The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1203 Chip Classification

Chapter 1203 Chip Classification
Guo Qihua was standing beside Li Xiaogang, seeing him staring at Liu Xuehai, like a cat smelling fishy, ​​he felt a warning sign in his heart, if Li Xiaogang made up his mind to poach Liu Xuehai away, then With his strong financial resources and the excellent scientific research environment and even atmosphere he can provide, Guo Qihua has no possibility of retaining Liu Xuehai.Now looking at the entire Academy of Sciences, there are only a group of second-rate scientists left. Authoritative scientists like Liu Xuehai who stand at the forefront of the world can be said to be very few, and only the achievements are left!If even Liu Xuehai was poached by Li Xiaogang, then Guo Qihua, the dean of science, would really become a bare-bones commander.So he coughed, and took precautions against Li Xiaogang first, and said in a deep voice, "Don't look! I will never let Liu Xuehai go!"

Li Xiaogang was taken aback when he heard this, and then he understood Guo Qihua's worry, and a narrow smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.He hadn't planned to poach Liu Xuehai away, but after Guo Qihua said this, Li Xiaogang had made up his mind instead.

"Recalibrate the data obtained just now! Report it to me!" Liu Xuehai put his eyes on the microscope and ordered.However, it took a long time for the sound to land, but he couldn't hear the data for a long time. Liu Xuehai frowned, raised his head, and was about to turn his head to question his assistant, but found the leader who was smiling and looking at him, and his heart was shocked. , hastily put down the research in his hands, walked up to the leader, and said modestly: "Boss, when did you come? Why didn't you call me?"

The leader laughed and said, "Expert Liu, your research is much more important than mine. I don't dare to disturb you casually, haha..." Liu Xuehai scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.Obviously, this scientific prodigy, like most first-rate scientists, was not good at talking.At this time, I didn't know how to answer the leader's words, so I had to hug him with a smirk.Guo Qihua was on the side, and couldn't help reminding: "What are you doing in a daze? You haven't reported your latest research results to the leader?" Liu Xuehai finally came to his senses, and hurriedly said to the leader: "Leader, let's go to the reception room. I'll follow you." You report."

The leader shook his head and said: "No, no, I didn't come here today to listen to your report. Besides, I don't understand what you are doing, and it is useless for you to report to me. I still wait and see Your achievements are real." Hearing that the leader didn't come to listen to his report, Liu Xuehai looked at the leader curiously.The leader pursed his lips and said faintly: "Today I brought you a challenger. He said that the smart chip you researched can only be put on a model airplane to coax children. Here it is, whether you can justify the name of your smart chip in front of him is entirely up to you!"

The smart chip is equivalent to Liu Xuehai's child. Hearing that others despise his child so much, I believe that any parent would not agree. Liu Xuehai's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Who is he? I am willing to accept his challenge !" Although Liu Xuehai was asking, but his gaze was involuntarily fixed on Li Xiaogang, after all, he was the only outsider here.Hearing Liu Xuehai's angry words and provocative and angry eyes, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly, the leader is really the one who fears the world will not be chaotic.

Seeing Liu Xuehai's eyes looking at him, Li Xiaogang couldn't pretend to be confused anymore, smiled, and politely stretched out a hand to Liu Xuehai and said: "Mr. Liu, please don't get me wrong, the leader was just joking just now! The smart chip researched is somewhat curious, and there is absolutely no intention of underestimating it!" On one side was the leader and on the other was a stranger, of course Liu Xuehai chose to trust the leader without hesitation, snorted coldly, and said, "The one developed by our laboratory The smart chip has reached the second level, and even country M can't match it, since you're curious, I'll let you see it!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said slowly: "Mr. Liu, can you tell me how the smart chip is graded first?" This question is the most elementary in the field of smart chips. Liu Xuehai heard from the leader that Li Xiaogang dared to question it. The functions of the smart chip he developed, I think that no matter how arrogant Li Xiaogang is, he still has a certain understanding of smart chips.

However, after hearing the question raised by Li Xiaogang, Liu Xuehai couldn't help shaking his head, and immediately fixed Li Xiaogang as an ignorant gangster who was ignorant and ignorant, and contempt flashed in his eyes. Wink.Although the feeling of being despised made Li Xiaogang very uncomfortable, but Li Xiaogang could only endure it silently, who made him not even understand this most basic question!Liu Xuehai explained unhappily: "Smart chips are divided into five levels according to the strength of functions and intelligence. The fifth level is the lowest level, and can only operate passively according to the programs set by people. It is like a microprocessor. The fourth-level smart chip has preliminary intelligence, but it is only preliminary. It can perform efficient calculations and recognize simple targets. The third-level smart chip is more advanced than the fourth-level It is much stronger, it can identify and track multiple targets at the same time, and the calculation speed is faster, and the country M is only at this stage at present!"

"You just said that our China's chip technology has reached the second level, so what kind of function does it have?"

Li Xiaogang originally wanted to rely on this standard to define a position for his Galaxy series, but found that such a division is too low-level, and even the weakest Galaxy Miyoshi is difficult to include.When mentioning the second-level chip developed by Huaxia, Liu Xuehai's interest immediately increased a lot, his face was full of unconcealable pride, and he said loudly: "Smart chips not only have higher intelligence when they reach the second-level, but also have elementary learning skills. It can also perform billions of calculations on tens of thousands of targets at the same time, and its functions are as powerful as a supercomputer!"

Liu Xuehai thought that after he finished introducing the power of the second-level smart chip, he would see a surprised and incredible expression on Li Xiaogang's face, but he was disappointed in the end.Instead of showing the slightest shocked expression on Li Xiaogang's face, his brows were wrinkled, showing some slight disappointment.The reason why Li Xiaogang was disappointed was because Li Xiaogang found that even the second-level smart chip that Liu Xuehai was extremely proud of, compared to Yinhe No. [-], it was completely different.The second-level smart chip can perform billion calculations per second, while the calculation speed of Yinhe No. [-] has reached trillion calculations per second. What a big gap is this?Li Xiaogang was speechless.

It seems that what Shen Qihong said is right, the current level of smart chips on the earth is at least a few hundred years behind the Galaxy series, this makes Li Xiaogang suddenly feel a sense of loneliness in the heights, and he can't help but let out a soft sigh. The sigh fell into Liu Xuehai's ears, but Liu Xuehai couldn't help but feel mad, wishing he could hug Li Xiaogang and bite him hard.Li Xiaogang didn't get tired of Liu Xuehai's anger, and asked in a murmur, "What's the function of that first-level smart chip?"

At present, Liu Xuehai's research on smart chips has just stepped into the second level, and the first level of smart chips seems to him like a beautiful legend, which is out of reach.Li Xiaogang just dismissed the second-level smart chip that he was proud of, but asked further to the first-level. No matter how well-trained Liu Xuehai was, he couldn't help it now, and said in a deep voice: "A first-level smart chip only exists in fantasy, and it is impossible to achieve it at the current level of human technology. Seeing that you seem to be quite disdainful of the second-level smart chip I researched, does that mean that you have developed a better chip?" A more powerful chip? If that’s the case, I’m going to have my eyes opened today.”

Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the leader, who half-closed his eyes and adopted a silent attitude towards everything that happened in front of him, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said leisurely: "What a coincidence, The scientists under me also just recently developed a new smart chip. If you can trouble Mr. Liu to help me identify which level of chip it belongs to, I would really appreciate it! Saying this, Li Xiaogang took out a chip from the Qiankun ring. The Galaxy No. [-] smart chip glowing blue, "Why, you also have chip experts under your command? "The leader opened his eyes curiously, looked at Li Xiaogang with some surprise and asked.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "My place is a big grocery store, there are all kinds of experts, haha..." The leader pursed his lips and smiled and said: "I want to buy more grocery stores like yours! No wonder You found me and asked me for a chip production line. How dare you develop a new smart chip? Hey, I really want to see if the chip developed by your experts is better, or the chip developed by our expert Liu is better! "The leader looked at Liu Xuehai with a smile and said: "Expert Liu, is there any way to make the difference between the two chips?"

Liu Xuehai sneered and said: "This is the easiest! Robot duel!" "Robot duel?" Li Xiaogang looked at Liu Xuehai suspiciously and asked in puzzlement.Seeing Li Xiaogang full of curiosity and doubts, Liu Xuehai was not surprised this time. After all, how can a person who doesn't even understand the classification system of smart chips know what a robot duel is?Liu Xuehai explained: "It's very simple! We bind each other's chips to two robots, and control the robots to fight through the smart chip. The victory of the robot means the victory of the chip. Now this method is used in the world. Identify the strength of the smart chip function! Do you dare?"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth, and he said with a chuckle: "It sounds really interesting. There's nothing to be afraid of. Come and come!" Then he handed the Yinhe No. [-] to Liu Xuehai and said: "You are not allowed to cry if you lose in a while!" Liu Xuehai was very angry when he heard that, and glared at Li Xiaogang bitterly.The leader has seen the power of the chip developed by Liu Xuehai. He was also in such a robot duel. The robot controlled by the chip developed by Liu Xuehai defeated a robot controlled by an authoritative chip expert in country M. , and the opponent didn't even have a chance to counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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