The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1244 It was Li Xiaogang who provoked this time

Chapter 1244 It was Li Xiaogang who provoked this time
Shi Qiu said coldly: "I do know his bad temper. Before, I thought it was a manifestation of his personality, but now when it falls on me, I realize how hateful he is! Don't talk about it." , I have made up my mind, unless Ke Zhengang unconditionally lets us go now, and promises that I will never trouble my brother again, I will treat this incident as nothing happened and let it go, otherwise, hehe ..." Listening to Shi Qiu's threatening words, Yin De was on the verge of crying.Full of helplessness, he said: "Commander Shi, our Commander Ke's temper is so stubborn, I'm afraid we won't be able to pull ten cows back. I...I really can't help it!"

Shi Qiu said angrily: "Oh, you can't do anything with Commander Ke, so you come to attack me? Boy, do you mean that I'm a soft persimmon, easy to bully ghosts?" Yin De waved his hands hurriedly and said "No, no, Commander Shi, don't misunderstand me, even if I, Yin De, have the guts to think like this. I really want Commander Shi to hold you up high and let us Commander Ke go. It’s because he is old and has made great contributions to the country.” Shi Qiu said coldly, “Are you blind? Now it’s not that I refuse to let Ke Zhengang go, but that Ke Zhengang doesn’t let me go!”

Seeing the anger on Shi Qiu's face, Yin De said with a wry smile: "This is just in front of you. After you go out from here, you can decide whether to kill or scratch?" Shi Qiu said with a cold smile: "So you also know the consequences? I thought I, Shi Qiu, really couldn't do anything to you! You go back and tell Ke Zhengang that the relationship between me and him is fixed, let him wash his neck and wait to be chopped!" Yin Yin De's expression was even more bitter, and he said in a nasty voice: "Commander Shi, the matter has come to an end, you just have to be a big man, hold your hands high, even if I, Yin De, beg you, can't you?"

Shi Qiu frowned, turned his head and said to Yin De seriously: "Yin De, do you really want to save your Commander Ke?" Yin De also became serious, nodded heavily, and said "Commander Ke is kind to me, and in order to repay his kindness, I will die!" Shi Qiu said, "Okay!" and said, "Yin De, if you really want to save your commander, just listen to me." If it is true, find a way to persuade him not to continue, and stop it before it is too late. Just pretend nothing happened. If he continues to be stubborn like this, then there will be real trouble. I I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, the person Ke Zhengang has been looking for is something he can't afford to mess with. It's okay if he can't find it, but if he finds it, he will be the one who will be crushed to pieces."

Shi Qiu's expression was extremely serious, and Yin De couldn't help feeling a kind of tension that he had never seen before. He felt as if he had been electrocuted. Who is the mysterious man? Is he really as scary as you said?" Shi Qiu said a little dumbfounded: "It's not scary, but very scary! I will come here with you this time, saying that it is to help my brother, In fact, it is to keep Ke Zhengang. Yin De, whether you can keep your commander, this time is entirely up to you!"

Shi Qiu's words were so solemn that Yin De couldn't help but not believe him. Yin De frowned and said firmly: "Okay! I'll go to our commander right now, hope he can listen to me, and rein in the precipice!" After finishing speaking Then he said to Shi Qiu and Li Yong, "Just let me feel wronged, and stay here for a few days, I don't think it will be too long!" After speaking, he turned and left in a hurry.Li Yong looked at Yin De's disappearing back, and murmured: "I hope that Ke Zhengang can listen to Yin De's persuasion and stop being obsessed with obsession." Shi Qiu shook his head full and dignified, faintly Said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. Ke Zhengang is a resounding and strong bone. If you want to make him bow his head, the Yinde people are so soft-spoken, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

"Brother Shi, since Ke Zhengang refuses to turn back, I think we should notify Brother Gang directly and let Brother Gang find a way to save us!" Li Yong said impatiently.Shi Qiu hurriedly said: "Brother, please don't! Didn't I tell you that if Xiaogang finds out about this, then Ke Zhengang will be dead. Don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary." Do it!" Li Yong smiled wryly, and said to Shi Qiu: "Brother Shi, it's all over now, do you still have hope for Ke Zhengang?" Shi Qiu sighed, and said slowly: "After all, he is The old revolutionary, the old hero, how can I bear to watch him fall like this?" Understanding Shi Qiu's good intentions, Li Yong waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's take a step and watch! Come, let's drink!  … ...

The turmoil in the Ke family seemed to be intensifying, but Li Xiaogang didn't get any news at this time, and he didn't know that Ke Zhengang had already taken action against Li Yong in order to find himself.

Li Xiaogang is still paying attention to the establishment of Hu Rong Automobile Company.Now even Li Xiaogang felt that it was a great luck for Hu Rong to bring Ma Bing and Zhou Tao under the eagle.After the two people's hard work, almost every day, Longhao Group is making progress.And still that kind of dramatic, huge improvement.Li Xiaogang even believes that maybe within a year, Longhao Group will produce the first car with independent property rights.Of course, this is under the premise that everything is going as smoothly as it is now.

With Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, two absolute professionals, Li Xiaogang couldn't help.But this is what Li Xiaogang is happy to see.After all, the future Longhao Group belongs to the three of them. At the beginning of the business, in the difficult stage, this kind of running-in is very important.The better the running-in in the early stage of entrepreneurship, the easier it will be for everyone to cooperate in the future.There is no need to worry about the Longhao Group anymore, and Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan's trip to country M was also surprisingly smooth, there is no need for him to worry about it, so Li Xiaogang is free instead.When he was free, Li Xiaogang began to think about his trip to the South Pole. He still remembered what the leader said to him that day, and the serious expression of the leader made Li Xiaogang unable to forget.If there is not a very serious problem, the leader will not be like this.However, the Antarctic and the North Pole, as the two poles of the earth, have always been the key points of the earth. Once there is a problem here, the entire earth will face unprecedented disasters.This made Li Xiaogang have to pay enough attention to this place.Li Xiaogang originally wanted to leave for Antarctica right now, but the Ke family has not moved, which made him a little worried and left just like that.If Ke Zhengang got angry and couldn't find his people, and instead vented his anger on his relatives and friends, then the loss outweighed the gain.

Li Xiaogang is very impatient now, he is so impatient that he can't wait to go straight to the door and ask Ke Zhengang what he plans to do.And when Li Xiaogang was anxious about this matter, Lin Chaoran was also paying close attention to this matter, and today he finally got an important piece of news, a huge turmoil occurred in the headquarters of the Beijing Military Region.Upon hearing the news, Lin Chaoran jumped up from the chair as if he was electrocuted, and murmured: "It's started, it's finally started!" After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the office without even thinking about putting on his coat .

After leaving the office, Lin Chaoran directly asked the driver to drive to the base camp without saying a word.The scenery of the base camp was still picturesque and beautiful, but at this time, Lin Chaoran was not in the mood to appreciate all this at all, and came directly to the leader's office.Lin Chaoran has always been known for his calmness on weekdays, he is rarely as hasty as he is now, and even a little panicked.The leader's brows immediately narrowed, and asked: "Old Lin, what happened?" Lin Chaoran glanced around, but couldn't see the shadow of Zong Li, and couldn't help asking: "Is he not in Zong Li?"

The leader smiled wryly, and said, "Old Lin, what's wrong with you? Have you forgotten that he led a delegation to visit country M yesterday, and the two of us personally sent the plane to you. Your previous memory doesn't seem to be so bad. " Lin Chaoran patted his forehead fiercely, and said repeatedly: "I'm confused!" The leader frowned, and asked seriously: "Old Lin, what happened, what happened to you before? It's never been like this before." Lin Chaoran sat down on the sofa, panted a few times, and said just now: "It's Ke Zhengang, he's gone crazy again!"

Hearing Lin Chaoran mentioning Ke Zhengang, the leader couldn't help but relax, and said, "Who didn't bully his precious granddaughter this time? But, even if this is the case, you don't need to be so nervous .Ke Xue is indeed Ke Zhengang's Nilin. If Ke Xue is bullied, Ke Zhengang will go crazy, but it's not a big deal if you go crazy. The other party, all this is over. After all, Ke Zhengang is a founding hero with outstanding achievements. Now that he is old, it is understandable to be a little grumpy. Don't be too nervous."

Lin Chaoran interrupted the leader, dumbfounded, and said, "Boss, it's different this time! You never would have imagined that this time Ke Zhen's target is Li Xiaogang!" "Where...Which Li Xiaogang?" Lin Chaoran's words made the leader His complexion changed drastically, and he stood up from the chair with a bang, the calmness and composure just now had long since disappeared.Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said: "Boss, it's really rare that you can still be so humorous. Who else could it be Li Xiaogang?" Together?" The leader was so startled that he spoke awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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