The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1233 Can't laugh or cry!

Chapter 1233 Can't laugh or cry!

Yin De said lightly: "If Mr. Li is busy with business and really can't leave, that's easy! As long as you tell me the name of that person, you don't need to go back to the capital with me!" Li Yong sneered Said: "Sorry, I, Li Yong, am not a person who likes to betray friends, I have nothing to say about this matter!"

When Yin De heard this, he frowned immediately, and said coldly: "Mr. Li, I'm afraid there are some things that you can't control yourself. Even if you are friends enough, you have to see if it's the right time!"

At this time, Shi Qiu came to Li Yong's side, and said softly: "Brother, Ke Zhengang loves his precious granddaughter to the extreme. Just like what Yin De said, for Ke Xue, no one can do anything." Anticipating how crazy things Ke Zhengang will do, if that friend is not very familiar with you, you can tell him? Big deal, I can find a way to plead with Ke Zhengang, at most let him suffer some flesh and blood, never There will be fear of life!"

Hearing Shi Qiu's words, Li Yong couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and whispered to him: "Do you know who that person is?" "Who?" Shi Qiu murmured.Li Yong whispered with a wry smile, "Xiao Gang!"

"Xiao Gang..." Shi Qiu was startled, and almost didn't shout out loud. Fortunately, Li Yong reacted very quickly and blocked his mouth in time.Shi Qiu opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff a goose egg into it.He looked at Li Yong in disbelief, Li Yong nodded helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Tell me, can I tell him?"

Shi Qiu hurriedly said: "No, absolutely not! That guy looks gentle and gentle, as if anyone can bully him, but if he gets aggressive, no one will take it seriously. If Ke Zhengang fights with him, It would be strange for the world to be in chaos if the tempers of the two of them don't quarrel!"

Seeing Shi Qiu and Li Yong muttering aside, Yin De felt a little annoyed in his heart, and couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Li, are you saying it or not?" Li Yong frowned, and said in a deep voice: " I have already said before, I can't help you Commander Ke with this matter, let him find someone else!" Yin De laughed and said coldly: "In this way, there is nothing to talk about between us. Huh?" Li Yongmeng waved his hand, and said bluntly: "There is nothing to talk about! You, Commander Ke, are strangers to me. It is a favor for me to help him, and it is my duty not to help him!"

Yin De nodded and said coldly: "That's good! If that's the case, then I have nothing to say. I just hope that Commander Ke can accept what you said. Otherwise, what will happen? There is no way to predict it!" After finishing speaking, Yin De looked at Shi Qiu, and said quietly: "Commander Shi, there is so much trouble today, and we, Commander Ke, will definitely have an explanation in the future. Can I take the brothers away? Shi Qiu frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute!" Yin De's expression changed involuntarily, and he said quietly, "Why, Commander Shi is determined to detain me?"

Shi Qiu smiled, and said lightly: "You are the general under Commander Ke, if I detain you, Commander Ke will not come to me to fight for your life? It was just an angry word, don't take it to heart." Yin De was neither humble nor overbearing. Said: "I'm just a major general's staff officer, I dare not bear any grudges against you, general." Shi Qiu said lightly: "Anyway, since you came this time under the order of Commander Ke, I can't let you go Start going back." After speaking, Shi Qiu turned his head to look at Li Yong, and said seriously: "A Yong, this matter is no small matter, if it is not handled properly, it may cause a series of big troubles. I think, your This trip to the capital is probably inevitable."

Li Yong was taken aback by Shi Qiu's words. Li Yong raised his head to look at Shi Qiu in astonishment, and asked nah, "Brother Shi, mean to let me go with him?" Shi Qiu gently nodded.Li Yong looked at it, and said a little dumbfounded: "Didn't you tell me to jump into the fire pit? You knew that I would not tell them who that person was, and you still asked me to go with them. Do you want me to go with them?" dead?"

Shi Qiu's face was serious, it seemed that he was speaking to Li Yong, but actually he was speaking to Yin De.He said coldly: "You, Li Yong, are not an unknown person! No matter how powerful Ke Zhengang is, he would not dare to do anything to you? What's more, I will go to see Ke Zhengang with you this time, with me here , he dare not do anything to you!"

"You want to go with me?" Li Yong asked in surprise.Shi Qiu nodded, and said to Li Yong in a low voice: "There is no way, Li Xiaogang and Ke Zhengang are not easy to mess with, if I don't put more effort into this lubricant, the consequences will really be serious." Shi Qiu actually asked Li Yonggen to go back to the capital by himself, Yin De thought it was a trick, but before he could be happy, when he heard that Shi Qiu was going with him, his face immediately collapsed.Who is Shi Qiu?Like Ke Zhengang, he is also a contemporary hero.He has hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and generals, and his combat effectiveness is only stronger than that of the Beijing Military Region. What's more worth mentioning is Shi Qiu's precious son-in-law, Lightning.Ordinary people don't understand the horror of lightning, but the core members of the country's military circles like Ke Zhengang are very clear about lightning.

The more clear they are, the more they understand the horror of Lightning and the sky thorns he leads.Although the number of sky thorns is not large, their combat effectiveness is absolutely strong. Not only that, but the forces they control are also no small matter.If the entire land and the Middle East gangs they control are integrated, the combat effectiveness should not be weaker than any military region.In other people's family, the mother depends on the son's value, but his Shi Qiu is based on the father's son-in-law.Let the s province military region, even the leader, take a high look.It is because of great wealth that one can be bold, and it is the same in the military world. If one is powerful and powerful in combat, one must straighten one's back.For Ke Zhengang, Shi Qiu is really a person who has to be scrupulous. If he also arrives in the capital, it will definitely be a huge obstacle for Ke Zhengang to avenge Ke Xue.

Yin De pondered for a while, then said cautiously: "General Shi, you are busy with military affairs, so I don't think you need to bother going to the capital. I can assure you that we will send Mr. Li back safe and sound." Shi Qiu snorted coldly With a voice, he said: "Stop coming with me, you foolish people. I know exactly what you have in mind. If I don't go, you have ten thousand ways to torture my brother, and you are guaranteed to make him I have a hard time to say. Coincidentally, the leader just sent me a telegram, asking me to go to the capital as soon as possible to watch a military exercise. It just so happened that I was going to the capital too, and now I have a ride, which is what I wish for! "

Shi Qiu's words made Yin De a little speechless, knowing that Shi Qiu's trip to the capital was a certainty.He wanted to make a phone call to tell Ke Zhengang that Shi Qiu was going to the capital too, so that he could make preparations in advance.But Shi Qiu is also a fine individual, how can he let him succeed?As soon as Yin De took out the phone, Shi Qiu snatched it away, and said quietly: "Commander Ke and I haven't seen each other for a while, so let me give him a little surprise." It's gone." Yin De frowned, and said in embarrassment: "Commander Shi, isn't this inappropriate?" When Shi Qiu heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he shouted angrily, "What's wrong? Just This is how to do it!" As the saying goes, the first rank of officials crushes people to death, and this is especially true in the most organized army.Although Yin De was very dissatisfied, he had no choice but to obey Shi Qiu.

With Shi Qiu going with him, Li Yong felt confident. He turned to Li Xiaoshui and said, "Xiao Shui, I will leave the affairs of the company to you for the time being. I will try to get back as soon as possible." Li Xiaoshui was a little worried, and grabbed Li Yong Li Yong refused to let go of her hand, and said, "How about I go with you?" Li Yong couldn't help but caressed her face and smiled, "Fool! What's the use of you going? It can only distract me. Don't worry, this is a society ruled by law, I, Li Yong, have never been a woman, and I haven't committed any crimes. Even the army can't arrest people casually. What's more, with Big Brother Shi accompanying me, what else do you have to worry about?"

Hearing what Li Yong said was reasonable, Li Xiaoshui had no choice but to suppress all the worries in his stomach, hugged Li Yong tightly, and said, "Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back!" Li Yong nodded and gave Li Xiaoshui gave a reassuring look.Then he leaned into her ear and said softly, "Don't tell Xiaogang about this." , I couldn't help asking with doubts in my heart.Li Yong smiled wryly, and said, "Silly girl, you don't understand this? Do you know why Big Brother Shi insisted on going with me?"

"Isn't it to protect you?" Li Xiaoshui asked wonderingly.Li Yong shook his head, and said slowly: "This is just one of them. The reason why Big Brother Shi insisted on going to the capital with me is actually more important to find a way to resolve the conflict between Ke Zhengang and Xiao Gang, and strive to get this matter settled." It is a good thing for both Ke Zhengang and Xiaogang to resolve the conflict into the invisible. But if you tell Li Xiaogang the news that I was taken away, with Li Xiaogang's character, you will definitely He will be furious and desperate to find Ke Zhengang! When the time comes, when the two meet, they will only make things worse!"

After listening to Li Yong's words, Li Xiaoshui finally understood a little bit, nodded lightly, and said quietly: "I remember. But there is one more question, can't I always tell Xiaogang? In case you come out What's the matter, who should save you?" Li Yong didn't know Ke Zhengang well, but from Shi Qiu's fear of Ke Zhengang, it's not hard to see that Ke Zhengang is definitely not an easy person to deal with.In Li Yong's heart, he always had doubts about whether Shi Qiu could live with Ke Zhengang.

Hearing Li Xiaoshui's worries, he pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "Xiao Shui is like this, if I haven't come back after three days, you can tell Xiaogang about it!" "Three days? Good me Remember!" Li Xiaoshui nodded to Li Yong and said, "Ah Yong, let's go!" General Shi Qiu made simple arrangements for the affairs in General Shi Qiu's area, then turned his head and said to Li Yong.Li Yong hugged Li Xiaoshui, turned around and got into the military jeep that Yin De came in.Li Yong can drive, but he refuses to drive for Yin De, and sits directly in the back seat of the car. Shi Qiu is a high-ranking official, so naturally he cannot be allowed to drive.However, there were only three people at this time, so Yin De had no choice but to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

(End of this chapter)

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