The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1202 Chip Expert

Chapter 1202 Chip Expert
base camp!
In the past, the leader has always been looking for Li Xiaogang everywhere, and this is the first time Li Xiaogang has taken the initiative to look for the leader, so when Li Xiaogang's strange figure appeared in front of the leader, the leader was taken aback.Seeing the leader staring at him with wide eyes full of surprise, Li Xiaogang touched his chin and asked strangely: "Why, is there something wrong with me?" The leader shook his head with a wry smile and asked, "Are you How did you get in?" Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "Your guards are pretty good against others, but not so good against me, hehe..."

The leader jokingly said: "Fortunately, you are not a killer, otherwise, even if my body is stinky, I am afraid no one will find it." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "You are our boss, even if I have gall all over my body, I can't kill you." I dare not kill you!" The leader glared at him and said, "Okay, don't be poor with me! I know you, a typical person who doesn't want to go to the Three Treasures Palace. This time you take the initiative to come to the door, what can I do for you? Yeah?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Boss, you're being serious. I'm here today to ask for your help..."

The leader pointed at him and said, "Look, I knew you still had something to do. I guess I must have owed you in my previous life, and I am here to pay you back in this life. Hey, what's the matter, tell me!" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly. Said: "Chief, you are too unconscionable for saying this. Although I have caused a lot of trouble for the country, I have also made a lot of contributions to the country!"

The leader snorted, curled his lips and said, "That's what you should do, who made you a descendant of China?" Li Xiaogang shook his head dumbfounded, and said, "You're right, I won't argue with you anymore. Let’s talk about my business.” After a pause, Li Xiaogang looked at the leader’s face and said solemnly: “Boss, I’m here today, and I have something very important to ask you, please agree to me no matter what.” The leader He said cunningly: "Then what's the matter first? If you want me to give you the position of leader, I have to agree to you too?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't worry about it, you just gave me the leader's seat, and I'm not willing to sit there!" It's not good at all, I always like to be lazy. Look at the generals under your command. Now everyone knows that they are messing around. They are shaking the mountains with stomping feet. But look at you, the boss, who is unknown. It's as if you've never been there."

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Isn't this very good? I don't know how much trouble it has saved me. Fame is tiring. Rather than being chased by people and exhausting, it is better to do more things!" Li Xiaogang's words made the leader Appreciation flickered in his eyes and he nodded, and said slowly: "There are not many young people like you who care about fame and fortune and care about everything..." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Stop talking about it! Chief I have two things to ask for your help this time. First, I know that our country's military industry system is very developed. I would like to take the liberty of asking the leader to approve and lend me a production line for smart chips." The leader was taken aback for a moment, Staring at Li Xiaogang, he murmured, "Good boy, you will be so open-mouthed when you come up, you really dare to ask for it! Smart chips are high-tech products, and there are only a few production lines for smart chips in the country. You just open your mouth and ask for it." One, don’t be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!”

Li Xiaogang has dealt with the leader many times, and he has some understanding of the leader's negotiation style.There may not be many smart chip production lines owned by the country, but it is definitely not like the leader said that there are only a few.The so-called scarcity is more expensive, needless to say, the leader is trying to gain a bargaining chip for himself.Of course, Li Xiaogang understood the leader's intentions, and said with a wry smile: "Leader, there is no need to play so much tricks between us. Although a smart chip production line is expensive, it is not as exaggerated as you said. What a lion speaks loudly, it is nothing at all." not on."

The leader laughed a few times and said: "The production line itself may not be valuable, but the technology of this smart chip is precious, and it is top secret in any country in the world! How much manpower, material and financial resources our country has exhausted to study You can’t just take all the results that come out, can you?” Li Xiaogang laughed and said, “Boss, do you think I’m asking you for the technology of smart chips?” Isn't it? The establishment of a smart chip production line doesn't cost much at all, and with your financial resources, it's not a problem to get a hundred or eighty ones. You came to me eagerly to ask me for it?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "You are right. A smart chip production line does not cost much money, but it takes a lot of time. What I lack most now is time. Since the country has ready-made ones that can be used, I will Why bother to build it again? Isn’t this a waste of resources? Also, I don’t know the level of functionality of the smart chips developed by our country, but I never thought of getting them from the country. I'm not afraid to say something you don't like to hear, I don't think the smart chips developed by the country can be very clever, at best they are installed on model airplanes to deceive children."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader snorted and said, "You underestimate our country's scientific research capabilities too! I'm not afraid to tell you that the smart chips developed by our country are so powerful that even country M can't match them!"

"Oh? Really? Can that let me see it?" Li Xiaogang said indifferently.The leader laughed a few times and said, "Okay! Let me open your eyes today! Let you know that not all the best scientists are working for you!" After finishing speaking, he called the guards and the driver , drove straight to Huaxia Academy of Sciences.

Before the leader's car started, Guo Qihua was notified that the leader was going to Huaxia Academy of Sciences for an investigation, and he waited in front of the door early in the morning.The current Huaxia Academy of Sciences is somewhat deserted. Compared with the lively scene of people entering and leaving in the past, it is now even more depressed.So far, at least half of the various experts of the Academy of Sciences have gone to Li Xiaogang's Aerospace Research Center and the Agricultural Science Institute led by Li Xiang.Those who continued to stick to Huaxia Academy of Sciences were either because they had no way to get in, or because they were firmly held by Guo Qihua and refused to let go.

Regarding this issue, Guo Qihua has complained to the leader and the leader more than once, but the leader and the leader believe that scientists can stimulate their potential and research enthusiasm to a greater extent with Li Xiaogang, and create more world-shocking results.So no matter how much Guo Qihua complained, it was useless.Because of this, Guo Qihua always had some resentment towards Li Xiaogang in his heart, but unfortunately, as the dean of a small science academy, he was soft-spoken, so he could only keep this resentment in his heart.

Seeing the leader's special car approaching, Guo Qihua rushed to meet him, and opened the door on one side graciously, but unexpectedly, the person who got out was Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang smiled at him in a very gentlemanly manner, and said "Thank you!" When Guo Qihua saw that it was Li Xiaogang, a trace of anger surged in his heart, and he slammed the car door hard.Suddenly, the leader's suppressed cry of pain was heard from inside the car.Li Xiaogang and Guo Qihua looked back in astonishment, and saw the leader covering his head with one hand, pushing open the car door with the other, and walked out.

"Boss, you..." Guo Qihua couldn't help being startled when he saw the leader's appearance, and said blankly.A glint of anger flashed across the leader's face, he gave Guo Qihua a hard look, and said in a deep voice, "Well, Guo Qihua, are you going to murder me?" It turned out that Li Xiaogang came down first, and the leader was going to follow him to get out of the car However, at this moment, Guo Qihua, who didn't notice this situation, slammed the car door, and as a result, hit the leader like this.Guo Qihua was shocked in his heart, and said in a hurry: "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it really..." Seeing Guo Qihua's eating, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but pursed his lips and laughed.The leader glared at Guo Qihua fiercely, and shouted: "Take us to the chip research room first! I will settle the account with you later!" Guo Qihua gave a wry smile, and led the leader and Li Xiaogang to the chip research institute under the Huaxia Academy of Sciences. room.

This experiment was specially set up by the state to develop super-class smart chips. The person in charge of the laboratory is Liu Xuehai, a chip expert who returned from studying abroad, a middle-aged man of about 50 years old with a rather scholarly demeanor.At this time, he was busy with various unknown experimental equipment.Guo Qihua opened his mouth to call him over, but the leader waved his hand lightly, and said in a low voice: "When scientists are concentrating and busy, we'd better not interrupt them. If they accidentally interrupt their train of thought, it will scare them away." Their inspiration caused a major scientific research achievement that should have shocked the world to be aborted, then our sin would be great, hehe..." From what the leader said, it is not difficult to see that the leader respects science very much .Li Xiaogang smiled, and began to observe Liu Xuehai seriously.

After observing for a short time, Li Xiaogang had to admit that Liu Xuehai is indeed a very good scientist.Judging whether a scientist is good or not depends not only on how many research achievements he has, but also on his attitude and interest in science.Almost all the staff in the entire laboratory noticed the leader's arrival and put down their work, but Liu Xuehai was the only one who didn't notice anything and continued to immerse himself in his scientific world.Seeing Liu Xuehai's seriousness and his obsession with science, no less than that of Shen Qihong, Li Xiaogang's heart suddenly aroused love for talent.

(End of this chapter)

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