The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1262 The Power of My Sister

Chapter 1262 The Power of My Sister

Hearing Li Xiaoshui's words, Ke Zhengang couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help crying loudly.This old man who was as strong as steel, who had never shed a tear in the face of hundreds of ruthless devils in the past, was so emotional that he couldn't help crying, which showed how excited he was at this time.Li Xiaoshui hurriedly supported Ke Zhengang's arm, and comforted him repeatedly: "Okay, old man, don't cry. The most urgent thing now is to cure your illness first. Everything is important to you!" Lin Chaoran who was at the side opened his mouth quietly first, and said slowly: "I don't think that's necessary. It's useless to cure his illness!"

Li Xiaoshui was completely puzzled by Lin Chaoran's sudden words. He looked at Lin Chaoran full of doubts and murmured, "Why? Is it because he has a terminal illness that can't be cured?" Then, Li Xiaoshui's face was full of sympathy, once again showing her kindness in front of everyone.Lin Chaoran shook his head, and said slowly: "This is just one, and there is another, but you don't know about it, Xiao Shui." Li Xiaogang couldn't help standing up at this moment, and said to Li Xiaoshui: "Sister, you are tired Now, why don't you let your brother-in-law take you to rest."

Li Xiaoshui glared at Li Xiaogang with some dissatisfaction, and clicked his tongue: "What's the matter with you, don't you see, I'm talking to Grandpa Lin? You need to rest, you should go with Ayong!" After listening to Li Xiaoshui's words , Li Xiaogang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he took a few steps back.Seeing such a scene, the leader and Lin Chaoran became more and more aware of the importance of Li Xiaoshui.Now Li Xiaogang is more and more like a wild horse, and his unruly character is beginning to show little by little.If he can't tie a suitable rope for him, maybe one day, this wild horse will bring unexpected troubles to the leaders and the others.And this is exactly what the leader, Lin Chaoran and others do not want to see.

So for a long time, both the leader and Lin Chaoran have been eager to find such a rein, but every time they are disappointed.However, this time, the two discovered Li Xiaoshui together, which is definitely the most suitable 'reinforce' they imagined.Looking at Li Xiaogang's feelings for Li Xiaoshui, if there is anything in this world that can restrain Li Xiaogang's wild horse, it is only Li Xiaoshui, and Li Xiaoshui's kindness obviously makes her easier to approach and persuade than Li Xiaogang. This discovery, This made the leader and Lin Chaoran extremely happy.This can be regarded as the only benefit brought to them by the Ke family turmoil.

Lin Chaoran put on a lonely look, glanced at Li Xiaogang, and said quietly: "You probably don't know that Li Xiaogang has decided to kill him in order to avenge you. He is going to become a dead person, whether he can be cured or not." What's the point of illness?" "Ah!?" After hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaoshui was taken aback, looked up at Li Xiaogang full of astonishment, and asked word by word: "Did I hear wrong just now? You are going to kill this old man?" Seeing that all this happened, Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile, and murmured: "He made you like this, shouldn't he be killed?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm doing well now!" Li Xiaoshui yelled at Li Xiaogang a little excitedly.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said: "But do you know that if I come one step later, you will probably die! At that time, even I can't bring you back to life! I told you once, I won't allow Anyone who hurts you or my relatives and friends. If anyone dares to harm you, I will kill him!" Li Xiaoshui said with relief in his heart: "Xiao Gang, I know you love my sister. But now there is nothing wrong with my sister. , you just let him go, you see he is quite old, it is not easy to live..."

"Sister, you don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind! In this world, whoever does something wrong will have to pay the price. Although he is an old man, I can't bear to kill him, but principles are principles. You can't disobey it!" Li Xiaogang seemed to be convinced by the bastard, no matter who begged for mercy, he just refused to change his mind, Li Xiaoshui was a little anxious, grabbed Li Xiaogang's ear, and twisted it vigorously.Li Xiaogang has suffered from this trick since he was a child, and it left a shadow in his heart. When he saw Li Xiaoshui using this trick, his face immediately collapsed, and he retreated a dozen steps in a row, and said bitterly: "Sister, you don't know how to do it!" I am so old, and in front of so many people, how can I save my face if you make this move?"

Li Xiaoshui snorted coldly, pinched Xiaoman's waist with both hands, stared at Li Xiaogang's eyes, and said in a very venomous and cold voice: "Stinky boy, do you still know how to save face? Killing such an old man, you think it is a very face-to-face thing." Get out of here right now, hurry up!" Li Xiaoshui was pissed, and Li Xiaogang didn't dare to neglect, so he obediently leaned over and said with a shy face, "Sister, take it easy, I'm afraid of pain..." Li Xiaoshui pouted, stretched out his hand skillfully, pinched Li Xiaogang's earlobe, and said coldly: "Afraid of pain? Don't let you hurt, how do you know to listen to your sister and me? Say, you still want Murder?" Li Xiaogang grinned and screamed in pain, swallowed his saliva, and murmured: "Sister, how dare I not listen to your words? Isn't it just to vent your anger for you? Since you Don't be angry, why should I kill him?"

"It's more or less the same!" Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Li Xiaoshui let go of his hand contentedly. Li Xiaogang rubbed his ears full of grievances, and the only thing left on his face was a wry smile.Seeing that he was so talkative and his mouth was dry, the result was not as good as Li Xiaoshui's twisting. The leader and Lin Chaoran valued Li Xiaoshui more and more, and wished to lure her to their side so that they could control Li Xiaogang at any time through her.Under such psychological troubles, the leader couldn't help pushing Lin Chaoran slightly, and winking at him again and again.Lin Chaoran has cooperated with the leader for so many years, and the tacit understanding between them has already reached an unbelievable level.Lin Chaoran instantly understood what the leader meant, laughed a few times, approached Li Xiaoshui, and said with a smile: "Xiao Shui, I wonder if you are interested in politics?"

"Politics?" Li Xiaoshui was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Chaoran in confusion.Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "Nowadays, strong women are everywhere in the business world, and it is not uncommon to see them. However, strong women in politics are rare, and they are rarely heard of. Therefore, I have always felt that only strong women in politics are called She is a real strong woman."

"Like Mrs. Thatcher? She has always been my idol!" Li Xiaoshui said excitedly with his eyes shining brightly.Hearing this, Lin Chaoran and the leader were a little happy. Lin Chaoran hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Mrs. Thatcher is the real strong woman. Do you want to be like her? Admired by all people!"

"Me? Same as Mrs. Thatcher? Grandpa Lin, you're not kidding me, are you? How can I have that ability..." Li Xiaoshui said a little unconfidently.Lin Chaoran shook his head when he heard this, and said, "Why not? You are managing a large group of promises well now. I think you are quite capable. Mrs. Thatcher was not born or destined to To become a politician, she has been tempered a little bit later. Therefore, I always think that the most important thing for this person is self-confidence. As long as you are confident and confident, nothing is impossible in the world and I and the leader are behind you to support you, I believe you will succeed!"

To be honest, Li Xiaoshui has no interest in doing business, otherwise she wouldn't have left everything to Xinran to take care of.However, on the contrary, Li Xiaoshui is quite interested in politics.When he was a child, seeing the impassioned eyes of those politicians in front of the screen on TV, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help imagining what it would be like to be a politician.It's just that I have been suffering from no chance, and today I suddenly heard Lin Chaoran's words, and I couldn't help but feel anxious.Seeing such a situation, Li Xiaogang was startled. Although he still couldn't clearly guess the intentions of Lin Chaoran and the leader, his sensitivity still made him realize that Lin Chaoran and the leader were so active in encouraging Li Xiaoshui to enter the political world to secretly communicate with him. have a close relationship.His subconscious mind told him that he should prevent Li Xiaoshui from entering politics.But seeing that Li Xiaoshui seems to be full of desire to enter the political world, Li Xiaogang hesitated...

I have to admit that Lin Chaoran's eloquence is not so good. Under his repeated encouragement, Li Xiaoshui's yearning became more and more, and little stars appeared in his last pair of eyes.As if he had a premonition that the plan was about to succeed, the leader and Lin Chaoran laughed as if they were two old foxes cheating on each other.This made Li Xiaogang a little unhappy.I wondered in my heart that if they need to use their own place, just ask for it. In terms of their friendship, Li Xiaogang will not refuse. There is absolutely no need for them to take such a roundabout way to save the country. Involve Zhangxia in it.However, how could Li Xiaogang understand that he is like a treasure house full of treasures to the leader, Lin Chaoran, the core of the country's leadership, who can use various methods to hold him firmly in his hands The safest, otherwise they would not feel at ease in their hearts.

Although Li Xiaogang was dissatisfied, but seeing Li Xiaoshui's happy appearance, Li Xiaogang could only hide his dissatisfaction in his heart, "Haha... I don't think it's better than this, Xiaoshui, you pick a city, and we will send you to be the city first." - Long, take it little by little, one day, you will have a great achievement!" "What? Let... let me be the mayor?" Li Xiaoshui was taken aback and asked in surprise .Lin Chaoran frowned and said, "Mayor, you are indeed a little bit younger! But it doesn't matter, this is just a transition, we will raise you to the top when you have political experience. At that time, you It will come in handy!"

(End of this chapter)

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