The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1243 Ask for a Bottle of Longquan Fine Wine

Chapter 1243 Want Ten Bottles of Longquan Fine Wine

Ke Zhengang's mind suddenly recalled that Li Yong had sworn to him at that time that he would protect that person like he would do anything for Ke Xue.This made Ke Zhengang have to wonder if it was Li Xiaogang who "bullied" Ke Xue in the store that day.When this thought flashed through Ke Zhengang's head, Ke Zhengang shivered involuntarily, and then forced himself to nip this thought in the bud.You know, if things are really as he suspects, then he can be regarded as kicking the iron plate this time, and the troubles will be endless.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? I don't think your face is quite right." Ke Feixiong looked at Ke Zhengang's pale face and couldn't help asking worriedly.Ke Zhengang shook his head bitterly, and said slowly: "'s nothing. Feixiong, go ahead!" Ke Feixiong nodded, and continued: "Although Li Xiaogang's good brother Scar held a ceremony for him A grand memorial service, but I always believe that a legendary figure like Li Xiaogang will never die just like this. I firmly believe that he must still be alive, but he will never appear in the public's sight and become an event The ghost behind the scenes. Looking at the development of several Longzihao groups in the past few years, all of them have grown rapidly without exception. I can definitely conclude that this is the result of Li Xiaogang's command behind the scenes. So, Dad, if you move Li Yong, that is to move Li Xiaogang, but Li Xiaogang is absolutely untouchable and untouchable, do you understand?"

How much Li Xiaogang can't be offended, this doesn't need Ke Feixiong to say, Ke Zhengang is much clearer than him.In the court, Li Xiaogang was unshakable with the strong support of Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong.Speaking of it, Ke Zhengang felt incredible.You know, before this, Cao Qingdong and Lin Chaoran were two tit-for-tat enemies, but I don't know what Li Xiaogang did between the two of them, so that the two of them are now like honey, and they have a good relationship. a pair of pants.These two people are superior to Ke Zhengang in terms of status.As for subordinates, the total number of subordinates of these two people is twice as many as his!If he offended these two because he played too much, Ke Zhengang knew that his fate would definitely not be so good.

In addition, as one of the country's leaders, Ke Zhengang also knew something about Li Xiaogang.Especially his power in the dark and abroad is even more astonishing.Ke Zhengang had no doubts at all, if Li Xiaogang wanted to, it would be considered as having all the troops in the entire military region protect him, and Li Xiaogang would still be able to quietly take his head away.He thought of what Ke Feixiong had told him, and what he was doing now was to let the entire Ke family be buried with him.

Now he feels that what Ke Feixiong said is not that exaggerated.However, Ke Zhengang thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that Li Xiaogang is a very remarkable person.There are so many groups under him, so many forces, I am afraid that he is not much more leisurely than the leader, so how can he have time to bully Ke Xue?Ke Zhengang forced himself to think on the bright side, which made his heart a little more stable.However, after knowing that Li Yong belonged to Li Xiaogang, Ke Zhengang also realized that he had to handle this matter properly, otherwise the consequences would be really serious.

In the guest house of the Beijing Military Region, Shi Qiu, Li Yong, [-], and [-] were locked in a suite, and there were teams of soldiers guarding the corridor outside. All the roads are full of guard posts and eyes and ears, unless they grow wings, they will never escape.The environment in the suite was very nice, elegant and quiet, and it was obvious from a glance that it was specially prepared to entertain those dignitaries.At this time, Li Yong and Shi Qiu sat around a dining table, which was filled with all kinds of delicious and delicate food. There were several bottles of Longquan fine wine.

"Hahaha... Don't look at that Ke Zhengang is a stubborn old man who doesn't get into oily smoke, but he is really not small. There are so many delicious and delicious foods, we can have a good meal!" Li Yong grabbed a bottle He quickly opened the Longquan fine wine, then filled the cups of the other three people one by one, raised their glasses and said, "Come on! Let's have a drink first, the four troubled brothers!" Compared to Li Yong's open-mindedness, the others All three of them looked a little dignified and full of thoughts.Zero Five and Zero Six were naturally thinking about how to get Li Yong out of here safely, but Shi Qiu was full of guilt.

Holding the wine glass, Shi Qiuman looked at Li Yong apologetically, and said in a deep voice: "Brother! It's useless for me to be an older brother. Not only did it not help you out of trouble, but it put you in danger! If you had If you don't listen to me, if we don't come here with Yin De, you won't be trapped in Tutu." Li Yong interrupted Shi Qiu with a smile, and said, "Brother Shi, it's a bit exaggerated for you to say that. Yes. If you look around here, and then look in front of you, I don’t think I’m in prison, but I feel like I’m in heaven. It just so happens that I haven’t had a vacation for a while, so I just took this opportunity to relax. Haha…”

However, Li Yong's words did not make Shi Qiu feel more relaxed, but instead made him look more dignified and melancholy. With a gloomy expression, he tilted his neck and drank the wine in the glass.After drinking it, he still felt unsatisfied, so he snatched the bottle from Li Yong's hand, and drank the whole bottle of Longquan fine wine in one go.Seeing Shi Qiu drinking Longquan fine wine like drinking water, Li Yong felt distressed in his heart, and said in a loud voice: "It's a pity, a pity, a pity! Brother Shi, please be merciful, and leave some for our brothers, too. OK?"

Shi Qiu put the empty wine bottle on the table heavily, and said with the name of the wine compartment: "Drink, everyone open up to drink! After drinking, ask for more! Damn, if Ke Zhengang dares to fight Hesitating, I... I'll level his capital military region!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed the wine bottle and slammed it on the door, making a loud bang.Immediately after the loud noise, the door was pushed open, and a soldier came in, saluted Shi Qiu, and asked, "Sir, what are your orders?" Shi Qiu squinted and stared at the man. The soldier said: "Go, bring us another ten bottles of Longquan fine wine, the commander wants to get drunk today!"

"This..." The soldier seemed a little hesitant.You must know that although the capital military region is protecting the capital, it is far less wealthy than the provincial military region.After all, it is impossible for every military region to be as lucky as Shi Qiu, to have a relationship with Li Xiaogang.Even with the financial resources of the Beijing Military Region, it is difficult to replace the latest equipment in a timely manner, let alone spend a lot of money on luxury goods such as Longquan fine wine.Therefore, there are only a few bottles in the entire military region, which are specially reserved for the reception of the chiefs from the peak.Shi Qiu wanted ten bottles at a time, which was one-third of the inventory of the Beijing Military Region. No wonder the soldier hesitated.

The soldier hesitated, but Shi Qiu was not happy anymore. With the help of alcohol, he stood up staggeringly, walked in front of him, grabbed his collar, and lifted the toes he forced off the ground. , stared into his eyes, and said: "Soldier, didn't you hear what this commander said? Ah!?" Shi Qiu is the commander of an admiral, and he is in charge of a military area with tens of thousands of troops. What can the little soldier bear?Facing Shi Qiu's roar, the soldier's heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he seemed to be in a daze, his lips were howling cowardly, unable to speak, and the cold sweat on his forehead pierced into strands. The child's blood kept flowing down.

"Commander Shi, you want to drink and come to me! Why are you so angry with a soldier?" At this moment, Yin De's voice spread love from outside the door, Shi Qiu stared over with blurred eyes, saw Yin De, Pushing out the soldier who was about to be frightened, he waved to Yin De and said, "Come on, come here!" Yin De walked quickly with a smile on his face, carrying a few bottles of Longquan fine wine. In front of Shi Qiu.As soon as he came to Shi Qiu, Shi Qiu grabbed his throat.Yin De originally wanted to hide from the situation, but he didn't dodge it. Only then did he realize that although Shi Qiu is old, his skills are still very good.

Shi Qiu strangled Yin De's throat and said angrily: "You brat, I liked you quite a lot before, but now I realize that you're really not his mother's good guy!" Yin De With a wry smile, he broke free from Shi Qiu's grasp and said with a wry smile: "Commander Shi, you have wronged me. It's not like you don't know our Commander Ke's temper. I can't be skinned and cramped." Shi Qiu snorted coldly, and said lightly: "You just follow him, one day, you will follow him to the underworld!"

Yin De frowned, then opened it again, smiled and sent the Longquan fine wine in front of Shi Qiu, and said, "Commander Shi, the financial situation of our capital military region is not comparable to that of your province S military region. Erbi. We can’t afford too many fine Longquan wines in our military region, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to drink them to your heart’s content, Commander Shi. I bought these bottles with my own allowance. Let’s treat it as my tribute to you!” Shi Qiu snorted, pointed to Yin De, and said in a low voice: "Good boy, when did you learn how to give a sweet date with a stick? Let me tell you that this commander doesn't like that Well, I will eat the sweet dates, and I will still have to pay back the beating. If Ke Zhengang can’t kill me this time, our Province S Military Region will never end with your Capital Military Region. Even if it’s about going to the leader, I have the same attitude! "

"Farewell, Commander Shi, listen to me!" Yin De begged Shi Qiu anxiously upon hearing this.Shi Qiu turned his head to one side, and drank the wine to himself.Yin De smiled wryly, and said, "Commander Shi, our Commander Ke is such a person. He seems to be possessed by a demon. As long as Ke Xue is involved in anything, our Commander Ke seems to become another person." It’s like, don’t care about it, you won’t recognize it! You should know that our Commander Ke is still very good on weekdays, you can’t erase all his achievements just because of one incident, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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