The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1235 Why are you here

Chapter 1235 Why are you here
After Ke Zhengang left, Ke Xue sat on the sofa contentedly, holding snacks in one hand and the TV remote sensor in the other, watching with gusto.Seeing Ke Xue like this, Ke Fei's lungs were about to explode. He unplugged the TV and yelled at Ke Xue angrily: "One day, our Ke family will be destroyed by you, a little girl. Hand!" Ke Xue stood up disapprovingly, and said quietly: "Grandpa said, let me fly in the high sky, let me swim in the wide sea. If you are not convinced, you can talk to grandpa!"

"I..." Ke Feixiong was so angry that Ke Xue was so angry that he raised his hand to hit him, but instead of hiding, Ke Xue turned his face towards him and said softly, "Hit, you hit! You'd better beat me to death, and see how you explain to grandpa when he comes back!" Ke Feixiong shook his hands angrily, and shouted: "Stinky girl, just watch, one day, you will learn enough lessons! "After speaking, he left the living room angrily, returned to his study, and closed the door heavily.

"Ha! Yin De, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your base has become more beautiful!" The car drove into the garrison of the Beijing Military Region, and saw the smooth concrete roads with eyes everywhere, connecting with each other, outlining the space of Nuo Da. There are countless large and small spaces, and various buildings are located in them.On both sides of the road are various towering landscape trees, full of green shade, full of fragrance of flowers, it is simply a beautiful park.Shi Qiu sat in the car, watched, and couldn't help but praise.Yin De said modestly: "Where, where. Who doesn't know that the military base of Province S is the richest and most beautiful among the eight major military regions. Compared with Commander Shi, our military region is probably far behind!"

What Yin De said was not pure humility, but also the truth. The military region of S province is indeed in a high position among the eight major military regions, and it is also the richest, and even the richness makes the commanders of other military regions go crazy.But the reason why Shi Qiu was able to do this was thanks to Li Xiaogang.If it weren't for Li Xiaogang's regular investment of huge sums of money into the Military Region of S Province every year, it would be impossible for the Military Region of S Province to be so affluent. When other military regions were struggling and suffering from poverty, the Military Region of S Province was eating meat and eating big bowls Drinking, life is not happy.Not only are the weapons and equipment brand new, but the welfare benefits of non-commissioned officers are even better, making other military regions jealous.

Not only that, because of the relationship between Shi Qiu and Li Xiaogang, Shi Qiu can get preferential prices from Longmu Group every year.Unlimited access to enough 'spiritual healing' for the soldiers of the S province military region to squander.However, the other seven major military regions did not have such good luck. Not only did they have to pay high prices, but also the annual subscription amount was pitifully small, which could not meet their needs at all.Every year, in order to get cheaper "Shenhealing" from Shi Qiu or let Shi Qiu help purchase from Longmu Group, the commanders of the major military regions have to flatter Shi Qiu. This Ke Zhengang is no exception. But Compared with the other six military commanders, Ke Zhengang is older in qualifications and has a bigger face. Sometimes he is not needed, and the leader will pass the message to Shi Qiu for him, and Shi Qiu is naturally not easy to refuse.

After hearing Yin De's words, Shi Qiu couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face. Although he didn't speak, judging from his demeanor, Yin De's quiet flattery still made Shi Qiu very happy. comfortable.The car drove along the smooth cement paved road, and when it was about to drive to the headquarters of the military region, the smile on Shi Qiu's face gradually froze.I saw that on both sides of the road, there were soldiers with loaded guns and live ammunition, serious and cold faces.With so many soldiers standing solemnly and silently on both sides of the road, a strong pressure suddenly rushed towards Shi Qiu and Li Yong like overwhelming.

Shi Qiu has been working in the military and police all year round. What kind of scene has he never seen?It was nothing to him.He just sneered and let go.But Li Yong was not so calm.This scene made him feel as if he was a death row prisoner who was about to be escorted to the execution ground, and that feeling weighed heavily on his heart, making him even breathless.Seeing Li Yong's unnatural expression, Shi Qiu frowned, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, I'm here!" Li Yong's eyes caught Shi Qiu beside him. , my heart became calmer, and I sat closer to Shi Qiu involuntarily.Shi Qiu knew very well that this was Ke Zhengang's "killing power formation" specially set up for Li Yong, first to dispel Li Yong's spirit, and then everything would be easy to talk about.

Shi Qiu couldn't help but snorted coldly in his heart, if Li Yong came by himself this time, then maybe Ke Zhengang's little trick would have succeeded.It's a pity that Ke Zhengang never expected that Shi Qiu would come with him.All the painstakingly arranged things immediately became decorations, meaningless.Shi Qiufa glanced at the soldiers standing still like javelins outside the car, and said indifferently: "Yin De, your capital military region is really majestic! Look, these soldiers all look very sad, maybe they are Do you regard us as enemies?" Yin De hurriedly laughed and said, "Commander Shi, please don't misunderstand! Mr. Li is our honored guest, and Commander Ke has always been hospitable, so we set up such a welcoming posture. If you don't like it, when I see Commander Ke, I'll ask him to remove all these people immediately!
Shi Qiu shook his head, and said lightly: "Since it's all done, let's keep it! It just so happens that my brother Li has always been very curious about life in the military camp, so it's not bad to let him open his eyes! Hehe..."

After finishing speaking, Shi Qiu patted Li Yong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother, most people would never see such a scene. Today you are really lucky. Haha..." With Shi Qiu on the side, Li Yong Yong's mind was fixed and he laughed along with Shi Qiu, and said repeatedly: "Yes, it seems that I will see Commander Ke in a while, and I need to say thank you to him!" "Yes! Of course! Haha... Seeing that Shi Qiu and Li Yong were talking and laughing happily, as if they were not affected by the situation outside at all, Yin Deman smiled helplessly, realizing that Ke Zhengang's painstaking efforts were in vain.

Arriving in front of the magnificent headquarters building of the Beijing Military Region, Yin De stopped the car.This place is the same as what Shi Qiu and the others saw along the way. It is also full of energetic and murderous soldiers.If you don't have a lot of determination, seeing such a scene, you must be so scared that your legs will go limp.Li Yong got out of the car first, and as a result, those soldiers seemed to have not seen him, and all looked straight ahead, directly filtering Li Yong out of their sight.Li Yong couldn't help but smiled wryly, it was his first time to experience such an embarrassment.As the head of Longxi Group, Li Yong is always the focus no matter where he goes.No one has ever dared to ignore him, and today he has learned a lot.

Compared to Li Yong's embarrassment, Shi Qiu was much more majestic when he got off the car.His straight 7 general uniform was extremely mighty, as if a phoenix had fallen into a flock of chickens, and it was as eye-catching as it could be.When they saw Shi Qiu, all the soldiers saluted Shi Qiu at the same time without any hesitation.Seeing that scene, Li Yong's blood boiled with excitement.It's a pity that these have nothing to do with him.Li Yong seemed to be brought into a world that didn't fit in with him. It was awkward for him to appear here.

Shi Qiu has experienced this kind of scene a long time ago, and he seemed calm. After returning a standard military salute, he turned his eyes to Yin De, and said with a smile: "Yin De, just now you said that Li Yong is your most honorable Guest, why don't you, Commander Ke, come out to greet you in person?" "This..." Yin De couldn't help but blushed, just now he was just talking nonsense in a hurry, he never expected that Shi Qiu would come here place awaits him.

Frowning, he hurriedly said: "Maybe our Commander Ke doesn't know you've arrived yet, please wait for Commander Shi and Mr. Li, and I'll report right away!" Shi Qiu stopped his hurried figure and said: "I think that we should give up.

My brother doesn't care about these formalities, so let's go with you to see Commander Ke! "After speaking, without waiting for Yin De to answer, he led Li Yong straight into the building. Yin De had no choice but to hurriedly follow.

The three of them hurried all the way to Ke Zhengang's office.Yin De knocked on the door, and soon a majestic and old voice came from inside the door, "Come in!" Yin De took a deep breath, and pushed open the office door, only to see Ke Zhengang sitting opposite the door, sitting on a large writing desk. Behind the table, the face is full of the majesty of a superior.Looking at Li Yong next to Yin De with piercing eyes, he asked lightly, "Are you Li Yong?" Ke Zhengang looked at Li Yong and asked, but his butt seemed to be stuck to the chair, and he couldn't lift it up. lift.He also said that Li Yong is their honored guest, who in the world would treat an honored guest like this?Li Yong frowned lightly, and replied calmly, "Yes. You must be Commander Ke!"

Ke Zhengang snorted coldly, and said, "Who else could it be if it wasn't me?" Seeing that Ke Zhengang was about to lose his temper, Shi Qiu walked in from the door with wild laughter.Seeing Shi Qiu suddenly, Ke Zhengang was obviously taken aback, subconsciously stood up from the chair, looked at Shi Qiu, and said, "Commander Shi? Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he gave Yin De a hard look, obviously blaming him for keeping this matter from him.But how did he know the grievance in Yin De's heart?Shi Qiu smiled and said: "The leader sent me a telegram, saying that a military exercise will be held in a few days, and he ordered me to come and observe it. I just heard that Commander Ke wanted to ask Brother Li about something. , so I simply came with him together. Commander Ke, you won’t welcome me, right?” Ke Zhengang laughed and said, “How could that be? After the last farewell, I will never forget you, Commander Shi. Visiting Province S, the military affairs are busy, and there is no time for leisure. Commander Shi is the same as me, so he must have the same feeling, right?" Shi Qiu said with a faint smile: "Of course!
(End of this chapter)

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