The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1200 Resign!

Chapter 1200 Resign!

Seeing the two people coming out of Huang Ziwen's office, Xiao Gao and others looked at them as if they were watching a hero, their eyes were full of reverence, let Ma Bing and Zhou Tao see them, and felt refreshed in their hearts .Ma Bing straightened his suit, coughed heavily, and said to everyone: "Listen up, everyone, serving a villain like Huang Ziwen is better than serving a dog. He will only treat you like cows and horses, right? You will never be allowed to ascend to his head. When he feels threatened, he will do everything possible to get rid of you. Therefore, it is impossible to have a future under him. After I leave here, I will Start my own business. In the future, if you feel that you can't get along here anymore, you can come to me. I will definitely take you in!"

Because Huang Ziwen was standing next to him, Xiao Gao and others did not dare to applaud Ma Bing's words, but it could be seen from their expressions that everyone remembered his words in their hearts.Ma Bing left the GM Huaxia branch in this way, and it was still so beautiful and vigorous.

Ma Bing has a comprehensive plan in his heart, and he is going to resign today, so he is completely relieved at this time, and his heart is full of longing for the future, so not only is there no trace of sadness on his face, but he is full of energy and vigor .At this time, Zhou Tao, who was standing beside him, was not in such a bright mood as him, and his face was full of gloom and mist like mourning.Ma Bing glanced at him, and said with a chuckle, "Why are you still worrying about the mortgage you haven't paid off?" Mentioning this, Zhou Tao was really annoyed, and couldn't help but strangled Ma Bing's throat, Gritting his teeth, he roared: "Stinky boy, you bastard, I count you as a victim this time! Don't tell me you have to put my whole family to sleep on the road before you Are you willing? Ah? Bastard!"

Ma Bing sweetened Zhou Tao's hand vigorously, and said with a wry smile: "You...can you bear that Huang Ziwen? He made it clear that he wanted to drive us away. Instead of staying and being angry with him, it's better to stay together. Scold him heartily, and then start a new life!, Zhou Tao sighed a long time, let go of the hand that was holding the horse soldier's neck, and said dumbfoundingly: "Now we are happy, but our new Where do you live?Is it just to let me take my wife and children to sleep on the road?If this is the case, then I would rather let Huang Ziwen scold me every day! "

Ma Bing said with a chuckle: "There is no such thing as a road, life is much better than you imagined! Don't worry, you and your wife and children will not sleep on the road, and your mortgage will be paid off one day." Yes! Let's go, let's find a place to have a drink first! Grandma, just patronized and scolded Huang Ziwen, which made my mouth thirsty. Speaking of this, I really admire Huang Ziwen. Spitting and swearing, while insisting on not drinking water, isn't he afraid of dying of dehydration?" "Get out of here!" Zhou Tao shouted with a sharp look at the horse soldiers, who could not help laughing.Ma Bing laughed a few times, and took Zhou Tao into a small bar by the side of the road.

Drinking cold beer, Zhou Tao calmed down.With a long sigh, he asked, "Da Bing, what are your future plans?" Ma Bing frowned, and asked without answering, "What about you? What are your plans?" Zhou Tao said helplessly, "Let's go to the temple. Did you hear what Huang Ziwen said before? I’m afraid we won’t be able to survive in the automotive industry. I think I’ll change my career..." Hearing Zhou Tao’s words, Ma Bing snorted uncomfortably. He said: "Although Huang Ziwen is the boss of GM's Huaxia branch, does that mean he can be lawless in China's auto market? I can't see it!"

Zhou Tao smiled wryly, and said quietly: "Da Bing, you and I have been in this industry for more than ten years. I don't think anyone knows the situation in this industry better than us. Huang Ziwen is indeed the overlord in the Chinese automobile industry." If he really wants to force us to a dead end, it will not be difficult. As long as he gives an order, none of these domestic auto companies will have the guts to take us in. To be honest, Da Bing, I really feel that your What you did was a little too impulsive. Don't you usually bear it, why is it so abnormal today?"

Ma Bing snorted, and said in a deep tone: "It's because I usually endure too much, and today I can't bear it, so I broke out. Zhou Tao, you and I both know Huang Ziwen. He is like this. We are in his The better his subordinates do, the more he will regard us as a thorn in his side, even if we continue to stay here, we will have no future!" Zhou Tao knew that Ma Bing was telling the truth, sighed, and drank alone Got drunk.

Seeing that Zhou Tao stopped talking, Ma Bing knew that he was in a bad mood at this time, so he said with a smile: "Zhou Tao, let me tell you the truth, I scolded Huang Ziwen today, it was definitely not impulsive, and I am not afraid to tell you, in fact, today I I came back just to resign." "Huh?" Zhou Tao looked at Ma Bing in surprise.Ma Bing smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that. If I didn't have other plans, I wouldn't act rashly."

Zhou Tao thought for a while, and asked anxiously: "Do you have a better place to go? But there is no better place than GM...Are you going to change careers?" Seeing Zhou Tao, he was full of suspicion With a puzzled expression, Ma Bing smiled and said: "Changing careers? Just kidding! I don't know anything except cars in my life. What can I do if I change careers? Is it possible to beg for food with a broken bowl?" What kind of medicine? Tell me! If you cheat on me again, don’t blame me for being rude to you!” Zhou Tao couldn’t help threatening when he saw that the cavalry soldiers were cheating.

Ma Bing laughed a few times, moved to Zhou Tao's ear, and whispered softly: "Zhou Tao, I have found a new owner?" "Oh? Who is it?" Zhou Tao asked subconsciously.Ma Bing said word by word: "Longhao Group!" "Longhao Group? Why have I never heard of it?" Like Ma Bing, Zhou Tao was only interested in things related to cars. Also never heard of it.Ma Bing smiled, and explained slowly: "Longhao Group was originally a group mainly engaged in agricultural materials products, but now because the business of agricultural materials products is not doing well, Longhao Group is going to switch to the production of automobiles. ? They found me and invited me to join, and I said yes!"

Hearing Ma Bing's words, Zhou Tao was stunned for a long time, and then he said dumbfoundedly: "Ma Bing, you are not crazy! You want to leave GM for such a new owner? I don't think you are crazy, or I'm crazy!" Seeing Zhou Tao's expression, Ma Bing was not surprised at all, and said lightly: "I knew you would have such an expression after hearing this. But it's not your fault. At the beginning, I also have all kinds of concerns. But after I had a careful understanding of Longhao Group, I realized that this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me, and it is the same for you!"

Ma Bing's words shocked Zhou Tao, and he asked curiously, "What do you say? Is there something different about Longhao Group?" This in itself is what sets it apart. The courage and determination of Longhao Group's executives alone has impressed many people!" "Is this what moved you? If so, I advise you to do it as soon as possible." Stay away from Longhao Group. Without us, maybe Longhao Group will be able to successfully transform into a car manufacturer one day in the future. But if we have us, it may not wait for it to produce a car , it’s already closed!”

Ma Bing said: "I know you are worried that Huang Ziwen will be angry with Longhao Group because of us, so you wantonly attack it..." Before Ma Bing finished speaking, Zhou Tao couldn't help but snorted and said: "Thank you You know this too! Da Bing, if you are really optimistic about that Longhao Group, I really need to persuade you to stay away from it!" Ma Bing laughed and said, "What you worry about is exactly what I worried about at the beginning. Yes, I have told this point to the leadership of Longhao Group, guess what happened?" "How?" Zhou Tao subconsciously asked.

Ma Bing said with a smile: "I'm afraid you would never have imagined it in your dreams. When I said this concern, they not only didn't take it seriously, but also laughed at me severely. I was embarrassed at that time. Forget about it?"

"So, it seems that Longhao Group doesn't take GM as a behemoth at all. If this is the case, then Longhao Group should be a big group, similar to Longquan Group. Then how can I Have you never heard of it?" Zhou Tao muttered incomprehensibly.

Ma Bing said: "Don't worry about it anymore. Although the scale of Longhao Group is not small, it is not too big. Compared with the General Motors Huaxia Branch, its comprehensive strength is far behind! After listening to Ma Bing's words , Zhou Tao smiled bitterly, and said: "If this is the case, it means that the leadership of Longhao Group is too arrogant.It is difficult for a person like this to achieve great things.Da Bing, you should be able to understand this, you were never so stupid before! "

Ma Bing snorted and said, "You are still as self-righteous as before! Can you please wait for me to finish speaking before making any comments?" Zhou Tao gave a wry smile with some embarrassment, and said, "Okay, you can continue talking!" Then Ma Bing continued: "The strength of Longhao Group itself may not be comparable to that of GM Huaxia Branch, but the strength behind Longhao Group is far stronger than it. Later, I thought about it calmly and felt that Longhao Group Howe Group dare not to take GM into consideration, there is a reason for it! It is not purely arrogant as you said!"

"Oh? Hearing what you said, I'm more and more interested in Longhao Group! Tell me, what kind of power is behind this Longhao Group, which can make him even ignore it! "Ma Bing's words made Zhou Tao's curiosity about Longhao Group even stronger.Ma Bing said mysteriously: "I'm afraid you would never dream of recommending the president of Longhao Group to me. He is one of my best buddies, Li Yong. Li Yong, do you know?" Zhou Tao frowned and said "There are tens of thousands of people named Li Yong in the world, how do I know which one you are talking about? Hiss, are you talking about the famous chairman of Longxi Group?" Zhou Tao gasped suddenly as he spoke. Cool, asked blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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