The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1228 Yin De

Chapter 1228 Yin De
The officer sneered and said, "Of course, we've been looking for you for a long time! Come with us!" "Where are you going?" Wang Zigui asked in confusion.The officer snorted coldly, and said faintly: "You'll know when the time comes! Take him away!" After speaking, he moved aside, and two burly soldiers rushed up immediately, each stretching out a pair of iron lead Ordinary hands grabbed both of Wang Zigui's arms at the same time.

Wang Zigui is pampered and pampered on weekdays, wishing to be able to eat and drink in bed, rarely exercise, how can he bear it? Two such burly soldiers with iron-clamp hands suddenly cried out in pain, "Soldiers beat people!" , help, woo!" Wang Zigui just yelled, and there was an iron fist on his lower abdomen, and it was the officer.Although this officer seems not as strong as the two soldiers, but the strength of this fist is not small at all, hitting Wang Zigui's lower abdomen, giving Wang Zigui the feeling of being swung with a hammer , I felt that all the intestines were twisted together, the pain was hard to describe with words, anyway, Wang Zigui vomited sour water at that time, and the whole person collapsed.The officer waved his hands, and the two soldiers immediately threw Wang Zigui on the military jeep like a torn sack, and then walked away.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Zigui gradually regained consciousness.The punch the officer gave him.The force has not been completely eliminated, and there is still a dull pain.Wang Zigui frowned, and opened his eyes full of discomfort.After opening his eyes, Wang Zigui found himself in an empty warehouse.The warehouse is huge, as many as a football factory, but it seems to have been abandoned, with dust everywhere, and the ground is full of discarded sundries, only the small area where he lies, about twenty or so square meters The place seems to have been cleaned and looks a little cleaner.

He was thrown on the cold ground. In front of him was a table with a lamp on it. The lamp was facing him. The light was so strong that it was very dazzling.In the shadow of a friend behind the desk lamp, there is a burly figure sitting, and behind the seated person is an officer Qian Wangzigui. A punch that made him hurt to the current officer.Now is a peaceful society, the military is for the people.People nowadays are not as in awe of soldiers as they were in the old days.Now in front of soldiers, people often add the word "poor, poor soldiers, poor soldiers, poor soldiers are called more, and people will not take soldiers seriously.

Wang Zigui has suffered such a big loss at the hands of the opponent, how can he let it go?As if he had been trampled on his tail, Wang Zigui jumped up from the ground, pointed at the officer, and shouted angrily: "Bastard! You belong to that unit, name it! If I don't If you take off this layer of skin, I won't be Wang Zigui!"

Wang Zigui had just lost his job, and the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent. It just so happened that he encountered such an unlucky incident, and immediately vented all the grievances in his heart on this officer.Jumping and shouting, "You soldiers, you don't protect the country well! Instead, you bully our people. Do you know that all you eat and drink is our people's money. In other words, we They are your parents! Good fellows, you dare to beat your parents, you are really rebellious sons, not even a beast!"

Wang Zigui's words obviously angered the officer. Although Wang Zigui couldn't open his eyes under the strong light and couldn't see the change of the officer's expression clearly, he still felt a chill from the officer's body, and he couldn't help shivering in his heart. After a moment, he subconsciously took a few steps back.The officer came out from the shadow of the desk lamp, Wang Zigui saw a hint of murderous intent on his resolute and cold face, Wang Zigui was so frightened that every pore of his body was constantly sweating.Wang Zigui swallowed hard, and boldly shouted at the officer: "You...what do you want to do? I am a legal citizen! If you dare to touch my finger again, I will sue the military court!

The officer snorted coldly, and said quietly: "A legal citizen? Whether you are a legal citizen or not is up to us to decide! Believe it or not, I can crush you to death like an ant, and then I will kill you as a hero." At the commendation meeting, you won a hero medal! Not only will you die, but you will also be infamous for thousands of years, be scolded by the world, and even your family members will not be able to continue living!" The officer's words shocked Wang Zigui. Shivering, my heart kept feeling chilly, I looked at him full of fear, and asked in a low voice, "You... what are you going to do?"

"Yin De!" The man sitting there uttered a very dignified voice, "Okay, don't scare him, you step back first!" The officer turned his head to look at the man who was speaking, and said, "Yes! " Then he gave Wang Zigui a hard look, turned around and retreated to the shadow of the desk lamp again!Wang Zigui cast his eyes on the person sitting behind the desk lamp with fear, and asked in a trembling voice: "You... who are you? Why did you bring me here? Do you know, this is kidnapping, is it Break the law!" "Hmph!" Accompanied by this cold snort, the sitting person stood up slowly, and then walked into the light of the desk lamp.It was Ke Zhengang with frost on his face.Ke Zhengang has been in the army for decades and fought on the bloody battlefield. His whole body embodies a kind of frightening and murderous aura, which makes Wang Zigui see it in his eyes and be shocked in his heart.

Ke Zhengang was condescending, looked at Wang Zigui as if looking at a clown, and said coldly: "Wang Zigui, let me ask you, who is the person who bullied my Ke Xue in the specialty store today?" Ke Zhengang went straight to the point The question made Wang Zigui stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, and asked in astonishment: " are Ke Zhengang, Commander Ke?" Divide your eyesight! Since you know who I am, you should know my methods. Don't try to lie to me, let alone cover up that bastard, otherwise, you will die a miserable death!

Facing the famous Ke Zhengang, Wang Zigui wouldn't have the guts to lie.Besides, he didn't want to lie. In his opinion, using Ke Zhengang's hand to teach Li Xiaogang a hard lesson was also avenging him.Wang Zigui hastily said to Ke Zhengang: "Commander Ke, you must trust me. In the store today, I wholeheartedly want to protect Miss Ke. In order not to let Miss Ke be wronged, I even lost my job because of it..."" Wordy! Answer my question directly!" Ke Zhengang shouted impatiently after listening to Wang Zigui talking for a long time without getting to the point.Wang Zigui shivered a few times, quickly stopped the nonsense, and replied: "I... I don't know who that guy is..."

"What did you say? You don't know? Wang Zigui, are you kidding me!?" Ke Zhengang snorted angrily, and turned to look at the officer just now.The officer was like a raging lion, seeing Ke Zhengang's gaze, he immediately rushed towards Wang Zigui with a murderous look.Seeing the officer's ferocity as if he was going to eat him alive, Wang Zigui couldn't help but screamed in shock, and while retreating wildly, he said anxiously: "Commander, please believe me, I have a thousand if I have one." How dare you dare to play tricks on you! I really don't know who that bastard is. However, although I don't know, someone else must know!

"Yin De!" Ke Zhengang stopped Yin De, and asked coldly, "Who is that person?" Wang Zigui said tremblingly, "Although I don't know who that person is, I know that person must be the same as our Long family." Li Yong, the president of Longxi Group, has a very close relationship. Because he was the one who called Li Yong, and then I was fired. So I think Li Yong must know him." "The one from Longxi Group Li Yong?" Ke Zhengang's complexion darkened, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he asked in a low voice. "That's right, that's right!" Wang Zigui was scared out of his wits at this moment, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"Commander, the Longxi Group has a lot of influence in our country now, even if it is registered with the leader. If we want to move him, should we say hello to the leader first?" Yin De said with a face Said to Ke Zhengang worriedly.Ke Zhengang snorted coldly, and said, "What if he is a popular person in front of the leader? Could it be that he can touch my granddaughter casually after registering with the leader?" Yin De looked a little embarrassed when Ke Zhengang scolded him Take a few steps back.Ke Zhengang continued: "Besides, we just want to get the identity of the person who bullied my granddaughter from him, and we don't want his life. As long as he cooperates well, we can still be friends! Yin De, you will bring a team Soldier, go to province S and bring Li Yong back to me. If he cooperates, you will treat him with courtesy. But if he is not sensible, you will have to bring him back even if you tie him up. Do you understand? "

Yin De respected a standard military salute and shouted loudly: "Understood!" Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. From this aspect, Yin De is definitely an excellent soldier.But Yin De is not only a soldier, but also Ke Zhengang's right-hand man, playing the role of a staff officer and a think tank.From this aspect, Yin De has not done enough.He clearly knew that Ke Zhengang's forceful approach would probably cause bad influence and bad consequences in the end, but he was intimidated by Ke Zhengang's majesty and did not dare to persuade him. This is obviously dereliction of duty.But it's no wonder that Yin De, facing Ke Zhengang's outburst of temper, even an old revolutionary who has made great military achievements like Ke Zhengang, has to give him three points, let alone a young subordinate like Yin De.

(End of this chapter)

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