The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1266 Send Ke Xue to the Military Academy

Chapter 1266 Send Ke Xue to the Military Academy
Ke Zhengang said in a deep voice: "You should know! All of this is because of you. It can be said that you almost caused the bankruptcy of our Ke Group!" As soon as Ke Zhengang's words came out, Ke Xue was immediately shocked. With a joking expression on your face, he said, "How is this possible? I haven't done anything, and you think too much of me!" Ke Zhengang took a long breath, and said slowly, "You may be dreaming Unexpectedly, the person who taught you at the Longxi store that day was a person that even your grandfather and I could not afford to offend. In order to avenge you, I foolishly angered him, so he turned his anger on your father and used his own The power to force the Ke Group to close down. Do you understand now?"

" did this happen? Grandpa, is there someone you fear?" Ke Xue asked in disbelief.Ke Zhengang shook his head with a wry smile, and said slowly: "My silly boy, how many times have I told you that your grandpa is not heaven. I don't know how many people are smarter than your grandpa on your grandpa's head. But you just don’t listen, it’s alright now, our Ke family has finally ushered in this catastrophe.” “Then...then what do you mean, our family’s group is really going to close down?” Ke Xue was a little surprised and misunderstood asked.You know, in school, apart from Ke Zhengang's status, the biggest capital she can show off is the Ke Group.And Ke Xue always thought that as long as there was Ke Group, she would have endless pocket money.She was used to living a life of extravagance and waste, so when she suddenly lived a life of frugality and lack of money, she naturally couldn't accept it.

Seeing Ke Xue's anxious expression, Ke Zhengang shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to worry about this matter, you should think about it more, how can you live alone without grandpa and father by your side?" Ke Zhengang's words made Ke Xue's face full of confusion and incomprehension, and asked blankly: "Living alone? What about grandpa and father, where are you going?" Ke Zhengang shook his head and said, "It's not where we are going, It's you! I've already signed up for you at Huaxia Military Medical University, and someone will come to pick you up soon. Military Medical University is a fully closed military-managed university, no different from a military camp. "

Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Ke Xue jumped up excitedly, and said repeatedly: "No, I won't go! I know there, it's a hell on earth, this is not allowed, that is not allowed, I can't eat it It’s bitter there. Grandpa, I know I was wrong, it doesn’t matter how you punish me, just don’t send me there and I’ll go crazy!” Seeing Ke Xue’s face full of fear, it’s obvious that She really didn't want to report to the Military Medical University.

Ke Zhengang frowned, and shouted: "Do you think I sent you there to punish you? Wrong! I want to reshape you before you are completely spoiled by me. If you continue like this, Your life is over, don't you understand!" Hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Ke Feixiong's heart was shaken wildly, Ke Xue was his daughter, and he, as a father, of course hoped that Ke Xue would be well, but because of Ke Zhengang's love, he was in love with Ke Xue. When it comes to Ke Xue's education, Ke Feixiong has always been unable to intervene.

Seeing that under Ke Zhengang's favor, Ke Xue is like a crooked sapling, getting crooked day by day, Ke Feixiong sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.Today, he suddenly heard that Ke Zhengang was uncharacteristically changed so much that he almost couldn't believe his eyes and ears, and looked at Ke Zhengang blankly.Ke Zhengang sensed Ke Feixiong's suspicious gaze, and said apologetically to him: "Feixiong, I was too stubborn before, if I had listened to you earlier, this would not be the case today. Dad wants to apologize to you, and I hope you can forgive Dad once because of his old age and ignorance."

Ke Feixiong shook his head in satisfaction, and said, "Dad, what are you talking about? You are my biological father. I have only respect and admiration for you, and I have absolutely no blame. What's more, you have repented today. And I made the right decision, I only have you, so why not forgive me." Hearing Ke Feixiong and Ke Zhengang sing together, as if she had to go to the hell on earth at the Military Medical University this time, Ke Xue couldn't help feeling satisfied He cried miserably, and cried out in disbelief: "No, I don't want to go! If you force me again, I will die as soon as I do!"

Seeing Ke Xue screaming and jumping up and down like crazy, Ke Zhengang was heartbroken.But it also strengthened his determination.No matter how fierce Ke Xue is or how loudly he cries, Ke Zhengang will never change his mind. It was not until Ke Xue was tired from crying and shouting that Ke Zhengang said to her slowly: "I just went to the Military Medical University. In the first few days, you will feel very uncomfortable, but after these few days, everything will be fine. There, you can not only learn knowledge, become a useful person in the future, but also learn how to be equal to others Get along with each other. Four years later, your father and I will personally pick you up from the Military Medical University, and when the time comes, the three of us will be reunited, and you will understand that I have put in so much effort today."

"No! I don't understand, I will never understand. I can only hate you, hate you, and I will never forgive you again!" Ke Xue was like a wounded little beast, curled up in a corner of the sofa, He roared angrily at Ke Zhengang and Ke Feixiong.Hearing his ear-piercing roar, Ke Zhengang's heart was about to break.However, after all, this is the bitter fruit he planted, the bitter wine he made, and he is the only one who tastes it silently.Ke Zhengang endured the pain like a needle prick in his heart, and said slowly: "The principal of the Military Medical University is my subordinate for many years, I have taken special care of him, because you are my granddaughter of Ke Zhengang, so you have to be stricter than others. Educate you. So, stop imagining that you will get special treatment because of your relationship with me."

Ke Zhengang's words made Ke Xue's heart completely desperate. Now that she is still young, she doesn't understand that when Ke Zhengang made this decision, her mood may be even more painful, but as she grows older, I believe, she will eventually As Ke Zhengang hoped, to make a complete change, one day he will understand his good intentions.

There was a crisp whistle sound outside the door, Ke Zhengang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The car that picks you up is here, get ready to go! All your toiletries are already prepared at school. Me and your father I won’t send you off, you should grow up.” Ke Zhengang turned around and opened the door, a capable military officer was standing outside the door, seeing Ke Zhengang, he immediately saluted a standard military salute, and asked loudly: “ Hello, Chief, I was ordered to pick up classmate Ke Xue." Ke Zhengang smiled at the handsome young soldier, and said, "Ke Xue is ready to go with you soon. Please wait a moment." After speaking, Ke Zhengang turned to look at Ke Xue.

Seeing that the car bound for "Hell" was at the door, Ke Xue Bengliang once again showed the color of pleading.However, Ke Zhengang, who loves her the most on weekdays, now has iron-like fortitude and firmness on his face, and he doesn't mean to waver at all. Ke Xue understands that Ke Zhengang has made up his mind, and there is despair in his heart. He gave Ke Zhengang and Ke Feixiong a hard look, and walked straight to the grass-green jeep without saying goodbye to them.Watching the jeep drive Ke Xue away gradually, Ke Zhengang felt as if his heart had been hollowed out, empty, only endless sadness.

Ke Feixiong sighed, supported Ke Zhengang's swaying body, and said leisurely: "Dad, you don't have to be sad. We are doing this for Ke Xue's sake. She will understand when she grows up." Ke Zhengang nodded tremblingly. Nodding, he said regretfully: "Fei Xiong, I really regret it now, why didn't you listen to your words and discipline her strictly. I, the grandfather, should take most of the responsibility for her becoming what she is today. I, Ke Zhengang, have led countless soldiers in my life, and have cultivated famous generals one after another, but I did not educate my granddaughter well, I... what happened to me?"

Seeing the sorrow on Ke Zhengang's face, Ke Feixiong couldn't bear it, and he hurriedly comforted him: "Dad, don't say that. I know that you are all because of Ke Xue's almost humiliation that time, which made you blame yourself. It has been several years since this incident, and it is time to let it go. Seeing that you have finally made the right decision today, I am more happy than anyone else. Dad, I am still proud of you!" After hearing Ke Feixiong's words, Ke Zhengang felt Feeling much better, she turned to look at him and asked, "Are you really proud of me? Don't forget, if I hadn't been obsessed with obsession, the Ke Group, which you have worked so hard for most of your life, would not have closed down. Said Get up, it's all my fault, don't you blame me?"

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Ke Feixiong's mouth, he shook his head, and said slowly: "Forget it, money and career are things outside of the body. If I don't bring it with me, I won't take it with me when I die. As long as I have it before, this Will suffice.

It just so happens that I have been working for the Ke Group day and night, and I have been exhausted for a long time. Now that the company is gone, I can just take a good rest, which is very good..." Although Ke Feixiong said it was very good, but His eyes were full of unconcealable sadness. It was obvious that the collapse of Ke Group was a pain in his heart.

Ke Feixiong is Ke Zhengang's son, knowing a son is like a father, so Ke Feixiong's thoughts can be seen by Ke Zhengang.The corners of Ke Zhengang's mouth turned up, revealing a playful smile, and he said faintly: "You are telling the truth? You can't just comfort me, are you?" Ke Feixiong sighed and said, "No, Dad, don't worry. , your son is not that fragile!" Ke Zhengang nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, the descendants of my Ke family were defeated so easily? However, if there is a chance for you to restore the Ke Group, Will you cherish it?"

Ke Feixiong immediately shook his voice and said: "Of course! The Ke Group has condensed half of my life's hard work. If it can be saved, I will naturally do my best." Ke Zhengang smiled and said: " Well, you go and take yourself in, get yourself up, and I will take you to an important banquet tonight!" Ke Feixiong immediately showed a dull expression, and said listlessly: "Okay , Dad, please forgive me! Now that your son even wants to die, how can he be interested in going to any banquet? Go to yourself, I might as well go back to my room and sleep. "

(End of this chapter)

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