The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1221 Dismiss Prince Gui

Chapter 1221 Dismiss Prince Gui

Ke Xue was annoyed, she gritted her teeth and said to Haoyan: "Okay, you're ruthless!" After speaking, she took a deep breath and said loudly: "I'm sorry!" Haoyan frowned and looked into Ke Xue's eyes , said coldly: "Is there anyone who apologizes like you? There is no sincerity at all! People who don't know think you are seeking revenge! Please, do it again!" "Wu Yan! Don't go too far !" Ke Xue's little face was pale, and she glared at Haoyan with fiery eyes.

"Swallow, it's almost enough, forget it..." Yang Wen didn't want to completely anger Ke Xue and cause unnecessary trouble in the future, but they didn't know that they had already offended Ke Xue at this time.Haoyan said disapprovingly: "No! She bullied us so much just now, if she doesn't get back, what will happen to her in the future!" After speaking, she looked at Ke Xue and said loudly: "Do it again, do you hear me? Show your sincerity and let us feel your apology!" Ke Xue was extremely wronged in her heart, tears kept rolling in her eyes, looking at Haoyan's unyielding expression, she knew that if Wu Yan was not satisfied, It is unlikely that she will leave here, holding back tears, said in a low voice: "I'm sorry I was wrong..."

Wu Yan snorted coldly, and said: "Although this is not very satisfactory, it is still not satisfactory. We will forgive you this time, remember, don't be so arrogant next time, or you will suffer!" Ke Xue The anger was about to swallow her, and she said in a cold and trembling voice: "Can I go?" Haoyan stepped aside and said lightly: "Let's go! Do you think we will invite you to stay for dinner? ?” Ke Xue raised her head, gave Haoyan a hard look with a look full of hatred, and then glared at Li Xiaogang, as if she wanted to remember their faces for revenge in the future.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said slowly: "You'd better remember this lesson and don't mess around! Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you won't bring trouble to your family!" Ke Xue snorted coldly, turned and left the specialty store.After Ke Xue left the store, Wang Zigui said to Li Xiaogang: "You are finished! You offended Miss Ke, and within three days, you will be retaliated against. At that time, let's see if you will be as arrogant as you are now! "

Li Xiaogang looked at Wang Zigui with contempt, and said in a cold voice: "I really don't understand how such a smart person as Li Yong would appoint a villain like you!" Wang Zigui didn't hear clearly, and asked, "What did you say?" Li Xiaogang said with a cold face: "I say from now on, you will be fired! You'd better get out of here immediately, lest I kick people out!"

After hearing this, Wang Zigui sneered and said, "Who do you think you are? Fire me if you say you're fired? Crazy!" Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked coldly: "Then you say, Who has the power to tell you to leave!?"

Wang Zigui snorted coldly, and said: "I am the manager of this specialty store, and I am also the general manager of all the branches in Beijing. If you want to fire me, we have to order it personally from President Li!" Li Xiaogang shouted angrily: "Okay! Then let Li Yong fire you personally! Call him immediately!" Li Xiaogang shouted angrily, so Wang Zigui couldn't help but look at Li Xiaogang in a daze, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart, he was a little uncertain about his identity, nah He asked anxiously: "You... who are you?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "You call Li Yong, and it will be clear!"

A strong uneasiness surged in Wang Zigui's heart, and he felt that if he made a phone call, everything would be over.Shaking his head like a rattle drum, he said, "If you tell me to hit me, I will hit it. It's impossible." Zhang Yu walked over and said to Li Xiaogang, "If he doesn't hit me, hit me!" As he spoke, he walked to the cash register and picked up the phone. Wang Zigui hurriedly chased after him, trying to stop Zhang Yu's movements, but Li Xiaogang held him down by the shoulder, making him unable to move.

From a phone book at the counter, Zhang Yu quickly found Li Yong's number and dialed it.After a while, the phone was connected, and the voice from the other end was Li Yong's. Li Yong's voice was very familiar to Wang Zigui, and when he heard it, his heart immediately cooled down.Zhang Yu said politely: "Hello, is this Mr. Li?" Li Yong responded and asked, "Who are you?" Zhang Yu smiled and said, "I am from the flagship store of Longxi Specialty Store in Beijing. Waiter Zhang Yu. We have a customer here who wants to talk to you..." Before Zhang Yu finished speaking, Li Yong said impatiently: "A customer in your store wants to talk to me? Nonsense! If every customer You want to talk to me, can I get through?"

Li Yong's scolding made Zhang Yu a little dazed, not knowing what to do next, but at this moment, Li Xiaogang said: "Brother Li, you are so majestic!" Li Xiaogang's voice sounded , the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent, and almost a minute later, Li Yong rang again on the other end of the phone, with a somewhat unpredictable voice: "Xiao Gang? Is it you? did you get here Did you go to my store in the capital?"

Hearing that Li Yong called Li Xiaogang intimately, and there was a kind of awe hidden in his voice, Zhang Yu couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang in surprise. Li Xiaogang smiled at her, walked over, and pressed the hands-free button on the phone. Let everyone hear his conversation with Li Yong.After giving Wang Zigui a cold look, he said into the microphone: "I came to the capital to do some business, and I wanted to buy a set of cosmetics as a gift, but I felt that the fat and water could not be passed on to outsiders, so I came to your store! After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Li Yong said dumbfoundedly: "I said you really are too! If you want to buy cosmetics, just tell me. The company has as many as you want, so why do you need to go to the Should I buy it in the store?"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Don't say that this is superfluous. If I didn't come in person, how could I see the scene where the manager of your specialty store looks down on others and drives customers out?" Li Xiaogang While speaking, he looked at Wang Zigui.At this time, Wang Zigui's face was already pale with fright, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve. "What did you say!?" Li Yong on the other end of the phone raised his voice an octave, and roared angrily, "Is there such a thing? Which manager is it? Tell me, I won't chop him up and feed him to the dogs." , I am not Li Yong!"

Gritting his teeth at Li Yong's words, Wang Zigui felt a chill in his heart, his body softened involuntarily, and he almost sat down on the ground.Seeing his poor appearance, Li Xiaogang sneered and said to him: "Come on, Mr. Li is looking for you!" Wang Zigui came to the phone tremblingly, his voice trembling, and he stammered: " Mr. Li, it's me..." "Which bastard are you, tell me your name!" Li Yong roared unceremoniously.

"I... I'm Wang Zigui..." Wang Zigui felt like a broken balloon at this moment, and all the strength in his body disappeared without a trace. Only by leaning on the counter can he stand firmer , and the bossy manager just now, they are completely different.

"Wang Zigui!?" Wang Zigui is the general manager of all Longxi stores in the Beijing area, and he is considered a high-level executive in the Longxi Group. Li Yong is quite familiar with him, so he never expected to do such a thing. It turned out to be him, so his voice was filled with incomparable surprise and doubt.Wang Zigui was about to cry, and murmured: "Mr. Li is always me. But please listen to my explanation." Li Yong roared impatiently, and said: "I am too lazy to listen to your explanation, I just want to explain it to you." Let me ask you a question, did you drive away customers?" "I..." Wang Zigui opened his mouth, his head was running fast, trying to find some excuses for himself.However, before he could think of it, Li Yong's voice came again, "Answer me!"

Wang Zigui's body kept trembling, and he said in a trembling voice: "Yes..." "Bastard! I trust you so much, and appointed you as the general manager of the capital, so you repay me like this, ah!?" Wang Zigui said with a sad face: "Mr. Li, listen to my explanation, there is a reason for this, Li Yong said coldly: "The customer is God!Why can't you drive away our valued customers?As an elite in the marketing industry, I don't think I need to remind you of this! "

Wang Zigui's face was ashen, and he said with a decadent expression: "I...I know." Li Yong snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Since you know, it will be easy! Now, the company headquarters officially informs you, You've been fired!" Working in Longxi Group not only brings generous remuneration, but also an extremely honorable honor.On weekdays, Wang Zigui is the general manager of Longxi Store in Jingcheng District. Wherever he goes, he will be looked at highly and regarded as a VIP.Wang Zigui is used to this kind of life that attracts people's attention. Now that he is suddenly asked to give up all this, he really can't bear this kind of blow. Hearing that Li Yong is going to fire him, Wang Zigui's heart will stop beating , hurriedly begged repeatedly: "Mr. Li, I know I was wrong, please give me another chance, please..."

In fact, Wang Zigui is also a talent. Since he became the general manager of Longxi Store in Jingcheng District, the sales in Jingcheng District have been very good. Among the sales completed every year, he has always been among the top three.Of course, there are also objective reasons that Longxi Group's products have strong competitiveness, and the purchasing power of the people in the capital area is higher than that in other areas, but this does not negate Wang Zigui's management talent.Li Yong was also a little bit reluctant to dismiss him.However, Wang Zigui made a big mistake this time, pushing 'God, out of the door, is that okay?In addition, he was very unlucky to be caught by Li Xiaogang, so Li Yong could only reluctantly give up.

(End of this chapter)

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