The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1271 The Mysterious Red Wine

Chapter 1271 The Mysterious Red Wine

Ke Feixiong couldn't believe it, and looked at Li Xiaogang seriously in horror.Looking at Ke Feixiong was like getting an electric shock, and his whole body trembled violently.In his mind, the Li Xiaogang in front of him and the Li Xiaogang who appeared frequently on TV back then slowly overlapped until they completely merged into one.Since then, Ke Feixiong finally recognized Li Xiaogang, the legendary figure in those days.Ke Feixiong pointed at Li Xiaogang in surprise, his mouth was opened wide, but he couldn't make a sound.Seeing Ke Feixiong's expression, Ke Zhengang knew that he probably recognized Li Xiaogang, so he couldn't help but slap him and shouted loudly: "Idiot, why don't you say hello to Mr. Li?"

Ke Feixiong's respect for Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui can only be described as admiration, but for Li Xiaogang, he is absolutely in awe of a god.As a man who controls the world's largest consortium, he is a small businessman, so what if he is not in awe?Li Xiaogang smiled at Li Xiaoshui, and said, "Okay, sister! Don't make fun of me anymore. This is because I have caused you trouble. If you want to thank me again, how can I bear it?" Turning his gaze to Ke Feixiong, with a modest smile on his face, he said slowly: "Hello, Mr. Ke." He stretched out his right hand first.The excitement in Ke Fei's ambition was like a stormy sea, which made him unable to calm down.Stretched out two hands in a panic, held Li Xiaogang's hand together, and asked in a murmur, "I didn't expect it to be you. But, haven't you already..."

The biggest doubt in Ke Feixiong's mind now is that Li Xiaogang obviously committed suicide in front of thousands of spectators, and he faded out of sight, but why did he appear at the banquet held by his father today?Ke Feixiong wanted to ask, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that it was a bit abrupt and impolite to ask, so he hurriedly stopped the car.However, Li Xiaogang had already guessed what he wanted to ask, he laughed a few times indifferently, and said slowly: "That's just a small trick, I think Mr. Ke, you should be able to understand." Ke Feixiong clicked Nod your head, and think about it in your shoes. In such an environment, escaping the golden cicada's shell is the only feasible and good way.

Ke Feixiong didn't know how to express the excitement in his heart, he just held Li Xiaogang's hand tightly and didn't let go, as if holding it for a while longer, he would be able to get a little more magic from Li Xiaogang's body.Ke Feixiong's behavior today is like a foolish boy who just came out of the backcountry. Ke Zhengang feels a little ashamed.But thinking about Li Xiaogang's ability and legendary experience, it seems that he can somewhat understand Ke Feixiong's feelings at this time.However, it is not polite to hold someone's hand for such a long time.Ke Zhengang couldn't help coughing, and pulled Ke Feixiong aside.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was still carrying a bag in his hand, Ke Zhengang asked with some doubts: "This is..." Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle, "It's just a few bottles of wine." Ke Zhengang looked at Li Xiaogang with some reproach and said, "You are looking down on Me. Do you think that I can't even afford to invite you to drink wine? Let me tell you, all I want tonight are Longquan fine wines, and they are top-notch wines, I guarantee you will enjoy drinking them!" Ke Zhengang really deserves it He was born as a soldier, and has a straight temper, saying whatever comes to mind.Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I definitely didn't mean that...

Just when Li Xiaogang was racking his brains to explain, Li Yong's eyes lit up, he took a bottle casually, looked at it carefully for a long time, then looked at Li Xiaogang and asked: "Is this 'Supreme Beauty'?" Li Xiaogang nodded .Relying on the relationship with Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er, Li Yong was lucky enough to taste it once after the supreme beauty was produced. After tasting, Li Yong was conquered by the excellent taste of 'Supreme Beauty' on the spot.

Later, he went to ask Long Ling'er several times, but Long Ling'er refused, which made Li Yong very troubled for a while.Here I suddenly saw the Supreme Confidante, and the wonderful taste of the Supreme Confidante, which was hidden deep in Li Yong's soul, suddenly erupted like a volcanic eruption, and Li Yong's whole body and mind were filled with a smile. He said to Ke Zhengang: "Old man, although Longquan fine wine is good, this bottle is even better. And most importantly, this is not for sale. No matter how much money you have, you may not be able to buy it."

"Oh? Is it really as amazing as you said?" Ke Zhengang seemed a little skeptical.At this moment, Ke Feixiong suddenly became shrewd, blinked his eyes vigorously at Ke Zhengang, and said, "Dad, I think you are shrewd all your life, and you were confused for a while! Don't even think about it, who is Mr. Li? He personally Could the wine I brought be an ordinary product?" Hearing Ke Feixiong's reminder, Ke Zhengang couldn't help but patted his forehead in frustration, laughed a few times, and said, "Yes, yes, why didn't I Thinking about it? Hehe..." This morning, Li Xiaogang still felt that Ke Zhengang was stubborn and stubborn, and he was very annoying, but now it seems that this old revolutionary is still very cute.

"Okay! It's really unreasonable. No one greeted us outside. Are you looking down on us?" Accompanied by a burst of loud laughter, led by the general manager of the hotel, the leader, Lin Chaoran and Shi Qiu walked together Into the box.Seeing how lively the box was, the leader couldn't help but speak.Ke Zhengang originally planned to lead Li Xiaogang and Gao Liguo into the box, and then go out to wait for the leader and the others, but he was ashamed to go back and forth, patronizing the chat.Ke Zhengang's face was immediately filled with apology, and he said to the leader: "Damn it, it's all my fault! Don't blame the leader!" The leader smiled and said: "Seeing that you performed well today, and it's rare that you are willing to bleed once, I don't care about it Yes. As he spoke, he went straight to a seat next to the main seat and sat down, giving up the main seat.

Although Ke Feixiong had heard from Ke Zhengang several times that the banquet tonight was of a very high standard, he was still taken aback. He never thought that the standard would be so shockingly high.Not only did people like Li Xiaogang, who had long since disappeared from the public eye, be invited out, even Lin Chaoran, and even the core leaders of the country, such as the chief, were invited to the scene. It's time to sit down.

"Ah, leader, you are sitting in the wrong seat, that seat is yours!" Ke Zhengang looked at it and hurriedly pointed to the leader's seat and said to the leader.The leader waved his hand and said, "I won't take this seat today. You are the master, and I think it's most suitable for you." Ke Zhengang shook his head like a rattle and said, "How can I do that? Although I am the master, I Today is the sinner who wants to apologize to everyone. I absolutely can't take this seat. I said, leader, don't make things difficult for me anymore!
The leader said: "Old Ke, it's your fault, didn't we say it a long time ago, everything that happened in the past few days has come to an end, and no one is allowed to mention it again. As for the apologies, sinners, etc., you are not allowed to say any more in the future, do you have any opinions?" The matter was successfully resolved, and everyone was very happy in their hearts. Naturally, they did not want to bring up the old matter again. good mood.So one by one rushed to nod in agreement.Ke Zhengang was grateful, and said: "Everyone's tolerance for me, Ke Zhengang, I, Ke Zhengang, will definitely be remembered in my heart, and I will never let everyone down in the future. However, even so, I will never take this position. Chief, You still..."

Before Ke Zhengang finished speaking, the leader interrupted him impatiently, and said in a deep voice: "Ke Zhengang, let me tell you, I am here to eat your meal today, not as a leader. If I am a leader , I won’t come at all. Now that I’m here, there is no leader or leader, you are no longer a commander, and Lao Lin is no longer a member of the Standing Committee. We are old friends who meet occasionally!” Hearing the leader say so Said, Ke Zhengang has nothing to say.Subconsciously cast his eyes on Li Xiaogang, and said: "Mr. Li, otherwise, you can take this seat. You have made such a great contribution to the country, and you have saved my life, Ke Zhengang, so it is only natural for you to sit. .”

Li Xiaogang smiled hurriedly and said: "Mr. Ke, you have been joked. Who here is not older than me, Li Xiaogang, and has a higher level of seniority? Let me be a junior, how can I sit in the seat? Don't say any more, I will never sit in this seat." Just when Ke Zhengang was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, Lin Chaoran clicked his tongue and said, "Old Ke, you are really serious, you can sit if you are asked, where are you?" So much nonsense! If I invite this meal, no one but me will be able to sit in that seat. Master, you should be sitting in the main seat. This is only right and proper. Don't talk anymore, you just sit Come on! My stomach is already croaking with hunger."

Shi Qiu and Gao Liguo also persuaded you one by one. Ke Zhengang couldn't resist, so he could only reluctantly say: "Well, since you have given me face so much, I won't refuse anymore." After speaking, he turned around He sat down at the main seat, and the others took their seats one by one. Li Xiaogang sat down next to Li Xiaoshui.After this time, Li Xiaoshui's narrow escape made Li Xiaogang realize the value of family affection.

Thinking about hearing the bad news of Li Xiaoshui's accident at that time, Li Xiaogang's heart still couldn't help but pounding.He understood that if Li Xiaoshui disappeared, at least half of his world would collapse.Just because he understood the value of family affection, Li Xiaogang became more and more attached to Li Xiaoshui.Why not Li Xiaoshui?Unknowingly, the relationship between the siblings deepened.

"Hahaha... that's it, Xiao Gang, you really didn't lie to me!" The leader had sharp eyes, and saw the delicate and beautiful bottles carved from jade on the table at a glance, and said with a really happy smile .Seeing that the leaders seemed to favor the wine, Ke Zhengang became even more curious about the 'Supreme Beauty', and couldn't help but ring the service bell on the table.The status of the guests in this private room was terrifying, the manager of the hotel didn't dare to neglect at all, he waited personally at the door, and when he heard the bell, he hurriedly led a few waiters in.

(End of this chapter)

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