The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1237 Angry Shi Qiu

Chapter 1237 Angry Shi Qiu

"Hmph, I've seen arrogance, and this is the first time I've seen someone as arrogant as you. Who do you think you are, the Huaxia of Nuoda, no one can restrain you? Ke Zhengang, I think you are really stupid Already!" Li Yong couldn't help but said. "

"Presumptuous, who do you think you are, you dare to teach the commander and the guard that you don't want to show some color to the fake armor, you don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes!" After speaking, he shouted at Yin De: "Give him I handcuffed Wei, as long as he doesn't tell who that person is, I won't let him go for a day, let's see how long he can last!"

Yin De was not less angry with Li Yong along the way, and he was holding back his energy to teach him a lesson, when he suddenly heard Ke Zhengang's order, a sinister smile appeared on his face, and he forced Li Yong past.Seeing that Ke Zhengang lost his mind and wanted to get rough on Li Yong, Shi Qiu of course would not sit idly by, pulled Li Yong behind him, glared at Yin De and shouted: "I see who dares, with me, Shi Qiu, If I dare to touch Li Yong, I will kill him!" Shi Qiu is in charge of a military region in Nuo Da, with powerful power and high status, Yin De can't compete with it.

Frightened by Shi Qiu's power, Yin De had to stop and turned to look at Ke Zhengang.Ke Zhengang sneered, and said to Shi Qiu: "Shi Qiu, you are so majestic! However, your majesty is in the wrong place. This is my capital military area, not your provincial military area guard. If you continue to blindly protect If he hurts you in a while, I'll be embarrassed!"

What Ke Zhengang said is correct, this is on someone else's territory, no matter how powerful Shi Qiu is, he can't beat his 10 people by himself, right?Facing the powerful Ke Zhengang and Shi Qiu, he could only slow down his tone, and said softly: "Commander Ke, you are an old-timer in the military. Yu once, Li Yong is not an ordinary person, even the leader personally picked him up. Even if he made a damn big mistake, he has to report to the leader for approval before he can take action against him. What's more, now Li Yong is not at fault in any way, if you handcuff him for no reason, I'm afraid even you, Commander Ke, have to think about the consequences of doing so, right?"

Before Ke Zhengang could speak, Li Yong yelled full of anger and shouted loudly: "Let him handcuff me! This is a society ruled by law, I don't believe it, he dares to care about Hu Laiwei and he will always cry." One day!" Shi Qiu couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and shouted at Li Yong: "You don't talk, no one treats you as a dumb guard, so shut up!" Li Yong snorted bitterly, and turned his head away.Ke Zhengang smiled angrily and said: "Alright, alright, Li Yong, you really have the guts. Let me tell you the truth, I, Ke Zhengang, really don't care about the law. It's stupid for you to follow me. Got your dog eyes!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand at Yin Deyi and said, "Don't pay attention to him, do it!" "Ke Zhengang, you stubborn old man, you ruined everything about yourself just to spoil your granddaughter, do you think it's worth it? You will regret it!" Seeing this, Shi Qiu became anxious and couldn't help shouting loudly.Yin De sneered a few times, and said quietly: "Commander Shi, I think you should get out of the way. After all, this is none of your business. If it hurts you, then we can't afford it..." Shi Qiu's With blue veins popping up on his forehead, he shouted in a cold voice: "Yin De, thanks to the fact that you are still some kind of major general's staff officer, watching your commander make mistakes and step into the abyss, not only did not remind you, but instead helped you to abuse him. Damn, really It's disgusting to the extreme!"

"What's helping others to become abusive? What's stepping into the abyss? I think Commander Shi is a bit alarmist, right?" Yin De said disapprovingly. "Stupid, stupid! You two, master and servant, are arrogant and obsessed. Neither one is a good thing for his mother. Sooner or later, you will fall on your arrogance!" Shi Qiu couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and he couldn't care less The wording was changed, and even Ke Zhengang scolded him. Ke Zhengang was already annoyed, but he stopped doing it after hearing this, and shouted angrily: "Yin De, what the hell are you waiting for, do it!"

Yin De immediately shouted, "Come on!" Several soldiers rushed in immediately.Yin De looked at Shi Qiu and shouted: "Commander Shi is tired, send Commander Shi to the guest house to rest!" As soon as Yin De's words fell to the ground, several soldiers immediately swarmed up and grabbed Shi Qiu.Shi Qiu was furious, and shouted in a deep voice: "Open your fucking dog eyes to see clearly, I am Shi Qiu, believe it or not, I will send you all to military courts?"

Seeing a few soldiers cowering intimidated by Shi Qiu's power, Ke Zhengang said in a firm voice: "What are you afraid of? I will take care of it if something happens. Let me do it!" With Ke Zhengang's words, these soldiers suddenly disappeared. With many worries, Shi Qiu was restrained at will.Shi Qiuhou's voice became hoarse, and no one paid any attention to him. An imposing commander of the military region was held down by a few ordinary soldiers. Shi Qiu finally tasted the feeling of being bullied by dogs in Pingyang.

The anger in Shi Qiu's heart almost made him collapse, not like a tiger whose butt was touched, because this is not enough to describe the anger in his heart at this moment.If I had to use something to describe it, then Shi Qiu at this time should be regarded as a tiger who was raped.Shi Qiu's face turned red with anger, and he yelled loudly at Ke Zhengang: "Ke Zhengang, you old bastard, do you know that I'm saving you, you're fucking dying , do you know!" Ke Zhengang didn't talk to Shi Qiu at all, just looked at Li Yong, and said coldly: "No one can protect you now. Tell me, who is that bastard?"

Li Yong gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "If you have the ability, shoot me! You want to get a word out of me, dreaming!" "You think I dare not!?" Ke Zhengang shouted angrily.Li Yong sneered, shook his head slowly, and said word by word: "Of course you don't dare!" "I..." Ke Zhengang wanted to draw his gun, but on second thought, if Li Yong is Killing is indeed a bit too much.

Li Yong has no grudges against him, nor has he committed any crimes as a female gangster, and has made great contributions to the country. If he was killed just because he offended him, then what is the difference between him and a bandit?Although Ke Zhengang felt sorry for Ke Xue, it was not to the extent of killing innocent people for her.Ke Zhengang put back the half-drawn gun, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, if I don't pull out the history of that person from your mouth, I won't be Ke Zhengang. Don't worry, we have plenty of time and I can take it easy." Slowly play with you! Yin De, find a place for him to lock him up. Remember, treat him with good food and drink, and don’t wrong our President Li, he has made great contributions to the country, hum! "

Seeing that things had developed to this point, Shi Qiu understood that he could not protect Li Yong anymore, and it was unlikely that Li Yong would leave here today, so he frowned and said, "Ke Zhengang, since you don't listen to my advice, .Then I can’t help it! Let your people let me go, the commander is busy with military affairs, and I’m going back to the Military Region of Province S.” Ke Zhengang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said faintly: “Commander Shi’s reason for letting the tiger go back to the mountain, Yan understands me I also understand, do you think I will make such a stupid mistake?" Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Shi Qiu's heart was shaken, and he shouted angrily: "Ke, what do you mean by that? Do you even want to join the commander?" Buckle down?"

Ke Zhengang smiled lightly and said, "Commander Shi, what a nasty thing you said to buckle. I just want to invite Commander Shi to stay as a guest. We haven't seen each other for a long time, so how about we take this opportunity to catch up on the old days? "

"If your mother is crazy, if you don't let me go today, even if I, Shi Qiu, are smashed to pieces, I will swear to you!" Shi Qiu was furious, and his voice was full of anger, with the slightest trill.Facing Shi Qiu's monstrous anger, Ke Zhengang remained calm, as if Shi Qiu's anger was not directed at him.It was only after Shi Qiu was tired that Ke Zhengang said slowly: "Shi Qiu, in terms of military age, when I was fighting north and south, you were still playing with bayonets in the new barracks. Even if you have the same military rank as me now, you are on the same level as me. , then I am also your senior. Isn't it too rude for you to speak like this?"

"Politeness? Huh! Politeness is for polite people. Look at what you do, do you look like a polite person? Don't say it's polite to you, I just talk to you, it's considered I look up to you!" Ke Zhengang sneered, he didn't take his words to heart, he pointed at Li Yong and said, "Arrest him too!" Without saying a word, Yin De stretched out his iron claws towards Li Yong. brave arms.Yin De's hands have been tempered to bring electricity, and the strength is astonishing. If he catches this, Li Yong will not be in pain for three days and three nights, and I am afraid it will not get better.

However, just when Yin De's hand was about to grab Li Yong, suddenly, a black shadow rushed in from the outside like the wind. Before everyone could react, Yin De's hand seemed to be clamped by a vise Suddenly, a big hand appeared on his wrist as if he had stopped.This big hand seemed to use only a little strength, and Yin De immediately groaned in pain.When the black shadow stood still, Li Yong and Shi Qiu were surprised to find that it was Zero Five who came.Li Yong couldn't help but asked in shock: "Zero Wu, why are you here?"

Lingwu smiled, and said to Li Yong: "Mr. Li, I surprised you. After you and Commander Shi got into the car, we followed you all the time. It took us a lot of effort to sneak in here, but fortunately , we caught up in time, and you were not injured!" " followed all the way here from Province S?" Li Yong asked Lingwu a little moved.Ling Wu smiled faintly, and said slowly: "It's our duty to protect you!" After finishing speaking, he pushed Yin De forward violently, causing him to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

Ke Zhengang looked at Ling Wu who seemed to fall from the sky in astonishment, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? How did you get in?" Ling Wu laughed a few times, and said proudly: "The guard here It is indeed called strict, but to us, it is pediatrics. Although it cannot be said that he walked in swaggeringly, it took a lot of effort." "Commander, when we were in Province S, he was the one who settled us. Ten brothers, it's a hard case!" Yin De said to Ke Zhengang with lingering fear, holding the wrist that was pinched by Ling Wu, which was a little sore.

(End of this chapter)

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