The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1261 The Kind Girl

Chapter 1261 The Kind Girl

Seeing Ke Zhengang's face turned pale and bloodless due to the extreme pain, the leader asked in astonishment, "Why hasn't anyone told me about this?" Yin De pressed Ke Zhengang's chest hard, wanting to He used this to alleviate Ke Zhengang's pain, and at the same time said to the leader full of sadness: "First, our Commander Ke is a face-saving person, and he doesn't want others to see him in such a miserable state. Trouble for the country. He always said that he was about to die, and with these three bullets, he had the right to keep it as a souvenir."

After listening to Yin De's words, not to mention the leader and Lin Chaoran and others were moved by it, even Li Xiaogang couldn't help being shocked a lot, the anger in his chest subsided a lot, replaced by a heartfelt admiration.

Li Xiaogang seems to understand why the leader, Lin Chaoran, and Gao Liguo are so determined to defend Ke Zhengang. There is such a spirit in Ke Zhengang. This spirit is the selfless love and dedication of the older generation of revolutionaries to this country With the development of the times and the progress of society, people become more and more selfish, pay more and more attention to the small self, and gradually ignore the big self.The country needs the spirit of Ke Zhengang, and needs to use this spirit to awaken the national soul of more people.Knowing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and the anger towards Ke Zhengang in his heart was completely let go.However, if you do something wrong, you will be punished. Even Ke Zhengang, Li Xiaogang feels that there is no exception, so although the murderous intention in his heart has disappeared, his face is still as cold as iron, and there is no sign of relaxation.

"Quick, call the doctor!" The leader shouted eagerly.Several doctors rushed over in a panic, and just as they were about to carry Ke Zhengang to treatment, Ke Zhengang pushed them away.Seeing his actions, the leader was taken aback, and couldn't help shouting: "Old Ke, what are you doing?" He firmly said: "Leader, there is no need. Anyway, I am a dying person. It is too wasteful to use such expensive medicine on me!"

"Ke Zhengang, what nonsense are you talking about!" the leader roared anxiously and heartbroken.Ke Zhengang didn't answer the leader's tone, but looked at Li Xiaogang, and said slowly: "Li Xiaogang, you just kill me! I deserve what I deserve, and it's a kind of relief for me that you killed me. I will hate you, and I will be grateful to you!" "Xiao Gang, is your heart really made of iron? Facing such an old man, have you really done something cruel?" Lin Chaoran stared at Li Xiaogang, and said loudly. Said.Li Xiaogang is always expressionless, appearing inscrutable, making it difficult for people to guess what he is thinking.

Just when Li Xiaogang kept his secrets secret and made people guess, Li Xiaoshui walked out of the operating room with Li Yong's support.In fact, Li Xiaoshui doesn't need help at all, she is doing very well now, even better than before she was injured.What is breaking first and then standing up, it happened to Li Xiaoshui.While Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power healed Li Xiaoshui's injuries, it also strengthened her physique and eliminated the toxins in her body.Now Li Xiaoshui, every cell represents health, it seems that even her appearance has become a bit more beautiful.This is probably something Li Xiaoshui never thought of.

"" Seeing Li Xiaoshui walk out of the operating room alive and well, the doctor who treated her just now was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out, he pointed at Li Xiaoshui blankly, and murmured Couldn't even utter a complete sentence.It's not just him, the doctors who participated in the treatment just now were all stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.Li Xiaoshui is in a very good mood now, because as soon as she woke up, she found that Li Yong seemed to be more attentive to her than before, and he could be described as caring for her.What excited Li Xiaoshui the most was the discovery that Li Yong was unscathed and safe, which made her let go of what she had been worrying about all along.

As soon as the smiling Li Xiaoshui walked out of the operating room, he realized that something was wrong in front of him, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. "Sister, you're awake!" Li Xiaogang saw Li Xiaoshui, the coldness on his face was swept away immediately, and he said with a smile.Li Xiaoshui opened his arms towards Li Xiaogang, and said with a smile: "Sister knows that you saved my sister, come, let my sister hug me!" Li Xiaogang didn't hesitate, and hugged Li Xiaoshui's waist with a smile.Li Xiaogang is a full head taller than Li Xiaoshui. It is said that Li Xiaoshui is holding Li Xiaogang, but in fact Li Xiaoshui is in Li Xiaogang's arms.Li Xiaogang used all his strength to lift Li Xiaoshui off the ground and turned around several times before releasing the dizzy Li Xiaoshui.Said: "Sister, you are not allowed to scare me like this in the future!"

Feeling the pure and sincere sister-sibling relationship between Li Xiaogang and Li Xiaoshui, there is such a trace of envy in everyone's heart.Perhaps because of life and death, Li Xiaoshui seemed to be much more mature than before, his brows were full of calmness and calmness, he chuckled a few times, and said with a giggle: "Don't worry, sister knows." "Hahaha... Xiao Shui, it's great that you are safe and sound! Do you know that if something happens to you, it will be difficult for us as a large group!" Lin Chaoran came over with a smile and said to Li Xiaoshui.Li Xiaoshui and Lin Chaoran were familiar with each other, so he smiled coquettishly at him a few times, and said, "Grandfather Lin, you are worried about me, I feel really sorry..."

Lin Chaoran interrupted her with a smile, and said: "Xiao Shui, you don't have to feel sorry. Grandpa Lin is asking for your help now. Please look at my old man's old face and agree." Li Xiaoshui heard He hurriedly said: "Grandpa Lin, look at what you said, isn't this a stranger! If you have anything to do, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!" Lin Chaoran let out a hearty laugh and said: "Okay, grandpa really doesn't love you for nothing, hahaha..."

After hearing Lin Chaoran's words, the shrewd Li Xiaogang immediately understood what he meant, couldn't help frowning, and said to Lin Chaoran: "Master, my sister has just recovered from her illness and is still very weak. Let's talk about it later!" Lin Chaoran's mouth twitched, and he cursed secretly in his heart: "Well, you little cunning, you've come to play with me, I don't believe that I have eaten more than you for so many years I can't accept you?" Thinking this way, Lin Chaoran said with a smile on his face: "I think Xiaoshui is in good spirits, isn't she, Xiaoshui?" Li Xiaoshui nodded with a smile , Said to Li Xiaogang: "Yes brother, I'm fine now, just leave me alone!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and thought to himself: "My silly sister, I don't care about you, I care about myself. Don't you see that the old man has already regarded you as a weapon against me?" Sure enough, everything went as Li Xiaogang expected, and Lin Chaoran's conversation changed to Ke Zhengang's question.I saw Lin Chaoran smiling like an old fox, looked at Li Xiaoshui, and said quietly: "Xiaoshui, come, let me introduce you to someone."

After finishing speaking, he took Li Xiaoshui's hand and walked in front of Ke Zhengang. Perhaps it was because he had just struggled out of his illness. Seeing Ke Zhengang who was enduring torture and suffering, the kind Li Xiaoshui immediately felt compassion, and did not wait for Lin Chaoran. After introducing him, he hurriedly supported Ke Zhengang, and asked with concern: "Old man, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you, why don't you go to see a doctor?"

Li Xiaoshui's expression was so contrived, and his voice was naturally full of concern. Hearing it in Ke Zhengang's ears, his heart was both moved and full of regret at the same time.Li Xiaoshui was such a lovely and kind girl, but because of her stubbornness, she almost died in Huangquan!If Li Xiaoshui really died, wouldn't Ke Zhengang feel guilty all his life?The more Li Xiaoshui cared about himself, the more Ke Zhengang felt guilty.He waved his hand full of pain and regret and said, "Girl, don't worry about me, I deserve this. Just let me bear it myself!"

"How can this be done? How can I refuse to save him? Ah Yong, hurry up and find a doctor!" Li Xiaoshui turned his head and said firmly to Li Yong.Li Yong frowned when he heard this, and said softly to Li Xiaoshui: "Xiao Shui, do you know who he is?" Li Xiaoshui clicked his tongue and said very dissatisfied: "I don't know who he is, I only know An old man in need. Don't you even have that kind of sympathy and love?"

"Girl! Don't blame Mr. Li, this... I have to blame for this! Actually, I am Ke Zhengang. It is the bastard who arrested you and Mr. Li from Province S. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have suffered like this Li Xianniu loves you deeply, so it is understandable for him to vent his anger on me..." Ke Zhengang gritted his teeth, and said courageously to Li Xiaoshui. "Ah? are Ke Zhengang?" Li Xiaoshui asked in surprise.Ke Zhengang's face was instantly filled with embarrassment, he lowered his head, and nodded with some difficulty.

Li Xiaoshui fell into silence for a moment.She almost died here, all of this has something to do with Ke Zhengang.Anyone who is an ordinary person will be dissatisfied with Ke Zhengang, and Li Xiaoshui is not a saint, so naturally he is no exception.

But seeing Ke Zhengang, an old man in his sixties, suffering so helplessly, all the crimes he committed were retribution.Lin Chaoran originally wanted to introduce Ke Zhengang to Li Xiaoshui, but then tried to persuade her to forgive Ke Zhengang.But unexpectedly, a conversation like this happened between the two of them, so they simply kept silent and let the situation develop naturally.

After a short silence, Li Xiaoshui raised his head suddenly, and said to Ke Zhengang seriously: "No matter what, let's cure your illness first!" Even Lin Chaoran, the leader and others felt their minds suddenly brightened, and a gleam of joy appeared on their faces invariably. "Girl, you...don't you hate me?" Ke Zhengang asked Li Xiaoshui excitedly.Li Xiaoshui shook his head and said: "I know, your intention was not to hurt me. All of this happened by accident. Now my lover has returned to me unscathed, and I am fine. It seems that we have nothing to lose, so I don't hate you!"

(End of this chapter)

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