The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1270 That person's name is Li Xiaogang!

Chapter 1270 That person's name is Li Xiaogang!

But how did he know that it's okay if he doesn't exchange pleasantries, this performance of enthusiasm, the other party stepped on his nose and face again and again, and wanted to invite Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui to have dinner together, as if Ke Zhengang didn't exist at all .

As a result, Ke Zhengang stopped doing it, let out a cold snort, his face instantly became stern, and he pressed the man's shoulder.Although Ke Zhengang is old, but he has worked hard on the battlefield, plus he pays attention to exercise on weekdays, ordinary people are really no match for him.The subordinates only used a little bit of strength, and the man suddenly moaned miserably, and was forced to let go of Li Yong's hand that he hadn't pulled back several times.

Ke Zhengang looked at him angrily, and said coldly: "You are quite courageous! You even dare to snatch the commander's guests. Believe it or not, I will kill you to drink?" Ke Zhengang is not easy to provoke Master, this attack is the most frightening.A small business owner, how could he withstand Ke Zhengang's intimidation, he was immediately intimidated by Ke Zhengang's aura, his face turned eggplant-colored, he didn't even dare to say hello to Li Yong. He got into the car and left.Looking at the car leaving in the dust, Li Yong couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Commander Ke, do you think I should thank you or hate you? You let me get out of trouble, but you also made me offend a Potential customers, this account is really entangled."

Ke Zhengang said with a smile: "Mr. Li, are you kidding me? Your Longxi Group is very popular all over the world. I don't know how many people are crying and clamoring to be your customers. Do you still care about this?" Long-eyed brat? Haha..." Li Yong was joking, but after hearing Ke Zhengang's words, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Commander Ke thinks too much of me, Li Yong, I'm just a wage earner , but it’s not that big of a deal.”

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Ke Feixiong, and said, "If my guess is correct, this must be Mr. Ke Feixiong."

Whether it is Longxi Group or Qiangnong Sales, their power and prestige are far above Ke Group.Facing Li Yong, Ke Feixiong was a little nervous. He nodded hurriedly and said, "Mr. Li has sharp eyes, which is admirable. This is indeed Ke Feixiong. I didn't expect that the guests my father invited today were you two. Ke was a little rude. It's gone." Before Li Yong could speak, Li Xiaoshui suddenly started giggling, and said in a crisp voice: "Mr. Ke, I think you must know that I am Li Xiaoshui. When we talk about giggles, we still don't know each other."

Seeing Li Xiaoshui, a beautiful woman who almost forced him into bankruptcy, Ke Feixiong couldn't help laughing, leaned slightly, and said, "Yes, Miss Li's ability really opened Ke's eyes." As he spoke, Ke Feixiong couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied Looking at Ke Zhengang, he blamed him: "Dad, why didn't you tell me that the guests tonight are Ms. Li and Mr. Li? So that I can prepare earlier." Li Xiaoshui said with a smile: "What else does Mr. Ke prepare? Are you going to throw a grand banquet and kill me? Hehe..." A look of embarrassment flashed across Ke Feixiong's face, and he hurriedly said: "Miss Li was joking, I definitely don't mean that."

Li Xiaoshui smiled, and said faintly: "Even if you mean that, it's just as it should be." After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoshui's expression suddenly became serious, which made Ke Zhengang's heart beat violently. Li Xiaoshui laughed When she is charming and charming, when she is not smiling, she is like a noble goddess. She is really charming and charming, with a variety of styles.Li Xiaoshui looked at Ke Feixiong with glittering eyes like gems, and said in a word: "Mr. Ke, I want to apologize to you. I did something that harmed the interests of the Ke Group on the spur of the moment. I think you are now You must hate me in your heart, don't you?"

In fact, what Li Xiaoshui said was all nonsense, she was going to bring down the group that he worked so hard to run, and if he didn't hate her, could he still expect him to be grateful to her?It's just that on such an occasion, even if Ke Feixiong had hatred in his heart, he couldn't speak it out.The so-called mute eats coptis, he knows the pain...

Ke Feixiong smiled wryly, and said: "Miss Li, you are serious. The shopping mall is a fiercely competitive battlefield. There is nothing wrong with you doing this. It is not a pity." Hearing Ke Feixiong's words, Li Xiaoshui let out a clear laugh, Said to Ke Zhengang: "Commander Ke, Mr. Ke is really a very magnanimous person, admirable!" Ke Zhengang glared at Ke Feixiong Lingliang with some dissatisfaction, snorted, and said, "What magnanimity? I think he is Too stupid!" After finishing speaking, Ke Zhengang glared at Ke Feixiong angrily, and said with a cold face: "Silly boy, do you think Miss Li is apologizing to you and showing off to you as a winner again? Idiot One, Ms. Li is going to revoke the ban on the Ke Group, and you are still standing there talking about half-dead scenes. If the guests were not present, I really want to kick you!
Ke Zhengang's words were not a shot in the arm, they hit Ke Feixiong's heart directly.Ke Feixiong's face suddenly filled with inexplicable surprise, he stared blankly at Li Xiaoshui, and murmured: "Is this... is this real? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Li Xiaoshui said seriously: "Ke Feixiong Sir, in fact, I really feel sorry. I shouldn't be angry and implicate the innocent. I will definitely find a way to make up for the losses I caused to the Ke Group!" Li Xiaoshui's sincere words certainly made Ke Feixiong Ke Zhengang was moved, and at the same time, Ke Zhengang was touched, and he hurriedly said: "No, no, I should be the one who should really pay for all of this! If it wasn't for me, these things would not have happened. Fortunately, everything It's over, so don't mention it again from now on!

Ke Feixiong nodded hastily, and said repeatedly: "Yes, my father is right! Miss Li, in fact, as long as you can revoke the ban on the Ke Group, I will be very grateful. As for the compensation for losses, you will See you!" Li Xiaoshui smiled, and said crisply: "Actually, I have already discussed with Li Yong, we will not only revoke the ban on the Ke Group, but also cooperate with the Ke Group in various aspects. I believe We will definitely create a more brilliant future together." Li Xiaoshui's few words almost didn't make Ke Feixiong jump up on the spot with excitement.

Who are Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong?That is a heavyweight task in Huaxia and even the world's financial circles. No matter how many people want to have a relationship with them, they can't do it. It has never been heard that Li Xiaoshui will offer to cooperate with so-and-so.Now Ke Fei feels as if he has won the first prize in the lottery. The excitement is probably indescribable in words.Like a fool, he froze on the spot, grinning wide, and kept laughing nonstop, that appearance, that expression was a bit funny, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help pursing his lips and laughing.

Ke Zhengang slapped him hard with some annoyance, and shouted in a deep voice: "Why did I give birth to such a stupid son like you? Why are you standing here stupidly? Why don't you invite Ms. Li and Mr. Li in? Are you going to give birth to me?" Is it okay to let the two distinguished guests stand here and drink the northwest wind?" Under Ke Zhengang's repeated reprimands, Ke Feixiong finally came to his senses, and hurriedly led Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong into the hotel's reserved box.But Ke Zhengang continued to stay and wait for other guests.

About 5 minutes later, Li Xiaogang and Gao Liguo arrived first.For Li Xiaogang, Ke Zhengang had even more respect in his heart. He hurriedly greeted him, and greeted him eagerly: "I am grateful to Mr. Li for the honor today!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Mr. There's no need to be so polite." Li Xiaogang's easy-going made Ke Zhengang feel relieved, and he said with a smile: "You are right, but my old man is hypocritical. Stop gossiping, go, you two come with me! "

Although Gao Liguo is not from the military, nor is he very familiar with Ke Zhengang on weekdays, but after all, everyone is a figure on the scene, and they are well-known to each other, so they don't seem unfamiliar.In the private room, Ke Feixiong and Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong were discussing about future cooperation while the iron was hot. It was an excellent opportunity for the Ke Group to be able to form a relationship with such two big groups.Ke Feixiong is also a business elite, so naturally he would not miss such a good opportunity.With the help of Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui's financial resources, many of Ke Feixiong's exquisite ideas that had been stranded due to funds had the opportunity to reapply, so Ke Feixiong seemed to have endless things to say, chattering endlessly, wishing to tell all the thoughts in his heart. two people.And Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong also showed enough interest, they either listened carefully, or interrupted from time to time to ask questions and express their own opinions, which made Ke Feixiong speak more vigorously.

Just when Ke Feixiong was chatting so much that he could not stop the car, Ke Zhengang led Li Xiaogang and Gao Liguo in.Out of politeness, Ke Feixiong had to pause and stood up from his seat.At a glance, he only recognized Gao Liguo, but he was very unfamiliar with Li Xiaogang, so he just nodded to him as a greeting, and poured all his enthusiasm on Gao Liguo.Seeing that Ke Feixiong didn't pay much attention to Li Xiaogang, Ke Zhengang couldn't help cursing inwardly, "Stinky boy, you really don't have eyes to see Mount Tai!" When Ke Zhengang was in a hurry and didn't know how to remind Ke Feixiong, Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui were already smiling They walked towards Li Xiaogang together.

"Xiao Gang, when we were in the State Guest House today, your brother-in-law said that we should thank you well, tell me, what do you want my sister to do?" Li Xiaoshui said with a crisp smile to Li Xiaogang.Seeing Li Xiaoshui and Li Xiaogang's intimacy, Ke Feixiong couldn't help being startled, and stared blankly at the two, unable to move his eyes.Seeing Ke Feixiong's confusion, Li Yong smiled, pointed to Li Xiaogang and explained: "He is Li Xiaoshui's younger brother, named Li Xiaogang." After hearing Li Yong's explanation, the confusion in Ke Feixiong's heart disappeared instantly, but It didn't take long for his heart to rise again, because he suddenly noticed the name Li Xiaogang!

(End of this chapter)

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