The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1260 Three bullets in the body

Chapter 1260 Three bullets in the body

Time passed in silence, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense and dull.Everyone's hearts were lifted in the air, and as time went by, this heart was still hanging in the air a little bit.Those present at such tense moments have experienced many times, but like this time, it was the first time that the tension made people crazy.The cigarette in Ke Zhengang's hand changed one after another, and finally even the leader and Lin Chaoran, who had quit smoking for a long time, couldn't help asking Ke Zhengang for a cigarette and lit it.As for Yin De and Shi Qiu, these two are heavy smokers, not to mention, they have already smoked a lot of cigarette butts.The entire hospital was full of smog, and the posture seemed to be on fire.

Everyone knows that smoking is prohibited in hospitals.But at this time, who dares to come up and take care of it?Those doctors and nurses could only pretend that they didn't see it, and chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye.I don't know how long it took, the door of the operating room creaked suddenly, and someone pushed it open from the inside. Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to it, and Li Yong even bounced off the bench like an electric shock. stand up.Under the gaze of everyone, Li Xiaogang appeared in everyone's sight with a calm expression.At this moment, Li Xiaogang's face was as cold as water, and it was almost impossible to see anything from his face.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, Li Yong rushed up immediately, grabbed Li Xiaogang's arm tightly with both hands, and asked in a trembling voice: "Xiaogang, Xiaogang, Xiaoshui... is she okay?" Li Xiaogang turned around. Looking at Li Yong, it was only a few hours, but Li Yong seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, as if he had experienced a year.The eye sockets are black, the eyes are bloodshot, the hair is disheveled, the lips are chapped, and the beard has become a flood.Thinking that he had caused Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui, Li Xiaogang felt guilty, patted Li Yong on the shoulder, and said slowly: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, my sister is fine!"

What everyone waited so hard for was Li Xiaogang's words, and when they finally heard Li Xiaogang say it, everyone's hearts fell to the ground, and they couldn't help but let out a foul breath.Li Yong's heart was lifted, and the gorgeous splendor flashed in his eyes again, and he said to Li Xiaogang full of excitement: "Xiaogang, I... can I go in and see Xiaoshui?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "That is Of course! I think, when my sister wakes up, the person she wants to see the most is you. However, my sister is still fast asleep, so you should move slowly so as not to wake her up, it’s best to let her wake up naturally!"

Li Yong frustrated his hands with excitement, and said excitedly: "Don't worry, I know what to do." After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to bypass Li Xiaogang and get into the operating room.What is lost and regained is what Li Yong understands now.I believe that after going through this time, Li Yong will cherish Li Xiaoshui more than before and give her more love.The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, Li Xiaoshui experienced this ordeal, but in exchange for a happier time in the future, this can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

After rescuing Li Xiaoshui from the ghost gate, Li Xiaogang's mood improved a lot, his brows relaxed, and his eyes were not as sharp as before. All this made Wang Xi and Lin Chaoran see hope again.The leader walked over quickly, looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, "How is it? Xiaoshui..." Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said, "Fortunately, I came in time, and there is nothing serious." "It's nothing serious." Are you kidding me!" Before the leader could answer, the doctor just started yelling excitedly, staring at Li Xiaogang with big eyes, as if he wanted to give Li Xiaogang Swallowed in general.Li Xiaogang laughed a few times and ignored him.

However, this aroused the doctor's curiosity even more, and he turned to the leader and said: "Leader, I hope you can allow me to go in and do a comprehensive examination of the patient. I am a doctor, and I need to understand my patient's condition!" The leader He looked at Li Xiaogang with some embarrassment, and said with a smile: "It's not that I don't want to help, but I really don't care. If you want to fulfill your doctor's rights, you should ask him first." The leader pointed to Li Xiaogang .The doctor was a little surprised by the leader's words. The leader is the leader of the country, and there are times when he doesn't count?Can't help looking at Li Xiaogang with some astonishment and surprise.Li Xiaogang looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "It's not convenient now, let's talk about it later!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's indifferent attitude, the doctor felt a little dissatisfied, snorted coldly, and turned his head away.Li Xiaogang ignored him, and gave birth if he was angry, anyway, it wasn't his body that would be angry.The leader looked at the doctor amusedly, shook his head helplessly, coughed, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Look, Xiaogang, Li Xiaoshui is in serious trouble now, I think this matter, let it go like this Well, everyone will not mention it in the future, peace is the most important thing!"

Although Li Xiaoshui's life is safe, it doesn't mean that the anger in Li Xiaogang's heart has subsided, and it doesn't mean that he will let Ke Zhengang and Yin De go. Li Xiaogang's hatred for Ke Zhengang and Lu Kenjian became more intense due to the pain he endured. Hearing this, he snorted coldly and shouted: "No! My sister has never been hurt like this since she was a child. I must Do justice to her!"

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran and the leader shook their heads bitterly. It seems that what they thought just now was really too optimistic.Li Xiaogang glared at Ke Zhengang and Yin De, and asked gloomyly: "Who the hell gave the order to arrest my sister, why don't you come forward and die?" As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Ke Zhengang and Yin De immediately At the same time a step forward.Li Xiaogang saw it, sneered, and said darkly: "Okay, you two are really kind! Anyway, I will send you to the west together!"

"Stop!" Seeing that Li Xiaogang was about to kill Ke Zhengang and Yin De angrily, the leader hurriedly shouted.Li Xiaogang knew that the leader would stop him, so he said with a sneer, "Boss, are you defending him again and again, are you trying to prevent me from redressing my sister?" The leader said bitterly, "Xiao Gang, why bother?" What? You have to be forgiving and forgiving, not to mention that it was absolutely not their intention for your sister to become like this. It was an unintentional mistake. You should show your hand high. Even if it is to give me face." "Yes Xiaogang, if the leader Your face is not enough, add mine." Lin Chaoran also stood up.

Seeing the leader and Lin Chaoran defending himself in such a way, Ke Zhengang was so excited that he just wanted to cry, and the tears couldn't stop flowing, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Boss, Lin Standing Committee, I, Ke Zhengang, thank you for your deep friendship. Wait until the next life , I will repay you even if I am an ox and a horse. Please don’t speak for me anymore. I feel that I have sinned deeply, and only death can make up for my fault. You just let him kill me.”

"Bullshit! If you die, you will become a pile of dung. How can you make up for your sins? What's more, the country needs you to continue to lead your troops to protect the country. If you die like this, it will be against the country and the nation." Irresponsible!" The leader couldn't help yelling loudly: "Yes, Commander Ke! You are a veteran who has gone through many battles, the country needs you, and you must live no matter what, so let me end it all!" Yin De said with tears.

Li Xiaogang is not hard-hearted, but also has a heart of compassion.However, whenever he thinks of what Li Xiaoshui has suffered, a strong murderous intent rises in his heart uncontrollably.Seeing that Li Xiaogang was still unmoved, stubbornly determined to kill Ke Zhengang and Yin De, Lin Chaoran couldn't help getting angry, and yelled at him: "Xiaogang, you were not like this before, why have you become like this now? So unreasonable? Are you really going to kill them? Well, if that's the case, then kill me first!"

"Old man, you..." Li Xiaogang never thought that Lin Chaoran would have such a reaction, and he was stunned for a moment.Lin Chaoran said bitterly: "Xiao Gang, I know that you love my sister. Seeing the only sister being tortured like this, if I were you, I would be angry and want to kill, but, Let's calmly think about it, is killing people really the best way to vent your anger? If you think so, you can kill as much as you want, and I will never stop you!" Li Xiaogang smiled, and suddenly said faintly: "It's true that killing people can't vent the hatred in their hearts to the greatest extent. But making the other party unable to survive or die is a more satisfying means of revenge!"

The first half of Li Xiaogang's sentence made Lin Chaoran feel relieved, but the second half of the sentence that followed immediately made Lin Chaoran turn pale with shock, and almost didn't shout out.Li Xiaogang's methods are so strange and countless that it is too easy for him to put Ke Zhengang in a dilemma.Originally, he wanted to save Ke Zhengang, but unexpectedly, it turned out that Ke Zhengang was even more miserable. He slumped against the wall and sat on the ground with a face full of pain.Lin Chaoran was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly yelled at Li Xiaogang: "What did you do to him, stop!" Li Xiaogang shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Lin Chaoran: "I really want him not to survive, but to die No, but the problem is that I haven't made a move yet!"

"Ah?" Lin Chaoran looked at Li Xiaogang suspiciously, only to see him shaking his hands innocently, indicating that he did nothing.

Just when everyone didn't know what happened to Ke Zhengang's body, suddenly there was a muffled thunder coming from outside the window, and everyone looked back in astonishment, only to realize that the sky had turned cloudy at some point.Yin De hurried to Ke Zhengang's side, grabbed his hands firmly, and said, "When Commander Ke was in revolution, twelve bullets were shot into his body, because these bullets were too close to the vital parts of the body. Among them, three of them cannot be taken out with today's medical level, so when it is windy and rainy, we, Commander Ke, have to endure unbearable pain for ordinary people!"

(End of this chapter)

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