The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1257 But I just want to kill someone!

Chapter 1257 But I just want to kill someone!
Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Gao Liguo felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then you can listen to me, be patient for now, and give the leader and the old man a little more time." Just as Li Xiaogang was still hesitating, Lin Chaoran's phone call came.For the sake of safety, Lin Chaoran did not call Li Xiaogang directly, but called Gao Liguo, hoping that Gao Liguo could act as a microphone and a buffer.However, Lin Chaoran underestimated Li Xiaogang's ability too much. Within a hundred miles, as long as Li Xiaogang is willing, even a mosquito will never escape his ears.So even though Gao Liguo hid on purpose to answer the phone, the effect was no different from Lin Chaoran's direct conversation with Li Xiaogang.After answering the phone, Gao Liguo hurriedly asked: "Old man, what happened? It's been so long, and it hasn't been settled yet? Xiao Gang on my side has already lost his temper. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long."

As soon as Gao Liguo's voice fell, Lin Chaoran's long sigh came from over there. This sigh made Gao Liguo's heart feel as if it had been thrown into an ice cellar, and it became completely cold.Gao Liguo swallowed lightly, and asked in a murmur, "Old man, even if you and the leader go out in person, you can't beat him, Ke Zhengang?"

Lin Chaoran snorted coldly, and said: "He dares! Now Ke Zhengang is much more obedient. It's just that the weather is unpredictable, and I guess it's fate. Just when everything started to ease up, the most impossible thing happened. Li Xiaoshui was in a car accident on the way back to the capital forcibly by Ke Zhengang's people. He is now in critical condition and is being rescued in the hospital..." "What!? How could this be?" Shouted in horror.Suddenly, Gao Liguo realized that the voice was too loud and he might be overheard by Li Xiaogang, so he hurriedly silenced his voice.However, he only remembered this now, and it was too late.Before his voice could be completely silenced, he suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and the phone in his hand seemed to spread its wings, and it flew out of his hand automatically, flying far away. Gao Liguo was full of astonishment Tracing the trajectory of the phone flying away, at the other end of the trajectory, he was horrified to find Li Xiaogang, who had a frosty face and was breathing cold air all over his body, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and he sank suddenly.

"Xiao Gang, you..." Gao Liguo shouted in astonishment.Li Xiaogang ignored him, but put the phone to his ear with a cold face.Lin Chaoran's voice happened to be heard on the phone at this moment, and he said, "Zhengping, don't shout, don't let Xiao Gang hear our conversation!" As soon as Lin Chaoran's voice fell, Li Xiaogang sneered , said faintly: "Old man, I'm afraid it's too late, I've heard everything!"

Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly came out from the phone, Lin Chaoran was really startled, and almost threw the phone out of his hand.After all, Lin Chaoran is a person who has experienced countless winds and rains, and his mind is spinning extremely fast. Seeing that Li Xiaogang already knew about this matter, it would be futile to conceal it any longer.Lin Chaoran hastily said rationally: "Xiao Gang, listen to me..." "You should listen to me first? Why did you hide from me about my sister's injury?" Li Xiaogang interrupted Lin Chaoran's words with a deep voice asked.Lin Chaoran frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, we didn't intend to hide this matter from you at first, but this matter was too sudden, and we were afraid that you would not be able to accept it for a while, so we wanted to tell Zhengping first, and then we will let you know." He told you..."

"Is it because your sister is seriously injured because of your good intentions? she still alive?" Li Xiaogang's voice was more chaotic than ever before, which made Lin Chaoran feel very sad.Sighing, Lin Chaoran said slowly: "Your sister is indeed seriously injured now. The doctors are doing their best to save her. I believe that a miracle will happen..." "Where is my sister now?" Li Xiaogang didn't care at all. Hearing Lin Chaoran's rambling, he couldn't wait to ask.Lin Chaoran didn't hide anything, and told Li Xiaogang the address of the hospital where they were.Before his voice completely disappeared, Li Xiaogang's figure disappeared in front of Gao Liguo strangely.

Just when Gao Liguo was wondering where Li Xiaogang had gone, Li Xiaogang suddenly appeared in front of Lin Chaoran.Lin Chaoran and the leader had already seen him coming, and rushed to meet him.At this time, Li Xiaogang's complexion was ashen, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, and the leader and Lin Chaoran were shivering with cold in their hearts. "Xiao Gang, listen to me..." Lin Chaoran stepped forward, trying to grab Li Xiaogang's hand, but Li Xiaogang dodged it.Just when Lin Chaoran was worried about Li Xiaogang's performance, Li Xiaogang went straight to Ke Zhengang.

Seeing Li Xiaogang at this time looks like a fierce god, his face is full of anger, as if he wants to swallow Ke Zhengang alive, even Ke Zhengang, who has experienced countless battles and has long been used to seeing the most vicious enemies, can't help but raise his heart at this time, Subconsciously took a few steps back.Seeing that Ke Zhengang was in danger, Yin De stepped between the two of them without hesitation, firmly guarding Ke Zhengang behind him, and shouted loudly: "If you dare to hurt our Commander Ke, I will kill you!" Yin De As soon as De's words came out, Li Xiaogang waved his hand, Erzao's invisible divine power flashed by, and Yin De was like a baseball that was hit flying, being hit several feet away.If there were no walls blocking him, who knows if he would have been slapped by Li Xiaogang and flew out of the earth.

Chasing Yin De away like a fly, Li Xiaogang stretched out his right hand, facing Ke Zhengang from a distance, raised his palm slightly, and Ke Zhengang's figure got rid of the gravity of the earth strangely, and slowly rose into the midair.Ke Zhengang struggled with his teeth and claws, trying to return to the ground, but it was a pity that his mortal body, how could he get rid of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power, after struggling a few times, he floated in the air and stopped moving He looked at Li Xiaogang like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and frightened lights flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Li Xiaogang stared at him blankly, and said coldly: "The famous Commander Ke, who covers the sky with one hand, probably never dreamed that we would meet in such a situation, right?" Hearing it in my ears made me feel very uncomfortable.Even the leader and Lin Chaoran were moved, let alone Ke Zhengang.The feeling at this moment is something he has never experienced in his life, and he only hopes to die here.The fear in his heart kept rolling, as if a wild beast was going to swallow him alive. Ke Zhengang never thought he would be afraid of anyone. Even when facing the leader, he would only feel wronged, but never afraid.However, facing the murderous Li Xiaogang, Ke Zhengang felt scared from the bottom of his heart.If he could have experienced this trembling of fear earlier, I believe he would not have fallen into this situation.Ke Zhengang was pinched in Li Xiaogang's hand like an ant, and as long as Li Xiaogang was willing, he might kill him at any time.

At this moment, everyone's thoughts couldn't help but raised their throats, even the leader and Lin Chaoran were no exception. "How do you want to die?" Just when everyone was worried, Li Xiaogang's icy voice sounded again. This voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, and everyone broke out in cold sweat, as if there was a snake crawling on the back of the spine. Around the general.Wang Cheng and Yuan Lang looked at each other, stepped forward at the same time, and shouted in unison: "Presumptuous! Who do you think you are, to dare to be so rude to our Commander Ke!" Here I have to praise Wang Cheng and Yuan Lang's courage.You must know that these two people were trained by Yin De alone. In their minds, Yin De is simply an insurmountable mountain. , There are very few people in this world who can defeat Yin De.

But just now.Li Xiaogang just waved his hand, and Yin De flew out. At this time, Li Xiaogang raised Ke Zhengang with a force that made them awe, which had already made them realize clearly enough that Li Xiaogang's strength was nothing at all. What these two little shrimps can compete with.Under such circumstances, the two still had the guts to stand up. First, they undoubtedly demonstrated their loyalty and love for Ke Zhengang, and second, they also showed their outstanding qualities as excellent fighters. courage.If it was normal, Li Xiaogang might have a good impression of these two people, maybe instead of embarrassing them, he would reward them and improve their cultivation.But right now, Li Xiaogang's mood was extremely bad, and the roars of Wang Cheng and Yuan Lang seemed to him as annoying as flies.

With infinite boredom in his heart, Li Xiaogang's eyes shot out a cold light like electricity, and they rushed straight towards the two of them.Li Xiaogang's eyes were extremely sharp, as if they were real. Wang Cheng and Yuan Lang only felt a loud buzzing in their heads, and then their eyes went dark, and they fell directly to the ground.No one has ever believed that eyes can kill people.But at this time, after witnessing all this, everyone had to believe it.For a moment, Li Xiaogang's figure was infinitely magnified in Ke Zhengang's mind, and the pressure brought on him was also increasing, as if it was going to crush him.

"Xiao Gang, stop!" The leader and Lin Chaoran glanced at each other, and Lin Chaoran hurried over and shouted loudly.Li Xiaogang stared at Ke Zhengang with a pair of eyes, and said coldly: "Old man, if you are so insane and harm innocent scum, what are you keeping him for? Let us kill him, and it will be over once and for all!" "No way!" Chaoran was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Gang, calm down, killing people is not the solution to the problem!" Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "But I want to kill people now, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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