The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1239 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

Chapter 1239 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

After hearing this, Shi Qiu often sighed, and then said slowly: "Well, since you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say. This road is your own choice, what will happen? You have to pay for the bitter wine yourself!"

Ke Zhengang snorted coldly, and said: "Of course! Although I, Ke Zhengang, am old, I am also a man. I understand the principle of one person doing things and one person being responsible. I don't need you to remind me!" After finishing speaking, Ke Zhengang's eyes will be full of anger He glared at Li Yong, and said coldly: "Li Yong, you have seen it now, the two of them can't protect you at all, you have no other choice but to cooperate with me! Tell me, who is that person? who is it?"

Li Yong snorted coldly, and said gloomyly: "Don't waste your energy in vain, I won't tell you a word! If you want to kill or scratch, you can come!" Ke Zhengang shouted angrily: "Okay! This is also the case. Your own choice is strict, but no one forces you! Come and catch them!" Ke Zhengang's voice was extremely loud, and it spread far away.The large army outside the building immediately separated a group of men and horses, and rushed in with guns and live ammunition.However, at the same time as Ke Zhengang yelled, Lingwu had already moved first, and saw a light flick of his wrist, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his palm.Yin De's eyes sensitively caught this cold light, he was startled, and hurriedly roared "Be careful, Commander!" Then he jumped away, kicking Ling Wu's wrist recklessly in the air, trying to slap Ling Wu's wrist. The dagger in his hand was kicked away.

However, Zero Five is determined to win, how can he let him succeed?As soon as Yin De's body jumped into the air, before his legs kicked out, Ling Wu's body accelerated abruptly, bringing up a row of black afterimages, which passed under Yin De's body like a ghost.Yin De was in the air and had nowhere to focus, he could only watch Ling Wu pass him by.

"Commander, run away!" Yin De's heart turned cold when he failed to stop Ling Wu, and he hurriedly turned around and yelled loudly.However, Ke Zhengang is just like what he said, he is really old. Facing Zero Five's attack, although his consciousness has already dodged, his body is still unable to move for a long time. , Ke Zhengang only felt a cold in his throat, Lingwu's dagger was already attached to his skin.Feeling that the remaining power of the dagger was still there, as if it was still moving forward, Ke Zhengang's heart couldn't help trembling wildly.

After fighting on the battlefield for so many years, Ke Zhengang felt that he was so close to death for the first time, and instinctively opened his mouth wide.He wanted to shout out loudly, but his throat was oppressed by the dagger, so he couldn't even utter a single word, and his face turned pale in an instant, without the slightest trace of blood.

Just as Ke Zhengang was about to close his eyes and wait to die, he heard Shi Qiu's furious roar, "Ling Wu, don't kill him!" Undoubtedly, it was Shi Qiu's roar that saved Ke Zhengang's life. Moving forward, the dagger that had cut through Ke Zhengang's skin finally stopped.Lingwu said in Ke Zhengang's ear, "You're lucky!" Then, he moved behind Ke Zhengang, his left hand strangled one of Ke Zhengang's hands, and his right held a dagger against Ke Zhengang's throat.Turned Ke Zhengang into a hostage in his hands.

Seeing that Lingwu still didn't kill Ke Zhengang under the knife in the end.Shi Qiu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.Just now, the dagger in Lingwu's hand cut across Ke Zhengang's throat without the slightest hesitation, Shi Qiu's heart almost jumped out of his throat in shock.Although Ke Zhengang is hateful, he is a big shot in the army after all.His subordinates are now located in various military regions, and even Shi Qiu's subordinates have Ke Zhengang's former subordinates.If Ke Zhengang died at Lingwu's hands, then these old subordinates of Ke Zhengang would definitely not let it go.At that time, I am afraid that it will cause a huge disturbance in the military circle, and it is likely to have a considerable impact on Li Xiaogang.

After Lingwu stopped and spared Ke Zhengang's life, Shi Qiu couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and said to Li Yong dumbfoundingly: "What kind of bodyguards did he find for you? They are crazy, who Dare to kill them all." Li Yong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and murmured, "How do I know that. That guy is a pervert, and the people he trains are also perverts."

Lingwu's hands were tightly clasped, and there was a cold dagger around his neck. Ke Zhengang couldn't move now, his expression was extremely embarrassing, and at the same time, his heart was extremely angry, and he roared like thunder, "Bastard bastard!" , you fucking either kill me or let me go!"

Lingwu sneered, and said lightly: "Commander Ke, I advise you to keep your voice down. If you open your mouth wide and the airflow blows up your throat and hits my blade, That's none of my business!" Ke Zhengang had never been subjected to such humiliation, and he wished he could just die like this.After taking a few breaths, Ke Zhengang clenched his teeth, and said in a cold voice, "I don't care who you are, I won't let you go if you treat me like this today! Just wait, One day, I will make you pay the heaviest price! Not only you, but also Mr. Li, whom you protect with all your strength, hehe!"

Hearing Ke Zhengang's curse-like words, Zero Wu let out a cold snort, and said quietly: "If that's the case, then for Mr. Li's safety, I have to kill you now!"

"No! Wait a minute!" Hearing Ling Wu's words, Yin De's soul was almost frightened.He has already seen that what Shi Qiu said is right, Zero Five is a lunatic at all, as long as he can threaten Li Yong, he will eradicate everything.He didn't care about Ke Zhengang's identity at all, and he could count Ke Zhengang's blood spattering five steps with a knife in his hand.When Yin De realized this, he realized Ling Wu's horror even more, so he yelled hastily.

"Yin De, leave him alone! I want to see if he really has the guts to cut off my head!" Ke Zhengang said to Yin De, his words were full of contempt, if he hadn't If he recognizes Zero Five's true nature, then he intends to seek death.Yin De smiled wryly, and said in a pleading tone: "Commander Ke, I beg you, old man, please stop saying a few words!" Ke Zhengang got angry when he heard this, and scolded: "You bastard, what are you doing?" What do you mean? Do you want me to confess? This commander has been on the battlefield for decades. Back then, even the Japanese devils and I were pleaded guilty. Now you will plead guilty to him?"

"Hmph! Island devils are nothing! Ke Zhengang, thanks to you being one of the commanders of the eight major military regions, you are in charge of hundreds of thousands of troops. Can't you see that the boy holding a dagger to your throat is scarier than the island devils? A thousand times ten thousand times?" Shi Qiu was beside him, full of disdain, and couldn't help but sneer coldly.Ke Zhengang couldn't help being taken aback by his words, Ke Zhengang frowned, turned to look at Shi Qiu, and asked faintly, 'Do you really dare to kill me? Lingwu sneered, and replied in a serious tone: "I can't even blink!" "These words entered Ke Zhengang's ears, until his whole heart was wrapped in a biting cold, and his expression was full of astonishment.

Seeing that Ke Zhengang stopped talking, Lingwu smiled coldly and said, "From now on, you'd better cooperate with us obediently. If Mr. Li doesn't die, you won't die! Let's make a fair deal!" Ke Zhengang's His brows were frowned into an iron lump, and his eyes were full of anger that could burn people alive.Seeing that Ke Zhengang didn't speak, Zero Wu thought he was acquiescing.So he said to Ling Liu: "Ling Liu, take Mr. Li and Commander Shi to go first, and Commander Ke will escort you behind!"

Lingwu's words immediately made Shi Qiu understand his intentions. Facing the current situation, only with the help of Ke Zhengang can they break through the siege safely.No matter what, as long as he leaves here, Shi Qiu has endless ways to make Ke Zhengang look good.Shi Qiu secretly praised Ling Wu for his calmness and wit in the face of danger, and shouted: "Li Yong, let's go!" After speaking, he violently shook the soldiers who restrained him.Ke Zhengang is now in Lingwu's hands. These soldiers are worried about Ke Zhengang's safety, even if they are given ten courages, they don't dare to mess around. Shi Qiu easily dumped him and stood with Li Yong and Lingliu.Ling Liu didn't hesitate, and rushed out with Shi Qiu and Li Yong.

Zero Wu took Ke Zhengang and followed them out.As soon as the group went out, the tens of thousands of troops outside the building suddenly became restless, and countless black guns were aimed at them at the same time.As long as there is an order here, tens of thousands of guns will be fired in less than a second. No matter whether it is [-] or Li Yong Shiqiu, they will be beaten to the point where there is not even a scum left.

"Hey, I haven't experienced such a big scene for a long time!" Shi Qiu glanced around with a smile on his face, and said with a leisurely smile, as if he wasn't worried about those dark muzzles at all.However, he really didn't need to worry. Seeing that Ke Zhengang was firmly held by Ling Wu, no soldier dared to shoot. "Commander Ke, please order them to put down their guns! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Zero Five said coldly in Ke Zhengang's ear.After Ke Zhengang was silent for a while, he suddenly let out a burst of wild laughter.

Hearing Ke Zhengang's laughter, Ling Wu's complexion couldn't help changing, and he asked in a deep voice: "What are you laughing at?" Ke Zhengang stopped laughing, and said to Ling Wu with a cold face: "I'm laughing at you for being smart! Do you think I, Ke Zhengang, am someone who can be blackmailed casually? You are so blind! If I were afraid of death, I would not have participated in the revolution decades ago. If I had If you are afraid of death, you will not be able to survive the siege of hundreds of devils. You take my life to blackmail me, don’t you think you are smart? Let me tell you, in the eyes of me, Ke Zhengang, my life is nothing at all. Not worth a penny!"

(End of this chapter)

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