The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1234 Playing with Fire

Chapter 1234 Playing with Fire
Li Yong glanced curiously at the solitary and very chic Shi Qiu, and asked, "Brother Shi, don't you even have a guard?" Shi Qiu smiled and said, "This is in China, isn't it?" Abroad, it’s very safe! Besides, I’m very embarrassed to bother Commander Ke this time, how can I bring so many mouths to ruin Commander Ke’s food? Yin De, what do you think?” Yin De Can't hear the sarcasm in Shi Qiu's words, smiled, and said lightly: "Commander Shi doesn't have to worry about safety at all. We have a lot of capable fighters in the Beijing Military Region. I guarantee that you, Commander Shi, will never lose a single hair." .”

"Capable fighters? Like those lying outside?" Shi Qiu pointed out the car window and asked with a sneer.Shi Qiu looked very rough, like a big old man, but his mouth skills were not vague at all.

After these few words, Yin De's face changed completely, which was very thought-provoking.Seeing that Yin De didn't speak and Shi Qiu ignored him, he said to Li Yong curiously: "By the way, Ah Yong, where are your two bodyguards?" After listening to Shi Qiu's words, Li Yong subconsciously looked out. , I searched around, but couldn't find [-], so I couldn't help but shook my head in confusion.

Shi Qiu asked puzzledly: "Since they are your bodyguards, shouldn't they always be by your side? What, they disappeared for no reason?" Li Yong smiled and said, "The two of them are protecting me, right?" It’s wrong, but it’s not my driver! To put it bluntly, they’ve protected me for three years, but today is the first time I’ve seen them. Speaking of which, I still want to thank our driver Sir!" Shi Qiu knew that Li Yong was talking ironically, but he didn't care about it, so he asked curiously: "This is the first time I've heard of such a thing? Why do they want to protect you?"

Li Yong said with a smile: "Isn't it arranged by him?" Shi Qiu naturally knew what Li Yong said about him, who couldn't help but chuckled, and said: "I think it should be his masterpiece. Then The two guys have amazing martial arts skills, and only someone like him can control them." Listening to Shi Qiu and Li Yong's lively talk, Yin De was confused, and finally couldn't help asking Said: "Commander Shi, who is he you are talking about?" Shi Qiu snorted and said, "You will know when you should know! However, when you know, I'm afraid you won't even be able to cry. Come out!"

After hearing Shi Qiu's words, Yin De couldn't help feeling a little worried, but he couldn't figure out what he was worried about.I had no choice but to shake my head with some annoyance, and said to Shi Qiu: "My brothers, Commander Shi, you won't let them lie here forever?" Shi Qiu said with a smile: "Don't worry! No matter what, they are also ours." Comrades! I will send them to the hospital for recuperation, and when they are recuperated, I will send them back to your military region!"

Yin De frowned, and said with a bit of helplessness: "In this case, I have to trouble Commander Shi!" Shi Qiu laughed and said, "What's the point, it's a trivial matter! Just don't worry, my man is I will never treat them badly! Hahaha..." At this point, Yin De has no other choice but to take a step, watch a step, gritted his teeth, started the car, and drove directly to S province. The expressway in Beijing.He secretly said in his heart: "When you are on our territory, what about you, Commander Shi? Aren't you still at our mercy?"

To be honest, even though Shi Qiu was smiling on his face, his heart was heavy and full of worries.He knew Ke Zhengang too well, and he knew that if the old man became a mess and his relatives refused to recognize him, even he, Commander Shi, might not be able to restrain him.But this time, Shi Qiu had to come.One is for Li Yong.If he didn't come, Ke Zhengang would definitely not let it go. This time he could send Yin De to bring people over, and next time he might be able to personally lead the army to kill him.At that time, Li Yong would definitely face great danger.The second is for Ke Zhengang.Ke Zhengang is stubborn, but his military exploits are well-known, or even Fang Lian and Shiqiu have admiration for this veteran.Shi Qiu hoped to persuade him to rein in the precipice, and it was considered as helping him once.You know, hurting Li Yong will definitely arouse Li Xiaogang's wrath.Li Xiaogang would not be like him. It would be a pity that Ke Zhengang was a well-known general.

Along the way, Shi Qiu was thinking about it, thinking about what to do if Ke Zhengang didn't give him face and insisted on going on when he arrived in the capital?But Shi Qiu racked his brains and couldn't think of a reason, and a trace of deep worry could not help but permeate his face.Li Yong thought that Shi Qiu was worried about their trip to the capital, so he couldn't help leaning into Shi Qiu's ear, and whispered softly: "Brother Shi, don't worry, Xiao Gang is in the capital now!" Hearing this Shi Qiu was even more taken aback by the news, he looked at Li Yong in astonishment and asked, "You said that Xiao Gang is in the capital, is that true?" Li Yong laughed a few times and nodded.

Shi Qiu hurriedly grabbed Li Yong's arm, and said in a low voice, "Brother, don't let Xiao Gang know about this unless it is absolutely necessary, do you understand?" Seeing Shi Qiu's nervous look, Li Yong couldn't help hehe I laughed, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Brother Shi, I know, I'm not a fool! I also hope that this matter can be reduced to a minor one, and you don't need to remind me." Shi Qiu said He let out a sigh of relief and said, "My dear brother, I did not misjudge you, you are indeed smart!" "Commander Shi, what are you talking about? Can you let me listen too?" Yin De turned his face to him curiously. Shi Qiu said.Shi Qiu gave him a hard look and shouted: "Since you are the driver, concentrate on driving your car! You are not allowed to talk to the driver, don't you know such a common sense thing?"

Shi Qiu's words hit Yin De firmly against a nail, and he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He turned his head away hastily, focused on observing the road conditions, and didn't dare to interrupt again.Seeing Yin De's suffocation, the anger in Li Yong's heart disappeared a lot, and he couldn't help laughing softly.Seeing Li Yong's smiling face through the rearview mirror, Yin De was annoyed, but with Shi Qiu around, he didn't dare to act presumptuously, and could only curse a few times in his heart.

The speed of the military jeep was very fast, and it didn't take long for the capital city to be far away.Yin De turned his head to look at Shi Qiu and said, "Commander Shi, can I say hello to our commander now?" Shi Qiu said flatly, "That's fine, but don't tell him that I'm coming too. To give Commander Ke a surprise, of course I will do what I say, haha..." He said, and returned Yin De's cell phone to him.Yin De took the phone, glanced at Shi Qiu, and quickly dialed Ke Zhengang's number.As soon as the phone was connected, Ke Zhengang's very dissatisfied voice came from the other end, "Why have you been away for so long, kid? You are procrastinating in doing such a small thing, how dare you say that you are my soldier of Ke Zhengang!
Hearing Ke Zhengang's scolding, Yin De felt a little aggrieved.Ke Zhengang was sitting at home, drinking herbal tea so comfortably, how could he know that he almost never came back from his trip to S Province.But even though there was grievance in his heart, Yin De didn't have the guts to vent to Ke Zhengang, so he had to wait until Ke Zhengang's anger passed, and then said leisurely: "Commander, I have brought Mr. Li back, and now I am about to enter the urban area of ​​the capital! "Ke Zhengang hurriedly asked, "Did you hurt him?" Yin De glanced at Li Yong, who was safe and sound, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "No! Mr. Li is still more cooperative!" Ke Zhengang didn't listen. Noticing the bitterness in Yin De's words, he said in a vibrating voice, "That's good! You can take them directly to our residence!" After speaking, Ke Zhengang hung up the phone.

When Ke Zhengang was talking with Yin De, Ke Feixiong and Ke Xue were on the sidelines.Ke Feixiong was full of worry and said to Ke Zhengang: "Dad, did you really get Li Yong here?" Ke Zhengang said in a deep voice: "Of course! If I don't find out who bullied my precious granddaughter, I will never let it go Seeing the hope of revenge, Ke Xue hugged Ke Zhengang's arm, and said softly, "Grandpa, you are so kind!" Ke Xue's mouth was also sweet, and she coaxed Ke Zhengang into a laugh, but she didn't know that he was playing with fire at this time .Ke Feixiong yelled at Ke Xue, "Shut up! Go back to your room!

"Grandpa, look at Dad, he's always being mean to me!" With Ke Zhengang as a big tree to rely on, Ke Xue didn't even look down on Ke Feixiong's father, and snuggled into Ke Zhengang's arms, full of grievances Said tenderly.Ke Zhengang really felt distressed, raised his eyebrows, and an angry look flashed across his face. He glared at Ke Feixiong and said, "Why are you yelling? Can't you just say something well if you have something to say?" Ke Feixiong sighed helplessly. Ke Zhengang said: "Dad! Don't you think this is too hasty? Then Li Yong is not an ordinary person. He has a very high status in the financial circles of the country. If you offend him this time, we, Ke The group is likely to struggle in the future and encounter many obstacles, you have to think about it for me!
Ke Zhengang slapped the table and shouted loudly: "You don't have to sacrifice to others here! No matter how high Li Yong's status is, he is just a businessman. Workers, peasants, soldiers and businessmen, he is a small businessman, how much trouble can he cause? ? With your dad behind me supporting you, I don’t believe anyone dares to mess with you in the business field. If there is, you tell me, and I will settle it for you!”

Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Ke Feixiong couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said quietly: "Dad, what age is this, why do you still have this kind of thinking? Now businessmen, especially big businessmen like Li Yong, have a very high status, don't they?" You can move as soon as you say!" Ke Zhengang lost his patience, glared at Ke Feixiong, and said coldly: "Enough! I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore. I'm going to the base now, you and Ke Xue Wait for me at home!" After speaking, he ignored Ke Feixiong's shout and strode out.

(End of this chapter)

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