The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1273 The Story of the Supreme Beauty

Chapter 1273 The Story of the Supreme Beauty

The manager couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, he just felt that he was so impatient because he didn't have enough cultivation, if he could have paid a little attention to what kind of wine people were drinking, he wouldn't be so embarrassing now.What's more, can the wine that the leader drinks be ordinary?Just when the manager was feeling annoyed about himself, the gentle middle-aged man said impatiently, "Stop acting for us here Wei, let me tell you, if you don't bring out the wine today, I will definitely not I'll let you go!" Facing the aggressiveness of the middle-aged man, the manager was very annoyed and agitated, and wanted to reveal the identity of the guest in box 808, and then ask the security to drive him out.

But when the words came to his lips, the manager hastily swallowed them back.He remembered that every time the leader came here to eat, he would secretly go through the back door and go straight into the box.His whereabouts have been kept strictly secret from the outside world.If there is a leak in his place, or something goes wrong, he can't afford to pay for the lives of the whole family.

In desperation, the manager had no choice but to patiently explain to the other party that the guest had brought the wine himself, and there was nothing he could do.What the manager said was indeed true, but under the strong stimulation of the smell of wine, how many people can control their reason?Moreover, all the people who can spend in this hotel are people with status and status. They are used to being arrogant and arrogant on weekdays, and they can't bear any grievances.I didn't believe what the manager said at all, and the scene once again had a tendency to get out of control.

Seeing this situation, the manager's forehead began to seep sweat again, and he fumbled for a solution.But to calm down these guests who are gradually tending to go berserk, the only way is to meet their demands and serve this wine.But there is a prerequisite for this, first you have to know what kind of wine it is, but if you want to know what kind of wine it is, you have to ask the leader.The difficult thing is this, the manager doesn't have the guts.Seeing the situation getting more and more chaotic, the gentle middle-aged man started pointing his sleeves and preparing to do something, the manager was so anxious that he almost cried.

At this time, the waiter next to him gave him an idea and whispered into his ear.Hearing the waiter's idea, the manager was overjoyed. He looked at the other party excitedly and said, "If you pass today's test, I will definitely promote you to the deputy manager!" After speaking, he hurriedly turned around and walked towards the kitchen... …

Such fine wine is rare.The leader, Shi Qiu, Lin Chaoran, Ke Zhengang, and Gao Liguo all let go, drinking until the glass was dry, drinking to their heart's content.The atmosphere of the whole banquet was very warm, and the climax came one after another, which was a pleasure.Just when everyone was drinking and eating happily, the hotel manager knocked on the door and came in, followed by a waiter who was holding a large plate of delicious and juicy lobsters.Seeing the manager, Ke Zhengang frowned, and said in surprise, "We don't seem to order this dish, do we?"

The manager didn't seem to hear Ke Zhengang's question, his eyes just stared at Sheng Zhizun's beautiful jade bottle on the wine table.I firmly remembered the four vigorous and powerful characters "Supreme Confidante" on the jade bottle.

"Hey, I want to ask you something!" Ke Zhengang slapped the table and asked in dissatisfaction when he didn't get an answer for a long time.The manager came to his senses, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this plate of lobster is specially given to the leaders by our hotel. The heads of state have worked hard day and night for the great affairs of the country. Without your hard work and efforts, we would not be where we are today. The good life. In order to express the feelings of my humble servant and all the staff in our hotel, please accept it.

After listening to the manager's words, everyone present felt very relieved, especially the leader, Lin Chaoran, laughed heartily.Yes, who doesn't want to be recognized by others for their efforts?Seeing the leader and Lin Chaoran smiling happily, Ke Zhengang said, "Okay, we accept your wishes, and we also accept this plate of lobster. However, the money will be charged to my account together. I will not take the money from the masses." One stitch at a time, this is the glorious tradition of our army, and you must not break the precepts on me." Ke Zhengang's categorical and righteous words made the manager admire him, and hurriedly ordered the waiter to arrange the lobster on the table, and then quietly retreated. out.

"The manager of this hotel is not bad, haha..." Shi Qiu said with a smile.Li Xiaogang curled his lips, and said quietly: "I think it's his scheming." "Ah? Xiaogang, what do you mean?" Li Xiaogang's words made Shi Qiu feel a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, full of asked in confusion.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and didn't speak, but the leader couldn't help pointing at him and laughed, and said, "Okay, you Xiaogang, this look is getting more and more poisonous. I think it's really clear, haha..." Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "Come on, leader, don't you see it too? When you praise me, isn't it the same as complimenting yourself?"

The leader laughed a few more times, and suddenly asked solemnly: "Is this okay?" Li Xiaogang frowned, shook his head and said, "It's okay, Supreme Confidante will be launched on the market recently, if he can give us a live advertisement Not bad, hehe..." The leader nodded, and then he merged into the noisy atmosphere.

The manager walked out of the hotel in a hurry, called the purchasing manager of the hotel directly, and asked, "So who, you go and buy a hundred bottles of Supreme Beauty immediately!" I didn't come back to my senses, and after searching for a long time, I asked helplessly: "Supreme confidante? What is that?" The manager was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Nonsense, you are a buyer, and you are also in charge of wine. Don’t you even know about the Supreme Confidante?” The buyer immediately saw cold sweat on his forehead, and stammered, “Manager, I’m sorry, I’ve been purchasing wine for so many years, and there is basically no me in the world.” I don’t know about the wine, but this is the first time I’ve heard of this ‘Supreme Confidante’, which country is it produced in?”

"This..." The manager only saw the words 'Supreme Confidante' on the jade bottle, but he knew nothing about the rest.I thought I didn't know, these well-informed rich diners should know, but the manager asked almost all times, including the middle-aged man, all shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of it.The middle-aged man seemed very annoyed, he beat his chest and said, "I, Mr. Wang, claim to taste all the delicious food and drink all the world's fine wines. But I never thought that I have never even heard of the name of this last wine. What the hell do I have the face to meet Jiang Dong's elders?"

Just as the crowd gradually fell into silence, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd, and they said slowly: "Could it be that 'Supreme Beauty'?" As soon as this person's words came out, everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to him , it can be seen how eager everyone is to know the details of the aroma of wine that pervades the air, and it also proves one thing more, that is, the taste of 'Supreme Beauty' is almost perfect, and it really has an irresistible taste. of allure.Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the speaker coughed hastily, and said slowly, "I think everyone knows about the ups and downs recently, the Longquan Group's successful annexation of the Otama Group, right?"

The wealthy people present are all well-informed people, so they naturally know about this matter that is now being circulated in the streets and alleys.Seeing everyone nodding their heads, the person went on to say: "Actually, the reason why Longquan Group wants to acquire Otama Group is because of this 'Supreme Confidante'." As soon as this person's words came out, all the people present showed a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. The curious look made the man very unhappy, and he continued: "I also got the inside information from a friend. Not long ago, the Otama Group suddenly announced that it had successfully brewed a top-quality wine. It can overwhelm the limelight of any top wine in the world, and the name of this wine is 'Supreme Beauty'."

In fact, after Otama Group produced a batch of "Supreme Beauty", it caused a strong sensation in Europe and abroad, but few people in China got wind of it, so it didn't attract much attention, so there were not many people present. I've heard of it, and even if I've heard of it, I don't take it to heart. "Relying on the exquisite taste of the supreme beauty, the Otama Group quickly won a huge amount of orders, faintly as if it wants to dominate the global red wine market."

As he said that, the man suddenly changed his subject and said: "It's a pity that although this supreme beauty tastes great, it has a fatal weakness, that is, this wonderful taste can only last for three days, and after three days, it will last for three days. , it will become like vinegar, extremely sour and hard to swallow. As soon as this fatal weakness was exposed, it immediately dealt a heavy blow to the Otama Group. Countless dealers rushed to claim compensation, making the original The Otama Group, which was in the limelight, suddenly fell into a huge crisis."

"That's why Longquan Group took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take the opportunity to ask for the acquisition of Otama Group, and finally succeeded. Although Longquan Group is the pride of us Chinese people, in terms of this matter, I am I feel that Longquan Group is suspected of taking advantage of others." The middle-aged man continued what the man said just now with a slight frown.However, his words obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the other party. The man first snorted coldly to show his disdain, and then said quietly: "In the shopping malls, they always pay attention to playing by ear. Taking advantage of people's dangers and killing people, this is originally The law of uniqueness in shopping malls. What's more, there are other secrets in it, but everyone doesn't know it."

"Since we don't know, but you know, you might as well come and hear about it, so as to help Longquan Group clean up the suspicion of taking advantage of others." The middle-aged man said lightly.The man said coldly: "If you didn't interrupt me, I've already said it just now, why are you so anxious?" Then he gave the middle-aged man a very dissatisfied look, and then continued: "Actually, everyone doesn't know something, this' Supreme Confidante was not originally invented by the Otama Group, but was secretly stolen by the Otama Group from the Longquan Group."

As soon as the man said this, it inevitably caused another exclamation.That's what the man wanted, and he didn't continue until everyone calmed down from their astonishment, "This 'Supreme Beauty' was originally brewed by the Longquan Group, but it was accidentally brewed by the Otama Group. The spy stole it, allowing the Otama Group to complete the registration and start mass production. Under such circumstances, Longquan Group could only endure it even if it had a big grievance. But God has eyes, Longquan Group Because of this, a catastrophe was avoided. Just imagine if Longquan Group is also in a hurry to mass produce and distribute goods like Otama Group, then our Longquan Group is in crisis at this time. Otama Group is called Evil is rewarded with evil, exactly as the saying goes, people who are cheap will be punished by heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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