The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1249 Angry Li Yong

Chapter 1249 Angry Li Yong
Not long after Li Xiaoshui was carried into the car, Yin De appeared again in the room where Li Yong and Shi Qiu were imprisoned.With the previous conversation, Shi Qiu and Li Yong thought that Yin De had been persuaded by them and stood by them, but neither of them expected that Yin De would be changed by Ke Zhengang's few words. I have made up my mind, and I am more determined than before.Seeing Yin De walking in, Shi Qiu rushed to greet him, and asked anxiously: "How is it? Is that old man Ke Zhengang persuaded? Did he ask you to let us go?" Yin De smiled wryly, Said faintly: "Commander Shi, I'm afraid I will disappoint you!Instead of being able to convince Commander Ke, I was persuaded by our Commander Ke.If you don't find the murderer who bullied Ke Xue, you don't want to leave here. "

After hearing Yin De's words, Shi Qiu and Li Yong could not help but look at each other.Shi Qiu stared blankly at Yin De, and murmured: "Wait, you... you just said that you were persuaded by Ke Zhengang, what's going on?" Yin De said sadly: "You may I never imagined that, in fact, we, Commander Ke, have always had a knot in our hearts that cannot be unraveled..." "Bullshit knot! If you want me to say, he is old, confused, and has lived enough!" Yin De's words are still Before he finished speaking, Shi Qiu interrupted his words furiously, pointed at him, and said angrily: "Yin De, Yin De, I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be extremely stupid! It was a waste of my previous efforts." I still have full hopes for you, if I have a gun in my hand now, I...I really wish I could kill you with one shot!"

Yin De smiled wryly, and said: "I know Commander Shi, you hate me to the bone now, but since I have followed Commander Ke and become one of his soldiers, then I must be absolutely loyal to him." "But do you know , You are stupid loyalty! Stupid loyalty! You have brains yourself, can’t you imagine how serious the consequences of his actions are? Ke Zhengang will be smashed to pieces for this! At that time, what should you do? Shall Ke Zhengang die together?" Shi Qiu roared angrily.Shi Qiu's roar made Yin De's face show a deep sadness, and he murmured: "If there is such a day, this is my only choice!"

"What...what? You want to die with Ke Zhengang?...together?" Shi Qiu looked at Yin De in surprise and asked.Yin De nodded resolutely, and said in a deep voice: "A scholar will die for his confidant! In order to repay Commander Ke's love for me, even if it is death, I will not hesitate!" "But there are many kinds of death! A death like yours, even if you die, you will be stabbed in the back, can you bear it?" Shi Qiu asked. "I'm dead, how can I care about so much? I want to poke the spine, go poke them, anyway, I'm already dead, and I can't feel it anymore!" Yin De is indifferent like an old monk who sees through life and death.Shi Qiu suddenly began to envy Ke Zhengang.

In his life, being able to bring out a good soldier like Yin De, who would never frown even if he died for him, should be regarded as the greatest glory of his life.

Shi Qiu didn't continue to persuade, because he knew that Yin De's will was as firm as iron at this time, and even the lava from the volcano would never be able to soften him, so why did he waste his time talking.Seeing that Shi Qiu fell silent, Yin De cast his eyes on Li Yong, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, you have seen our determination, so please tell us the name of that person. Good!" Li Yong snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Be good to everyone? I think it is not good to everyone! Don't think that you are the only one in the whole world who is tough, and I, Li Yong, am not made of mud. , want to pry my mouth open, stop dreaming!"

Yin De frowned, and said lightly: "I can't see it?" Li Yong narrowed his eyes, stared sharply at Yin De, and asked in a low voice: "What do you mean? Could it be that you still Would you like to put me to death?" Yin De shook his head lightly, and said, "Of course not! Our commander said that we must not hurt a single hair of your hair." Li Yong sneered, and said, "That's not the case. It's over? Don't waste your time talking, you'd better get us a few more bottles of wine, I haven't had enough of it just now!"

Yin De said softly: "Don't be in a hurry to drink, let's settle the business first." Li Yong looked very impatient, and shouted at Yin De: "What's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with your head? Didn't I tell you, I don't know how to spit, so you just die!" Yin De didn't speak, took out his mobile phone, dialed a series of phone numbers, and said to the phone After whispering a few words, he handed the phone to Li Yong, and said lightly, "Someone wants to talk to you!" Li Yong took the phone suspiciously, and before he could speak, the other end of the phone immediately There came Li Xiaoshui's slightly crying voice, "Ayong, is that you, Ayong? I'm Li Xiaoshui, can you hear me?"

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Li Yong's heart almost jumped out of his throat in shock, and hurriedly asked: "Xiao Shui? Where are you, Xiao Shui?" Hearing Li Yong's voice, Li Xiaoshui's heart suddenly jumped. After calming down, he didn't answer Li Yong's question, but instead asked: "Ayong, where are you? Are you not injured? They didn't abuse you, did they?"

Li Xiaoshui's concern warmed Li Yong's heart, and he said, "Xiao Shui, I'm fine, don't worry about me. How did you talk to Yin De? Where are you now?" Li Xiaoshui said full of grievances: "I I don't know, as soon as I left the company, they put me in the car, and now I seem to be on the expressway to the capital."

Hearing Li Xiaoshui's words, Li Yong's heart seemed to be ignited by someone, burning up.At this time, Li Yong was like a raging lion, hissing and roaring, staring at Yin De with fiery eyes, gritted his teeth, and asked sullenly: "Bastard, you caught her?" Yin De With a blank face, he took the phone back from Li Yong's hand, pressed the hook button, put the phone away in his pocket, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, but we have no other choice. "You guys are fucking soldiers?" Li Yong yelled at Yin De angrily.

Li Yong's roar made Yin De's expression very unnatural and extremely embarrassing.Yin De coughed heavily and chose to remain silent.Yin De is a soldier, and an excellent soldier at that.But as an excellent soldier, there must be a special pride in his heart.Even Yin De himself felt ashamed and ashamed for doing such a thing.He even felt that he was no longer worthy to wear this mighty and glorious military uniform.But he had no choice, he had to force Li Yong to spit in the shortest possible time, and now Li Xiaoshui was his only bargaining chip.

After Li Yong gradually calmed down from his anger, Yin De said: "I'm sorry, you are right, I am not a soldier at all, and I don't deserve to wear this uniform. After the matter is over, I will give you a Satisfactory confession." "What confession, go to die?" Li Yong roared full of hatred.There was a bitter smile on the corner of Yin De's mouth, he didn't answer the question directly, but asked instead: "Mr. Li, can you come up with that name now?"

Li Yong snorted coldly and said, "Don't even think about it! I said it a long time ago, but I won't say it. I want to see what other tricks you can come up with." Yin De didn't care, with a look on his face Tanao said: "Your lover is galloping on the highway at an extremely fast speed now. You also know that speed can bring people excitement, but it is also very dangerous. With their current speed, if once If something happens on the highway, the consequences will be dire!"

"You...what did you say?" Li Yong couldn't believe his ears, stared blankly at Yin De, and asked in a murmur, "You guys?...want to murder Xiaoshui?" Yong, even Shi Qiu couldn't help being furious, no one could have imagined that Yin De could even do such a thing, he is simply a despicable and shameless villain!This not only dishonored the capital military region, but even tarnished the honor of the entire Yanhuang army.

Yin De said lightly: "Of course we don't want this kind of thing to happen. But if you don't cooperate, Mr. Li, I think this kind of thing is likely to happen!" "Fuck you!" Li Yong never Unable to suppress the hatred in his heart, he jumped up and punched Yin De hard on the corner of the mouth.Yin De's body couldn't stand stably, he staggered heavily and bumped into the cabinet, and let out a muffled groan.Li Yong's punch contained great anger and was extremely heavy.The corner of Yin De's mouth burst open on the spot, and a lot of blood flowed out.

Yin De could have easily dodged this punch, but he didn't dodge it, probably because he also had guilt in his heart, and wanted to use this punch to make up for the guilt in his heart, right?The sound of shouting and cursing in the room, and the sound of fists hitting the flesh, alarmed the soldiers outside.Amidst the noise of running, several soldiers with live ammunition rushed in quickly.Seeing the blood on the corner of Yin De's mouth, he immediately pointed the gun at Li Yong who was baring his teeth and claws out of anger.

"Get out of here!" Yin De struggled to stand still, and looked at those with dignity!The soldier roared.several!After looking at each other for a while, the soldiers left the room together.

Yin De wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Li Yong: "If Mr. Li still feels unrepentant, you can hit him again!" Before Yin De finished speaking, Li Yong was punched in the abdomen again, Under the effect of severe pain, Yin De's body immediately bent down, and his hands tightly covered his lower abdomen.But before the pain in his abdomen disappeared, there was another piercing pain from his back, and at the same time, a huge force pressed down from his chest, making him unable to stand still, and fell on the ground with a plop. on the ground.Afterwards, there was a storm of punches and kicks, falling straight on his body.While curling up his body, Yin De hugged his head with both hands, clenched his teeth, and endured Li Yong's anger, but he stubbornly didn't even yell out Shen Yin.

(End of this chapter)

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