Chapter 1272
"Serve!" Ke Zhengang shouted eagerly.The manager hastily bowed and rolled out the box, and arranged for the food to be served.Although the other guests came early and were still waiting for their own dishes, the dishes in Ke Zhengang's box were served quickly like water.Seeing that all the dishes that belonged to me were sent to the box, some guests were a little dissatisfied and protested to the manager one after another.When such a situation happened, the hotel's previous solution was nothing more than a sincere apology.Then give some small discounts and other benefits.But today, the manager acted very tough, either directly ignoring the scolding of these guests, or staring back fiercely.After all, he has nothing to be afraid of with the leader backing him up.

After all the dishes were served, the leader said to Li Xiaogang impatiently: "Xiao Gang, let's start?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, took a bottle of 'Supreme Beauty' and opened it with a bang.A strong aroma of wine pervaded in an instant, causing all the people present to sniff their noses subconsciously, and greedily inhaled all of this fragrant aroma into their stomachs. "This... this is..." Ke Zhengang opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and looked at the 'Supreme Beauty' in Li Xiaogang's hand in surprise.Ke Feixiong was a little excited and gently pulled Ke Zhengang down on the table, as if to say, "Look, I knew that the wine Li Xiaogang brought was not simple!"

"Okay! Good! Good!" Lin Chaoran is a person who loves wine. At this time, he smelled the pure and mellow wine without any peculiar smell, and patted the table and said hello three times.Shi Qiu and Gao Liguo were no exception, their eyes widened.Li Xiaogang first took the leader's cup and poured it full for him, then Lin Chaoran, Ke Zhengang, Gao Liguo, Shi Qiu, Li Yong, Li Xiaoshui filled it up for them one by one, and finally filled his own cup. .The bright red blood wine lay quietly in the crystal clear crystal cup. If you don't drink it, the visual impact alone is already unbearable, not to mention, the extremely powerful energy reverberates from time to time in front of your nose. The fragrance that stimulates the desire in people's heart makes people eager to drink the fine wine in the glass. Ke Zhengang picked up the wine glass, looked at him and everyone said: "I won't talk nonsense, everyone open up and drink!"

After finishing speaking, as if he was afraid that someone would come to snatch his wine, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Originally on such an occasion, Ke Zhengang, as the host, had to say a few words, and even for these few words, Ke Zhengang thought about it for a while, but faced with the extreme temptation of the "Supreme Confidante", he couldn't help it in a split second. The rhetoric he thought of was thrown behind him.

When the supreme confidante enters the mouth, it melts like honey. The pleasure caused by that kind of satisfaction almost exceeds the limit that people can bear psychologically. It has always taken people from the mundane to the high clouds. The feeling of love can hardly be described in words, and all the beautiful words are pale and powerless in front of it.No one spoke, and everyone was intoxicated almost at the same moment, and no one wanted to make any noise to interrupt this wonderful feeling.

After a long, long time, the leader suddenly let out a long and long sigh, and murmured: "It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed, comfortable!" Slowly, everyone woke up from this wonderful feeling and they all agreed to At the same time, his eyes turned to the remaining bottles of 'Supreme Confidante'.But soon, everyone seemed to feel that it was impolite to do so, so they looked away unnaturally and slightly embarrassed.Lin Chaoran licked his lips, and said faintly: "No wonder the leader can't forget this after drinking it. It is really different. Compared with the taste of Longquan fine wine, this supreme beauty seems to be more enchanting and more impressive. I can’t stop. Xiaogang, with it, I’m afraid your kid will make a lot of money again.”

Li Xiaogang was also not modest, he laughed a few times, and said: "You are right. The reason why I wanted to brew this supreme confidante was for one purpose, and that was to make money!" Ke Feixiong was a little surprised Looking at Li Xiaogang, he couldn't understand. The wealth Li Xiaogang has accumulated can only be described as earth-shattering and incomparably rich. Why do he still want to collect money?Is this the greed of human nature?Ke Feixiong shook his head, seeing Li Xiaogang's demeanor and demeanor, he did not look like a greedy villain.Ke Feixiong was just an ordinary merchant, so it was impossible for him to understand Li Xiaogang's grand ambitions, but the leader, Lin Chaoran and the others knew in their hearts that it was not appropriate to have delicious food for each of them, and they should also be accompanied by fine wine.From time to time, there will be bursts of enthusiastic laughter in the box.The hotel manager who was guarding the door was delighted to hear the laughter coming from the box.

Of course, if the people in the private room can be served satisfactorily, will life in this hotel still be difficult?Just as the general manager was enjoying it, a waiter came over in a hurry and said anxiously, "Manager, go and have a look! All the guests in the lobby are making a fuss!"

"What? What's the matter?" The manager asked anxiously as he ran quickly into the hall.He couldn't help being in a hurry, now that the leader is waiting for a group of big shots to eat inside, if he disturbs them and spoils their interest, then he will be in big trouble.The manager trotted all the way to the hall, and saw a few tables of guests dining in the hall, knocking on the tables or bowls, at first glance, he thought it was a group of beggars.However, they are much more arrogant than beggars, looking at their posture, they wish they could eat people.

"Everyone, everyone, please be quiet!" The manager yelled loudly a few times, but the crowd was so angry that his voice was quickly covered by the roar of the crowd and had no effect at all.In desperation, the manager had no choice but to ask for a microphone, which suppressed the atmosphere of the scene.Hearing that it was the manager who came forward, a group of people immediately surrounded him and shouted in a hurry.Everyone said something to each other, and the noisy manager was getting dizzy, but he still didn't understand why.Hastily yelled: "Shut up! Or I'll call security! Grandma, bear, don't think that I have to be bullied by you for spending money! Even if you are God, you can't bully people indiscriminately. What do you have? If you are dissatisfied, choose a representative to speak up!"

The manager's roar finally suppressed everyone. A middle-aged man who looked gentle came out, looked at the manager, and said solemnly, "I ask you, why do you look down on us?"

This middle-aged man seemed to be gentle and gentle, but when he spoke, he rushed to death.The manager frowned anxiously, and said: "You really know how to joke. It is our hotel's honor that you can come to our hotel for consumption. It's too late for us to welcome you, so how can we look down on you?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows , with full of dissatisfaction, shouted: "If this is the case, then I don't understand why your hotel obviously has good wine, but refuses to supply it to us. Is it because you are afraid that we will not be able to pay?"

The manager looked a little confused, turned around and asked the waiter, "What kind of wine do they want? Why don't you sell it to them?" The waiter said with a bitter face, "The wine they want is not available here..." "No?" The manager asked I couldn't help but froze for a moment.They are a very high-standard hotel. Basically, there are reserves of famous wines in the world. If it is really good wine, it is impossible for them to not have it.But the manager didn't ask in detail, but turned to the middle-aged man and said, "Sir, I think you heard what our waiter said, it's not that we don't supply it to you, but we don't have it here, so..."

"No? Who are you lying to? Smell it!" The middle-aged man roared like an enraged lion.The manager looked at the middle-aged man in astonishment, and for a moment didn't understand what he meant by 'smell'.Fortunately, a waiter reminded him and made a sniffing motion.The manager sniffed slightly in confusion and smelled it.Upon smelling this, the manager immediately smelled the incomparable fragrance of 'Supreme Beauty', and couldn't help but tremble violently, his nose seemed to be out of his control, and kept moving rapidly, and couldn't stop. Live "If not, where did the smell come from?"

The middle-aged man asked in a very dissatisfied cold voice.The manager ignored his question, but asked quietly with doubts in his heart: "I have worked in the hotel for so many years and have dealt with all kinds of wine, so I am confident that I still have a certain understanding of wine. But this is the first time I have smelled this kind of wine. Can someone tell me what kind of wine it is?" When the manager asked, the whole scene, including the middle-aged man, fell into silence. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. One person can answer the manager's questions.

The middle-aged man said a little angrily: "Don't worry about what kind of wine this is, anyway, we will drink this kind of wine today. As the hotel manager, you are obliged to meet the requirements of our customers." After hearing the middle-aged man's words, The manager almost cried helplessly.He didn't even know what kind of wine it was, so how could he get it for them?Just when the manager felt very embarrassed about this matter, the waiter gently poked him, leaned into his ear and whispered: "Manager, I found that the smell of wine came from the 808 box, or you can find that Can the guests inside ask me?"

Just when the manager felt very embarrassed about this matter, the waiter gently poked him, leaned into his ear and whispered: "Manager, I found that the smell of wine came from the room 808, or you can find someone Ask the guests there?" "808?" This number makes the manager very sensitive today, just because today, every identity of the people sitting here can make him feel anxious and unable to eat. can't sleep.

However, after being reminded by the waiter, the manager also recalled that when he was waiting outside the box to be summoned, he had faintly smelled an extremely attractive aroma of wine, but at that time he was patronizing the excitement and didn't pay attention.Looking back at this moment, the previous details began to become clear little by little.It suddenly occurred to him that when he entered the service room, he saw a few bottles of wine on the wine table that he had never seen before, and he immediately understood that the smell of wine that filled the entire hotel was probably from those few bottles of wine. Bottle of aroma.

(End of this chapter)

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