The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1211 Galaxy 2 Appears!

Chapter 1211 The Galaxy II Appears!

The leader hurriedly corrected: "No! It's not a gift, it's a sale! The country will give you a price that satisfies you!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and asked: "Then, how much will the country pay?" The leader now only knows that the Yinhe III is very precious, but he can't give a price, after all, he is not a professional, so he has no choice but to pay for it. He set his sights on Liu Xuehai.Liu Xuehai is an expert in chips and should be able to give a fair price.However, for Liu Xuehai, this question is also quite difficult. Although he is a professional and knows the value of Yinhe III, he can't estimate an accurate price.Because this Yinhe No. [-] is so precious, if it is fully utilized, the value it will create will be absolutely astonishing. After thinking about it, Liu Xuehai still shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that Liu Xuehai shook his head, the leader didn't expect it, and couldn't help being surprised.Turning around, he saw a playful smile on Li Xiaogang's mouth. The leader frowned, gritted his teeth, and said, "How about 100 billion? This is an astronomical figure, right? The country offered 100 billion to buy your Galaxy." You shouldn’t suffer from all the technology of No. 100!” Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, “No? My loss is huge! If I use this Galaxy No. [-] according to my ideas, the profits I can create will definitely be too high. Trillions! You only offered [-] billion, and you want to snatch my Galaxy III, what is the difference between this and a robbery?"

"Trillions!?" The leader couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked blankly: "Why, are you going to use this Yinhe No. [-] to print money?" Li Xiaogang said desperately: "Okay, leader, the matter has developed to this point. For the sake of it, let me tell you my real purpose? In fact, I want to use this chip to design a car with super functions..." Li Xiaogang compared the performance of the car he imagined with the Features, I told the leader all of a sudden.The leader seemed to be listening to a sci-fi story, he was dumbfounded and couldn't react for a long time.

But the leader was surprised, but he knew in his heart that relying on the first-level smart chip of the Galaxy III, it is not nonsense to make such a car that can no longer be described as advanced.And as Li Xiaogang said, it is only a matter of time to use this new type of car to create a car kingdom that dominates the world.And once this car kingdom is successfully created, the profit brought by the Galaxy III will definitely be in trillions.In this way, the 100 billion he paid out after gritting his teeth has really become a joke!
Although the leader knew that everything Li Xiaogang said was likely to become true, there was still one thing that made him extremely dissatisfied.That is Li Xiaogang actually used the smart chip of Yinhe [-], which should be applied to the spacecraft, to produce cars that run on the ground.No matter how advanced the car running on the ground is, it will not be able to fly after all.You can't drive a car to other planets to mine energy, can you?Therefore, in the eyes of the leader, this is simply killing chickens with a sledgehammer, a huge waste of resources, and an absolute treasure, which cannot be tolerated!
Not only the leader said so, but even Liu Xuehai couldn't help asking in surprise after hearing Li Xiaogang's words: "What? You want to use such a precious smart chip to produce cars? Why don't you go to the pigsty with a gold base!" Liu Xuehai was a little excited and completely forgot that now Li Xiaogang is his boss and even his biggest benefactor.The female cadre Zuo Li Xiaogang is a generous person, and he will not make things difficult for him because of this.Otherwise, Liu Xuehai is ready to go back to his poor life.

Hearing Liu Xuehai's questioning, the leader hurriedly continued his conversation and said: "Yes, that's right! Xiao Gang, you can't always pay attention to these economic interests, sometimes you should also pay attention to the political-political interests. The development of aerospace technology Degree symbolizes a country’s international status and influence. This status and influence cannot be bought with any amount of money.”

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said aggrievedly: "Although I also hope that our country can have a lofty status and strong influence in the world, my sacrifice is too great! I don't just blindly count Economic account, I also know the benefits of political-political account, but you have to think about it for me, I need money now, I finally came up with such a way, you closed it for me as soon as you moved your upper and lower lips , What should I do? Let’s do this, if the country really wants to buy the Galaxy III, it will be 5000 billion! If the country gives me 5000 billion, I will pretend that I never know what the Galaxy III smart chip is!”

Compared with trillions of profits, this 5000 billion is indeed a fairly reasonable price.But let the leader get him 5000 billion from somewhere.Even if the People's Bank of China starts printing, it will take some time.The leader smiled wryly, and said: "Don't even think about 5000 billion, at most 500 billion!" Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said to the leader: "I said leader, you can do it, let me go this time! He also takes care of the food for the long-term workers, you can't even leave me with a stutter, can you?"

The leader frowned and reprimanded softly: "Okay! Don't be so pitiful, you will have no food? Xiaogang, the significance of this Yinhe No. [-] is really too great, it can be said that it is related to the future of the country. And But you want to put such an important thing in the car, don’t you be afraid that those foreigners bought your car and copied the Yinhe III, and then used it in their country’s aerospace field and military field to contain us in turn? The country? Some technologies need to be kept secret! The country’s secrecy system is much better than yours after all, right?”

Li Xiaogang said with some displeasure: "Technical secrecy? Chief, to tell you the truth, the development of science and technology on the earth is so slow today, to a large extent, it is because of the four words 'technical secrecy. If all countries in the world To be able to break through the boundaries, to truly share, communicate with each other, and promote each other, the scientific level must be at least 100 years more advanced than it is now! Standing still. Working behind closed doors, how can the development of science and technology be so fast?" The leader gave a wry smile and said: "I Admit that you are right! But the reality is that between countries, competition is greater than cooperation. It is like two martial arts masters who are destined to become rivals. Only a fool will teach others all their unique moves. !"

After a pause, the leader continued: "Xiaogang, as the leader of the country, I formally request you to give up your personal interests and obey the collective interests for the sake of your country, friends, and nation!" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Then what if I don't agree? Will the country treat me as a public enemy and eliminate me?" The leader shook his head and said, "You have made so many contributions to the country, such a cruel thing, the country I won’t do it. But the country can’t provide you with the chip production line you requested…” Li Xiaogang pouted and said, “Since the country will prohibit me from producing and using the Galaxy [-], I still need a chip production line. What's the use?"

"This..." The leader was a little speechless and laughed a few times.Li Xiaogang glanced at the leader, and said in a vibrating voice: "I have decided to use the Galaxy [-] to create a car kingdom, so I will not give it away or sell it to the country!" Li Xiaogang said very resolutely, in the leader's eyes A trace of disappointment could not help but pass by.However, Li Xiaogang changed the subject with a bright smile on his face, and he said, "However, this is just one of the reasons why I don't hand over Yinhe III to the country." 'Is there another reason? "Looking at the inscrutable smile on Li Xiaogang's face, the leader couldn't help asking curiously.

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Of course! Another reason comes from Yinhe-[-] itself. Although Yinhe-[-] is advanced, it is not perfect. There are still great dangers and loopholes in applying it to spacecraft, perhaps It won't play such a powerful role as Mr. Liu said." The leader frowned and said in a deep voice, "Even if it's not as exaggerated as I said, but one thing is for sure. Yes! The safety performance of the spacecraft installed with the Yinhe-[-] smart chip is definitely better than that without it. There is no doubt about this!"

The leader nodded and said, "It's enough to do this..." "Enough? Leader, your requirements are too low, right? Although I'm not a perfectionist, I feel that if it's just like this , that is far from enough!" Li Xiaogang yelled at the leader exaggeratedly.Liu Xuehai opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, the leader waved his hand violently, stopping him, staring at Li Xiaogang tightly, and said: "Don't talk, listen to Xiaogang's words!" Liu Xuehai looked at the leader in surprise, but It was found that there was an unconcealable excitement flowing between the leader's brows, as if he had captured some incredible information, which made Liu Xuehai's heart tremble involuntarily, and he cast his curious eyes on Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously, and said: "Actually, in my eyes, Yinhe No. [-] is not perfect, and there are still many flaws. Compared with it, Yinhe No. [-] is much more perfect!" Li Xiaogang took out the Yinhe No. [-] smart chip from the Qiankun Cutoff.The leader seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "I knew you still had a treasure hidden!" As he spoke, he snatched the Yinhe No. [-] from Li Xiaogang's hand.I leaned in front of my eyes, turned it over and over again, and observed it carefully. After watching for a long time, I didn't see any difference between Yinhe No. [-] and Yinhe No. [-].

It was still Liu Xuehai who had a sharp eye, and he could tell at a glance that the structure of Yinhe No. [-] was much more complicated than that of Yinhe No. [-]. An uncontrollable curiosity surged in his heart, but it was a pity that he didn't dare to directly grab Li Xiaogang like the leader did to Li Xiaogang, so he had to be satisfied. He was aggrieved and anxious, rubbing his hands and stomping his feet, his whole body seemed to be infested with lice, twisting and turning, it looked a little funny, fortunately the leader didn't make Liu Xuehai suffer for a long time, I snatched it from my hand and looked at it for a while, and found that he couldn't understand it, so I handed it to Liu Xuehai and said, "Go, take it and test it! See how Yinhe No. [-] compares with Yinhe No. [-]?"

Liu Xuehai held Yinhe No. [-] carefully, as if he was holding a piece of treasure that is hard to find in the world, and he responded heavily, a little confused, he wanted to go to the laboratory for testing.Li Xiaogang called out to stop him and said, "Don't bother! My scientists have done detailed tests, and the function of Yinhe II is ten times that of Yinhe III. Multiply all the data of Yinhe III Ten is the data of Yinhe No. [-], so there is no need to troubleshoot it again!"

When Li Xiaogang’s words fell, the reception room fell into a deathly silence. Everyone had the same expression, staring at Li Xiaogang dumbfounded, their hearts were like boiling water, and they kept gurgling words to their mouths Bian'er swallowed again, the leader wanted to speak several times, but he couldn't speak.Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Li Xiaogang only had a wry smile in his heart.He originally wanted to take out the Galaxy II when he was alone with the leader, and then explained the functions of the Galaxy II to him in detail, and suggested that he apply the Galaxy II to tanks or missiles to create a super Strong military power, in order to persuade those generals who might oppose the formation of the heavenly army.But seeing that the leader seemed to have made up his mind to 'deprive him of his Yinhe III, he had no choice but to take it out ahead of time.

(End of this chapter)

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