The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1241 Don't Be Too Confident

Chapter 1241 Don't Be Too Confident
Shi Qiu glared at him, and said in a deep voice: "Then just keep your eyes wide open and wait to see. When you see clearly, you will understand how stupid what Biao did today!" Ke Zhengang fiercely He waved his hands and shouted: "Send Commander Shi and Mr. Li to the guest house together. You all have to keep your eyes open for me. Commander Shi is a well-known wise man. If you let him go, see how the Commander takes him in." You guys!" Taking Li Yong, Shi Qiu and the others away, Ke Zhengang's expression became surprisingly solemn, he looked at the distant horizon, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yin De has been with Ke Zhengang for a few years. He is familiar with Ke Zhengang and has an almost instinctive intuition from an excellent staff officer. Yin De felt something, frowned, and said slowly: "Commander, it seems that this The matter is much more difficult than we imagined." Ke Zhengang turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Do you need to say that? Could it be that this commander can't see it? Even Shi Qiu is so afraid of that guy's ability, It seems that the person who bullied Ke Xue was really not an ordinary person. But thinking about it carefully, there are only a few people who are known as big shots in China and who can make Shi Qiu so awed. But these few people will definitely not eat I'm full and bullying Ke Xue. Who is this person, I'm really more and more curious now!"

Yin De said again: "Commander, judging from what that Li Yong meant, he is unlikely to reveal the identity of that mysterious person. Can we keep him locked up?" Ke Zhengang raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course not." Li Yong is not an ordinary person. The Longxi Group has a complicated background and a wide network of contacts. It can be said that it has been sent down to the underworld and connected to the heaven. We must find a way in a short time to get Li Yong to speak up and settle the matter earlier." Yin De nodded and asked, "Then, does the commander already have a secret case in mind?"

Ke Zhengang sighed, and said helplessly: "If there is, do you think I would still be so passive in today's situation? But there is no rush, the solution is not rushed out, but thought out. I don't believe it, then Li Yong's mouth is made of cast iron. But, Yin De, have you seen the two bodyguards beside Li Yong? What's your impression of them?" "They?" Ke Zhengang suddenly mentioned Zero Five and On zero six, Ke Zhengang looked a little surprised.Ke Zhengang said with a smile: "You have also led a lot of soldiers, so you should be able to give them an objective and fair evaluation?"

Yin De frowned, and said in a deep voice: "These two people are not soldiers, but they have an aura that only excellent soldiers can possess. This aura makes people feel that they seem to be battle-tested and experienced. Just It's like a sword that has been honed through thousands of years, and its momentum is compelling. To be honest, in our Navy SEALs, there are very few people like them. In my opinion, their ability can directly catch up with the dragon team!" "You are the same What do you think?" Hearing Yin De's words, Ke Zhengang's expression lifted, and he asked aloud a little excitedly.

Seeing Ke Zhengang's excited expression, Yin De couldn't help being stunned, and asked blankly: "Commander, don't you think..." Ke Zhengang clapped his hands fiercely and said excitedly: "You think a little That's right, I have this plan! Think about it, if I can recruit these two people under my eagle, then the combat effectiveness of my capital military region will definitely rise by more than one level. It's so tempting, I Can't be tempted!"

Hearing that Ke Zhengang really thought so, Yin De couldn't help but let out a few wry smiles, and said slowly: "Commander, I really don't want to spoil your interest, but don't you think your idea is a bit whimsical? Those two guys are right I believe you can see Li Yong's loyalty. For Li Yong's safety, they did not hesitate to break into our capital military area, facing tens of thousands of black hole muzzles, resolutely blocked Li Yong's body, and did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. Death to protect him. Do you think that a person like this might betray Li Yong and join us?"

Ke Zhengang said with some disapproval: "It's because of their loyalty that I thought of subduing them. Besides, God gave us magical brains to let us come up with fantasies, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands at Yin De and said, "You will stay in the base from today onwards. Watch out for Li Yong and the others. I will go back and find a way!" As soon as he arrived at his home in the capital, Ke Zhengang felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.Ke Feixiong and Ke Xue seemed to be enemies, neither paid any attention to the other, and the atmosphere seemed extremely tense. "Hehe...what's the matter? The comet hit the earth again?" Ke Zhengang asked with a smile while taking off his coat.Seeing Ke Zhengang coming back, Ke Xue ran over obediently, took the coat that Ke Zhengang took off, hung it on the coat rack, smiled and hugged Ke Zhengang's arm, and said, "Grandpa, how are things going?" ? Did you give that guy a hard lesson and throw him into the Pacific Ocean to feed turtles?"

Obviously, Ke Feixiong was also very concerned about this issue, and fixed his eyes firmly on Ke Zhengang, refusing to move away.Ke Zhengang rubbed his temples wearily, then sighed a long time, sat on the sofa and said slowly: "Feixiong, it seems that things are really as you said, it's not easy to handle." Ting hurriedly said: "Right, I have reminded you a long time ago that some people can't move around casually. Dad, Ke Xue hasn't suffered any serious injuries. I think everything will stop here!" Ke Zhengang shook Shaking his head, he said in a deep voice: "Since it has already started, it must be finished. It is not my character to give up halfway and have a beginning without an end!"

"What do you mean it has already started?" Ke Feixiong was shocked when he heard this, and asked eagerly, "Dad, what have you done?" Ke Zhengang glared at him and shouted, "What are you doing? Didn't I just buckle up?" Li Yong, what is there to make a fuss about?" "You—you really detained Li Yong? Dad! Let me tell you what's good about you! Aren't you always very wise when it comes to big things! What? Why did you become so confused once you got involved with Ke Xue?" Ke Feixiong seemed to be about to cry, his whole body was like an ant on a hot pot, circling in circles in the living room.

Ke Zhengang was a little dizzy from being turned around by him, and couldn't help but yelled: "Sit down! Your father is not confused even though I am old. He knows what he is doing, so there is no need for you to teach me!" "Sure? Okay Dad, let me ask you, what crime did Li Yong commit, and what reason do you have to detain him? Is it because he knew the so-called person who bullied Ke Xue? It's not a judge, and it's not a court, what power do you have to detain people at will?" Ke Fei yelled at Ke Zhengang with a little jump.

Ke Zhengang coughed, and said quietly: "I did not make sense in this matter, but only from Li Yong can I trace the identity of that bastard. If I don't do this, what can I do? But don't worry, Li Yong has been wronged by this matter, and I will compensate him when the matter is over." "Compensation? It's nice to say, how do you compensate? What compensation do you take? Use your power to Solicit more business for Longxi Group? Hmph! Longxi Group is not like other groups, it is said that their orders have been queued for ten years, so there is no need for you to solicit business for them!" Ke Feixiong rushed angrily Ke Zhengang said.

Ke Zhengang couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the table violently, and roared angrily: "I don't need to solicit business for him, I'll kneel down to the head office for him, right?" Seeing that Ke Zhengang was really angry, Ke Feixiong hastily slowed down his tone and said: " Dad, that's not what I mean. I just want to say, it's really unwise for you to touch Li Yong. Who is Li Yong? He has a very high status in the financial world, and no ordinary person would dare to offend him. If you provoke him, then our Ke family will be in big trouble!"

Ke Zhengang snorted unrelentingly, and said quietly: "When has our Ke family been afraid of trouble? Li Yong has a high status in the financial world, and I, Ke Zhengang, have a high status in the military. Behind him is a huge Financial resources, I have a strong backing behind me. Could it be that my imposing military commander, who has tens of thousands of troops under him, would still be afraid of him, a small businessman?" After hearing this, Ke Feixiong said dumbfoundedly: "Dad, if this matter breaks out Standing up, it doesn’t matter who is behind the backing! Don’t forget, our country is now doing its best to carry out economic construction. People like Li Yong are what the country needs most! On the contrary, we are now in an era of peace, and war is foreseeable It will not happen in time. In the face of waves of disarmament, in the eyes of the leaders, soldiers are not as important as businessmen!"

"You bastard, what are you talking about? How dare you look down on our soldiers? Don't forget, it is because of our soldiers to defend our country that you businessmen can make a lot of money and enjoy peace. I didn't expect you to say such ungrateful words." If you are angry! It seems that you are no different from other businessmen, you are also a female businessman!" Ke Zhengang roared at Ke Feixiong.Ke Feixiong said to Ke Zhengang, dumbfounded: "Dad, how did I find out that it is getting more and more difficult to communicate with you. I didn't mean to belittle the soldiers. I just said that the current national policy does not focus on the military, but on the military. Economy, don't be too confident!"

(End of this chapter)

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