The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1229 Li Yong's Dangerous Situation

Chapter 1229 Li Yong's Dangerous Situation

"Commander, what should he do?" Yin De glanced at Wang Zigui and asked.Ke Zhengang waved his hand and said, "Let him go, it's a waste of food to keep him!" After finishing speaking, he left the warehouse without looking back. A military jeep was waiting outside. Ke Zhengang got into the car, and soon There is no shadow.Yin De lifted Wang Zigui up from the ground, stared into his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, listen to me, today you can live well and not die, which means you are lucky! From here After you go out, you'd better keep your mouth shut, if you say something you shouldn't say, you'll regret it and your intestines will turn green!" After finishing speaking, he shook his fist at him and shook his head. Throw it outside the warehouse.

After leaving the warehouse, Wang Zigui discovered that the warehouse was located in the outskirts, in a remote location, and there was no one within ten miles.Both Yin De and Ke Zhengang were picked up by the car, but Wang Zigui could only stagger towards the city step by step.This night, I'm afraid it will become the dream monster of Wang Zigui's life, which will be unforgettable...

Li Xiaogang followed Lin Chaoran's words and stayed in the capital, living in Gao Liguo's house.However, Li Xiaogang was not idle, he was always watching the process of Longhao Group's production change, and in his spare time, he did not forget to chat with Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan who were far away in country M.These two girls' trip to country M has yielded a lot.With the help of Hong Tao and Gao Feng, Long Linger's acquisition of Otama Group can be said to be progressing very smoothly.Those dealers from all over the world who had orders from the Otama Group heard that Longquan Group would provide them with a supreme beauty that would never change their taste. They all wisely chose to keep the orders, and instead of pursuing compensation, they turned to Longquan Group Expand Cooperation.Against such a background, those shareholders who were still unwilling to sell their shares in Otama Group had to obediently sell their shares to Longquan Group.As for those shareholders who wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail, they were subdued by Hong Tao and Gao Feng all the way.Therefore, in a short period of time, the internationally famous brand of Otama Group became the possession of Longquan Group.

Otama Group has a long history in country M, and it can be said to be one of the many brands that are well-known to every household.Many people have dealt with the Otama Group.Seeing such a large group with a glorious history fall into the hands of the Huaxia people, many people from M country feel sorry for it and sigh. In addition to these, they are more helpless, and they are more helpless against China's prosperity. recognition.With the successful acquisition of Longquan Group, many domestic and foreign media took the opportunity to make a big fuss, but most of the articles revealed two messages. Nie stands in the east of the world, and is increasingly influencing the world's progress.Second, it also tells the world that the dominance of country M has become more and more fragile.

With the successful acquisition of Longquan Group, many domestic and foreign media took the opportunity to make a big fuss, but most of the articles revealed two messages, one was to announce to the world that Huaxia has taken a new attitude Re-established in the east of the world, it is increasingly affecting the course of the world.Second, it also tells the world that the dominance of country M has become more and more fragile.This undoubtedly greatly enhanced the confidence of the Chinese people, aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people to a large extent, and had an extremely beneficial impact on the all-round take-off of the descendants of Yan and Huang.When the leader heard the news, Xiang couldn't help being excited, he patted the table and shouted three times.

Needless to say, Long Ling'er has achieved an excellent record, and Gao Yuanyuan is like a fish in water in country M, and her face is full of spring breeze.In just a few days, she became a popular and hotly discussed woman in country M.As Gao Yuanyuan's influence in country M grew, the number of telegrams sent to the leader by the Chinese embassy's ambassador to the United States, Chen Tianhua, also continued to increase.At first it was one letter a day, then two letters a day, three letters, even four letters, five letters a day.The contents of the telegrams were the same, mostly requesting the leader to issue an order to transfer Gao Yuanyuan to the Chinese embassy in M ​​to become an official diplomat.However, due to Li Xiaogang's ambiguous attitude, the leader never made a decision.The leader once talked to Li Xiaogang about asking Gao Yuanyuan to go to country M as an ambassador, but Li Xiaogang neither refused nor agreed, his attitude was very vague, and the leader couldn't figure out what Li Xiaogang was thinking, so It can only be delayed again and again.

Of course the leader would not understand what Li Xiaogang was thinking.Li Xiaogang knew in his heart that Gao Yuanyuan wanted to make a career, especially when Long Ling'er and Hu Rong were both so accomplished, Gao Yuanyuan's desire was even stronger.She didn't want to be a vase by Li Xiaogang's side, that's why Gao Yuanyuan worked so hard when she was working at the Iraqi embassy.Li Xiaogang knew Gao Yuanyuan's intentions, so naturally he would not hold her back.But on the other hand, Li Xiaogang also knows that the country is so eager to send Gao Yuanyuan to the embassy of country M, because it wants to use Gao Yuanyuan's relationship with him to influence Hong Tao, and even Gao Feng.

You know, Hong Tao and Gao Feng are both under Li Xiaogang's subordinates, and Gao Yuanyuan is Li Xiaogang's woman, so in other words, Gao Yuanyuan is Hong Tao and Gao Gao's sister-in-law.As younger brothers, Hong Tao and Gao Feng would not dare not listen to Gao Yuanyuan even if they had the guts to do so.At that time, when the leader encounters something that needs Hong Tao and Gao Feng's help, with Gao Yuanyuan's sharp weapon, won't he be able to succeed immediately?Just because he understood what the leader was up to, Xiao Li didn't want Gao Yuanyuan to enter the Zhongheng embassy in M ​​so soon.Because once Gao Yuanyuan became an official staff member there, there would be a lot of thorny problems on her shoulders.The country will not worry that Gao Yuanyuan can't solve these problems, because even if Gao Yuanyuan can't solve these problems, Hong Tao and Gao Feng will help her solve them. With Gao Yuanyuan, the life of the embassy in the United States will definitely be much easier.

In fact, the life of the embassy in the United States in country M is not easy. With the continuous rise of China, country M has more and more restrictions on China, and the policy towards China has also changed again and again. If you are at the forefront of international contact, you will naturally experience this change most clearly.Now Chen Tianhua often feels a sense of being left behind. He and the embassy he leads are like fish living in a pond that is about to dry up. They are getting smaller and smaller, and the oxygen supply for them to breathe is also decreasing, and it has reached the point where they are about to suffocate.In such a half-dead state, the status and influence of the embassy in M ​​in country M has declined sharply. Once many things are in the hands of the embassy, ​​no matter how big or small, they will become very difficult.This is why, with the rise of the Huaxia Federation, many Chinese in M, when encountering problems, think of not going to the embassy, ​​but the Huaxia Federation.At the same time, this is why Chen Tianhua always feels like a dwarf in front of Hong Tao.

In addition, as mentioned above, Hong Tao, as the president of the Huaxia Federation, has no interest in the embassy in M ​​or in Chen Tianhua.When the embassy asks for help, most of them refuse.Just because of Hong Tao's indifferent relationship, when Chen Tianhua got Gao Yuanyuan's sharp weapon, he would unscrupulously use it everywhere, making Gao Yuanyuan in a state of high-speed operation all the time.Li Xiaogang hopes that Gao Yuanyuan can do something, but he absolutely does not want her to suffer and suffer.It is precisely based on these two considerations that Xiao Li just now maintained an ambiguous attitude towards Gao Yuanyuan's appointment as a Chinese diplomat in the United States.

However, Li Xiaogang's consideration is definitely not to worry about others.Although the appointment of Gao Yuanyuan as the diplomat of the embassy in M ​​has not been officially issued, Chen Tianhua is not idle at all.He had already started to arrange a schedule for Gao Yuanyuan.Exactly as Li Xiaogang predicted in advance, the schedule made by Chen Tianhua and Gao Yuanyuan is full of densely packed schedules.Chen Tianhua left almost all the difficult problems he considered to Gao Yuanyuan.If Li Xiaogang saw this schedule, he would have to tear down the embassy in a fit of rage.

Even so, we cannot blame Chen Tianhua.The reason why he is like this also has his inexhaustible difficulties.It's definitely not that Chen Tianhua is being lazy. Chen Tianhua has worked hard to solve all the things shown on this schedule.But under the current situation, Chen Tianhua was simply powerless to deal with these problems.But for Gao Yuanyuan, it was much simpler.Of course, it is not so much for Gao Yuanyuan, but for the Huaxia Federation.As long as the Huaxia Federation comes forward, Chen Tianhua fully believes that all the problems on this agenda will be solved easily.This pre-arranged schedule once again demonstrated Chen Tianhua's desire for Gao Yuanyuan.Because Li Xiaogang never made it clear, the leader could only delay this matter again and again. In the end, he just made Chen Tianhua anxious.

Just when Li Xiaogang stayed in Gaoli country and lived a rare and peaceful life, in S province, a new storm has already begun to brew here.On this day, the weather was sunny and the people were living as usual. Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui also sweetly appeared at the door of Longxi Group as usual.Today's Longxi Group is not what it used to be. In the center of the provincial capital of Province S, in the most luxurious area, there is an independent and exclusive building that towers into the sky. It is magnificent, luxurious and magnificent. The world's industry elite.When people looked at those who entered and exited this building, there was often unconcealable envy in their eyes, and this building has become one of the symbols that symbolizes the continuous progress of S Province to prosperity and prosperity.

As usual, when Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui got out of the car, special personnel came up and drove their car to the underground garage.Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui had already gotten used to all this. Watching the security guard drive their car away, the two were about to leave to enter the building when they suddenly heard a sharp and piercing sound coming from behind them.Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui were startled at the same time, and looked back subconsciously.A dazzling green flashed in front of the eyes of the two at the same time, and then five military jeeps and dozens of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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