The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1197 Get what you need!

Chapter 1197 Get what you need!

"What did you say? This chip is also divided into men and women?" Shen Qihong's words made Li Xiaogang really confused, and he looked at Shen Qihong blankly and asked in confusion.Shen Qihong smiled wryly, and said: "Don't look at me like this. Yinhe No. [-] already has super-high functions. Since it has intelligence, it will inevitably form different personalities. We will use the different personalities of the two chips. They were divided into men and women."

Li Xiaogang was a little dumbfounded. There are always novel things in this field of science. Shaking his head, Li Xiaogang pointed to the two Yinhe No. [-] chips and asked, "Then tell me, which of these two chips is male? Which one is female?" Shen Qihong pointed to the blue chip and said: "This one is male. If we can make it talk, he must be a rough old man. The pink chip is It's a woman, I guess her voice must be very sweet and beautiful! Xiaogang, give us some more time, I can make them talk!"

Li Xiaogang said hastily: "Don't, don't, don't! The street is already noisy enough, I don't want to suddenly have so many talking cars. However, since these smart chips are divided into men and women, their performance Is it different on the Internet too?" Shen Qihong chuckled, gave a thumbs up and said: "Good question! There is indeed a difference. This blue chip is like us men, with a hot temper and a lot of anger. If It senses danger and releases a lot of energy, just like us men, we are more willing to use force to solve the crisis. The other pink female chip is much more graceful and gentle. Compared with the blue chip, she When encountering danger, more people will take the initiative to avoid it. Just like a woman, isn't it?"

After listening to Shen Qihong's introduction, Li Xiaogang said dumbfoundedly: "I really didn't expect that a piece of iron can also separate men and women? This science is really amazing!" Shen Qihong continued: "If it wasn't for the appearance of Yinhe No. I will believe that there will be such a thing. The appearance of Yinhe No. [-] is definitely an unprecedented revolution in the field of smart chips. Xiaogang, this is what you brought to mankind. Maybe in the near future, all Human beings must thank you!" Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said obliquely: "It's better to let everyone buy my smart car than to let everyone thank me, then I can get some benefits, isn't it? Isn't it better? Haha..."

Shen Qihong said with some contempt: "You have so much money, why do you always think about money?" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Brother, you are really heartless for saying this! I am not all like this. For your research, do the math, how much does each of you spend every day? Can I do it if I don’t want to find ways to make money?”

Li Xiaogang's words made Shen Qihong laugh a few times in embarrassment.Look around this lab where he's standing, and what's not worth millions of dollars?How many authoritative experts can own one of these experimental equipments? I'm afraid others can't even think about it.Calculated in this way, Li Xiaogang's investment is probably an astronomical figure just to buy these belongings for them?Thanks to Li Xiaogang, if it were someone else, it might not be possible at all.

Shen Qihong laughed and said: "Xiao Gang, you have invested so much for us people, don't worry, we will never let you down!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I am waiting for your words, which is almost the same. ...However, you must not bear any pressure. There is no rush for science. By the way, you said that this pair of Yinhe No. There is also Yinhe No. [-] in between?" Shen Qihong shook his thumb at Li Xiaogang, and praised: "Smart! You guessed it right. But when it comes to this Yin Yin No. [-], I have a lot of headaches. .”

"Headache? What's going on?" Li Xiaogang looked at Shen Qihong curiously.Shen Qihong brought Li Xiaogang in front of Yinhe No. [-].The volume of Yinhe No. [-] is much larger than that of Yinhe No. [-] and Yinhe No. [-]. It is about twice as big and has a light yellow color. It is densely covered with various integrated circuits, which is dazzling. "This is Yinhe No. [-]? Why does it look more complicated than Yinhe No. [-]?" Shen Qihong said: "This is a derivative produced during our process of manufacturing Galaxy. In other words, it should be regarded as Yinhe No. [-]." I have a child." "Child?" Li Xiaogang looked at Shen Qihong suspiciously, Shen Qihong didn't take it seriously, and said as a matter of course: "Since the chip can be divided into men and women, why can't there be children?" Li Xiaogang thought about it and forced himself to accept this. He asked, "Then what does he give you a headache for?"

Shen Qihong said: "After testing, the function of Yinhe No. [-] is one-tenth of that of Yinhe No. [-], and ten times that of Yinhe No. [-]. This Yinhe No. [-] can be used on spaceships, and although the functions of Yinhe No. [-] are powerful, But it's not enough to operate a spaceship, so it can't be assembled on a spaceship. But if it is applied to a car, its function is too powerful, and it is a bit overkill. So I have been having a headache because I can't find a suitable application for the Galaxy II The Land of Martial Arts..." Before Shen Qihong finished speaking, Li Xiaogang couldn't help shouting, "My brother Shen, why didn't you say something earlier? Hehe, God helped me! Hahaha... ..."

Seeing Li Xiaogang's excited appearance, Shen Qihong asked curiously: "Why, have you figured out how to use it?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Brother Shen, let me ask you. With the ability of Yinhe No. Can it automatically calculate the flight trajectory of the shell, and make corrections to the running route of the shell according to the real-time changes, so as to hit the target with every shot?"

"You mean to use it on the guidance system of the missile?" Shen Qihong seemed to have found the direction faintly, and asked in a murmur.Li Xiaogang said urgently: "Not only is the guidance system of the missile, but also the target recognition system. In short, there are many places where it can be used. Think about it, a tank equipped with the Yinhe-12 smart chip can automatically Thanks to the recognition of the target, the trajectory of the shell can be automatically calculated, which will greatly shorten the reaction time of the tank. This is really beneficial on the battlefield. As far as I know, the most advanced tank in the world is the German Panther Tanks, and the Panther tank takes about [-] seconds from finding the target to hitting the shell, you can calculate, how long does it take for a tank equipped with the Yinhe [-] smart chip?"

Shen Qihong had already fully understood what Li Xiaogang meant, and said with a smile, "It's less than a second!" "That is to say, if our tank and the Leopard tank detected each other at the same time, when the Leopard tank fired a shell at us, We have destroyed it twelve times, Brother Shen, what an astonishing gap is this? If our country is equipped with such a tank, wouldn’t it be invincible?” “Also! What’s more important is the Galaxy series of chips With a high degree of intelligence, it can automatically avoid the enemy's shells, which is equivalent to having an immortal body. A tank equipped with the Yinhe No. 12 chip can at least fight against [-] Leopard tanks at the same time without losing the wind!" The words went down.

"Yes! Not bad at all! Brother Shen, you are having a lot of trouble thinking about the use of Yinhe II, but you don't know that its use is too large and wide-ranging. It can be equipped not only on tanks, but also on fighter planes, and we can also Using it to develop high-precision weapons that can shoot automatically, we have made a big deal this time, hahaha..." Li Xiaogang couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help laughing wildly.Shen Qihong stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, and asked slowly: "Xiaogang, don't you want to sell arms? I'm afraid there will be chaos in the world, and if that's the case, I'd rather Yinhe No. It has never appeared in this world!"

Li Xiaogang said with a serious expression: "Brother Shen, although I need money urgently, I will never do those outrageous things because of money. I have my bottom line in life, and I will never touch it!" Shen Qihong said with a smile: "Xiao Gang, I shouldn't have doubted your character. Only after hearing what you said, I felt that the use of this Yinhe No. [-] is not only great, but also terrible. I really don't want to The Galaxy series of smart chips are used in terrible wars." Li Xiaogang said: "I hate wars just like you. Especially when I see wars displacing so many people. But this world headquarters lacks war madmen, even if we don't go Actively provoking war, we also need advanced technology to defend ourselves. Isn't it?"

Shen Qihong smiled and said: "Of course I understand these reasons. It is not a bad thing to apply science to the military. You don't have to bother to convince me. If you can apply Yinhe-[-] to the country's military construction, I will I will not object." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "The Galaxy series embodies your painstaking efforts, of course I must respect your opinions. It is true that I want to give the Galaxy II to the country, but I want to use it to reconcile with the country." The leader makes a deal!"

"Make a deal with the leader? You..." Shen Qihong looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, a little speechless.

Seeing Shen Qihong's astonishment, Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Why, making a deal with the leader makes you think it's an incredible thing?" You are wrong! In fact, doing business is a very pleasant thing, and everyone gets what they need, and I am an expert in this field!"

Shen Qihong frowned, and said quietly: "I have only heard of voluntary donations to serve the country, but I haven't heard of anyone negotiating with the country and getting what they need..." Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Brother Shen, You have been imprisoned by the people of country M for a long time, and your understanding of the country is outdated. I am not afraid to tell you the truth, I am an expert in dealing with the country. Hehe..." Seeing the sinister smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Shen Qihong Just know that he has benefited a lot from the country.

(End of this chapter)

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