The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1259 Li Yong wakes up

Chapter 1259 Li Yong wakes up
Hearing this hasty cry, Li Xiaogang's complexion suddenly changed, he ignored Ke Zhengang and Yin De and rushed into the operating room.At this time, a nurse rushed out of the room, eager to call for a physician. The nurse's hands were stained with scarlet blood, which made the leader, Lin Chaoran and others choke again. down.The nurse walked in a hurry, couldn't stop the car and crashed into Li Xiaogang's arms, couldn't help letting out a cry of pain, then stared at Li Xiaogang with wide eyes full of annoyance, and shouted softly: "You man! What's the matter, do you have eyes?" Li Xiaogang was extremely worried about Li Xiaoshui's safety, although the little nurse was extremely cute, but Li Xiaogang didn't care about it at all, and shouted in a cold voice full of impatience: "Go away!"

The beautiful little nurse is the number one beauty in this hospital. On weekdays, there are countless male animals around her, at her disposal.They are all polite to her, even if they speak softly, for fear that their voice will be too loud and scare her, as fierce as Li Xiaogang, as if he wants to eat her, he is not polite at all, this is the first time she has met her. Seeing that, he couldn't help being a little distracted for a while, and out of fear, he subconsciously gave way to the side, and this way, he gave way to the door into the operating room.Li Xiaogang was about to step in, but the little nurse suddenly reacted, her movements were quite flexible, and she stopped in front of Li Xiaogang again in a flash, opened her hands to block Li Xiaogang's way, and shouted softly: "What are you?" People? Why are you intruding? Don’t you know that this is an important place for the operating room?”

Looking over the little nurse's head, Li Xiaogang saw Li Xiaoshui lying on the hospital bed with a pale face and almost no breath.Li Xiaoshui's kindness to him in every possible way when he was young can't help appearing in his mind, and unspeakable pain can't help but surge in his heart. "Go away! Let me in!" The more he realized the danger of Li Xiaoshui, the more impatient Li Xiaogang became. In the end, he couldn't help but yelled at the pretty little nurse.This roar like a wild lion almost scared the little nurse out of her wits.However, this little nurse's character is also stubborn, no matter how fierce Li Xiaogang is, the little nurse insists on not taking a step back.It's just that the big eye sockets couldn't help but filled with tears of grievance. "Hey, who are you!? How can you break into this place? Get out of here!" A doctor in the operating room, seeing the little nurse being scolded by Li Xiaogang like this, suddenly became protective, and did not care about it. He yelled at Li Xiaogang unceremoniously.

Li Xiaogang finally lost his patience, grabbed the little nurse by the neck, as if lifting a rabbit, and forced her out.Seeing Li Xiaogang 'playing rough on the little nurse', the male doctor immediately became furious, and punched Li Xiaogang. Li Xiaogang let out a cold snort from his nose, stretched out his hand, and grabbed his wrist with great precision. With a flick of the momentum, the male doctor landed on the corridor outside the operating room. The male doctor was dissatisfied, and was about to stand up and attack again, but was stared at by Li Xiaogang's extremely cold eyes and lost all his courage. His whole body went limp. , and slowly slumped to the ground against the wall.

Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at the other people in the operating room, and shouted loudly: "And you! Get out!" The doctor who had talked to the leader came over at this time and said to Li Xiaogang: "This Sir, I know that you are so excited because you care about this girl. However, I advise you that this girl is in danger at any time, and only our doctors can save her. If you continue If you continue to make trouble like this and hinder our work, not only will you not be able to save her, but you will actually harm her! Listen to me, trust us, we will definitely do our best!"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "I believe that you will do your best, but I don't believe in your ability. Take all your people out, and I will naturally have a way to save my sister!" The doctor has always been confident in himself. He firmly believes that if If he can't even save Li Xiaoshui, then no one can save her.Therefore, he did not consider the credibility of Li Xiaogang's words at all.Instead, he said dissatisfied: "What's the matter with you, why are you so stubborn? Do you want to watch your sister die? You immediately ask me out!"

At times like this, reasoning with them is a complete waste of time.Li Xiaogang didn't hesitate anymore, grabbed his skirt, lifted him up, threw him out of the operating room, and then slammed the door of the operating room.The doctor was thrown out of the operating room by Li Xiaogang. Feeling humiliated, he got up angrily and beat on the door of the operating room. "Stop!" The leader stopped his actions with a heavy shout, and walked over.Seeing the leader, the doctor seemed to have seen a savior, and hurriedly said: "Leader, you must find a way to stop him, otherwise the patient's time will be wasted!"

The leader shook his head and said, "Let him try." The doctor never expected the leader to have such an attitude, and couldn't help but look at the leader in astonishment, as if asking, "Are you crazy? "It's just that he didn't have the courage to express this meaning in words, so he murmured: "Leader, you—don't be joking, the girl can't survive without me..." The leader waved his hand impatiently He interrupted him and shouted: "That's enough, you are tired, go and rest, there is nothing for you here!" Seeing the leader's expression, the doctor wisely stopped talking, but he didn't follow the leader's instructions. His expectation is to leave, and he wants to stay, and stay to prove that he is right.

In the operating room, there were only two siblings, Li Xiaogang and Li Xiaoshui.In retrospect, it seems that the two have not been alone like this for a long time.They are always surrounded by friends, and they are far away from each other unconsciously.Seeing that Li Xiaoshui's life was so fragile that he needed a lot of instruments and a lot of tubes to maintain Li Xiaogang's heartache, he was almost suffocated.At this time, Li Xiaoshui's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and his crescent eyebrows were slightly raised, obviously he was enduring great pain.

Li Xiaogang gently stroked Li Xiaoshui's slightly clustered brows with his hands, and murmured as if in a dream: "Sister, it will be fine, everything will be fine..." Whispering, Li Xiaogang put his thumb on Li Xiaoshui's forehead. Between the eyebrows, a brilliant purple light immediately seeped out from his thumb, and then quickly sank into the center of Li Xiaoshui's eyebrows. Inadvertently, Li Xiaoshui's body twitched slightly, and then her frowning brows eased. Slowly stretched out.

Li Xiaoshui's injuries can only be described as heavy. With the entry of Li Xiaogang's consciousness, an almost fragmented body appeared in his mind.Such a serious injury and death, if these ordinary doctors can heal it, it would be a miracle in the world.Carefully, Li Xiaogang used a wave of Nvwa's divine power to swim through Li Xiaoshui's body, blocking up the bleeding points one by one, connecting the broken nerves and meridians, and restoring the broken bones one by one. , Li Xiaogang used almost all of his spiritual consciousness, for fear that there would be some omissions that would cause unknown harm to Li Xiaoshui.

Just when Li Xiaogang was concentrating on treating Li Xiaoshui's injuries, Li Yong woke up from the coma. To be precise, Li Yong woke up from the coma.In a coma, Li Yong dreamed that Li Xiaoshui was standing in front of him covered in blood, asking him why he didn't protect her?Why put her in such pain.Li Yong in the dream was speechless, his heart was full of panic, and then he suddenly woke up.

After waking up, Li Yong stumbled out of the ward as if he had gone crazy, shouting Li Xiaoshui's name loudly, the miserable voice made people listen to it, and everyone felt sad to see that he was so confused because of a moment of confusion. A pair of lovers who were originally happy and sweet faced the separation between heaven and earth, and the remorse in Ke Zhengang's heart made him wish he could just die like this.Yin De was no exception. Seeing Li Yong who was heartbroken at this time, his heart was full of waves, and he couldn't calm down for a moment.Shi Qiu stepped forward to hug Li Yong with heartache, and comforted him repeatedly: "Ah Yong, don't be like this, calm down!" Li Yong struggled vigorously, and at the same time shouted heart-piercingly: "No, I can't calm down!" Come down, Xiao Shui is going to die, is going to die! Save her, save her!"

A friend in need is a friend!At such a moment, everyone clearly felt Li Yong's deep and sincere love for Li Xiaoshui, and they were all moved by it.The leader came over personally, held Li Yong's hand, and said in a confident voice: "Li Yong, don't worry, as long as Li Xiaogang is around, even the god of death can't take Li Xiaoshui away from you!" Just?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's name, Li Yong's mind shook violently, calmed down extremely quickly, looked at the leader, and asked word by word: "You said... Li Xiaogang, is he here?"

The leader nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! Now Li Xiaogang is saving Li Xiaoshui in the operating room, you should be at ease now, right?" The name Li Xiaogang seems to have some kind of magical power, a certain kind of people. Peace of mind, the magic of peace of mind.I always feel that as long as Li Xiaogang is there, everything will no longer be a problem.

Li Yong sat down on the bench with some exhaustion, neither crying nor fussing, just staring at the door of the operating room with a pair of eyes, without blinking.The leader shook his head, returned to Lin Chaoran's side, sighed, pouted his lips towards Li Yong, and murmured, "Have you seen that? If Xiao Gang can't save Li Xiaoshui, I think Li Yong is finished."

Lin Chaoran glanced at Li Yong, and said bitterly: "If Xiaogang can't save Li Xiaoshui, he will be the only one who will die." The leader couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, and a bitter smile flashed across the corner of his mouth. Looking up at the ceiling, I said silently: "God, if you really exist, open your eyes this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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