The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1247 The Destruction of the Ke Group

Chapter 1247 The Destruction of the Ke Group

Ke Zhengang frowned, sighed a long time, and then said quietly: "Yin De, I understand your mood at this time, but you don't understand mine. You probably don't know, since the last time Ke Xue met After that incident, I have always felt guilty towards her. It was all because I failed to protect her well that she suffered such harm. It was all my fault, and I must make up for it! Since then I swear, from now on, even if I, Ke Zhengang, are smashed to pieces, I will never let Ke Xue suffer any more grievances!"

Yin De couldn't help grasping Ke Zhengang's words. He didn't expect that there was still such a knot in Ke Zhengang's heart. No wonder Ke Zhengang's love for Ke Xue reached such an incredible level level of insanity.Dare to be honest, Ke Zhengang has always treated Ke Xue with an atonement mentality.

When the matter developed to this point, Yin De didn't know what to do. He was completely at a loss when he saw Yin De's dumbfounded appearance. Ke Zhengang patted him on the shoulder with a wry smile and said, "Yin De, you are the one I've seen before. Even if you don't help me this time, I won't blame you. In fact, even I feel that it's time to stop now. You probably never dreamed that just now, the leader and Lin The Standing Committee teamed up to find me."

"What? There is such a thing?" Yin Deman shouted in surprise.Ke Zhengang nodded with a wry smile and muttered: "You're not wrong at all. That mysterious man is indeed super capable, and even the leader had to come forward to persuade me to stop. In fact, I really want to stop, but But my heart still doesn't allow me to do this. I even feel that my heart doesn't belong to me anymore, and someone else controls it." Yin De has nothing to say. If Ke Zhengang changes his original intention, then even if he has a mouth full of tongues, what's the use?Sighing, Yin De said in a deep voice: "Commander, since I am your subordinate, I should take your order as an imperial decree. If there is anything that needs me to do, just order it, and it will be regarded as death." , I, Yin De, will never frown."

Ke Zhengang was startled when he heard this, turned his head to look at him, and said seriously: "Yin De, I advise you to think about it carefully, you know, this matter is so serious that I can't even control it myself. Maybe it will end up in trouble. , you will be ruined together with me, and there will be no bones left!" Yin De Zhensheng said: "Since I have made a decision, I will never regret it! As a soldier, dying in battle is an honor in itself! Let alone dying for you , I am calm!" Yin De's words were simple, but they were sincere, which made Ke Zhengang listen to his ears and moved him in his heart.Nodding vigorously, Ke Zhengang patted Yin De's shoulder and said, "I, Ke Zhengang, can have a subordinate like you, and I will die without regret!"

Facing Ke Zhengang's sincere gaze, Yin De stood up unambiguously and saluted a standard military salute.Then he said in a deep voice: "Commander, the current situation is very unfavorable to us, what should we do?" Ke Zhengang pondered for a moment, then murmured: "The most urgent task now is to find a way to get Li Yong to speak, and to implement the mysterious person's plan as soon as possible." Identity. Only in this way can we take the next step. It is even more difficult to get Li Yong to speak, and I have never been able to think of a good way!" Yin De narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: " Commander, leave this matter to me!"

Ke Zhengang was shocked by Yin De's words, and asked in amazement: "Why, do you have a way to make him speak?" Yin De sneered, and said: "You don't need to ask more questions, Commander, I certainly won't let you down!" Seeing Yin De's full confidence, Ke Zhengang frowned and said, "Yin De, I have to remind you. We are going to avenge Miss, but we will definitely hurt the innocent. Besides, Li Yong is not an ordinary person, you must treat him with respect." Be polite, and don't hurt him, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the leader in the future!" Yin De coughed and said slowly: "Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely not make things difficult for you!" Ke Zhengang nodded and handed everything over to Yin De.

Yin De asked again: "Commander, when I find out the murderer who bullied Miss, how do you plan to deal with him?" Ke Zhengang raised his eyebrows, and said: "This time Ke Xue was just a little wronged, and I don't want to hurt you." There is no real harm, so we don't have to be too cruel, just whip him up and teach him a lesson!" Yin De nodded and said, "Understood, I'll do it now!" After finishing speaking Bid farewell to Ke Zhengang, and hurriedly left Ke's house.

Not long after Yin De walked out of Ke's house, Ke Zhengang's heart hadn't completely calmed down when Ke Feixiong rushed in at a trot.Seeing that Ke Feixiong's face was covered with tears, Ke Zhengang's heart sank, and he asked, "Feixiong, what happened again?" Seeing Ke Zhengang, Ke Feixiong finally found an outlet for his emotions, The voice roared like thunder, "Dad, are you satisfied this time! Our Ke Group is about to die! This is all thanks to you, and my whole life's hard work has been ruined like this!" Ke Feixiong seemed to be Like crazy, he violently overturned the table and smashed everything he could touch and move.

Ke Feixiong is very filial on weekdays, and he can be said to be obedient to Ke Zhengang. If it weren't for this, Ke Zhengang would not have spoiled Ke Xue so much that he was about to lose control.In front of Ke Zhengang, Ke Feixiong didn't even dare to raise his voice a little bit, let alone like he is now, yelling and smashing in front of Ke Zhengang without any scruples.This series of performances by Ke Feixiong made Ke Zhengang almost stunned. He looked at Ke Feixiong stupidly, and couldn't believe that the person in front of him was his familiar son.

Ke Feixiong waited until Ke Feixiong was tired, exhausted, and calmed down, then Ke Zhengang asked: "Feixiong, what's going on, why are you so angry?" Ke Feixiong looked at Ke Zhengang full of resentment, faintly He said, "Are you still ashamed to ask? It's all because of you. The Ke Group, which I have worked so hard for most of my life, is about to come to an end! Do you know how much effort and sweat I have poured into this group? I have laughed for it, for It cried, I almost lost my life because of it, it is my child, do you understand!?"

Ke Zhengang is aware of Ke Feixiong's efforts for the Ke Group. Of course, he understands the importance of the Ke Group to Ke Feixiong.Hearing that the Ke Group was about to come to an end, Ke Zhengang also became a little anxious, and asked in a hurry: "Fei Xiong, don't be in a hurry, tell me, what happened? Isn't it always good? Why is it going to be over for no reason?"

"For no reason? Hehe..." Ke Feixiong let out a laugh that was more miserable than crying.Weakly said: "There is no reason for nothing in this world? You captured Li Yong, can Li Yong's woman not be angry? If he gets angry, can he not retaliate? That's good, you are from the dignified Beijing Military Region Commander, there are several 10 people under his command. He is very majestic. They dare not touch you, so they can only aim their guns at me, your son! Not long ago, Li Yong's Longxi Group and Li Xiaoshui's powerful At the same time, the agricultural sales company announced that it would officially block all business of the Ke Group! Within an hour, Longquan Group, Longmu Group, Longhua Group, and Longyu Group issued statements one after another, jointly blocking the Ke Group.

Do you know what that means?This means that all Chinese businessmen, and even foreign businessmen dare not do business with our Ke Group anymore!Whoever dares to do business with us is going against the Longzihao consortium, the strongest consortium in the world.That means being smashed to pieces!Businessmen have been ruthless since ancient times. In just half an hour, almost all the customers of my Ke Group proposed to terminate the contract, and nearly two-thirds of the employees formally submitted their applications to me!It's over, in just the blink of an eye, all my hard work in this life is over! After finishing speaking, Ke Feixiong couldn't stand the pain any longer, so he crouched on the ground and hugged his head in pain.

Ke Feixiong's cries broke Ke Zhengang's heart. He knew too well that Ke Feixiong had feelings for the Ke Group. If the Ke Group really disappeared, Ke Feixiong would be killed.Ke Zhengang only felt a thud in his head, as if an atomic bomb had exploded in his mind, making his brain go blank.The strength in his body flowed from his body like flowing water, very quickly.He didn't even have the strength to stand up, and fell heavily on the sofa with a plop. His old resolute face was full of failures and deep depression at this moment!

Ke Zhengang suddenly felt an unprecedented tiredness at this moment.Back then, he was surrounded by hundreds of little devils at the foot of a hill. He hacked and fought for several days and nights, but he was never as tired as he is now. He was so tired that he wanted to cry aloud. "How can this be? What can they do to me? Why do they treat you like this? It's not fair, it's not fair!" Ke Zhengang murmured in a decadent tone, complaining.

Ke Feixiong cried bitterly and said, "It's not fair? What's so unfair about it? I think it's fair! With a wave of your big hand, you arrested her husband for no reason and detained him. Your son was operated on, and you will pay for it? I told you at the beginning that Li Yong is not an ordinary person. If you touch him, it will probably bring ruinous troubles to our Ke family, but you just don’t listen , It’s all right now, the retribution is coming, you are satisfied now!”

Ke Zhengang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Fei Xiong, don't worry, am I still standing here with Zhai? I, the commander of the military region, is not a vegetarian either. You can immediately put me through the phone of Li Yong's wife. Talk to her personally! If she keeps messing around like this, I will arrest her together! Hearing what Ke Zhengang said, Ke Feixiong became even more angry. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and smashed it to the ground. , was still on the ground and stomped several times, and stomped a good mobile phone to pieces before giving up. Seeing Ke Feixiong's behavior as if he went crazy, Ke Zhengang was so shocked that he nodded for a long time and couldn't say anything. After saying that, he asked dumbfounded: "Feixiong, you... what are you doing? "

(End of this chapter)

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