The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1268 Competitive red wine!

Chapter 1268 Competitive red wine!
Hearing what the leader said, Shi Qiu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, leader?"

The leader stopped laughing, looked at Shi Qiu with a serious face, and said word by word: "Your province S military region has always had a large number of soldiers, and you are the best among the eight major military regions!" Shi Qiu was rather proud, with an immodest smile on his face.The leader smiled when he saw this, and then said: "Let me ask you, how many real elites can you pick out of so many elite soldiers and generals in your S province military region?"

Shi Qiu frowned immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Chief, after a long time of quarreling, you still don't believe in the strength of the Military Region of Province S. What do you mean by how many real elites can be selected? Let me tell you the truth, I There are 60 soldiers in the sea, land and air of the Provincial Military Region of S Province, all of them are real elites, and they have real talents wherever they go!" The leader shook his head and said, "I think you may have misunderstood me, Commander Shi. I don't It's not that you question the combat effectiveness of your military region, but because...Xiao Gang, I think it's up to you to explain this to Commander Shi."

Li Xiaogang nodded, took over the conversation, and said slowly: "Brother Shi, it's like this. I want to draw the most elite combat troops from your military region and take them away." "Ah? You want to do it?" What? Shi Qiuman looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and bewilderment and asked. Li Xiaogang said: "It's hard for me to say now.However, in the coming period of time, I will draw about 12 troops from the troops of the eight major military regions for secret training.The soldiers of these troops must be the most outstanding soldiers in the country, not only possessing the strongest combat capability, but also possessing a will as strong as iron.I don't know how many soldiers like this can be selected in your military region? "

"A troop with a total of 12 and composed of the most elite soldiers from each district? The combat power of this troop must be terrifyingly strong, enough to sweep a small and medium-sized country! Xiaogang, what are you going to do?" Shi Qiu couldn't hide it. Excited in my heart, I murmured.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said bitterly: "I have told you just now, and it is not convenient for me to disclose it now. But it will not take long before you and everyone will understand. Just tell me, your military region can select How many people are here?" Shi Qiu took a look at Li Xiaogang, and said quietly: "In the past few years, our military region has been paying close attention to military training, and the combat level of the troops has increased exponentially, and the combat capability of individual soldiers has also increased every year. It is advancing by leaps and bounds. If you say that the most elite can meet your standards, it should not be difficult to pick out 2 people."

"Okay! After going back this time, please select these 2 people for me. After a while, I will send someone to pick them up and conduct secret training!" Li Xiaogang said.Shi Qiu looked at him in surprise, and asked blankly: "You mean you want to train these 12 people yourself? What do you want to do, lead them to sweep the world?"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No, I'm not that boring. They have more important missions!" Shi Qiu looked at the leader and asked, "Boss, have you approved this matter?" The leader nodded and said: "I It’s the leader of the Military Commission, if I don’t nod, how can Xiao Gang be so sure that you choose [-] elites? Follow Xiao Gang’s orders, you won’t regret it!”

Shi Qiu pondered for a moment, smiled, and said, "Xiao Gang and I are old acquaintances. I know his character and trust him. But it's useless to trust me alone. The other seven Commander of the military region, what attitude will they have? You know, those of us who lead the army like the best soldiers and strong generals the most. Now Xiaogang doesn’t even say hello, so he wants to take away all the elite soldiers and strong generals under our command. This will directly affect the combat effectiveness of our various military regions, and I am afraid that the commanders of several other military regions will have opinions."

The leader smiled and said: "With the relationship between you and Xiao Gang, there is no need to say much. After Ke Zhengang passed this time, even if he wanted to repay his kindness, he should not make it difficult for Xiao Gang. As for the commanders of the other six military regions, they more or less They are all closely related to Mr. Lin and Cao Qingdong, so they should sell some face to them. What's more, if they still refuse, we still have a trump card!" "The trump card? What is it?" Shi Qiuman was still curious asked.The leader smiled and said, "With your intelligence, don't you think you can't guess? What do you think is the reason why you called the commanders of the eight major military regions to the capital to observe a military exercise?"

Shi Qiu's expression brightened, and he laughed and said, "I see! It's equipment, it must be equipment! We people only love two things on weekdays, one is a good soldier, and the other is a good gun. I just don't know, this What good stuff did the country come up with this time?" The leader said: "This is a secret for the time being, and you will wait and see on the exercise ground. But I have to correct you, it is not the country that made these novelty equipment this time. , but Xiaogang. Of course, as the owner of these new types of equipment, Li Xiaogang has the right to speak in deciding which military region these new types of weapons will be equipped with.

At that time, if the commanders of the military regions disagree, hehe... There is no way, this time they can only make a futile trip. "

"Hahaha... Li Xiaogang's product must be a high-quality product! It seems that I am here this time!" Shi Qiu couldn't help laughing loudly with some excitement.The leader said faintly: "You are right this time. I can guarantee that as long as you are equipped with the weapons and equipment this time, you will definitely be able to make up for the loss of [-] elite combat power, and it will be even better than before! I don't believe it! , just wait and see." "Really, is it so powerful? Then I have to keep my eyes open." Shi Qiu said expectantly. "So, are you agreeing to Xiaogang's request and picking out [-] elites for Li Xiaogang's command?" the leader asked while the iron was hot.

Shi Qiu waved it unambiguously, and said loudly: "I didn't say anything! Just because of our relationship with Xiao Gang, a mere 2 people, I don't even bat an eyelid. But then again, Xiao Gang, this First batch of weapons and equipment. Whatever you say, you must first equip it to the military region of our province S. Don’t forget that province S is your hometown.” Li Xiaogang smiled and nodded: “Don’t worry, Brother Shi, I know all about this. However, I want to I remind you that when selecting soldiers, you still have to be voluntary. Because this secret training is very long, it may last for two to three years. In addition, the training will be very hard, at least two times the amount of your usual training. In addition, after the training is over, they will be sent to special places for special and dangerous tasks, and their lives may end at any time, but I can assure them that the hard training they have done, the work they have done His mission is the greatest and most glorious mission in human history, and his family and friends will be proud of him!"

After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Shi Qiu became more and more curious about Li Xiaogang's actions.Unfortunately, if Li Xiaogang didn't want to say anything, it would be even more difficult to get something out of his mouth.In desperation, Shi Qiu could only hold back his curiosity and doubts in his heart. Anyway, even the leader nodded his head on this matter. It must not be a bad thing. Waiting for the dinner prepared by Ke Zhengang in the evening.While talking, the leader seemed to suddenly think of something, regained his energy, turned to look at Li Xiaogang and said with a smile: "Xiao Gang, now Long Ling'er has officially announced in Country M that Longquan Group has fully acquired Otama Group This is a big blow to us Huaxia. In the past, when it came to wine in the international arena, everyone thought that we Huaxia should stand aside. Hehe... Now it’s okay, a "Supreme Confidante" has swept almost the whole of Europe China's wine industry, now let's see what they have to say."

Before Long Linger held a press conference in Country M, she called Li Xiaogang to talk about it.According to Long Ling'er's intention, it is enough to complete the acquisition quietly. It was Li Xiaogang's insistence that a grand and solemn press conference should be held to let the whole world know about it.There are several considerations of Li Xiaogang.First, it is to let the descendants of Yan and Huang all over the world feel proud like a leader.Alcohol is an indispensable thing in human civilization, although it is easy to cause trouble if you drink too much.In every country in the world, wine culture has become a very important content, and it is inseparable from the overall culture of each nation.Although Huaxia's wine culture has a long history, in today's world where red wine is popular, the grain wine brewed by Huaxia seems to be outdated.This somewhat cast a speck of dust on the honor of China, a global power, and the birth of the Supreme Confidante undoubtedly made up for this regret.

Secondly, Otama Group is the top group in the wine industry in the world, and Longquan Group's successful acquisition of it has undoubtedly demonstrated the strength of Longquan Group to the world.Li Xiaogang wants to let everyone know that the Longquan Group is targeting the whole world, and let those who have become or are about to become the opponents of the Longquan Group clearly realize that the king is coming.Thirdly, the reason for Longquan Group to buy Otama Group, in the final analysis, is because of Otama Group's reckless provocation against Longquan Group.If it hadn't been for the Otama Group's conspiracy against the Longquan Group, it would not have led to today's situation.At the press conference on the day of the annexation of the Otama Group, Li Xiaogang wanted to take the opportunity to warn those who dared to have bad intentions against the Longquan Group or other Longzihao Groups.The Otama Group is a lesson for them. They cooperate with Li Xiaogang. Li Xiaogang welcomes them and promises mutual benefits. But if they want to be enemies with him, there will be only one end, and they will fall at his feet completely.

This is a very strong and somewhat domineering signal. However, Longquan Group and several large Longzihao Groups have developed to this day and have fully possessed such strength.The same thing, it is arrogant for others to do it, but for Li Xiaogang to do it is a kingly demeanor.In addition, Li Xiaogang has an additional reason for doing this, that is, he wants to take the opportunity to advertise for the Supreme Confidante.In this day and age, good wine is also afraid of deep alleys, and advertising has become more and more important.If you can use the help of the Otama Group to make a name for the Longquan Group and the Supreme Confidante when it is dying, it can be regarded as waste utilization.It is based on these several reasons that this press conference is so vigorous.

(End of this chapter)

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