The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1267 Build on my pain

Chapter 1267 Build on my pain

"Sleep? Why, are you still asleep? Let me tell you, the banquet tonight is likely to bring your Ke Group back from the dead. If you don't go, I guarantee that you will live in regret for the rest of your life." among."

Seeing Ke Zhengang's serious expression, and what he said was even more shocking, Ke Feixiong couldn't help being stunned, and asked, "Dad, who will attend the banquet tonight?" Ke Zhengang curled his lips and said: " Now this is a secret and I can't tell you. You just need to know that the banquet tonight is very high-standard, and the more energetic you dress up, the better for you. It is 03:30 in the afternoon, and the driver will pick you up on time at six o'clock Us. You still have two and a half hours to get dressed up, so you better hurry up." Seeing Ke Zhengang's nagging look, Ke Feixiong frowned, not daring to neglect, full of suspicion , but dressed up according to what Ke Zhengang said.

When the last scene of the Ke family turmoil ended at the Ke family, Li Xiaogang, Shi Qiu, Lin Chaoran, and the leader chatted very lively in the base camp.Today, Li Xiaogang did not kill Ke Zhengang in a fit of anger, which was enough to give the leader and Lin Chaoran enough face. At the same time, he also made a super storm disappear invisible, so the leader and Lin Chaoran were in a very happy mood.However, they were happy, but Li Xiaogang felt a little depressed because of Li Xiaoshui's matter.Li Xiaogang coughed, and asked with some annoyance in his voice: "Master, do you think my sister's ability is suitable for the position of mayor of a city?"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's unfriendly expression, Lin Chaoran smiled and said leisurely: "Ability is acquired slowly, and one day you will be competent! Besides, with you, you will never see death. With your support, the leader and I are very relieved!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help sneering a few times, and said faintly: "I think you can just let me be that mayor." Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "If you are willing to go into politics, I would like to give you my seat. But you are unconstrained, like a wild crane, we can't catch you!"

Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "So, you trapped my sister, and then used my sister to trap me, didn't you? It's thanks to you for coming up with such a brilliant idea, I admire it!" Lin Chaoran smiled awkwardly , and said: "So you have already guessed it..." Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Do you think I am an idiot or a fool? Do you want to guess?"

Lin Chaoran said: "Since you have already seen it, then we don't have to play tricks on you. Indeed, it is because of you that Li Xiaoshui was installed as the mayor of city S. Don't blame us Xiaogang, we are also There is no way. Your wings are getting fuller day by day. Although the leader and I know that you just want to start a career and have no ambitions, but you don't know that your power is too great. Maybe a casual action of yours will It will have a very significant impact on the country and the world. To be honest, your power is too tempting for the country. Of course we want to control you, but we can't. We can only Use this kind of side-talking method to influence you. Besides, this method is actually just a vase, which looks good but not necessarily useful. If you really want to turn your face, even if I let Li Xiaoshui be the leader, I may not stop it Xiao Gang, you have to be considerate of our feelings!"

Seeing Lin Chaoran's earnest and helpless appearance, what can Li Xiaogang say?The so-called wood is beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy it!Li Xiaogang is definitely called a towering giant tree, it is too eye-catching.If it weren't for the leader, and Lin Chaoran and other important officials in the court to support him, his career would not have developed so smoothly.Lin Chaoran was right, Li Xiaogang wanted to understand their position.Li Xiaogang let out a chuckle, and said: "I have no objection! As long as you don't force my sister to do something unbelievable, I will have no objection. If my sister encounters difficulties in her job, As a younger brother, I will indeed not stand idly by, you two can rest assured about this."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's reasonable words, the leader and Lin Chaoran were very pleased. Peng looked at him and smiled.The leader said with a chuckle: "That's good! Now that the matter of Li Xiaoshui has been discussed, we might as well talk about Gao Yuanyuan's matter now. Xiao Gang, you don't know that the current Chinese ambassador to the M embassy calls every day I, quickly sign the order for Gao Yuanyuan to take office at the embassy of country M. I am almost driven out of mental breakdown by him. Xiaogang, look, shall we settle Gao Yuanyuan's matter as soon as possible and let her start working earlier? , this is a good thing for her and the country, what do you think?"

Li Xiaogang really couldn't bear to throw Gao Yuanyuan into the heavy work so early, his face was full of embarrassment, he seemed very hesitant.Slowly said: "Well, I think it's better for Gao Yuanyuan to get acquainted with it..." "Familiar with me? I don't think it's necessary, right? Aren't you always visiting country M these days? Every day In the evening we will discuss some issues on the phone. He said, although Gao Yuanyuan has just been to country M for a few days, his influence in country M has even surpassed that of the first lady. Now wherever you go in the headquarters, you must have Gao Yuanyuan Accompanied by her, Zongli has seen the scenery of Gao Yuanyuan in country M, and the limelight has suppressed our Zongli from time to time. If Gao Yuanyuan is a diplomat of the Chinese embassy in one day, there are many unsolved problems Problems can be easily solved.”

Li Xiaogang coughed, frowned, and asked, "Then there are many unresolved problems that are backlogged in the embassy?" The leader didn't think too much, and replied hastily: "Many, it's like a mountain and a sea! Otherwise, Chen Tianhua would not be so eager to urge Gao Yuanyuan to take up the post." Li Xiaogang curled his mouth and said, "If this is the case, I can't let Gao Yuanyuan work in the embassy." "Ah? This...why?" The leader looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment and asked.Li Xiaogang said quietly: "Think about it, before Gao Yuanyuan started working in the embassy, ​​there are already so many problems waiting for her to solve. If she really becomes a staff member of the embassy, ​​then Still not being exhausted to death? No, I can't let my beloved woman suffer like this."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's remarks, the leader really couldn't help but shake his head and said, "Xiao Gang, if there is nothing to do, how can it play a role in training people? I don't think even Gao Yuanyuan wants to do it herself." After entering the embassy, ​​she just acts as a vase and has nothing to do all day, right? After Gao Yuanyuan entered the embassy, ​​the initial work is indeed quite heavy, but only in this way can she mature quickly. Wait until everything is on the right track , she has really become a veritable diplomat who has attracted worldwide attention. Xiao Gang, this world is bitter before sweet, this is a theorem!"

Li Xiaogang coughed, and said softly: "I know what you said makes sense, but Gao Yuanyuan is a weak girl after all, and I'm afraid she won't be able to bear such a heavy and complicated job. If she hasn't become a She is an excellent diplomat, but she is exhausted by the mountain of work, so where can I go to complain for her?" The leader pondered for a moment, then said in a vibrating voice: "Or else, let's make a rule that Gao Yuanyuan only Eight hours of work, no matter how urgent the work is, as long as it exceeds eight hours, it will be postponed until tomorrow. Of course, if Gao Yuanyuan wants to work overtime voluntarily, then let her do it. "

"Gao Yuanyuan must have weekends! Even if the sky falls, you can't occupy her weekend time." Li Xiaogang added another one worryingly.The leader smiled wryly, and said: "Okay, it's up to you! In this way, it should be no problem, right?" Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "Also, don't give Gao Yuanyuan the ability that far surpasses her, it will make her feel sad It’s a difficult problem.” The leader shook his head and said, “Okay, okay, I’ve really convinced you, and everything is up to you!” Hearing what the leader said, Li Xiaogang smiled comfortably and said, “If If you can really do this, I will agree with Gao Yuanyuan to work in the embassy."

The leader clapped his hands fiercely, and said loudly: "Then it's a deal! I will send a telegram to Chen Tianhua tomorrow and send the formal appointment to Gao Yuanyuan, Country M." Li Xiaogang nodded and agreed. opinion of the leader.

Talking to Gao Yuanyuan in the past few days, Gao Yuanyuan also expressed to Li Xiaogang several times that he would stay in country M and enter work early.Thinking about the fact that Gao Yuanyuan is always alone at home with nothing to do, she can only watch Long Linger and Hu Rong busy making their own businesses bigger and bigger, Gao Yuanyuan must feel uncomfortable, that's why she is so urgent .Although Li Xiaogang was somewhat reluctant to take Gao Yuanyuan so far away, as long as Gao Yuanyuan was willing, Li Xiaogang had nothing to say.

Maybe it solved Chen Tianhua's big trouble, and he could sleep well in the future, and the leader's mood became better and better.Haha smiled and said: "I don't know what day it is today, one after another, it's enjoyable! Hahaha..."

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "You are enjoying yourself, but your enjoyment is based on my pain. Can you take the time to understand my feelings? I ask you a few things, you can do it Take it to heart!" The leader said with a smile when he heard this, "You don't have to worry about that. When have I been vague about what you explained? Well, it just so happens that Commander Shi is here, why don't we start with him? .”

(End of this chapter)

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