The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1245 Cover Up

Chapter 1245 Cover Up
Lin Chaoran said: "This is probably the so-called fate. Xiaogang came to the capital a few days ago and wanted to buy a decent gift for his mother-in-law, so he went into the specialty store of Longxi Group in the capital. It happened that Ke Xue That girl is also there. You also know how bad-tempered this girl is, relying on Ke Zhengang to spoil her, she is lawless, and no one pays attention to it. Some behaviors will inevitably make Li Xiaogang uncomfortable. You also know Li Xiaogang's personality No matter who it is, if it makes him feel uncomfortable, he will never be silent. In this way, even if you think about it with your toes, you can know what will happen between him and Ke Xue."

After hearing Lin Chaoran's statement, the leader couldn't help but let out a long breath, and said dumbfoundedly: "What the hell happened, how could such a thing happen? Did a comet hit the earth?" Lin Chaoran couldn't help laughing at the leader's analogy I got up, nodded, and said: "Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is almost the same. But the comet hits the earth, the leader, the comet will be torn apart, and there will be no bones left." The leader frowned and stared at Lin Chaoran , asked word by word: "Old Lin, tell the truth, who is the comet this time?" Lin Chaoran smiled bitterly, and said quietly: "Boss, why do you ask why you know it? Do you think Ke Zhengang may be Xiao Gang?" opponent?"

The leader was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head slowly, and murmured: "I just hope that Ke Zhengang can learn to be smarter now, and stop being desperate for his granddaughter like before. If he can bear this tone , then maybe everything will turn around. If he insists on bumping forward like a mad cow, then this time he will hit his head and bleed! Lao Lin, we must find a way to stop him!" Lin Chaoran said anxiously Said: "Then we have to hurry up. I just got the news that not long ago, there was a commotion on a large scale in the headquarters of the Beijing Military Region. I heard that almost all the garrison troops have taken action. I am afraid One Ke Zhengang, he has already started to move!"

When the leader heard this, his hair almost stood on end, and he slammed the table and shouted in a deep voice: "This Ke Zhengang is so old, and he still doesn't make people worry at all! Let's go, let's go!" Go find this old guy!" After speaking, he hurriedly put on his coat, took Lin Chaoran's hand, and walked out of the office quickly.The two drove directly to Ke Zhengang's house.Ke Zhengang was asleep at home with his eyes closed, and when he heard the news that the leader had arrived, he jumped up from the sofa in shock.When he was about to welcome him out, the leader and Lin Chaoran walked in side by side.

"Boss, Lin Standing Committee, why are you here?" Ke Zhengang looked at the two in astonishment and asked.The leader sat down on the sofa angrily, gasped for a few times, then stared at Ke Zhengang, and said angrily, "Why are we here? We came to rescue you!" "Ah?" The leader said Ke Zhengang looked very confused and asked in a daze: "To save me?" The leader glared at him fiercely, and asked in a deep voice: "Let me ask you, I heard that there was a big turmoil in your military region not long ago. Come tell me, what is going on here?"

Zhen Gang laughed out loud, and said flatteringly: "The leader is the leader, as expected, there is nothing you can hide from you, hehe..." The leader interrupted him angrily, and shouted: "Okay! Don't come to me with such hypocrisy! Tell me the truth, what the hell are you doing!"

After being reprimanded by the leader, Ke Zhengang had no choice but to reply seriously: "Report to the leader, I didn't do anything wrong! I just conducted a small-scale joint exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to test the reaction speed of the troops in the military region, and to test the response speed of the commander. The degree of comprehension of the instructions, other than that, there is nothing else!" "A small-scale joint exercise? Hundreds of thousands of troops in the entire military region have been mobilized. You still say that this is a small-scale exercise. Do you think I am Is it so easy to deceive? Let me ask you, why didn't you report to me in advance for such a big exercise?" The leader asked angrily.

Ke Zhengang curled his lips, and said quietly: "This is just an ordinary drill, and there are no substantive drill subjects. So I don't think I need to bother you, leader. After all, you are usually very busy, haha... "Seeing that Ke Zhengang is still laughing at himself, if the leader didn't see his old age, he would have kicked him.With a cold snort, he said, "Okay, Commander Ke. I don't know if your subordinates react quickly, but your reaction speed is not slow at all. As soon as I ask, you make up What kind of lie about military exercises, you are amazing! You said that people are getting more and more confused as they get older, so how come you are getting smarter as you get older?"

"Hey, thank you leader for your compliment!" Ke Zhengang said with a dry smile. "Praise? Thank you for saying it! Do you really think I'm praising you for being smart? Do you know that your so-called smartness is all fake smartness, stupid smartness! You think you just made up a drill Can this matter be covered up under a cover? I tell you, you are dreaming! I am still confused!" The leader roared at Ke Zhengang out of anger.On weekdays, the leader thinks that Ke Zhengang is a hero of the country and a veteran of the court, so he gives way to him everywhere.Even if he made a mistake, it was just a gentle reminder and it was over.But this time was different, this time it was about Ke Zhengang's head, so the leader couldn't help being anxious.At the same time, the more anxious the leader is at this time, the more it represents his love for Ke Zhengang, but Ke Zhengang probably can't understand it at this time.

"Boss, it's just a drill. You don't have to make such a big fuss. At most, next time I conduct a drill, no matter how big or small the drill is, I will definitely report it to you. Is that okay?" Ke Zhengang curled his lips, and said disapprovingly.It's okay if Ke Zhengang didn't say anything, this statement completely enraged the leader, and the leader beat the table like a drum, with a continuous bang.Ke Zhengang has known the leader for decades, and he has never seen the leader get so angry, so he couldn't help being stunned.The leader's face was ashen, and he stared at Ke Zhengang fiercely, as if he wanted to bite him.Ke Zhengang felt guilty for a while, couldn't help but swallowed, and asked in a murmur, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The leader snorted heavily, and said coldly, Rui!I originally hoped that you would say it yourself, but now it seems that I can't care so much anymore.Ke Zhengang, has your granddaughter been taught a lesson at the Longxi store? Hearing what the leader said, Ke Zhengang seemed to have seen an alien, he was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth, and asked blankly: "You... how do you know? The leader said coldly: "Didn't you just praise me for being well-informed?" "Ke Zhengang smiled bitterly, and said: "I really didn't expect that you, the leader, care so much about Ke Xue..."

The leader interrupted him and said, "Stop talking to me! You have cared enough about your precious granddaughter, so where is it my turn to care? What I care about is how you plan to deal with this matter!" Ke Zhengang waved his hand, He said indifferently: "It's just a quarrel between the children, and Ke Xue didn't suffer any substantial harm. She just suffered a little grievance. It's a trivial matter. What can I do? Let it go like this." After listening to Ke Zhengang's words , both the leader and Lin Chaoran were greatly surprised, and couldn't help but look at each other. The leader asked in surprise: "You really think so? You know, this doesn't look like your style."

Ke Zhengang smiled wryly, and said, "Boss, you don't trust me anymore, do you? I also know that I did go too far for Ke Xue's matter last time. However, from that incident, I have already I have learned a lesson, this time I will not be as stubborn as last time!" Seeing Ke Zhengang's serious face, the leader believed in him, and after glancing at Lin Chaoran, he said to Ke Zhengang: "Old Ke, listen I was greatly relieved when you said that. You finally did not disappoint me. This is what an old revolution should look like. I almost understand the whole story of this matter. To be honest, you That precious granddaughter is indeed at fault. She deserves to be taught a lesson, which will benefit her future growth. Hehe..."

Ke Zhengang nodded, and said with a smile: "What the leader said is true. But I don't understand, where did you hear about it, leader?" The leader pointed to Lin Chaoran and said, "Old Lin told me.When I first heard the news, my heart almost jumped out of my throat, and I just heard that your military region has made a big move, so I rushed over with Lao Lin anxiously! "

Hearing what the leader said, Ke Zhengang frowned involuntarily, and turned to look at Lin Chaoran, feeling a little worried.Could it be that Li Xiaogang already knew what he did to Li Yong, so he directly used Lin Chaoran's relationship to put pressure on himself?But after thinking about it, Ke Zhengang felt that this seemed unreasonable.If Lin Chaoran knew what Xiao Li Yong did, he would definitely bring the leader to the door to ask for talent!

But looking at Lin Chaoran's expression, he didn't seem to have that meaning, obviously he didn't know that Li Yong had been locked up in the guest house by him at this time.

After much deliberation, Ke Zhengang couldn't figure out the key point, so he gave a wry smile and said, "It turns out that you, the leader, linked my exercise with this incident. No wonder You got angry. Don't worry, I, Ke Zhengang, have already It’s not the previous Ke Zhengang.” The leader still asked a little uncertainly: “So, your military region is indeed an exercise, and it’s not because you want to avenge Ke Xue, what actions are you taking?” Ke Zhengang laughed Said: "That's right, exactly! You, don't worry any more, you'd better go back and continue your official business."

(End of this chapter)

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