The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1248 Catch Li Xiaoshui

Chapter 1248 Catch Li Xiaoshui
Ke Feixiong glared at Ke Zhengang, and the anger in his heart made his hair stand on end. He roared and said, "Dad, I didn't expect that things have developed to this point, and you are still so obsessed! I wonder Now, where have all your shrewd and capable officers gone! What are you going to do? Continue to use the military power in your hands to act recklessly? Dad, don’t forget that the military power in your hands was given to you by the people, not your own! You don’t use these troops to defend your home and country, but instead turn around to deal with the law-abiding common people, did you become the commander of the military region, ah!?”

A long time ago, Ke Feixiong was dissatisfied with some of Ke Zhengang's actions, but because Ke Zhengang was his father, and his elders were orderly, even though he knew that Ke Zhengang was wrong, he didn't dare to say anything more.However, seeing that the company he had worked so hard to build was going to be wiped out today, Ke Feixiong finally couldn't care about so much anymore, and vented all the dissatisfaction suppressed in his heart.This venting was like a volcano erupting suddenly, leaving Ke Zhengang stunned, staring at Ke Feixiong without blinking, as if seeing a monster.

After a long time, Ke Zhengang said quietly: "Feixiong, what's wrong with you? I...I just want to help you?" "Help me? If you really want to help me, then do it now Listen to me, release Mr. Li Yong and Commander Shi immediately, and apologize to them for their honesty! Maybe only in this way can Li Xiaoshui withdraw the banning order, and maybe my Ke Group can be saved!"

"That won't work! If I do this, doesn't it mean that I, Ke Zhengang, have subdued and are afraid of them? Impossible! If I don't vent my anger on Ke Xue, I am not Ke Zhengang! Back then, even if the devil's bayonet didn't make me succumb, I would I don't believe that these little businessmen can do anything to me!" As soon as this was mentioned, Ke Zhengang's attitude became tough again, and he said resolutely.No wonder Lin Chaoran, the leader would directly call him old stubborn. His stubborn temper is no less than that of a donkey.

Ke Feixiong said dumbfoundedly: "Little businessman? Dad, in what age do you think you look down on businessmen? Don't forget, your son, I am a businessman, and I am a much younger businessman than Li Yong. But It's me who bears 30.00% of your military region's expenses a year, without me, a small businessman, what would your capital military region look like now?"

Ke Feixiong's words made Ke Zhengang speechless for a while, and he couldn't answer. Ke Feixiong snorted coldly, and then said: "Also! You only want to vent your anger on Ke Xue in your heart, but have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought about it? This kind of ability? You are just a commander of a military region. You say that you are not small, but you say that you are much bigger than you.

There are seven people at the same level as you. You have to understand that you can't cover the sky with your hands in this country. Not everyone can be subdued by you!If you don't even recognize this point, then I can only say bluntly, you are really old and confused! "

"Shut up! Don't forget, who am I for! Don't forget, Ke Xue is your biological daughter!" Ke Zhengang yelled at Ke Feixiong, a little bit unbearable.Ke Feixiong laughed back angrily, and said: "My daughter? You really think too much of me! Ke Xue is not my daughter, she is my ancestor! Thanks to you, take a look, Ke Xue What is Xue's attitude towards me? Did she ever pay attention to me for a minute?"

Ke Zhengang frowned, and said: "It's all because of your inappropriate education method, so you can't blame others!" Ke Feixiong shouted furiously, "My education method is inappropriate? Ha, what a joke in the world! With you beside me Loving her, pampering her, what can I do as a father? Even if I speak louder to her, I will be scolded by you, even scolded! How do you think I should educate her? "

In fact, Ke Zhengang knows that what Ke Feixiong said is the truth, but his love for Ke Xue is from the bottom of his heart, as if he is controlled by something in the dark, and there is no way he can't help it. Do.Ke Zhengang shook his head and said, "What's the point of arguing about it now?" Ke Feixiong suddenly languished like a deflated ball, and murmured, "Yes! Everything is completely over. , What's the use of arguing about this now? Dad, I just want to tell you that the Ke Group is my lifeblood. If the Ke Group really disappears one day, you... just forget about my son and just be I was never born..."

Ke Feixiong's words made Ke Zhengang so frightened that his soul almost flew away. He looked at him full of astonishment and nervousness, and asked, "Feixiong, you...what are you going to do?" Ke Feixiong smiled bitterly, and said faintly : "What are you doing? What else can I do? I don't even have my lifeblood, so what's the point of my being alive?"

Ke Zhengang shouted in surprise: "Why do you want to seek death!?" Ke Feixiong shook his head and said in pain: "I am really tired, and death may be the best relief for me!" "No! No! I forbid you to do this! I will never let you die in front of me, an old man!" Ke Zhengang hurriedly hugged Ke Feixiong, and said with tears running down his face: "Feixiong, trust me, I will not let Ke Feixiong The group is finished. I will definitely find a way to settle this matter, keep your Ke Group standing upright, and help Ke Xue calm down! Believe me, don't be impatient, give me a little more time, please, OK?"

Seeing that Ke Zhengang's old face was full of pleading, Ke Feixiong shook his head and cried, "Dad, why don't you let go? Don't you realize that people just move their fingers and they can Forced your son and me to die. Their energy is too strong. If we continue to fight with them, it will be like moths to a flame. In the end, we will be the only ones who die! Dad, please Stop thinking about avenging Ke Xue, it's not worth it!" Ke Zhengang said in a painful voice: "Son, you have to understand your father. Your father is a soldier. Soldiers can only die in battle. But I can't surrender! If I admit defeat, then my life's wisdom will be ruined. I can't!"

Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Ke Feixiong was extremely disappointed, turned around and walked out of the house without a word.Looking at Ke Feixiong's back that showed infinite sadness and desolation, Ke Zhengang gritted his teeth tightly, and muttered an oath: "I must win! Not only for myself, but also for my son and granddaughter!..."

Li Xiaoshui was really angry this time.Thinking that Li Yong might be suffering now, she felt as if ten thousand ants were crawling in her heart, scratching her heart with their claws, which made her unable to calm down even for a moment.However, Ke Zhengang is the commander of the Beijing Military Region, and he has a huge army under his command. Even Shi Qiu wanted to give him three points, and she agreed to Li Yong.Three days later, she told Li Xiaogang about this matter. With her own power, it was very difficult to shake Ke Zhengang.However, she found out that Ke Feixiong, the only son of Ke Zhengang, was running a large-scale group company. She immediately made up her mind and decided to make a side attack, so she pointed her gun at the Ke Group without hesitation, and concocted such a A powerful banning order.

As soon as Li Xiaoshui appeared in the media, he immediately attracted the attention of several other leaders of the Longzihao Group. Li Li even called to inquire about the situation immediately.Li Yong said he would not tell Li Xiaogang, but he never said he would not tell others, so Li Xiaoshui told her the whole story without any scruples.After listening to Li Xiaoshui's narration, Li Li naturally stood by Li Xiaoshui's side without hesitation, so the second ban order was issued freshly.

Qiangnong Sales led by Li Xiaoshui, Longxi Group led by Li Yong, and Longquan Group led by Long Linger all issued the same ban order one after another, which inevitably attracted the attention of Longmu, Longhua and Longyu , So the news that Li Yong was forcibly detained by Ke Zhengang for no reason was further spread.

These Dragon Brand Groups are originally rich and powerful, and they have always played the role of superiors and arbitrators on weekdays. In addition, Li Xiaogang's character has always been that criminals must be punished, and the standard hardliners make these Dragon Brands Big brother, it’s inevitable to bring them one by one, don’t be afraid of the sky, don’t be afraid of the earth, if you mess with me, I’ll kill your temper.So everything was promised, and after Long Ling'er, several more ban orders were thrown out.Although the industries involved in these big dragon groups do not conflict with the Ke Group, their prestige is too strong, and there is no guarantee that one day they will not fall into their hands.No matter how you look at it, it is not worthwhile to offend such a powerful alliance consortium for the sake of a small Ke Group.Therefore, without much hesitation, the customers of the Ke Group resolutely abandoned the Ke Group one by one. In this way, the Ke Group had no chance to resist, and was knocked down by Li Xiaoshui's fist .

It all happened so fast, so suddenly.It made Ke Feixiong feel that he was sitting high on the clouds one second before and then fell to the ground with a bang, and his body was smashed to pieces.This feeling is like a nightmare, no matter who it is on, no one can bear it, no wonder Ke Feixiong became so crazy that he couldn't think about it and wanted to commit suicide.I'm afraid even Li Xiaoshui didn't realize that she would achieve such an effect by doing so.

However, as long as Li Xiaoshui was so happy, something unexpected happened.When she came out of the office to get together with Li Li and the others to further discuss the matter of rescuing Li Yong, two burly men in casual clothes but with a military look all over their bodies stopped her unceremoniously. the way to go.Li Xiaoshui, who had already experienced it once, was stunned for a short time, then quickly recovered his composure, stared at the two, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you and what do you want to do?" Facing Li Xiaoshui's questioning, The two of them didn't answer, they directly grabbed her two hands, one left and one right, lifted her up forcefully, stuffed her directly into a car, and galloped away towards the capital.Because Zero Five and Zero Six are now locked up together with Li Yong in the Beijing military region, and Li Xiaoshui has no one to protect him, which makes it easy for these two big men to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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