The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1219 Li Xiaogang goes crazy!

Chapter 1219 Li Xiaogang goes crazy!
The manager was also upset, when he suddenly heard Ke Xue's shout, his heart skipped a beat, and without thinking, he waved his hand and called two security guards.Because the cosmetics produced by Longxi Group are very expensive, especially the queen series, the price is even more frighteningly high, it is only more expensive than gold.It is also understandable to have several security guards in case of accidents.Two burly and ruthless men immediately blocked the way of Zhang Yu and the three of them. Two pairs of cold eyes looked at Yang Wen and Haoyan at the same time.The two little girls, who were not deeply involved in the world, once experienced such a scene, they suddenly seemed a little confused, their eyes were full of fear, and they cowered behind Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu protected the two of them behind him like a big sister of the two, glared at Ke Xue, and shouted softly: "Miss Ke, this kind of talk is not nonsense, and I will pay legal responsibility! Just now I You have been there all the time, why didn't I see them stealing things?" Ke Xue snorted coldly, and said quietly: "You protect them so much, who knows if you are with them, so you deliberately cover them. Besides, just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean I didn't see it either!"

Zhang Yu frowned, not expecting Ke Xue to be eloquent.Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the manager interjected first, "You'll find out if it's been stolen or not!" After finishing speaking, he rushed to the two security guards and ordered, "Why are you still standing there? Search their bags first." When the security guard heard this, he was unambiguous, and immediately reached out to Xiaowen and Haoyan's backpacks.The two screamed in surprise, and at the same time they held the bag in front of their chests. Haoyan glared at the manager and shouted, "What evidence do you have that we stole something? What right do you have to search our bag?" The manager sneered , said: "If you find the things you stole, don't you have evidence? As for power, hahaha... You can buy this kind of thing anywhere as long as you have money. You'd better cooperate obediently, otherwise, one can't get it." Well, don’t blame us if we hurt you!”

Seeing the sinister smile on the manager's face, Xiaowen and Yanzi were terrified, like little lambs who had been forced to the edge of a cliff, their eyes full of despair and fear.Zhang Yu was furious at this moment, wishing he could slap the manager hard, hating him, stalking him, and trying to please Ke Xue, he turned out to be such a bastard!Being searched in broad daylight and in public is such a humiliation that even adults can't bear it, let alone two weak girls.If they were really searched here, it would definitely leave them with a psychological shadow that would never heal for the rest of their lives. Zhang Yu's kindness told her that such a thing must not be allowed to happen.Zhang Yu, who couldn't bear it any longer, uttered an angry roar, "Wang Zigui (manager), don't go too far, if you keep pushing like this, accidents will happen!"

The manager sneered a few times and said, "Why are you so nervous? Could it be that Ms. Ke guessed right, you are their accomplice? Why did you resign suddenly? Could it be that you also stole something from the specialty store and planned to take the opportunity to escape?" Every day, right? Looks like I need to search you too!" Zhang Yu not only failed to help Haoyan and Yang Wen, but also involved himself, her pink face flushed red with anger !
"Wang Zigui, don't go too far! If you do this again, I will call the police," Zhang Yu yelled at the manager a little bit unbearably.Wang Zigui didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a sneer, "Okay! You can report it! There is nothing wrong with asking the police to help find out the truth."

Seeing Wang Zigui's indifference, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that if the incident was reported to the police, the result would be even more unfavorable to Yang Wen and Haoyan.Even if the police come, it will prove the innocence of Yang Wen and Hao Yan. At that time, Ke Xue can completely say that she is wrong, and it will be over if she humbly said lightly. With Ke Xue's posture, the police will not dare to embarrass her. .As for Wang Zigui, there is no need to worry. It was Ke Xue who said that he saw the two of them stealing something. It is understandable that Wang Zigui asked for a body search in order to protect the interests of the store.

So from this point of view, whether the police come or not does not cause any serious problems to Ke Xue or Wang Zigui, but it has a greater impact on Haoyan and Yang Wen. Seeing the panic in their eyes at this time, it is obvious that The two had never experienced such a scene before, and they were already terrified at this moment.The police didn't come, and the two were already so frightened. If the police came, there was no guarantee that the two wouldn't go into shock.Even in the end, the innocence of the two is proved, and the shadows in their hearts have formed. Maybe from now on, they will never have the courage to laugh at life.

Thinking of the indelible and bad impact this would have on Yang Wen and Haoyan, Zhang Yu felt extremely disgusted with Ke Xue in his heart.A girl, for her own vanity, did not hesitate to ruin the lives of two beautiful girls. She is so vicious at a young age. When she grows up in the future, what will happen?After much deliberation, Zhang Yu still felt that the police should not be alerted.But if you don't call the police, it is undoubtedly a sign of cowardice, and there is no reason to refuse Wang Zigui's illegal request.Seeing the smug smile on Wang Zigui's face, Zhang Yu felt a little overwhelmed.

"Didn't you want to call the police? You should report it! Could it be that you have a guilty conscience? Hmph!" Seeing Zhang Yu's face full of embarrassment and hesitation, Wang Zigui said with a more aggressive smile. "Sister, what should we do together?" Yang Wen and Haoyan were completely at a loss, and asked Zhang Yu with infinite fear in their hearts.Although Zhang Yu is bigger than Liang Lin, he is not much older. Facing the old woman who is cunning and cunning, Wang Zigui also suffers from the fact that he has no strength to parry. "Hey... I told you to call the police. If you don't report it, you obviously have a ghost in your heart. If that's the case, then I will be blamed for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand fiercely, and shouted at the two security guards: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you make a move?"

The so-called taking people's money and sharing their worries for others.When the two security guards heard this, they reached out and grabbed Yang Wen and Haoyan at the same time.Frightened by the sudden attack, the two women screamed at the same time, and hurriedly retreated behind Zhang Yu, avoiding the claws of the two security guards.Zhang Yu hastily opened his hand, protected the two of them behind him, and shouted at the two security guards with an angry face: "What do you want to do? Are two big men bullying two little girls and you are not afraid of retribution?" Get out of the way! Otherwise, we won't be polite to you!" one of the security guards yelled at Zhang Yu.

"There's no need to be polite to her! She and those two girls belong together, search her too!" Standing aside, Wang Zigui said coldly.With Wang Zigui's order, the two security guards became more courageous, simply ignored Yang Wen and Wu Yan, and started to arrest Zhang Yu together.Zhang Yu, how can a girl resist two big men at the same time, exclaimed, and fell into extreme passivity.Seeing that Zhang Yu was about to be twisted by two security guards, a big hand suddenly stretched out obliquely, pinching the hand of one of the security guards as quickly as lightning, and with a little force, the security guard felt a biting pain In severe pain, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and retreated wildly.

The other security guard hadn't seen what happened clearly, and when he was surprised, Li Xiaogang's hand rolled quickly and grabbed his throat.With a sudden tightening of his five fingers, the security guard stuck out his tongue, his face full of pain.This sudden and dramatic change stunned everyone, especially Zhang Yu, Yang Wen and Hao Yan, who looked at Li Xiaogang inexplicably in horror.Li Xiaogang frowned, and sent his five fingers lightly. The security guard, who was strangled by him, suddenly backed up uncontrollably, and finally couldn't stand, and sat down on the ground.

However, the security guard was also stubborn, as soon as his butt touched the ground, he jumped up and stood up, glaring at Li Xiaogang, and shouted angrily: "Who are you!?" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said word by word : "I am the customer here! I am your God!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang's fierce eyes cast on Wang Zigui.Li Xiaogang's demeanor is extraordinary, and this time, in order to meet the leader, Li Xiaogang specially dressed himself up. The suit on his body is straight and brand-name, which not only sets off his tall and straight waist, but also adds a kind An indescribable aura of wealth.Wang Zigui's ability to become the manager of this specialty store is inseparable from his ability to know people.Just from Li Xiaogang's demeanor and clothes, he could tell that Li Xiaogang was definitely not an ordinary person.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was not an ordinary person, Wang Zigui suddenly had a smile on his face, and said to Li Xiaogang with a smile: "Mr. If you are satisfied with the product, I can give you a [-]% discount!" If Li Xiaogang hadn't taken everything in his eyes, and hadn't seen Wang Zigui's villainous face, after hearing his words, Li Xiaogang might still I admire his adaptability, but right now, the more Wang Zigui is like this, the more disgusting he feels!He snorted heavily, and said gloomyly: "Discount? You hurt my friend like this, is a discount enough?"

"You...your friend?" Li Xiaogang's words caused a trace of confusion to flash across Wang Zigui's face, and he asked in puzzlement.Li Xiaogang turned around and walked in front of Zhang Yu, glanced at Yang Wen and Haoyan, and said, "No, it's them!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang approaching, Zhang Yu's heart miraculously relaxed a lot, just like a small boat that has sailed bumpy on the majestic sea for a long time has finally returned to a peaceful harbor.Only now did Zhang Yu suddenly recall that Li Xiaogang walked into the specialty store with Yang Wen and Haoyan.Zhang Yu couldn't help but wonder why Li Xiaogang was with them, but he didn't care about them when he saw them being bullied just now, and he didn't stand up until now.With a hint of doubt, Zhang Yu looked at Yang Wen and Haoyan, but she didn't know that what she saw from them was also deeply puzzled, which made Zhang Yu feel even more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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