The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1250 That Person Is Called Li Xiaogang

Chapter 1250 That Person Is Called Li Xiaogang

Li Yong seemed to be possessed by a demon, waving his fist at Yin De almost crazily, as if he wanted to beat Yin De to death in one breath!Seeing that it was almost done, Shi Qiu hurried forward, hugged the violent Li Yong tightly, and shouted loudly: "Calm down, Yong! Do you want to kill him like this?"

While struggling, Li Yong yelled loudly: "Trash like this, if you beat it to death, you will kill it, what's the matter!" At this time, Li Yong's strength was amazing, and Shi Qiu seemed to be unable to hold him. .Hastily leaned into Li Yong's ear and shouted: "Kill him, what will Xiao Shui do? Don't you care about her life or death?"

Shi Qiu's words had an effect, and Li Yong's furious figure stopped immediately.Yin De, who was severely beaten with his hands, was pulled up from the ground, staring at his eyes, and asked with eyes that were about to burst: "Bastard bastard, quickly ask your people to give me Xiaoshui An An, send it back unscathed! Otherwise, I will kill you today!"

Yin De was severely beaten by Li Yong.That is him, if he were someone else, he would probably be unconscious by now.Yin De carelessly wiped the blood from Huo's face, and smiled miserably at Li Yong, and said quietly: "Mr. Li, if you don't tell me that name, I won't return your lover to you." .You can beat me to death, and I will never fight back. But, you will never see your lover again in this life."

" bastard!" Li Yong roared angrily, and pushed Yin De back far away, walking around the room anxiously.On one side is Li Xiaogang who thinks so much about him, and on the other side is Li Yong, the woman he loves wholeheartedly. His heart is completely messed up, and he is caught in a fierce conflict. Watching Li Yong walk around, Shi Qiu knows that he is at this moment. How bad is my mood.

His brows were frowned into an iron lump, containing infinite anger, and he looked at Yin De, and asked in a cold voice: "Yin De, you are a soldier after all, how could you do such a despicable thing? Are you going to disgrace all our fighters?" Yin De may only know how bitter he is.Facing Shi Qiu's angry accusation, Yin De, a tough man, couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment, it seemed so sad.

Shi Qiu shook his head, and asked in a deep voice: "Is this Ke Zhengang's idea?" Yin Demeng raised his head and said loudly: "No, no! This has nothing to do with our Commander Ke. It was me from the beginning to the end. One person's idea. If you want to pursue it, just kill me alone! Don't make things difficult for Commander Ke, because this matter really has nothing to do with him!"

Shi Qiu snorted coldly, and said gloomyly: "Of course! How could this matter be Ke Zhengang's idea? What an upright person he is! In his whole life, I'm afraid he has never done anything that would make him blush However, as the so-called wise man is, he will not be guaranteed at the end of the year! I am afraid that Ke Zhengang never dreamed that his life's fame will be ruined in the end by you, his most beloved subordinate, right? Hmph!"

"Ah? Commander Shi, what do you mean? I have already said that I planned this incident from the beginning to the end and it has nothing to do with Commander Ke!" Yin De looked at Shi Qiu in horror and emphasized loudly. .

Shi Qiu sneered a few times and said faintly, "Of course! You said that because I know Ke Zhengang's character, I also believe what you said. But what's the use of believing it by myself? Will other people believe it? You belong to Ke Zhengang Everything you do, my subordinate, is inseparable from Ke Zhengang! Naturally, Ke Zhengang will be responsible for his own mistakes. But Ke Zhengang will also be responsible for your mistakes! Just because you are his subordinate It's his responsibility to restrain you! So even if you are full of mouths, you can never get Ke Zhengang out of this matter cleanly!"

"How could this be?'s not fair!" Yin De never expected that things would be distorted by shock as Shi Qiu said.Shi Qiu went on to say, "Of course it should be like this! There is nothing unfair about it. As a superior, Ke Zhengang enjoys the glory and status that others have never enjoyed, and these are the prices he should pay. It is very fair!" Yin De only felt that his whole body As if his strength had been drained, he slumped on the ground limply.Ke Zhengang frowned and said in a deep voice: "So, Yin De, if you don't want to be confused for a while and harm your beloved Ke Zhengang, Commander Ke, I advise you to rein in the precipice and stop as soon as possible! Sending Li Xiaoshui back safe and sound is your only choice. !"

Yin De was silent for a while, and suddenly let out a deep wry smile, slowly stood up from the ground and muttered, "I'm afraid I have no other choice. I've made up my mind that I will die when the matter is over." Mingzhi. Firstly, it repays Commander Ke’s kindness to me, and secondly, it also repays his old man’s innocence.” Hearing that Yin De really has a dead will, Shi Qiu couldn’t help but be stunned. At this point, I’m afraid there is no turning around. room for it.

Yin De turned his head to look at Li Yongman and said solemnly: "Mr. Li, I will stop talking nonsense. If you insist on refusing to tell me the name of that person, I will have to bear the pain and make a decision. !" Li Yong shouted angrily, "How dare you! Believe it or not, I will kill you!?" Yin De smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I believe! If you want to kill me, I can do it myself at any time without bothering you." Understand yourself. It's just that your lover will have to go to hell with me!" "I'll fuck your ancestors!" Li Yong is like a wolf pushed to the edge of a cliff and has no other choice.

Li Xiaoshui is Li Yong's lifeblood. If Li Xiaoshui died, I believe Li Yong would not be able to live alone.Just when Li Yong didn't know what to do, Yin De took out the phone again and said quietly: "Time is running out, I'm afraid I don't have much time left for Mr. Li to think. Mr. Li had better make a decision early! "Li Yong turned his eyes to Shi Qiu for help, Shi Qiu's brows were tightly frowned, obviously he was also very conflicted in his heart.Of course, Shi Qiu didn't want Li Xiaoshui to have something to do, and even if Li Xiaoshui had something to do, Li Yong couldn't get better.But at the same time, Shi Qiu didn't want Ke Zhengang to have anything to do.Because he knew better than anyone else that once Li Xiaogang's name was spoken, Shi Qiu would face Li Xiaogang directly.Compared to him, Li Xiaogang doesn't have so many scruples, maybe he can beat Ke Zhengang in one go.

Shi Qiu was racking his brains, hoping to come up with a solution.But before he could come up with a reason, Yin De over there urged him and said coldly while dialing the phone: "I'll count to three, and if Mr. Zhiguo Li doesn't say the name, I'll call this one." When the call is made, even the Great Luo Tianxian will not be able to save your woman."

"Li Xiaoshui can't live, but you can't live either!" Shi Qiu said angrily.Yin De was not at all moved by it and said indifferently: "I said that I don't intend to continue living!" "What about Brother Shi?No matter what, I can't let Ah Xia have trouble! "Li Yong was burning with anxiety, thinking that Li Xiaoshui was facing threats to his life all the time, Li Yong was so anxious that he wanted to slap himself several times.

A few thoughts flashed through Shi Qiu's mind, and finally he let out a long sigh and said slowly, "Well, since Ke Zhengang wants to die, we don't need to stop him just tell him!" After listening to Shi Qiu's words, Li Yong no longer hesitated and turned to look at Yin De, and said coldly: "Okay! Yin De, you won! Don't you want to know who the person who taught your lady a lesson? Let me tell you, you remember his name— Li Xiaogang!"

"Li Xiaogang?" Yin De was startled when he heard the sinus word that he bought in exchange for his death, and repeated it several times in his heart, but he felt very strange.I racked my brains and searched my stomach, but I couldn't think of any great figure in this country named Li Xiaogang.In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for someone like Li Yong and Shi Qiu to be admired and maintained by people like Li Yong and Shi Qiu.So Yin De's eyes couldn't help revealing a hint of doubt.Seeing the suspicion in Yin De's eyes, Li Yong was very annoyed, and roared angrily: "Do you think that I, Li Yong, would take the life of my beloved woman as a joke? You haven't heard of this name because you are ignorant!"

Yin De glanced at Li Yong, dialed the phone slowly and said into the microphone: "Bring him to the military area safely!" Then he hung up the phone.Li Yongman yelled at him angrily: "What do you mean? Talking doesn't count? Didn't you promise me that as long as I say the name, you will send the person back?"

Yin De said lightly: "Mr. Li, please be calm and don't be impatient. It's not that I don't mean what I say, but that I need time to check whether the name you mentioned is true or not! If you lied to me, I should find Who will go? You can rest assured that after Ms. Li comes here, I will arrange you together to ensure that she is unscathed. After I verify the answer, I will send you back safely! Of course, if I find out that this name is a fake Yes, then don't blame me, Yin De, for being rude!"

"Hmph! You are judging a gentleman's heart with the heart of a villain! Besides, do I have to stop someone who wants to die?" Hearing Yin De's words, Li Yong said coldly with a trace of disdain .Yin De chuckled a few times and said indifferently: "No matter what, as long as you prove that you are not lying to us, we will never hurt you!" After speaking, Yin De saluted the four of them and left the room.

(End of this chapter)

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