The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1220 Can I go, please?

Chapter 1220 Can I go, please?
Wang Zigui had already decided on Yang Wen and Haoyan, but he never expected that Li Xiaogang would appear on the way.Wang Zigui looked at Li Xiaogang for a while, and Yang Wen and Haoyan for a while. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see how these two girls in ordinary clothes could be connected with the noble-looking Li Xiaogang. speechless.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said quietly: "We are here to shop, but we have been humiliated by your store in every possible way. Could it be that you see us easy to bully, and clearly bully us?" The condescending attitude made Wang Zigui feel a bit shorter psychologically as soon as he came up, and said with a smile: "Sir, you misunderstood!"

"Misunderstanding!? Do you mean that I am blind or deaf? From the beginning to the end, I saw and heard everything for real. What misunderstanding is there? If you don't Give me an explanation, and I'll let you go around without eating!" Li Xiaogang had an arrogant attitude, his brows were full of domineering.An ominous premonition surged in Wang Zigui's heart. He felt that he might have kicked on the steel plate today. His heart suddenly lifted up, thumping and beating non-stop, and his forehead was covered with sweat faintly. He winked at Ke Xue.

Ke Xue raised her eyebrows. She was young and arrogant, and she was used to being arrogant. Regardless of whether Li Xiaogang could be provoked by her, she yelled at her: "Why are you so fierce? You are with these two thieves. Son, is it reasonable? Wait for the police to come later and see if they arrest you together!" Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed several cold lights, and he turned his head to stare at Ke Xue.Li Xiaogang's gaze was as sharp as a knife, so terrifying that Ke Xue's heart skipped a beat involuntarily, and she took a step back subconsciously.Li Xiaogang said coldly: "From the beginning to the end, you are the most hateful girl! Just because you have a little bit of posture, you are arrogant and domineering. Didn't your family teach you that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people?"

Facing Li Xiaogang's fierce aura, how could Ke Xue, a little girl, resist it?His eyes looked at Li Xiaogang's mouth, howling cowardly, but he just couldn't say a word.Seeing Ke Xue eating a turtle, Wang Zigui hurried up and said to Li Xiaogang: "Sir, Ms. Ke is the largest real estate developer in Beijing..." Before Wang Zigui could finish speaking, Li Xiaogang interrupted impatiently. After touching him, he shouted in a deep voice: "I'm not interested in knowing who her father is, I don't care at all! I just want her to apologize to my two friends!" "Apologize? You want me to apologize to them? Ha! This is me This is the funniest joke Ke Xue has ever heard in her life!"

"Hmph, do you think it's a joke? I don't think so! If you don't apologize today, you will never get out of this door!" Li Xiaogang suddenly showed his strong side, Ke Xue saw it, and couldn't help feeling Shen.Yang Wen and Haoyan, who had already been forced to the edge of the cliff by Wang Zigui and Ke Xue, felt hopeless when Li Xiaogang appeared in front of them like a god, and opened his arms to protect them behind him. The two girls were so touched that they wanted to cry.Yang Wen and Haoyan were moved, but Wang Zigui was a little terrified.

You know, Ke Xue is a well-known daughter in the capital, and she is a frequent customer of Longxi Store. Every year, Wang Zigui can get a lot of commission from her, so it can be said that he is his biggest God of Wealth.If Ke Xue is wronged here, he will suffer a great loss in the future.What's more, with the influence of Ke Xue's family, if Ke Xue is offended, the consequences will be quite serious.Wang Zigui hurriedly stood up and said to Li Xiaogang: "Sir, Ms. Ke is not an ordinary person, and she can't move at will. You'd better think twice." Li Xiaogang said with a sneer: "Yes! She is the God of Wealth in your eyes Of course, she is not an ordinary person! But in my eyes, she is nothing, at best, a spoiled, defiant, and ignorant rich lady. I have seen a girl like her thousands of times. Ten thousand?"

"You... who the hell are you? Why are you so defiant?" Ke Xue was furious, pointed at Li Xiaogang delicately, and shouted repeatedly.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said lightly: "Just because you are a little girl, you are not qualified to know my identity! Hey, don't interrupt, and apologize to my two friends immediately, my patience is almost exhausted!"

"Impossible! I won't apologize!" Without thinking, Ke Xue yelled at Li Xiaogang.The corners of Li Xiaogang's mouth twitched, and he rubbed his fists with both hands, making crisp bone sounds.Ke Xue was frightened in her heart, she stared at Li Xiaogang who was approaching step by step full of fear, and said in a trembling voice: "You...what do you want to do? If you dare to touch a single hair of mine, my father will eat you alive!"

Zhang Yu also seemed to be worried that Zhang Gun would get into trouble because he didn't know Ke Xue's posture, so he hurried up to Li Xiaogang and whispered to him, "Sir, this Miss Ke has a lot of background. Her father, Ke Feixiong, is the biggest family in Beijing." A real estate developer owns many large groups with assets of more than 100 billion yuan. Also, Ke Xue’s grandfather, Ke Zhengang, is the Commander-in-Chief of the Beijing Military Region. He has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command. His power is astonishing. If you beat her, the consequences may be terrible. It's going to be serious!"

Li Xiaogang smiled dumbly when he heard this, looked at Ke Xue with a bit of surprise, and asked quietly: "Your grandfather is the commander of the Beijing Military Region?" Asked: "Why, are you afraid?" Li Xiaogang shook his head, sighed softly and said, "It's really sad! A descendant of an old revolutionary has such low quality, I think even if your grandfather knows what you have done So, shake your head and sigh a few times!" "What do you mean?" Ke Xue asked in surprise.Li Xiaogang said coldly: "My meaning is so clear, you still don't understand? It seems that your IQ is really not very high! Then let me make it clearer. Your grandfather is the commander of the military region. I'm so busy with military affairs that I can't spare time to educate you, so let me teach you a lesson for him today!" After speaking, he forced Ke Xue...

Seeing the coldness in Li Xiaogang's eyes, Ke Xue was about to be terrified.Tears kept rolling in the eyes.As if Li Xiaogang didn’t see it, he still approached Ke Xue step by step. Ke Xue is so old, no one has dared to treat her like this before, finally he couldn’t hold it back, tears rolled down like broken beads Come.

Li Xiaogang saw it, snorted coldly and said gloomyly: "Do you think that shedding a few tears can make up for the sins you committed to my friend? Don't dream, it's not enough! If you still insist If you don't apologize, then I will be sorry!"

"Sir, please stop!" Wang Zigui saw that Li Xiaogang was not joking, he was startled, and shouted loudly.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, turned his head to stare at him and said angrily: "You are not a good person either! Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, flattering and flattering! A man's face has been completely lost by you. If I were you, I would I dug a hole to bury myself a long time ago, and I will never let myself be so embarrassing!" "You...what did you say?"

Wang Zigui felt that in front of so many people, his face was completely lost, his face suddenly became ferocious because of anger, he glared at Li Xiaogang bitterly, and said word by word: "If you don't If I apologize, don't even think about walking out of this door!"

Li Xiaogang glanced at the two security guards with a sneer, and said coldly: "Only by them? Teach him!" The two security guards with thick waists and round arms had long seen Li Xiaogang unhappy, and when they heard the order, they rushed towards Li Xiaogang like two tigers.However, although the two men's coming is fierce, it's a pity that they found the wrong partner.Seeing the two rushing towards them, Li Xiaogang kicked out two lightning bolts, hitting the chests of both of them almost at the same time.Li Xiaogang's two kicks are not small, how can these two ordinary security guards stand it?At the same time, they let out a scream, how they rushed forward, and how they retreated, but this time the two of them were not so lucky, and they couldn't stand up again.

When the two security guards rushed towards Li Xiaogang, Ke Xue thought she had been saved, and was just rejoicing in her heart, but saw the two security guards were as vulnerable as paper, and her heart was lifted just now.As for Wang Zigui, he was stunned as if he had seen a ghost, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, unable to speak for a long time.As for Yang Wen, Hao Yan and Zhang Yu, they couldn't help but let out a burst of cheers, their hearts determined.

After all the security guards were settled, Li Xiaogang didn't even look at them, turned his eyes to Ke Xue again, and said coldly: "Either you lie on the ground like them today, or you just apologize to my friend obediently, Then get out of here!" The reason why Ke Xue is so coquettish and defiant is that as soon as she mentions the names of Ke Feixiong and Ke Zhengang, others will immediately give in, and over time, Shi Shi has developed such a personality.But when he met Li Xiaogang today, he was indifferent to her prominent posture, what's more, he was three points madder than her, Ke Xue lost his temper immediately.He looked at Wang Zigui as if asking for help.Now that Wang Zigui has seen how powerful Li Xiaogang is, he only wished that Li Xiaogang would suddenly suffer from amnesia, forgetting the disrespect he had just shown him, and how dare he interrupt indiscriminately. Facing Ke Xue's eyes begging for help, he looked left and right, but did not dare to talk to him. Look at each other.

Ke Xue finally realized the pain of being alone and helpless. Facing Li Xiaogang's cold eyes, she had no choice but to surrender.Walking in front of Yang Wen and Haoyan, he whispered "I'm sorry!" Then he turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, and asked loudly, "Can I go?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "You It was my friend who offended me, not me, my friend told you to go, you can go, I said nothing!"

Ke Xue had never been wronged like this before, her heart was about to explode with anger, she wanted to get angry, but seeing Li Xiaogang's cold face and unfriendly expression, she didn't dare, so she had to grit her teeth full of grievances Stuffed it back into the stomach, turned to look at Yang Wen and Haoyan and said with gritted teeth: "I apologized just now, can you let me go?"

After all, Yang Wen was kind and weak. Seeing that Ke Xue had bowed her head and was about to nod, Haoyan rushed to say unwillingly, "Did you apologize? Why didn't I hear you?" "You..." Ke Xue was angry She wished she could bite Haoyan, her pink face was flushed with anger.Haoyan sneered a few times indifferently, and looked at Li Xiaogang in a blink of an eye, only to see that Li Xiaogang raised his big finger at her, his face was full of approval, and he had a heart in his heart, with his head raised high , Facing Ke Xue's angry gaze, he snorted heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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