The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1240 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

Chapter 1240 The Stubborn Ke Zhengang

Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Shi Qiu frowned immediately, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.Lingwu said coldly: "Commander Ke is scaring me?" Ke Zhengang sneered, and shouted: "No one is scaring you!" After speaking, he shouted loudly at tens of thousands of officers and soldiers: "Listen to my password and prepare to Shoot! Target, everyone except Commander Shi!" "Commander Ke, don't!" Yin De yelled loudly, stood in front of him and shouted loudly: "Commander Ke, are you crazy? Are you crazy? You will die like this!" Ke Zhengang raised his eyebrows, and shouted in a deep voice: "I, Ke Zhengang, have lived for such a long time, and it is worth it. Besides, before I die, I can still have the three of them behind me. I earned it! Yin De, get out of the way!"

Yin De looked anxious, and was about to cry. He turned around and shouted at all the officers and soldiers, "Listen to me, no one is allowed to shoot! Anyone who dares to shoot, I, Yin De, will kill first." He!" Hearing Yin De's hysterical roar, how could any soldier dare to shoot?Seeing the soldiers hesitantly retracting and raising their guns, Ke Zhengang roared angrily: "Yin De, am I the commander, or are you the commander? You dare to question my order, could it be that you want to disobey it? " Yin De also got angry at this time, and said decisively: "I am the staff officer of the major general, and I have the power to stop your wrong orders!"

Yin De's words made Ke Zhengang choked and speechless, and after being aggrieved for a long time, he nodded resentfully, and said in a deep voice: "Well, Yin De, your wings have grown hard now, and you dare not even give my orders. Listen, okay, you don’t shoot, right? Then I will do it myself!” He said.Ke Zhengang desperately went to put the gun in the holster on his waist, as if he had forgotten that Lingwu's dagger was on his throat, and it could kill him at any time!Ke Zhengang seems to be really crazy, really not afraid of death!Lingwu frowned, and before Ke Zhengang pulled the gun out of the holster, he snatched his gun into his hand first.

Seeing that the gun fell into Ling Wu's hand, Ke Zhengang was furious, and desperately wiped his throat towards the dagger in Ling Wu's hand.Ling Wu was startled, and subconsciously held the dagger a little farther away. At the same time, the other hand grabbed Ke Zhengang's collar to stop him from hitting the blade. "Come on, aren't you going to kill me? I'll save you trouble by doing it myself! Just let me go if you have the guts!" Ke Zhengang couldn't die, he roared fiercely.

In order to protect Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui, Lingwu had fought various enemies, but it was definitely the first time that Ke Zhengang was as crazy as Ke Zhengang.He was a little dazed.Obviously, Ke Zhengang cannot die, once he dies, Li Yong will die immediately after him, and the mission Li Xiaogang gave him will be regarded as a failure.For a person like [-], death itself is not terrible, but death leading to mission failure is the real horror.But Ke Zhengang was determined to seek death and wanted to use him as a hostage, so there was no way to implement his plan to leave here.Ke Zhengang's trouble made Ling Wu fall into a dilemma.

Zero Five, who had no choice but to cast his sights on Shi Qiu, but Shi Qiu was helpless at this time, and racked his brains but could not come up with a suitable solution.But at this moment, Li Yong suddenly let out a long sigh, spoke, and slowly said to Ke Zhengang: "Okay, Commander Ke, you win!" Li Yong's words made everyone startled, Ke Zhengang He also gradually calmed down, and looked at Li Yong who looked lonely and helpless.

Li Yong laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and said lightly: "Commander Ke really deserves to be an old revolutionary, and his tenacious end is really admirable. Even if we lose, I, Li Yong, are willing to let you handle it, but , I have one condition!" "What condition? Tell me!" Although Ke Zhengang had grasped the initiative on the scene and forced Li Yong to surrender, the strange thing is that Ke Zhengang didn't feel at ease in his heart. On the contrary, he felt a strong feeling Make him feel uneasy.Li Yong glanced at Zero Five and Zero Six, and said slowly: "These two brothers are responsible for protecting me. They didn't intend to offend Commander Ke. Commander Ke, your prime minister can hold a boat in your stomach, so you can Let them go!"

"Mr. Li, we..." Hearing that Li Yong was still speaking for them at this last moment, Ling Wu was very moved and couldn't help opening his mouth sharply.However, before he could express his gratitude, Li Yong interrupted him, smiled, and said slowly: "Zero Wu, there is no need to say anything! You and Ling Liu have worked tirelessly and dangerously to protect me and me. Xiaoshui has owed you enough for so many years, so how can we cause you to die?" Ling Wu frowned and did not speak.Ke Zhengang sighed at this time, and said slowly: "Li Yong, I don't intend to make things difficult for you, I just want to know that person's name from you, other than that, I have nothing else to ask! As long as You told me, not only will I let them go, but I will also let you go! Just pretend that nothing happened today, maybe we can still be friends in the future, wouldn’t it be great?"

Li Yong smiled wryly, and said lightly: "This may indeed be a good ending for Commander Ke, but for me, Li Yong, it is not at all! Some people can betray, but those who understand cannot betray! Just like you, for the sake of your granddaughter, you will not hesitate to die! For him, I can do it too!"

"Since this is the case, the only thing I have wronged is Mr. Li! Come here, Mr. Li go to rest!" Li Yong didn't resist this time, seeing that Ling Wu seemed to be about to make a move, he hurriedly drank "Zero Wu, listen to me!" ,forget it!"

Ling Wu's body froze for a moment, he sighed suddenly, turned his head to look at Ling Liu, Ling Liu nodded expressionlessly, then Ling Wu said in a deep voice: "We can't protect Mr. Li comprehensively, we are the ones who It's useless. However, we must be by your side. This is the only way to honor the great trust entrusted to us by the boss!" Ling Wu turned to look at Ke Zhengang, and said in a deep voice: "If you want to shut down Mr. Li, you can! But if you want to Lock us together!"

"This..." Ke Zhengang seemed a bit hesitant, Lingwu snorted coldly, and said in a dark voice: "It doesn't matter how many of you there are, but if I want to take your head, it's like picking something out of your bag! If you don't believe me, we might as well Try it!" After hearing Lingwu's words, Ke Zhengang subconsciously cast his eyes on Yin De, who frowned and nodded slowly.It is confirmed that what Zero Five said is not alarmist.With his powerful combat power, if he really wants to do this, it is indeed not impossible to take the head of the enemy among thousands of troops.

Seeing Yin De nodding his head to admit that what Lingwu said was true, Ke Zhengang not only didn't feel annoyed, but instead developed a heart of love for talents.As the commander-in-chief of the Beijing Military Region, he is responsible for the security of Kyoto.What Ke Zhengang thinks about every day is how to strengthen the military power of the military region. From the fact that he spared no effort to get Yin De to his side, it can be seen how strong and urgent Ke Zhengang's desire for talents is.He admired Ling Wu's fighting power in front of him, especially Ling Wu's loyalty to Li Yong, regardless of his own body, made Ke Zhengang salivate at him.

For a truly excellent fighter, superb combat effectiveness is certainly one aspect, but at the same time, loyalty to the country is more important.A warrior with super fighting power but no patriotic enthusiasm is a double-edged sword, which can not only kill the enemy, but also hurt himself.And a soldier who is full of patriotic enthusiasm but has little ability may only be used as cannon fodder and a victim sometimes.In this way, a soldier like Ling Wu who possesses both combat effectiveness and a loyal and loyal soldier is extraordinarily precious, and a general like Ke Zhengang who has been on the battlefield for a lifetime cannot be moved by it.A Yin Dedu created a special force for his capital military region that shocked the entire army, so with zero five and zero six, what will it bring him?Even when Ke Zhengang thought about it, every cell in his body couldn't help but be filled with excitement.

However, it was obviously not an easy task to poach Zero Five and Zero Six from Li Yong's side.But Ke Zhengang was not in a hurry.Years of strength have allowed him to maintain enough patience with people and things. As the saying goes, there is no fear of late for a good meal. As long as [-] can be brought under the eagle, Ke Zhengang is still willing to wait.After laughing a few times, Ke Zhengang said to Lingwu: "Okay! I promise you. But there is one thing, I hope you are not allowed to play tricks, let alone try to escape. I will have people strengthen patrols, and you will not be able to fly out even with wings !" Zero Wu frowned, and said in a deep voice, "I promise you!"

"Okay! Hahaha! Yiyinde, pass my order to arrange Mr. Li and his two bodyguards into the suite of the military region's guest house. Open a small stove, meet all their requirements, and don't neglect them at all!" Ke Zhengang listened Haha laughed wildly, and said loudly.

Yin De kept Ke Zhengang's words in his heart and followed them one by one.Seeing that Ke Zhengang had arranged for Li Yong, Shi Qiu snorted coldly and asked, "Ke Zhengang, how are you going to settle me down? Are you going to shoot me on the spot?"

Shi Qiu's words were full of anger, which made Ke Zhengang smile wryly, and said to him: "Commander Shi, I know what I did today made you very upset. It's okay, after this matter is over, I will come to the door in person I, Ke Zhengang, will never frown if you want to kill or scrape at that time!" Shi Qiu said angrily, "I don't think there is any need for this!"

Ke Zhengang laughed loudly, and said: "Sir Shi is indeed a large number of people, Ke admires it!" Shi Qiu sneered, and said faintly: "You think I forgive you when I say no? You're thinking too well! I said no, because after this matter is over, you, an old fellow, will have to go to the ground to rest in peace, is it possible that your ghost will come to plead guilty to me?" Hearing Shi Qiu's words, Ke Zhengang couldn't help but sneer , said faintly: "Really? It seems that my opponent is not as strong as usual. Okay! I want to see how divine he is. See what he can do. Even I, Ke Zhengang, will be defeated at his feet!"

(End of this chapter)

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