with a smile: "If It is a car that can be produced by anyone. How can our Longhao Group use it to compete with GM? Ma Bing, you just need to tell me now that if such a car is really produced, we can be in the world's auto industry Lead a revolution?" Ma Bing said: "Of course! If this kind of car really exists, all your ideas will come true in a very short time. However, this car is impossible under the current conditions. What was produced, we are just whimsical..." Hu Rong shook a finger and giggled: "Mr. Ma Bing, you have to know that science was originally born from the wild. Others can't The things produced may not be produced by Longhao Group. Let me tell you the truth, this kind of car is currently being produced, and I think it won’t be long before you will see the real thing.”

"Is what you said true? Are you praising me?" Ma Bing couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, opened his eyes wide, stared at Hu Rong, and asked repeatedly.Hu Rong smiled crisply and said: "I, Hu Rong, never deceive my partners!" Ma Bing nodded and said, "So, in fact, our Longhao Group already has a complete scientific research institution with super research and development capabilities Where is he, can I meet them? The research they are doing is really great and amazing!"

Ma Bing suddenly became agitated, looked at Hu Rong pleadingly and said.Hu Rong couldn't help but smiled wryly. Li Yong had told her before that Ma Bing had an astonishing obsession with automobile technology. Now it seems that what Li Yong said was not false at all. To save the existence of Li Xiaogang is probably not what Li Xiaogang wants.

Hu Rong frowned, and said, "Well... you will see it when you should see it, but it's not convenient now. You have to restrain your curiosity a little bit!" Although Ma Bing was a little disappointed, But he doesn't have the habit of being difficult by others, what's more, although he has agreed to join the Longhao Group, he has not resigned from GM after all, and it is human nature for Hu Rong not to let him have access to the core secrets of the Longhao Group.At this time, Ma Bing was full of confidence and full of energy. He stood up abruptly and said to Hu Rong: "Since this is the case, it should not be too late. I will rush back to the capital and resign to Huang Ziwen!"

Li Yong couldn't help laughing bitterly after hearing this, and said, "Da Bing, even if you are in a hurry, you don't have to be so anxious, right? Eat this meal with peace of mind, have a good rest at night, and go back to the capital tomorrow!" Ma Bing said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry : "Ayong, when is this? Do you think I'm still in the mood to rest? I can't wait to start working now. I've made up my mind and I'm going back to the capital now!"

Li Yongman smiled helplessly: "You, this whirlwind temper will never be changed in this life. Since you have already made up your mind, then Hu Rong and I will take you to the airport." After finishing speaking, the three returned in a hurry After arriving at the airport, Ma Bing stayed in Province S for less than a few hours this time, and then sat on the plane flying back to the capital.However, although there was only a few hours apart before and after, Ma Bing's state of mind has undergone earth-shaking changes.When he came, the horse soldiers were full of sorrow, and there was only grievance in their hearts.But when he went back, Ma Bing's heart was full of ambitions, and a surge of pride and ambition was born spontaneously, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

Looking out of the porthole, the floating clouds kept passing by, Ma Bing looked very excited, with a smile on his mouth all the time, full of yearning for his future.It's as if the eagle has plumped up its feathers and is ready for the final battle against the sky.

And when Ma Bing flew back to the capital, Li Xiaogang was finally bored, waiting for the excellent news that the smart chip had been copied successfully.Li Xiaogang, who just got the news, still can't believe it, because this is a technology from ancient civilizations, which is at least hundreds of years advanced than the current level of technology. However, after this time, Li Xiaogang is also more aware that his subordinates The scientific research capabilities of these scientists have far exceeded what he expected. No wonder the country covets them so much.Thinking of these, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but secretly proud of his good luck.

In the scientific research center of Aerospace City, there was a lot of voices and jubilation at this time. Dozens of top-notch experts gathered together, watching a shiny silver chip about the size of a mobile phone on the display stand in front of them, emitting bursts of light from time to time. A burst of compliments.Shen Qihong's excitement at this time is indescribable in words. He can hardly believe that the smart chip in front of him was made by himself. In a series of tests, the results of this smart chip are completely acceptable. Dreamy to describe.Most people wouldn't believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.As if admiring a rare treasure in the world, Shen Qihong couldn't take his eyes off the chip even for a moment.

"Did it work?" Li Xiaogang appeared in everyone's sight with a slightly eager question.Seeing Li Xiaogang, Shen Qihong rushed up to meet him, pulled him to the smart chip, and said with a trembling voice, "Come and see our Yinhe No. [-], how beautiful it is, how beautiful it is. Perfect!" "Galaxy One?"

Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly. "Yes! Yinhe No. [-], this is the name we gave it, isn't it nice?" Shen Qihong said with a smile.Li Xiaogang frowned, looked at Yinhe No. [-], and said slowly: "The name is good, but I don't know how it works?"

Shen Qihong hurriedly said: "You can rest assured that the functions of Yinhe No. [-] have fully met your requirements. If you don't believe me, we can do a test!" Seeing that Yinhe No. [-] was about to be shattered into a pile of fragments by this hammer, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being startled, but just as he was startled, a purple-red light suddenly flashed across Yin Yin No. [-]. , when the hammer touched the purple-red light, it was immediately bounced off. It was so powerful that Shen Qihong couldn't resist, and the hammer flew out far away.The scientists who were watching around suddenly let out a series of applause.

A smile appeared on Li Xiaogang's face, Shen Qihong moved his sore wrist, and said slowly: "This chip seems to have a sense of self-protection, when it senses danger, it will automatically fight back. . This is a veritable smart chip.”

Li Xiaogang nodded, this is exactly what he wanted.After a pause, he asked again: "Is this chip enough to allow it to drive a car automatically and avoid car accidents?" Shen Qihong nodded heavily, and said repeatedly: "More than enough! This chip has special calculations that are completely different from current computers. method, this calculation method has almost gone beyond the scope of mathematics, and we have no way of knowing what type of calculation method it belongs to, but we can be sure that this is a field that current human science cannot touch. Special calculation The method allows this smart chip to have a super computing power, which can reach trillions of times per second, and can achieve almost unlimited calculations, which is dozens of times stronger than the largest and most advanced computer in the world. I I can guarantee that once this smart chip comes out, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world!"

"So strong?" Li Xiaogang was taken aback by Shen Qihong's words. If Yinhe No. [-] can really reach this level, it might not be a good thing.At least using it in a car is a treasure, and it can be said to be a great waste.Li Xiaogang pondered and said to Shen Qihong: "Brother Shen, do you have a way to weaken the function of this chip so that it is not so powerful. Think about it, if every car in the future is equipped with such a terrifying chip, then at that time, it will not be so powerful. Instead of people driving cars, cars drive people.”

Shen Qihong laughed and said: "We are heroes who see the same thing. To be honest, I also have such worries in my heart. Applying such a good chip to a car is really overkill. Our airship is the right way. With the powerful computing power of this smart chip, it is very useful for me to avoid meteorites and comets wandering around in the universe." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "It is good to be able to use it on the spacecraft. , but I urgently need a smart chip suitable for cars, it doesn’t need to have so many functions, it’s enough to minimize the chance of accidents!”

Shen Qihong said: "During the production of Yinhe No. [-], we obtained many failed test products. In fact, it cannot be said to be a failure. It's just that these chips have a big gap compared with Yinhe No. [-], but compared with the current world The most advanced smart chips on the market are still much better. Sorry for some of them, but they are very suitable for installation in cars, I put them there!" After speaking, he led Li Xiaogang to another display stand, Lying quietly on it are two smart chips about the size of the Galaxy One, one is crystal blue and the other is romantic pink.They are all the same beauty, except that the dazzling demeanor of Yinhe No. [-] is missing, and there is no difference in other things.

"This is..." Li Xiaogang asked. "This is Yinhe No. [-]. Its function is about one percent of that of Yinhe No. [-]. It is very suitable for your car. It can meet all your requirements." Shen Qihong replied. "Why two pieces? Is there any difference between the two pieces?" Shen Qihong frowned and said, "Of course there is! It's just that the difference is hard to describe. How should I put it, it seems to be the difference between men and women..."

(End of this chapter)

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