The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1238 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

Chapter 1238 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

"He took care of dozens of us by himself? How is this possible? Could it be that the special team that you acted with you this time wasn't a special team that you personally trained?" Ke Zhengang said to Yin De with a bit of disbelief.Yin De smiled wryly, and said, "They are all capable elites that I have carefully selected, so I say he is a bad guy."

Ke Zhengang asked Yin De with some disbelief.Yin De smiled wryly, and said: "All of them are capable elites that I carefully selected, that's why I said he is a bad guy." Hearing Yin De's words, Ke Zhengang couldn't help gasping, his eyes flickering Then he sized Ling Wu up.Ke Zhengang originally wanted to use his majesty to make Lingwu submit, so his eyes were as sharp as knives.After experiencing countless bloody storms on the battlefield, Ke Zhengang's eyes have long been tempered to be extremely sharp. Usually, even a titan like Yin De can't stand under his eyes for a moment, and he declares collapse, so Ke Zhengang I am very confident in my eyesight and majesty.

But this time, his eyes were useless, and they didn't have any effect on Ling Wu.Ke Zhengang frowned, looked away in vain, and asked coldly: "Do you know where this is?" Zero Wu said unambiguously: "The headquarters of the Beijing Military Region!" Angry, he slapped the table and roared: "Since you know that this is the headquarters of our military region, you are so bold as to barge in. Let me ask you, did you have the guts of a bear, or did you get your head squeezed by the door? Looking for death?"

Facing Ke Zhengang's angry roar, Ling Wu seemed completely disapproving, and said lightly: "No matter where it is, it is the same to us! No matter who wants to hurt Mr. Li, he has to step on our corpses Only then can it be possible!" "You?" Ke Zhengang frowned and asked in surprise.A strange smile appeared on the corner of Ling Wu's mouth, and then he turned towards the door and shouted, "Ling Liu, come in!" As soon as Ling Wu's voice fell, there was a sudden jump outside, and it became a mess. lump.Shouts of anger and cries of pain rang out endlessly, just when Ke Zhengang was surprised and didn't know what was happening outside, Ling Wu's figure like an iron tower drove in as if entering no one's land.Behind him, a group of soldiers with flustered expressions rushed in.

"Commander, he..." the leading soldier opened his mouth to Ke Zhengang with a face full of shame.Infinite anger surged in Ke Zhengang's heart, he glared at him fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "Trash, all of them are trash! So many people can't even stop him alone, are you really my soldiers of Ke Zhengang? ?" Ke Zhengang's scolding made these fighters feel ashamed, but at the same time they felt aggrieved.Zero Six is ​​like a heavy tank, when it drives on a rampage, nothing can stop his pace.These soldiers also exhausted all their efforts, but it was a pity that Ling Liu's strength was too strong, and they were simply not something they could compete with, which made Ling Liu rush in.However, so many of them failed to stop Ling Liuyi, which is a fact after all. Therefore, facing Ke Zhengang's scolding, a group of people could only bow their heads and acquiesce.

Ke Zhengang scolded a few times, turned his head to look at Li Yong, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Mr. Li, I didn't expect that you have made a lot of preparations. I, Ke Zhengang, really underestimated you!" Zero Six actually followed in secret, and boldly broke into the Beijing military area.However, until now, Li Yongcheng's denial of admitting it made it difficult for him to get rid of the responsibility, so he simply straightened his waist and said coldly: "Ke Zhengang, I told you that I, Li Yong, are not easy to provoke, let alone like Master who is at the mercy of others. Things have developed to this point, you can do whatever you want, and I, Li Yong, will follow!

"Ha! Good, good! Mr. Li really has a backbone, and I, Ke, admire it! However, you think that you and the other two want to make a big fuss in our capital military region, and that's too small of me!" He waved his hand and shouted: "Come here! Tie them up for me!" As soon as Ke Zhengang's words fell to the ground, the group of guards who rushed in immediately rushed towards [-] like menacing gods.Yin De, who had seen the strength of these two people before, couldn't help being frightened in his heart, and shouted repeatedly: "Don't! Stop!" But by the time he yelled out, it was already too late.

Zero Five and Zero Six looked at each other, and Zero Six's burly figure retreated to Li Yong's side, protecting him firmly.Lingwu's movements are really too fast, as fast as wind and lightning, so fast that everyone can't see his moves at all, they can only hear the constant crackling noise, and then those fighters are as if possessed by a demon, plopping Keep falling to the ground.In the blink of an eye, it fell to the ground, and none of the more than twenty people could continue to stand.

Yin De patted his forehead with some distress, closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look any more.Ke Zhengang, on the other hand, seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyes were as big as cowbells, and he stared blankly at Ling Wu.Lingwu clapped his hands indifferently, looked at Ke Zhengang and said lightly: "Commander Ke, isn't it? Your soldiers are really too weak, and they need more training!" "You...what the hell are you? People?" Ke Zhengang has seen good soldiers in his life, like crucian carp crossing the river, countless.How can a fighter be called excellent? In Ke Zhengang's mind, he has a whole set of criteria for judging.But when Ke Zhengang tried these standards on Ling Wu one by one, he found that these standards were so childish and ridiculous that they were not worth mentioning.

A few years ago, in order to stimulate the eight major military regions and encourage them to pay more attention to training, the leader used the Huaxia Dragon Group and the most powerful SEALs in the Huaxia Army as the enemy and us to launch a real battle. Practical drills.In that exercise, both sides of the battle erupted with astonishing combat effectiveness, especially the Huaxia Dragon Group. Naturally, its strong individual combat effectiveness need not be mentioned, but its ability to cooperate and cooperate with each other also made them, the commanders of the military region. He looked dumbfounded, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Of course, as the other side of the battle, the SEALs also performed well.But the SEALs are just a group of ordinary people after all, and naturally cannot be compared with the perverts of the Dragon Group, and they have always been the abused party throughout the exercise.However, among them, the SEALs also have many brilliant performances and shining points.Their unyielding fighting spirit, high fighting will, and high-strength fighting skills trained with blood and sweat on weekdays still left a deep impression on these military commanders. It was also in that exercise that Ke Zhengang recognized them at a glance After winning Yin De, relying on his senior qualifications in the army, he insisted on pulling Yin De from the SEALs to his own military region.

After obtaining Yin De, Ke Zhengang regarded it as a treasure, and in the past few years, Yin De's performance in the Beijing Military Region was indeed outstanding, and he did not disappoint Ke Zhengang's hopes.Regardless of the dragon group, Ke Zhengang has always believed that Yin De is the best fighter in the country, and even in the world, even if he is not the best, he can definitely be ranked among the top three.But after watching Zero Five's performance, Ke Zhengang no longer felt that way in his heart.

With the skill that Zero Five showed just now, Ke Zhengang even felt that only people from the dragon group could compete with him.But how could such a powerful person appear beside Li Yong? "Commander, things are going to get worse, find a way." Yin De moved to Ke Zhengang's side and muttered softly.Ke Zhengang's face was full of wry smiles, and he thought to himself: "Think of a way? Damn, what can I think of?"

Just as Ke Zhengang was spinning his mind rapidly, Shi Qiu sneered a few times, and said slowly: "Ke Zhengang, do you think it's fun now? You could make big things into small things, but you It’s so complicated to do it. Now you can taste the evil result yourself slowly!” Hearing Shi Qiu’s words, Ke Zhengang couldn’t help being angry. Ke Zhengang has always read other people’s jokes, when has he been seen by others?In a fit of rage, Ke Zhengang didn't say much, and directly pressed a red button next to his writing desk, only to hear a sharp sound like an air defense siren, which immediately rang through the entire military area.The corner of Ke Zhengang's mouth twitched, and he said coldly: "Don't you guys want to play? Good! I'll play with you as much as you want!"

"Ke Zhengang, are you crazy? What do you want to do?" Shi Qiu was startled, turned his head and looked out of the window, only to see that under the call of the siren, the soldiers of the entire military region started to move. , from all directions, surrounded the headquarters building like swarms of wasps.Among them, there were actually steel tanks mixed in, and even armed helicopters were circling.In just the blink of an eye, the entire building has been surrounded by water, not to mention people, I am afraid that even flies will never get out of here.

A large number of troops outside completed the encirclement. Ke Zhengang said to [-] with a sneer: "You two are indeed powerful! But I don't believe that no matter how powerful you two are, can you be stronger than my thousands of troops? Even if you two This one has three heads and six arms, and I don’t even think about escaping from here today!” “Ke Zhengang, isn’t it too extreme for you to do this?” Shi Qiu never imagined that Ke Zhengang would mobilize the military power of the entire military region without authorization, which would be too much of a fuss .However, Ke Zhengang was full of disapproval, and said lightly: "Thanks to you and I having known each other for decades, don't you understand my nature? For my precious granddaughter, let alone mobilize the entire military force, Even if you ask me to turn the whole capital upside down, I will never frown!"

Shi Qiuman sneered a few times angrily, and said quietly: "Okay! Ke Zhengang, I never thought that you would be such a person who doesn't care about the importance. Your granddaughter and the whole country, which is more important? Don’t you know the difference?” Ke Zhengang sneered, and said, “Xingla, Shi Qiu, don’t go online with me. He Li Yong made some contributions to the country, but his death will also affect the country. It will not have any impact. And, for the sake of the country, of course I can sacrifice my life. But it is only for myself. I will never let Ke Xue be harmed, even if it is for the country!
(End of this chapter)

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