The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1258 Don't let a bad guy go

Chapter 1258 Don't Spare A Bad Guy

" kill me!" At this moment, Ke Zhengang's face darkened suddenly, and he closed his eyes and said slowly. "Hmph! Do you think I will soften my heart when you do this? I'll kill you right away!" Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows and said with a stern expression. "Wait a minute!" Just as Li Xiaogang was about to make a move, Ke Zhengang suddenly let out a startled roar. Hearing his roar, Li Xiaogang let out a cold snort, and said faintly, "Why, I haven't made a move yet, so why don't you Afraid?" Ke Zhengang said quite arrogantly: "In my life, Ke Zhengang, I don't know how many times I have died. For me, death is far less terrible than ordinary people imagine. I admit that I am a little afraid of you But I am not afraid of death!

Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and said sullenly: "Is there any difference? Now, to you, I am the god of death!" Ke Zhengang nodded, and said slowly: "Yes! I killed your sister Your life is dying, and you do have a reason to kill me. But before that, I have one last request, I hope you can agree to me because I am old and dying!" Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked in a deep voice: " What request? I will know if I can promise you if you tell me." Ke Zhengang nodded tremblingly, and said slowly: "You can kill me, but I beg you to let my son and granddaughter go, they are innocent , just let them live!"

"Hmph ha ha...innocent? They are innocent, isn't my sister innocent? She didn't even know what happened, and she suffered such a disaster, do you think it's fair to her?" Li Xiaogang was angry. Laughing back, he roared loudly at Ke Zhengang with a loud voice.The roar was like waves, one wave after another, pressing towards Ke Zhengang layer by layer, until Ke Zhengang's face became colorless, pale, speechless, and his expression was full of despair.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "However, if you don't know how to be a human being, I won't learn from you. Your son is indeed innocent, but Ke Xue is the instigator of this incident. She can't be called innocent. I can Let your son go, but your granddaughter must accept the punishment she deserves!"

Ke Zhengang was shocked, and looked up at Li Xiaogang blankly, speechless for a long time.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said with a bit of resentment: "If I do this, you should be able to rest in peace, right?" Ke Zhengang suddenly let out a long sigh, and murmured: "You have committed evil, you can't live! Axue, Since grandpa can't save me, I can only go to hell with you!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Xiaogang and said word by word: "You can do it now! Kill me!" "Ke Zhengang, are you crazy? Are you crazy?" Do you think it's worth dying like this?" Seeing that Ke Zhengang not only did not beg for mercy from Li Xiaogang, but also repeatedly urged Li Xiaogang to kill himself, Lin Chaoran couldn't help but shouted loudly.

Ke Zhengang let out a wry smile, and said slowly: "All of this is my own choice. As I said, I want to drink the bitter wine I brewed by myself. Member Lin, and the leader, thank you for protecting me, an old man like this , I am grateful. The so-called evil is rewarded with evil, and my old man is not wronged!" He looked at Shi Qiu again, and said with a wry smile: "Commander Shi, I have offended you so much, I have made you feel wronged! In the next life, if there is a chance, I will definitely apologize to you!" After hearing Ke Zhengang's 'last words,' Shi Qiu's heart was full of sighs, and he felt sorry for Ke Zhengang.

"Ke... Commander Ke..." At this moment, Yin De, who was slapped away by Li Xiaogang's palm, stood up firmly again.Even Li Xiaogang couldn't help but be moved when he saw this strong perseverance.Li Xiaogang, who was in a state of rage just now, didn't have the heart to control his strength at all. Although it was a palm waved casually, the strength contained in it was not small at all, and he didn't kill Yin De on the spot. Already he was lucky.If you were someone else, it would be difficult to stand up, let alone take a breath. People as strong as Yin De are really rare.

Yin De held on to the wall with his hands, and walked over almost with his hands.Li Xiaogang was watching him all the time, forgetting about Ke Zhengang in his hand.Yin De came in front of Li Xiaogang, looked at him sincerely, and said slowly: "I don't know who you are, but I know, with your cultivation base, it is easy to kill me." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly. He said: "You have a good vision!" Yin De smiled wryly, with a trace of bright red blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Although your martial arts are powerful, you didn't kill me just now. It's not that my life is hard enough. , but you showed mercy in your subconscious, maybe you didn’t even realize it yourself. This made me realize that your nature doesn’t like killing. "

Li Xiaogang really doesn't like killing. If he liked killing, there probably wouldn't be many living people in the Middle East.Li Xiaogang is now somewhat interested in Yin De, and more than half of his attention can't help but be cast on him.Facing Li Xiaogang's piercing eyes, Yin De went on to say: "You are not a person who is easy to kill, so this time, what you want to kill is only the person you hate the most, am I right?" Li Xiaogang nodded, coldly He said coldly, "Keep talking!

Yin De frowned, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "The person you hate the most should be the one who hurt your sister and put her in such a dangerous situation?" Li Xiaogang laughed wildly, Said: "You are absolutely right! Because of this, your Commander Ke must die today!" Yin De smiled wryly and shook his head and said slowly: "No! If what I said is correct, then you hate the most It's not our Commander Ke. Because your sister will become what she is today, and it has nothing to do with our Commander Ke!

"En? Who is it related to?" Li Xiaogang asked coldly, his face darkened.Yin De suddenly straightened his seriously injured body, and with a face of shame, he replied calmly: "Me!" "What? Say it again!" Li Xiaogang's pupils shrank suddenly, and a ray of light fell on Yin De's body .Yin De said calmly: "Your sister became what she is today, it's all caused by me. I took her out of Province S forcibly. Although I didn't expect such a thing to happen on the way, all of this is after all. It's all because of me. I acted on my own at the time, and our Commander Ke was kept in the dark by me, and we didn't even know about it. Therefore, I am the person you should hate the most. Come on, let us Commander Ke go, kill us. kill me!
Everyone didn't expect Yin De to say such a thing at this time, and they couldn't help being surprised.Ke Zhengang went to shout angrily: "Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? I've heard of people taking credit, but never about killing people! Yin De, shut up and step aside!" Yin De smiled wryly, and said slowly: "Commander Ke, I said at the beginning that I did all these things, and I should naturally bear the consequences. I'm ready, so you don't need to More to say." After finishing speaking, Yin De yelled at Li Xiaogang: "What are you waiting for? Do it! Avenge your sister!"

Yin De's performance made Shi Qiu respect him a lot. After all, such a daring man is rare in today's impetuous society. He was a little reluctant to let Yin De die like this. .However, at this time, all the initiative was in Li Xiaogang's hands, and he had no part to intervene at all. "Li Xiaogang, you shouldn't be stupid enough to listen to his nonsense, right? In the army, the most important thing is to follow orders. Unless he has the courage of a bear, he will never dare to act without authorization. Don't believe his words, Believe me, kill me!
Seeing that Li Xiaogang seemed to be hesitating, Ke Zhengang couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and roared loudly.Li Xiaogang looked at Ke Zhengang for a while, and then at Yin De for a while, until now he really didn't know who to trust.Slowly put down his right hand, and put Ke Zhengang back to the ground.Ke Zhengang couldn't help but said eagerly to Yin De: "Yin De, I know you are loyal to me. My old man is very grateful, but you are still so young. If I let you die in my place, the rest of my life will be ruined." Living in endless guilt, this kind of pain will make me feel miserable, it would be better to die directly l You are doing me a favor, stop talking!
Yin Deman looked at Ke Zhengang gratefully and said, "Commander Ke, you don't need to say anything. How can I not understand your thoughts? You think I'm still young and still have a good life to enjoy. Just leave this world. But how do you know that my rotten life is so insignificant compared to your first life's fame. I can't let you die with such injustice, that is my greatest sin. , After finishing speaking, Yin De looked at Li Xiaogang, and said in a trembling voice: "Your sister is troubled by me, everything is my responsibility.I'll give you my life right now, and put an end to this matter!I only hope that you can mobilize the kind thoughts in your heart and let us Commander Ke go! "After Yin De finished speaking, Li Di slammed into the wall next to him fiercely.

"Yin De!" Seeing that his beloved general was about to splatter three feet with blood, Ke Zhengang roared anxiously, and the leader, Lin Chaoran, Shi Qiu and others couldn't help but also let out an exclamation.But in this exclamation, Li Xiaogang's figure exploded, and he swept behind Yin De like lightning, grabbed his neck, and pulled him back.Yin De did not die, and looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, and asked anxiously: "Why don't you let me die? Don't you want to avenge your sister?" Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and said faintly: " Of course I want to avenge my sister! But I have always been like this. I will never let a bad person go, but I will never wrong a good person! When I find out the whole story of this matter, I will naturally do it. decision!

"You..." Yin De stared at Li Xiaogang dumbfounded, and didn't say anything for a long time, but Ke Zhengang, Shi Qiu and others couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and their long-hanging hearts finally let go . "Not good! The patient is bleeding profusely and his life is in danger. Go and call the physician!" The matter in the corridor had just calmed down, when the doctor's exclamation suddenly came from the operating room, and everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats. eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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