The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1201 Huang Ziwen's revenge plan

Chapter 1201 Huang Ziwen's revenge plan
Ma Bing said with a smile: "You still have some knowledge, the person who introduced me is him!" Zhou Tao couldn't help but look at Ma Bing a few more times, and said with some surprise: "I really can't tell, you still have such Niucha's buddy, as far as I know, the Longxi Group he runs is making a lot of money every day! It's not much worse than Longquan Group. Soldier, since we have a good relationship, why don't you Recommend me to work in Longxi Group! Even sweeping the road and cleaning the toilet, I can do it too!" Ma Bing gave him a contemptuous look, and said angrily: "Look at your talent, I I'm too embarrassed to tell you that you are my buddy. Can you have some backbone, please?"

Zhou Tao gave a wry smile, and said gruffly: "As long as my wife and children are not allowed to sleep on the street, I can do anything!" More to say, but I can see that the relationship between him and that beautiful boss of Longhao Group is not so good..." "Wait, you said the boss of Longhao Group is always a woman?" Zhou Tao looked at asked the horseman.Ma Bing nodded, Hu Rong's beautiful face appeared in his mind, and he murmured: "I, Ma Bing, have seen countless girls in my life, but I'll tell you the truth, I've never met one before." A woman like her, both beautiful and intelligent, exudes amazing charm all over her body, you only need to take a look at her, and I guarantee that you will never forget it for the rest of your life. By the way, her surname is Hu, and her name is Hu Rong!"

"Hu Rong? Why does this name seem so familiar to me? Let me think about it..." Zhou Tao was shocked when he heard the word Hu Rong from Ma Bing's mouth, and his brows frowned involuntarily. , fell into contemplation.After about a while, Zhou Tao suddenly said excitedly: "I remembered, I remembered. I remember that I once saw a report by accident, and that report was right that she and another strong woman were jointly reported. , and the other is Long Linger, the female boss of Longquan Group. According to reports, these two women are like sisters, and they are inseparable on weekdays. They are the second of several famous golden flowers in the financial circle of S Province."

"Look, I knew it was impossible for a woman like her to be unknown! If Long Ling'er is also Hu Rong's good sister, it means that Longquan Group, like Longxi Group, is also a strong backing of Longhao Group. If If Huang Ziwen wants to deal with the Longhao Group, then Li Yong and Long Linger will definitely not stand idly by. And if these two people move, their relationship network will also be activated. At that time, Longmu, Longhua, and Longyu will Closely related groups will also participate in it. In this way, with the powerful financial resources of these leading groups, let alone Huang Ziwen, even the entire GM will be vulnerable. Zhou Tao, you now understand why I said Long Hao The background of the group is scary, right?"

Zhou Tao fell into silence. If things are really as what Ma Bing said, then Longhao Group is simply a hornet's nest, whoever stabs will die!After a long while, Zhou Tao said gruffly: "No wonder Longhao Group doesn't care about Huang Ziwen's influence at all, and is willing to take you in!" Ma Bing laughed and said: "I just said that I have come after suffering!
Hu Rong told me that they want to create a new car jade dynasty that will rival the GM dynasty, and they are going to invest a lot of money in it.Moreover, Longhao Group is currently developing a new car that can cause the entire world's car revolution.In order to persuade me to join Longhao Group, Chairman Hu revealed some details of this car to me.Zhou Tao, you can’t imagine how advanced and perfect this car is. If I have to describe it, I can only say that it is a car from the future, not from this era, and it makes people crazy! "

Ma Bing is a car genius. He has seen all kinds of advanced cars. This is the first time Zhou Tao has heard Ma Bing make such a high evaluation of a car. He is completely trusting.Full of envy, he said: "Congratulations, brother, maybe in the near future, you will be able to trample Huang Ziwen under your feet, and then forget to vent your anger on my behalf!"

Zhou Tao congratulated Ma Bing but felt very uncomfortable in his heart.Seeing the loneliness hidden in Zhou Tao's eyebrows, Ma Bing hugged Zhou Tao's shoulder with a loud smile, and said with a laugh: "Wrong brother, it's not congratulations to me, but to congratulations to us! You have to think right Huang Ziwen vent your anger, just do it yourself!" Ma Bing's words surprised Zhou Tao, and he looked at Ma Bing full of astonishment, Ma Bing laughed and said: "Brother, I, Ma Bing, definitely didn't eat meat to make my brothers starve. People. In Huang Ziwen's office, from the moment you resolutely chose to resign with me, I made up my mind to bring you to join the Longhao Group. We brothers will work together to create a new sky. Wouldn't it be better? For pleasure?"

Zhou Tao's heart was full of gratitude, he glanced at Ma Bing, but shook his head, and said slowly: "Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I can't make things difficult for you because of myself. You just entered Longhao Group, you are still a newcomer, if you force me into it, it will have a bad influence on you..."

Before Zhou Tao finished speaking, Ma Bing couldn't help laughing out loud, and Zhou Tao, who was laughing straight, was a little baffled.It wasn't until Zhou Tao couldn't help getting mad that Ma Bing stopped laughing and said to Zhou Tao: "Zhou Tao, you think you are the most considerate person I have ever seen! Well, I don't make fun of it either." You, let me tell you the truth. One of the purposes of my return this time is to find Huang Ziwen to resign, and the other purpose is to help Longhao Group recruit some specialized talents. What I desire most is talent. On the way back, I was already thinking about poaching you from GM. As soon as I returned to the company, I happened to meet Huang Ziwen looking for trouble with you, so I immediately made up my mind My idea, I scold Huang Ziwen, on the one hand, I want to relieve my hatred, on the other hand, it is because of you. I know you, and I saw that I left GM because of you. According to your personality, you will definitely follow I want to resign, hehe..."

"It turns out that this is all calculated by you, Ma Bing, you are so brave, even I dare to play with it!?" Zhou Tao was so angry that he glared at Ma Bing and shouted.Ma Bing laughed and said, "Am I hurting you? I'm helping you make up your mind to get you out of the sea of ​​suffering! If one day, someone can hurt me like this, I'm grateful to him before it's too late!" Zhou Tao was killed by the horse soldiers. There is nothing to say, anyway, now that he has resigned, Ma Bing's plot has also succeeded, so he can only stare at him bitterly.Ma Bing smiled and said, "Okay, don't put on a straight face. When I came, Chairman Hu had already told me that as long as it was a talent I liked, I would pull him out even at any cost." Back to Longhao Group. As long as I say a word, Chairman Hu will offer double your salary at GM. However, Zhou Tao, Longhao Group must have just started, and it must have lost money in the first year, so I It means that during this year, our salary will be halved, which can be regarded as showing our sincerity, what do you think?"

Zhou Tao shook his head with a wry smile, and said to the horse soldiers angrily: "I'm like a cow being held by the nose by you now, what can I do if I don't follow you? You can do whatever you say, As long as my wife and son don't sleep on the road, I can do anything!" After hearing Zhou Tao's reply, Ma Bing was very excited, held his hand tightly, and said in a vibrating voice: "Brother, let us join hands Get started, do something earth-shattering, and show that bastard Huang Ziwen. I swear, I will drive a scum like him out of the auto industry!" Ma Bing's fighting spirit infected Zhou Tao, and Zhou Tao looked excited Nodding his head, he said, "Okay! Fight with his mother's Huang Ziwen!"

While Ma Bing and Zhou Tao were discussing how to make great achievements in the future, Huang Ziwen was furious in the office like a wolf whose tail was stepped on.In the blink of an eye, the whole office was smashed into a mess by him.In the office area outside, all the employees were talking coldly, for fear that they would accidentally touch Huang Ziwen's bad luck. As a result, they didn't even know how to die.
After Huang Ziwen vented fiercely, he calmed down slowly, leaned back on the leather chair, lit a cigar, and began to think with a gloomy face.Huang Ziwen is jealous and capable, but it doesn't mean he is an idiot.On the contrary, Huang Ziwen is very shrewd and quite talented, otherwise the throne of the president of GM Huaxia Branch would not fall under his ass.After calming down, Huang Ziwen suddenly thought that Ma Bing's performance today was by no means impulsive, and it was clear that Yi made up his mind to resign.Soon Huang Ziwen could be sure that Ma Bing had found a new owner and had a way out, so he was no longer in his eyes.

A cold smile curled up at the corner of Huang Ziwen's mouth, and he murmured gloomyly: "I want to see who has the guts to accept me and make Huang Ziwen unhappy, a secretary!" Huang Ziwen's Not long after the words fell to the ground, a slender girl with a good face walked in quickly, and asked with a worried expression: "Mr. Huang, what do you want?" Huang Ziwen said coldly: "From now on, I want you Pay close attention to the whereabouts of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, no matter which company they enter, you must inform me in time, understand?"

The young and beautiful female secretary already knew what Huang Ziwen was going to do. Although she couldn't bear it in her heart, she nodded helplessly and said, "Understood, do you have any orders from President Huang?" Huang Ziwen gave her a hard look, Looking around the messy office, he said in a deep voice: "Nonsense, what are you talking about! Do you know how to do some things only after I tell you to do them?" The female secretary felt cold and said hastily: "I'm sorry, I'll accept it now." !" After finishing speaking, some hurriedly cleaned the office messed up by Huang Ziwen.Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, lifted his buttocks, walked out of the office, and went to find a place to vent his anger.

Huang Ziwen was triumphant at this time, and thought that he had decided on Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, but he probably never dreamed that in the near future, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao would become celebrities in the automobile industry in China and even the world at an astonishing speed. The dazzling light is simply incomparable to him.Not only was he unable to punish him, but his own nightmare came quietly from this moment on.

(End of this chapter)

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