The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1236 The Big Man You Can't afford

Chapter 1236 The Big Man You Can't afford
Those of us who are soldiers are born to be Cao Lao's life!If you want to be free, unless you take off this military uniform.But after wearing it for most of my life, if I really want to take it off, I really don't want to part with it.Therefore, no matter how hard and tired we are, we can only be patient and patient.I think this is probably fate, hey!

The two of them sighed again and again, Shi Qiu changed his subject sharply, and said quietly: "Commander Ke, I heard from Yin De that I, brother Li, are your honored guests, but you have invited me from the beginning. In the end, not even giving up a seat, not even serving a cup of tea, how can this not be regarded as the way of hospitality?" Ke Zhengang didn't regard Li Yong as a distinguished guest in his eyes, businessmen despise him object.They are mercenary, and they smell of copper, as vulgar as they can be.Ke Zhengang would rather squat on the ground and make friends with the farmers than those businessmen.If Ke Zhengang hadn't been in a hurry to ask Li Yong about the "real culprit" who bullied Ke Xue, he would have locked Li Yong in a dark room first, to put an end to his prestige. Pour tea for Li Yongji.

However, after Shi Qiu said these words, and repeatedly called Li Yong a brother, Ke Zhengang had to give Shi Qiu face even if he didn't give Li Yong face, so he said to Yin De: "Yin De, go, pour a cup of tea." Come!" However, before Yin De could move, Li Yong frowned and said coldly: "No need! I'm not tired, so I don't need to sit down. I'm not thirsty, so I don't need the tea! Commander Ke If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly, although I, Li Yong, do a small business, but time is precious!" Listening to Li Yong's words were forceful and unambiguous, but Ke Zhengang was overwhelmed. Surprised.

Li Yong doesn't like to get angry on weekdays, he is very gentle.But this time, he really couldn't bear it.I think Li Yong is also a famous figure in the whole country, but when he arrives here, he is like a grandson, being ignored by Ke Zhengang and being ignored several times.This greatly hurt Li Yong's self-esteem, and made the stubbornness in his bones come up.After hearing Li Yong's words, Shi Qiu's heart couldn't help but tense.He came this time to calm things down, but Li Yong's sonorous and powerful words obviously made Ke Zhengang lose face, so can things get better?
Sure enough, Ke Zhengang's expression changed. He glanced at Shi Qiu, then glared at Li Yong coldly, and said quietly: "Commander Shi, you brother has a temper. He is obviously blaming me for saying that!" Before Shi Qiu could respond, Li Yong snorted coldly, and then said: "Don't dare! Commander Ke has a high position and has hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command. Even if Li Yong is so courageous, I dare not blame you. !" Li Yong said he didn't dare, but looking at his expression, he wished he could ride on Ke Zhengang's head and shit, how could he dare?
"Presumptuous!" Ke Zhengang was furious, and couldn't help but shoot the case. It's been a long time since anyone dared to talk to him like this, and the eyes staring at Li Yong were filled with raging anger, as if he wanted to burn Li Yong to ashes. But Li Yong followed Li Xiaogang's side, he was used to the prestige, and he really didn't like Ke Zhengang's tricks. He snorted heavily in his nose, raised his head high, his eyes were fixed on the ceiling, and he didn't even look at Ke Zhengang. glance.

Just as Ke Zhengang was about to lose his temper, Shi Qiu hurriedly stood up, shouted at Li Yong, "Enough, Li Yong! What's your attitude? Commander Ke has made outstanding achievements, is a hero, and is admired everywhere! How can you tolerate you yelling in front of him? Why don't you apologize? Shi Qiu and Li Yong have spent a lot of time together and know him quite well, so of course he won't let him really apologize, and he He knew in his heart that it was impossible for Li Yong to apologize, and as soon as he finished speaking, he turned his attention to Ke Zhengang, laughed and said: "Commander Ke, your old prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach, my brother has never been very good-tempered!If he offends you in any way, you must forgive him, don't be as knowledgeable as him..." Ke Zhengang snorted coldly, and said to Shi Qiu: "Xingla, you don't have to give me and mud here!I, Ke Zhengang, am not stupid!
After a pause, Ke Zhengang looked at Li Yong and shouted: "Okay! Aren't you busy? Let's get straight to the point. Let me ask you, who called you that day and asked you to dismiss Wang Zigui? Li Yong's eyebrows twitched." Pick, and replied without hesitation: "I'm sorry, I forgot! ""forget? "Ke Zhengang's eyes stared suddenly, staring at Li Yong bitterly and scolding. Li Yong didn't take it seriously at all and said: "I forgot!My memory has never been very good, just now you yelled and yelled at me, I was nervous and forgot everything! "

Li Yong's answer did not break Ke Zhengang's guts after checking the facts. He slammed the table and shouted: "Uncle Li, don't be arrogant! You think I, Ke Zhengang, can't do anything with you, do you? Li Yong snorted coldly." With a sound, he said slowly: "Whether you can do anything, that is your business, it has nothing to do with me!Now that I've answered your question, I've given you enough face, I think I can go now, right? ""Walk?Heh heh haha... Do you still want to leave?Let me tell you, if you don't tell that person's name today, you will never get out of me! Ke Zhen laughed back in anger, and roared. Li Yong frowned, widened his eyes, and shouted at Ke Zhengang: "Then I'm going to ask, what reason do you have to detain me?"You know, I'm a legal citizen, and I haven't done anything illegal!Even if you are the head of the country, you have no right to arrest people randomly, aren't you afraid that I will sue you? "Hmph, once you walk out of my residence, you can sue wherever you like. I, Ke Zhengang, will never stop you! Don't think that you can be lawless if you have a few money in your hand. Your money No matter how much it is, is it more than the country's money? Could it be that such a huge army as mine can't handle a small businessman like you?" Ke Zhengang said.

Seeing that Li Yong and Ke Zhengang were getting more and more arguing, and they were about to start a fight, Shi Qiu hurriedly stepped in, and shouted at Li Yong: "Boy, calm down! Watch out for your wrong words!" After scolding Li Yong , Shi Qiu said to Ke Zhengang again: "Commander Ke, you are also an important member of the army and a pillar of the country. Do you need to lose your temper like this? Besides, what my brother said is right. He didn't break the law. You also You don't have the right to hold him back, do you?"

Ke Zhengang glared at Shi Qiu, and said coldly: "Shi Qiu, are you stupid if he is stupid? If you want to detain him, I can give you 1 reasons. I guarantee that even if he is locked up to death, no one will dare to say I was wrong!" Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Shi Qiu couldn't help but raise his brows, and said in a deep voice, "Commander Ke, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate for you to say that?" Ke Zhengang snorted coldly and said, "Don't take it like that." The words disgust me! I am in my own military region, and I can say whatever I want, and no one can control me!" Shi Qiu's voice turned cold, and he said faintly: "Your own military region? Commander Ke, thanks to you, you still An old revolutionary, to say such arrogant and ignorant words! This is the country's military region, the people's army, how can you say it is your own? With your words alone, I can ruthlessly slap you in front of the leader. Seriously, I will give you a copy!
"Ha! I understand, Shi Qiu, you are here today to escort your good brother, right?" Ke Zhengang sized Shi Qiu up, and said coldly.Shi Qiu said indifferently: "It doesn't matter what kind of escort, I came here just to hope that my brother will not be treated unfairly." After a pause, Shi Qiu continued: "Commander Ke, let me tell you the truth. I already know all about it! It’s a pity that your precious granddaughter has been wronged. However, society is so cruel, and who can live without being wronged for life. Without being wronged, how can a person grow up? Commander Ke, I Rather, I feel that the grievance your granddaughter suffered this time is a good opportunity for her to learn and improve. Not only should you not feel angry, but you should also feel grateful..."

"Come on!" Ke Zhengang interrupted Shi Qiu, and shouted angrily: "According to what you said, my precious granddaughter was bullied, so I should be happy? Do you think there is something wrong with me?" Come on! Ke Zhengang interrupted Shi Qiu, and shouted angrily: "According to what you said, my precious granddaughter has been bullied, so I have to be happy?"Do you think there's something wrong with me or something? Shi Qiu frowned, and said quietly: "Commander Ke, I'm trying to reason with you, you might as well think about it yourself."See if what I said makes sense. "

"There's a fart of truth. I'm just such a granddaughter. It's my greatest wish as a grandfather to let her grow up happily without being wronged. If she is wronged, it's like I was wronged. How could I endure it? Shi Qiu, if your brother doesn't reveal who the murderer is today, then don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Shi Qiu really knows Ke Zhengang's temper very well.Although he had no hope of persuading him with a few words, Shi Qiu was still a little disappointed and annoyed when he saw Ke Zhengang's toughness, even unreasonable.The voice was a little cold and said: "Commander Ke, in fact, I am not only doing it for my brother this time, but also for you. I am not afraid to tell you the truth. The reason why Li Yong is unwilling to tell you the name of that person is because he does not want to give you the name of that person. That person is causing trouble, and he did it to prevent you from being hurt!"

Shi Qiu's words stunned Ke Zhengang for a while, and then he looked at Shi Qiu in amazement, and asked blankly: "What do you mean? Are you afraid that I will be hurt? Hahaha... So, that The person who bullied my precious granddaughter is still a big person I can't afford to offend?" Shi Qiu said lightly: "Although saying this will make you feel ashamed, it is true. If I were you, I would treat it as something It didn’t happen before, so let this incident pass away. It’s good for everyone!” Ke Zhengang slammed the table angrily, and roared angrily: “I, Ke Zhengang, just believe in this evil! I don’t believe it. , in this world, there is someone who can touch my granddaughter, Wei Youzhong, who is still alive and well, just tell that person, I want to see if he has three heads and six arms, and can cover the sky with one hand !"

(End of this chapter)

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