The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1210 Can't give it away!

Chapter 1210 Can't give it away!
It's just because there are too many mysteries in Li Xiaogang's body, and more importantly, he also possesses a powerful power that seems to change the sky.The mystery may be solved one day, but this powerful force is a double-edged sword.If it is used well, it is likely to bring great good news to thousands of people, and even the entire human race.Similarly, if it is not used well, it may be a catastrophe that will destroy the world.The leader wants to understand Li Xiaogang to the greatest extent, but he is afraid that doing so will backfire and cause Li Xiaogang's unhappiness, which will have a counterproductive effect.Therefore, the leader is always in an extremely complicated conflict.Except for Li Xiaogang, no one or anything can bother him so much.

The leader shook his head, intending to ask Li Xiaogang what his other mysterious condition was, but because of Guo Qihua's presence, it was inconvenient, so he turned around and said, "Xiao Gang, do you know about Xue Fei's expedition to Antarctica? "

Li Xiaogang nodded, and replied: "I know, what happened to her?" The leader said: "Xue Fei is fine, but the situation in Antarctica is very dangerous. Yesterday, the expedition team that Xue Fei is in has arrived in Antarctica, officially The work has started. They sent back a large number of pictures from Antarctica. According to these pictures and the analysis of experts, the melting of the Antarctic iceberg is based on a supernatural energy from the ground, but what is this energy? But they don’t know. The only thing they know is that if this kind of force is allowed to erupt, the complete melting of the Antarctic iceberg is only a matter of time. By then, the area of ​​the earth’s oceans will surge from the current 70.00% to . 81%! In other words, the land mask on the earth will drop by [-]%. This change will affect us in China, and two-thirds of the land along the eastern coast will be submerged in the seabed!"

"Is it so serious!?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help being surprised by what the leader said, and asked in a whisper.The leader nodded heavily, sighed and said, "Xue Fei and the others are investigating with all their strength and actively responding. I hope they can find a way to find that mysterious energy source, eliminate its influence, restore the tranquility of Antarctica, and curb this problem." An unprecedented catastrophe happened. However, Xiao Gang, I am still here to solemnly request you, when things get unstoppable and experts like Xue Fei are helpless, I hope you can stand up, just like you Just like how we resolved the tsunami crisis last time, we will turn this crisis into safety!"

At this time, the leader looked at Li Xiaogang, not only with pleading, but also with strong trust.It was this kind of trust that made Li Xiaogang's shoulders suddenly sink, as if something had landed on his shoulders.Since God gave him great power, maybe the implied meaning is that he should bear the responsibility of defending this space?Facing the leader's gaze, Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and said in a vibrating voice: "Don't worry, leader! The earth is also my home, and I will not let it be destroyed! When necessary, I will definitely take action!" Listen After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, the leader couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, his expression eased a lot, and he said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It's great to have you here!"

The leader's words touched Li Xiaogang's heart very much, and he felt that everything he had done for so long was not in vain and was worth it.Just when Li Xiaogang wanted to chat with the leader about his future plans, there was a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.Hearing the sound of footsteps, it seemed that there was more than one person, so Guo Qihua stood up and said, "It should be the test results!" Sure enough, before Guo Qihua finished speaking, the door of the reception room was pushed open roughly, revealing Liu Xuehai and Xiao Rou's somewhat crazy face.

Guo Qihua frowned, and couldn't help but said: "Old Liu, the leader is here, can't you be more polite?" Liu Xuehai was embarrassed by Guo Qihua's words, but fortunately the leader was generous, waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, It's okay! Old Liu, judging by your expression, the test result must have come out, and it's amazing, right?"

Guo Qihua grinned, and said repeatedly: "It's not only amazing, it's simply unimaginable. We have conducted all-round tests on Yinhe No. [-], and the results we got are like a step in science fiction. All the data have reached The theoretical level of the smart chip is perfect. This... this is clearly the legendary first-class smart chip, I can't believe it, with the current level of technology, someone can develop such a thing, it is simply a miracle!"

Seeing that Liu Xuehai was so excited that he was almost incoherent, the leader couldn't help but get excited too.

With the development of science, the use of smart chips is becoming more and more extensive. From people's daily life, to the construction of the country's army, to scientific research, there are shadows of smart chips in almost every field.More and more countries believe that smart chips are small.But it is enough to support the take-off of a country.If Yinhe No. [-] is really as perfect as Liu Xuehai said, maybe the whole country will benefit endlessly from this small smart chip.

How can this make the leader not excited?The leader couldn't hide his excitement, and hurriedly pulled Liu Xuehai to sit beside him, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter, tell me about it!" Liu Xuehai nodded heavily, and said excitedly: "I I don't think about anything in my life, I just hope to develop a chip with real intelligence, but this is really a complicated field, and it takes a lot of effort and hard work to make even a little bit of progress. I passed 30 Years of research led to the invention of the second-level smart bear chip. I thought this was the acme of modern science. But now I know that I was wrong, and it was very wrong! The appearance of the Galaxy III , It’s like a dream, it directly guides the development of smart chips to another road. Judging from the current situation, this road is definitely a sunny road leading the research of smart chips forward!”

The leader said to Liu Xuehai dumbfounded: "Old Liu, I know you are very excited now. But if we have something to say slowly, you can tell me first, what is so good about this Galaxy No. [-] smart chip? What is so good about it? ? Pay attention to speaking in a more popular way, and use less of your professional terms!"

Liu Xuehai put away his frantic excitement and forced himself to calm down, but his voice was still uncontrollable and excited, and he said tremblingly: "Boss, when it comes to intelligence, the first thing to mention is the human brain. There is no doubt that in the Under the current scientific level, the human brain is the most developed and also the most perfect intelligent system. The outer brain, the most perfect intelligent system, is most distinctive in that the human brain has consciousness. Therefore, it is now recognized by the scientific community that whether Possession of consciousness is an important criterion for judging the quality of smart chips.

Among the five-level smart chips, the fifth and second level do not have consciousness, which is also a huge gap that cannot be bridged between them and the first-level smart chips.And from the Yinhe No. [-] smart chip, we actually tested a weak consciousness wave. Although it is weak, it does exist!Therefore, the Galaxy III is a well-deserved first-class chip.With this precious consciousness, Yinhe No. [-] has super learning ability, discrimination ability, and even emergency response ability. As for its super computing ability, it is not worth mentioning in front of these abilities.No wonder, the Galaxy III can beat my secondary chip without breaking a sweat.The gap between the first-level chip and the second-level chip is like the sun and the moon are not on the same energy level at all! "

Before that, Liu Xuehai was very respectful and proud of the chip with the second-level intelligence he researched. If not, then Liu Xuehai would not have the idea of ​​fighting Li Xiaogang because of Li Xiaogang's words.However, at this time, Liu Xuehai was talking nonsense about his second-level smart chip, which was obviously the result of Bie Yinhe No.

Following Liu Xuehai's description, the leader became excited, stared at Liu Xuehai closely, and asked, "Based on your professional judgment, what field can this Yinhe No. [-] be applied to?" Liu Xuehai thought hard Thinking about it, he said excitedly: "It's really too much, but in my opinion, it can be placed in the computer system of the spacecraft. It is not inferior to the computing power of the supercomputer at all, and it is completely capable of solving the problem. All the problems that occur during the launch of the spacecraft and when it is traveling in space orbit, it is like adding an accompanying bodyguard to the spacecraft, which at least reduces the possibility of the spacecraft crashing by ten percent. It means so much!"

After listening to Liu Xuehai's words, the leader was very happy.Now not only Li Xiaogang has noticed the advantages of space, but all countries have set their strategic sights on space.There are abundant space opportunities and inexhaustible abundant resources. In the future world, whoever holds the right to speak in space will control the entire earth.This has become the consensus of more and more wise men.

In order not to fall behind and be beaten in the coming era of great aviation, all countries are making every effort to research aerospace technology, and Huaxia is no exception.However, in order to build a spacecraft, the cost required is astronomical, and the loss of a spacecraft is a heavy blow to the aerospace plans of most countries.Being able to minimize the chance of the spacecraft crashing is not only an economic account, but also a political account. He Xinxin account heard Liu Xuehai say that Yinhe III has such a sturdy purpose, the leader endured it. I couldn't help laughing, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiaogang, your Yinhe No. [-] smart chip has been confiscated by the state. You immediately sort out the relevant technical information and send it to the relevant department, no! Just give it to me, I will Special personnel will be arranged to supervise the production of the Yinhe No. [-] smart chip!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard this, and asked in a murmur, "What does it mean to be expropriated by the state?" The leader chuckled and said, "This means that the state paid to buy all the patents of your Galaxy III. From now on, only our country has the right to produce and use Yinhe-[-], and any other country or individual who privately produces and uses Yinhe-[-] will be regarded as an illegal act and will be punished as it should!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and asked blankly: "What about me? Are you saying that I have to say goodbye to Yinhe No. [-], and I can't even use it for anything?" The leader nodded, and said: "You understand it very accurately, basically that's what it means. Hehe..." Li Xiaogang frowned, and couldn't help but said, "You're still laughing, what's the difference between this and robbery? No, I still have a lot of use for this Yinhe No. [-], so I can't give it to the country?"

(End of this chapter)

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