The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1246 Is It Worth It?

Chapter 1246 Is It Worth It?
The leader let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Old Ke, you probably would never have thought that you would actually save your life by handling this matter so coldly! If you continue to make trouble like a few years ago , I really can't imagine what the result will be like."

Hearing what the leader said, Ke Zhengang frowned and asked: "Boss, what do you mean by that? Do you know who the person who taught Ke Xue a lesson in the store?" The leader chuckled a few times and said: "Because I know who it is, that's why I rushed to stop you! This person is not only powerful, but also has such tricks that no one can defend against. It's fine if you don't provoke him, but if you provoke him, you will suffer a lot in the end." It can only be yourself!"

"This person even admires the leader so much. I think he must be a great person. I want to know who he is." Ke Zhenhu tentatively tried to get what he wanted to know from the leader's mouth.But how shrewd is the leader? Hearing the words, he smiled lightly and said, "Forget it, since you have decided not to pursue this matter anymore, who do you care about this person? Just let him go!" After finishing speaking, he stood up. Standing up, he said to Lin Chaoran: "Old Lin, it seems that we have made a false alarm. I think we should go back now. I still have documents as high as a mountain on my desk waiting for me to deal with!"

The leader is relieved, but Lin Chaoran's heart is still on his mind.He always couldn't believe that Ke Zhengang would change his nature so easily.And the more indifferent he was, the more Lin Chaoran felt that he was pretending.

But now, he doesn't have any evidence at hand, so he can't talk nonsense.He had no choice but to follow the leader and leave Ke's house.As soon as he left Ke's house, Lin Chaoran asked, "Boss, do you really believe Ke Zhengang's words, don't you even have any doubts?" The leader frowned, and said slowly: "Ke Zhengang really loves his granddaughter too much. , and she also had a 'criminal record' before the eve of the day. But we can't completely distrust him because of this. Don't forget, no matter how you say, he is also an old revolutionary, and he has experienced so many ups and downs, so he should be able to do things Proper. Besides, isn’t Xiao Gang just staying in Liguo now? If Ke Zhengang tries to move him, he won’t be able to escape our eyes. At that time, it won’t be too late for us to stop him!”

"I'm afraid that once he comes face-to-face with Li Xiaogang, I'm afraid we won't be able to intervene! You also know that Xiaogang has always been decisive in dealing with things, and he will never procrastinate! If Ke Zhengang is dealt with except for one, it will be too late for us to cry!" Lin Chaoran said worriedly.The leader shook his head and said, "Old Lin, although you have known Xiao Gang longer, you don't know much about Xiao Gang than me. Judging from what Xiao Gang has done in the past, it is true that he is decisive and even somewhat He is ruthless, and often kills his opponent with a single blow. But haven’t you noticed that those guys punished by Li Xiaogang are all bastards who deserve their own fault, and none of them are good people. Therefore, Li Xiaogang’s decisiveness varies from person to person .Is Ke Zhengang a bad guy?

of course not!On the contrary, he is a living hero who has made countless achievements and has made great contributions to the country.It's just that now that I'm older, I occasionally get confused.I think, even if Ke Zhengang and Li Xiaogang meet, Li Xiaogang will take this into consideration and be merciful.You don't have to worry so much! "

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly, and said faintly: "If only I could be as open-minded as you, leader! It's a pity that I'm always in trouble. I think we should keep an eye on this matter." Tighter better!" Lin Chaoran said quietly with a bitter face. "Of course! Ke Zhengang is our country's hero, and Xiao Gang is our country's national treasure. In the end, if something goes wrong between these two people, it will be a huge loss to the country. I will leave this matter to you, Lao Lin." You must handle it properly and try to give me a satisfactory result!" Lin Chaoran nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, leader, I understand!"

After the leader and Lin Chaoran left, Ke Zhengang was like an ant on a hot pot, his heart was full of chaos, and he kept pacing back and forth in the living room.He never expected that the leader and Lin Chaoran would come to the door in person for this matter.And from the words of the two, it is not difficult to hear that Ke Zhengang's opponent this time is very good. According to their opinion, it must be Ke Zhengang who loses in the end.Although, Ke Zhengang did not rule out that this was the result of the two deliberately exaggerating in order to force him to stop, but Ke Zhengang had to pay attention to the so-called "it is better to believe what you have than to believe what you have not".

The curiosity in his heart is getting stronger and stronger now, he really wants to know who this mysterious person is!But now if he wanted to know the answer, he could only rely on Li Yong.Qi and Li Yong's mouth is very hard. It is not so difficult to pry his mouth open without hurting him.Ke Zhengang eagerly wanted to come up with a way to get out of this predicament as soon as possible, but the result was that the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and in the end, he was so confused!Just when Ke Zhengang was about to go crazy, Yin De walked in from the outside with a gloomy expression.

Seeing Yin De, Ke Zhengang frowned immediately, and shouted in a deep voice: "Why are you here? Didn't I expect you to watch Li Yong and the others? Those two bodyguards are not easy to save money." , If we let them escape, it will be difficult for us to catch them again!" Hearing Ke Zhengang's scolding, Yin De frowned little by little, and said with some hesitation, "Commander, we Look at us... Let's let them go. Commander Shi said that as long as we let people go, they can let the past go, and this incident will never happen..." "What do you mean? Are you scared?" Ke Zhengang felt annoyed when he heard this, stared at Yin De with a cold expression, and asked every word.

"What do you mean? Are you afraid?" Ke Zhengang felt annoyed when he heard this, stared at Yin De with a cold expression, and asked word by word.

Yin De smiled wryly, and said quietly: "Commander Ke, I've thought about this matter carefully from beginning to end. We have encountered such great resistance before we even got in touch with the person who bullied Miss. So I think, maybe—maybe this person is really beyond our control, in order not to cause more trouble, we should stop here!" Yin De seemed to muster up all his courage before he said After saying such words, the whole person gasped slightly as if exhausted.Ke Zhengang couldn't help but growled in a low voice full of anger, and shouted: "Coward! Deserter! Yin De, do you know that you are showing fear of death! You retreated before our enemy even showed his face!"

Yin De frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Commander, am I, Yin De, a person who is afraid of death? When I was in the Navy Seals, I don't know how many times I participated in the mission of narrow escape, but I, Yin De, didn't even frown .Death is nothing to be afraid of. A beheaded head is nothing but a scar on the bowl. After 18 years, we will be a hero again. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of your death! Before I talked to you, I heard about your heroic achievements You have always been an idol in my heart. I am proud that our country has soldiers like you, and that I have seniors like you, proud! When I heard that you chose me and asked me to follow you, Do you know how excited I am? I can't wait to tell everyone in the world that I am your soldier! After following you, you manage the army well and set an example in everything. At your age, you can still fight with soldiers We share weal and woe! Sleeping on a kang, eating in a pot, and struggling on the training ground, you know how much I admire you!"

The more Yin De talked, the more excited he became. In the end, the eyes of this tough man were filled with tears. Ke Zhengang, an old general who hadn't shed tears for decades, couldn't help but have tears in his eyes, and his eyes were crystal clear and moist.His gray hair was trembling non-stop.Yin De wiped away his tears and said: "What an excellent soldier you are, you are our banner. I love you more than my life. I hope you can fly forever and guide us forward. Seeing you fall down because of this trivial matter, my heart aches! I believe that not only me, but all those who love you will cry when they see such a scene!"

Ke Zhengang interrupted him with tears in his eyes, and said in a painful voice: "Yin De, don't say any more! I fully understand your intentions. I am very grateful that you think of me like this, an old man whose neck has been buried in loess. But there is one point that I disagree with. How do you know that I must be the one who fell this time? In my life, Ke Zhengang, I fought on the battlefield and encountered countless enemies. It’s much more harsh. We soldiers are steel warriors who can’t be dragged down or beaten. No matter how powerful the enemy is, we must face it bravely and win. Only in this way can we count as the second bus He is a real soldier! Fleeing and surrendering without a fight is a coward, not a soldier! Yin De, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I must fight this battle, and I will definitely not lose!"

Seeing that Ke Zhengang was still as determined as iron, Yin De's expression was filled with pain, and tears burst out of his eyes like beads with a broken thread.He said in a painful voice: "Commander, you are always wise, but this time, why can't you see the situation clearly? Li Yong, Shi Qiu, these are not ordinary people, and how could the person they guarded desperately be an ordinary person?" What about people? You have known Commander Shi for so long. In your impression, who else can be respected by him like this mysterious man? Commander, if we continue, we may never return At the end of the day, you must think twice! Also, you have paid so much just to express your anger for Miss, do you think it is worth it?"

(End of this chapter)

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